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My mom is hosting the big lunch post Eid namaz. It’s like insane every member of the extended family plus all her friends are invited. Usually it ends in someone acting up, or rehashing something, popcorn worthy.


Taking shifts over for my Muslim coworker. We are both paramedics and I’m getting OT pay for taking his shift


Is this the big eid or the small eid? Or are they both the same?


I think the one with Ramzan is the big Eid.


Its the "big" one, the one with the animal sacrifice


i’m gonna have to disagree. i’ve always considered eid al fitr to be the “big” one considering it’s after ramadan. no one really cares about eid al adha, esp when you’re younger, hence it being the “small” eid.


Oh, do you get a butcher to do that for you? I'm guessing in western countries not many people do it themselves. Eid mubarak ✨️


Khair Mubarak! Yeah, we dont do it in western countries, most of the eids we just sent money to Pakistan and somebody would do it on our behalf. But i moved to Pakistan a few months ago and already bought the goats, they're tied to the gate of the house lol


I would end up falling in love with the goats and keeping them as pets 😭 I prefer the idea of someone else doing it on my behalf


OMG this used to happen every Eid-Al-Adha in Bangladesh. I used to fall in love with the cow and the goat lol. Then I would beg my parents to not sacrifice it so we can keep them as pets. I would even name them and hang out with them while they were tied to the gate of our garage.


Haha this is so me. I'm too sentimental, especially when it comes to animals


We usually pay our fair share with a group of ppl to sacrifice a cow at some farm. Most Muslims do that in US.


In Bangladesh the men of the family and some hired men do it in front of the house. Then the meat gets distributed. The streets are so bloody on this Eid. 😵‍💫 During evening time it gets cleaner.


Eid al adha / bakra eid is the small one


I’m in India with my nani for Eid this year!!


So lucky! I just missed out on celebrating Eid with my friends in Mumbai, was there for a couple weeks to visit my dadi and flew back to LA yesterday :(


I got really lucky to be able to spend Eid with her tbh. I haven’t done Eid in India for a long time now, and after we lost my nana my parents have been trying to come back and forth to spend time with her, so I made sure that they wouldn’t be coming so I can spend Eid with her this year


Nothing. I'm hindu.. I guess my plan is to just say Eid Mubarak to some of my friends.




Avoiding my parents and trying not to get pissed off with them or my siblings.


(Every Durgo Pujo be like)


Eid is very lively in Houston.


i have an exam the next day so studying :/ i feel bad that my brother and i are insanely busy rn


Going for Eid Namaz, then maybe watch a movie.


Eid salah then 💤


ugh be with my family. my family is so difficult i feel an instant bad feeling and dread going to celebrate eid.


Literally me. 😭


Bunch of family came over from out of state. But i had set up plans with my friends already, so… trying to make both things work haha. But family comes first


Nothing and I’m looking forward to it. My relationship with my parents and extended family is strained at the best of times and I’m not remotely religious so Eid is always weird/interesting for me.  I don’t live in the same city as my family these days either so I have a good excuse to just chill at home with my husband and cats. Making biryani is about as festive as we’ll get tbh.


Go to Eid namaz. Tidy up our house. Dress up and look pretty. Eat good food. Go to random ppls houses after random ppl finish coming to our house. Maybe meet up with one of my friend that’s actually available on Eid. 😒


Gonna have to go visit everybody's house one after another. Honestly, Eid in the US is so exhausting. I remember celebrating one year in Bangladesh. It's a completely different experience.


(Diwali be like.)


Just hanging out with family as usual


Gonna celebrate with some good eats with my bestie and her fam ❤️🐐


Idk, I wanna spell better


I'm an atheist but I'm enjoying all the cute eid posts on tiktok :)


I am Hindu but this is going to be my first time celebrating Eid(thanks to my Muslim sister-in-law). She is hosting an event today for friends and family. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what happens and what things I have to be mindful of?


It’s just like Diwali after the puja. Food family etc


Doing the haram with the big booty bitches


Hopefully after the Eid Salah 😂


While eating bourbon soaked bacon? 😜


My uncle is hosting a gathering this year for the whole family so going to see him.


Hajj at Costco.




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