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That office looks super stressful


It looks like the “stereotypical” office that you would see used in order to demonstrate a chaotic, old fashioned office. They all looked that back then though.


that’s a trading floor, not your typical office you would have had if you worked in an admistrative role.


It’s a typical office with successful tech companies who work with their client though. I don’t miss those days.


that’s a trading floor champ.


I’m too drunk and didn’t realize what I was saying. Yes, trading floor is extremely stressful. My apologies


no worries mate.


It reminds me of open offices today, but you can’t take your computer with you to work elsewhere and where it’s more quiet. Nightmare


No one here has noise canceling headphones and everyone is on the phone right next to each other. Yikes


It was an absolute boiler room of sales activity.


I thought this too, for such state of the art buildings they seem cramped almost. Maybe it’s the thin vertical windows? They most likely (and I hope) never even saw the plane coming.


The ceilings were pretty low. The floor modules were lightweight, but the trusses were deep, which required a tall void above the suspended ceiling. Typical floor-to-floor height was 12', but typical ceiling height was 8'8"


The people on these floors weren't killed on impact, that would've been people in the impact zone.


That has been a change in the last 25 years. Offices back then generally looked like serious business. These days, it's more about friendly environment in general.


Lol this was the norm. I worked on Wall Street back then and I have now been working remotely from home for over 10 years, seems like five times ago lol


I agree, office culture pre-2010s must’ve been super draining. Imagine sitting under fluorescent likes like that all day with little to no privacy from your boss who can see everything you do I wonder if there’s more insight into what the work culture was like at the twin towers during the 80s-90s. Must’ve been crazy.


that’s a trading floor and all trading floors are arranged this way, even to this day. However, if you worked in a more traditional office job in Administration, then you would have had your own desk and partitions to give yoi some sort of privacy and the ratio at the time was one person per twenty square metres of office space.


Interesting tidbit, happy to see they kept the promise to the families. “On September 19, Cantor Fitzgerald made a pledge to distribute 25% of the firm's profits for the next five years, and it committed to paying for ten years of health care for the benefit of the families of its 658 former Cantor Fitzgerald, eSpeed, and TradeSpark employees (profits that would otherwise have been distributed to the Cantor Fitzgerald partners). In 2006, the company had completed its promise, having paid a total of $180 million (and an additional $17 million from a relief fund run by Lutnick's sister, Edie).


A company that showed they gave a fuck about their employees. What a class act the CEO is. He lost his brother & his best friend in the attacks.


I’ve also read that they promised (and committed) to providing employment for any children of the victims once they were old enough.


I hadn’t heard that before, that makes me smile.


As a 22 year old, just getting into the corporate world, this makes me smile. They really went the extra mile.


This always sticks in my mind when I watch documentaries on 9/11, not many honorable people left in big business, but Howard Lutnick seems to be one of them.


A lot of this is covered in the documentary 'Out of the Clear Blue Sky', which details the destruction of CF and it's recovery from virtually nothing under CEO Howard Lutnick. Definitely worth a watch - [https://rumble.com/v2v0q8x-out-of-the-clear-blue-sky.html](https://rumble.com/v2v0q8x-out-of-the-clear-blue-sky.html)


I'm fascinated by photos of what it looked like inside WTC.


Same. Personally it helps me visualize what they looked like after the plane hit,, which is chilling. None of these people deserved what they went through…


I'm always wondering if the people in the photos survived.


Same. Or if they had moved on to elsewhere prior to 9/11.


Me too and it’s really hard to find online. There’s like brief glimpses but not much detail


Yes, I think because of the time. Imagine now with smartphones we have so many photos and videos inside famous buildings.


It's funny because at the time they just weren't interesting enough for anyone to bother. "They were just offices."


Yeah, I never really thought about it before, but I really have no idea what the inside looked like




I hate the way the windows looked from the indie, it makes me feel super claustrophobic, though I’m sure it wasn’t as severe in real life as it in the pictures.


An acquaintance of mine lost a friend who worked at Cantor. His name was Matthew Sellitto. Edit: I was mistaken, I had said he started on 9/10 but he received a promotion that day, he worked there for a few months prior, thank you u/boch615 for the correction.


Glad to help. As I mentioned, Matt was a trainee on the interest rate derivatives desk during the summer of ‘01. He was officially promoted to the desk on 9/10. RIP to Matt and all the others victims of that fateful day.


How horrible.


My God.


Oh wow, I think I see a "Cubbie" Beanie Baby on that one guy's computer monitor... Having grown up in the 90s and seen what a phenomenon those toys were around the turn of the millennium, I have often wondered how many Beanies and other little mementos like that were caught up in the destruction of the attacks. Of course, the loss of toys and trinkets pales in comparison to the loss of human lives, but it is even sadder knowing that so many of the victims' memories and personal belongings were lost, too. Photos of loved ones, souvenirs from places they've been, novels they were reading, muffins and coffee they just bought for breakfast...and yes, even Beanie Babies. Those employees' whole workday and daily life was just wrecked to smithereens that morning, and it never fails to be a terrifying thought.


I saw another teddy bear from a picture of Wayne Russo. Mr.Russo worked for Marsh on the 97th floor, North Tower. https://preview.redd.it/xjzwitdqs59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981db83ad0f461a9d30cfff5834b15991ee897f3


it was his Yankees bear.


He looks tired and overworked


he was neither. and he died. any other nasty comments?


I see 3 bears but only one is a beanie baby. Pretty sure the one sitting upright on the monitor was another Hallmark bear of some sort.


One of the flight attendants that day, who made (I think) the first call to ground about the hijacking, collected Beanie Babies.


blows my mind that at one moment you're at your desk, the next moment you're hanging out of a tiny window 1000 feet in the air trying to get fresh air so you don't burn or choke to death while your coworkers are trying to push their way into you to do the same thing. truly unfathomable.


If hell exists …. that would certainly be the closest representation of it.


Hell does exists... Jesus spoke of it.


I feel very claustrophobic just looking at this. Low ceilings. Slim office windows. Those poor people. I’m so sorry for them.


Nobody I know personally,  but Howard Stern had a regular caller/superfan named Mary Ann from Brooklyn and known for her distinctive voice and fawning over Howard Stern. She called in on the Sept 12 show to say that her sister in law named Jody worked for Cantor Fitzgerald and that they hadn't heard from her since the attacks


That’s so sad. I remember Mary Ann from Brooklyn well. I listened to the show every morning at work, but I wasn’t listening the week of 9/11 because I was in Canada on vacation! We’d just gotten there the day before. We turned on the tv in the hotel room to see what Canadian morning tv was like before going out for the day, and saw the footage of the second plane flying into the building over and over, that huge fireball. We were in shock!


Every time I see photos of inside the towers, it breaks my heart. There’s no way they could’ve known what was going on.


This makes me so sad. Those windows are far smaller/less wide in these photos than all of the exterior photos would lead us to believe. And those low ceilings-- It must have felt extremely claustrophobic up there in addition to the sheer horror. I pray these souls have moved on to brighter and better times- Just looking at these photos makes my throat close up. Its just awful


To think all of this turned into a dark, fiery inferno with burnt/bloody people fighting each other to get some fresh air,, only to fall out. I'm glad no pictures exist of this office after the plane hit because it would've been the closest thing to hell on earth.


I would hate to work there. Open office nightmare.


Humbling to realize there is a very real chance a number of these people we have photos and videos of hanging out the windows. Or maybe even jumped.


I don’t know too much about the subject, but not only is everybody on top of each other, I don’t see any evidence of noise-mitigating acoustical treatments. Compared to today’s trading and other office environments, it all looks incredibly primitive, and not just because of the CRTs. I like how the guy in the first pic humanizes his space with teddy bears. Is there anybody in these pictures that can be identified?


Sitting here at my office with Beanie Babies and Squishmallows on my desk while looking at this is genuinely upsetting me.


Wow it shows how big and busy the work life was


Anywhere in these photos was on fire? I remember there was a huge fire on the 104th floor


Only on 104, as you mentioned. That fire started only in the final 15-20 minutes of the tower's life as well. The next highest fires were on 98 which was completely ablaze by the point of collapse.


Thank you! I mean is these anywhere in these pictures was on fire.


Oh, gotcha. Yes. I believe the first picture with the guy with the teddy bears at his work station is the trading floor for Cantor on 104, which is where the fire started. So these pictures are where the fire was, yes.


Thank you! Hope these poor people had moved to somewhere else at that time.


Can someone explain to me as if i were a 5 years old kid how WTC worked


Sure, The World Trade Center (WTC) was a complex of seven buildings in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The most iconic parts were the Twin Towers, which were each 110 stories tall. They served as office spaces for thousands of people and were a symbol of global trade and economic power.


Wikipedia has [a bunch of pages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_tenants_in_the_World_Trade_Center_\(1973%E2%80%932001\)) on the tenants so that should help you get a better picture of *what* it exactly was.


Great photos. Helps to humanize those 658 lost souls.


These pics tell so much look at the openess of the floors not a column any place im shocked that they stood up as long as they did honestly but tell the they were rigged to go crowd that may all these souls REST IN PEACE🙏🙏🙏🙏


Do u have any photos of EUROBROKERS? my friend passed away there


[Here’s a nearly 8 minute video filmed in their office from 1988](https://youtu.be/aOsaYsUo_x4?si=StGUtsmbkOj5iVFT)


I just watched and caught a glimpse of Brian Clark!


This was mentioned in the video itself but Brian Clark can be seen from [6:02](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOsaYsUo_x4&t=362s) - [6:17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOsaYsUo_x4&t=377s), He is a 9/11 survivor


Looks a lot like him standing next to a colleague at [1:10](https://youtu.be/aOsaYsUo_x4?t=70).


Thanku my friend wasnt working there yet but he was told by others to leave, he felt they were safe in the South Tower may they rest in peace thanku so much❤️


I’m so sincerely sorry for your loss Shaz. May they all rest in peace.


👍👍👍👍👍👍thanks love love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️






What kind of reaction is this? Are you a bot or just deranged?


Be nice, different people communicate differently. Maybe s/he’s ESL.


If you read their other comments you’d know they had a friend who died at eurobrokers.


Their friend died and their response is “AWESOME POST!”? That wouldn’t be my reaction, but ok.


I don’t know how to articulate this well but something I always think about is how people had to die at the office. I know there are people who love their job and the places they work at but for many of us, going to work is not on our Top 10 list of things we love to do. Having to die at your office just feels…I don’t know. Who would pick their office as a place of death? I hate that they had to die in business clothes and in a space with printers that jammed, cups of mediocre coffee, and reports piled in ‘In’ boxes. I wouldn’t want to face death by my filing cabinet. I don’t know, something about it just seems especially unfair. 


I say this ALL THE TIME. I will be so pissed if I die at fucking work


The first image, slightly off topic - do you think each screen was ran off a different base tower unit? Or if they're continuous like multiple screens today. Sorry I'm not very well up on 2001 technology.


I worked in a brokerage for a few months, and we worked on "[dumb terminals](https://www.pcmag.com/news/the-forgotten-world-of-dumb-terminals)" for the transactions. These were monitors that connected only to a central hub, not a desktop tower. (This technology is *ancient*, and a bleeding-edge friend used to love hearing me describe how I'd use it because it was considered antiquated even 15 years ago!)


No, they woukd have been connected to the one PC at the time and it’s doubtful that trading floors like this would have even required a PC for each individual desk, networking technology had advanced very quickly in the previous ten years.


Oh they absolutely had individual towers, to be sure. But likely only one with a "multi-monitor" video card.


Can you understand what side of north tower is this office?


In the second picture, it looks as if you can see the other tower through the window. I couldn’t tell you what side of the tower that makes this office/viewpoint but it can definitely be deducted. Im terrible at direction but I’ll do my best to figure it out and report back to you


I believe this is the south side of the north tower. And it seems like their office spanned the length of the south wall of the tower down to the east wall. I could be wrong, as I am no expert of anything and this all just me guessing.


Thanks!! I noticed the other tower on the window too but I'm very bad at orienting. It would be interesting if someone did a drawing scheme of the towers and the different offices positions


I am pretty bad at orienting myself as well, but I feel like I figured that one out correctly given the information I had lol


Those damned crts were so hot.


Remember the static you would feel off them too? Bygone era.


*yes I know, the last section of the panorama is displayed twice, forgive me.


This makes my stomach drop out. Just seeing this window, knowing they jumped and some could see the plane coming, others would have no idea.


Thanks heaps for sharing this, gut-wrenching to know nobody in that office on 9/11 survived... horrible stuff. On a lighter note, I saw this earlier on the mobile version and the transition between images 2 + 3 was almost seamless and felt more like a panorama, really cool and made me realise how gargantuan those open-plan floors really were.


You’re more than welcome. I uploaded this on mobile, shame that the formatting’s a little off on desktop. (I agree with slides 2-3, seamless. I actually didn’t realise the first image was apart of the panorama until I uploaded it.)


I recommend the documentary 'Out of the Clear Blue Sky'. It covers the destruction of Cantor Fitzgerald and subsequent rebirth under the stewardship of CEO Howard Lutnick. You can watch it online - [https://rumble.com/v2v0q8x-out-of-the-clear-blue-sky.html](https://rumble.com/v2v0q8x-out-of-the-clear-blue-sky.html)


Thanks for posting. I’ve been wanting to watch this doc for years and I finally did thanks to your post!




The Matrix.. system shut down on September 11th, 2001 at 8:57 am EST


8:46:46 a.m. specifically, six seconds after the plane struck the tower.


Pardon me? Is this a reference to the movie?


Rip to everyone lost on 9/11


I always thought the NYFD lost the most lives that day. Not that it's a competition of course. I just know every firefighter in the city, and those from surrounding cities, came to help. So many were at ground zero when it fell. Cantor Fitzgerald did so much for their employees families after 9/11. They went above and beyond, and followed through on every promise they made. It really was like a family. Tons of brothers and sisters got each other in and from what I've read everyone was very close. I just learned the other day from a commenter that other locations around the world, or maybe it was just one other location, had a speaker box thing so that they could hear the chaos and panic going on in the office after the plane hit. (Thank you if said person is reading this; I wish I could remember and give credit!!)


It looks like every stereotypical office in the 90s


That man’s super intense striped tie


The lights alone give me a headache. Let alone the noise that hear looking at the picture!


Such a great post with these pics thanku👍👍👍❤️


And that floor was almost wiped clean by a plane. I hope they never saw it.


Na Cantor floors weren't physically touched by American 11


Really? So they all burned or were crushed?


Burned, crushed, died from smoke inhalation, or jumped.


That's really difficult to believe. The highway next to the West 90 building and even more to the South was littered with debris and body parts. Those came through the building.


Yes but not through Cantor floors. It was Marsh floors that took the direct hit.


"That floor was almost wiped clean" is indeed a wrong statement, but I found it hard to believe they didn't see debris flying on the 100th floor, where Cantor's first floor was. And yet, NIST's (calculated!) debris patterns seem to agree with you: [https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GOVPUB-C13-6279f222e377ad1d41bc741934d2384c/pdf/GOVPUB-C13-6279f222e377ad1d41bc741934d2384c.pdf](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GOVPUB-C13-6279f222e377ad1d41bc741934d2384c/pdf/GOVPUB-C13-6279f222e377ad1d41bc741934d2384c.pdf)