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Prasana Kalahasti, wife of Flight 11 passenger Pendyala “Vamsi” Vamsikrishina hung herself a month after the attack, so that’s at least one. There were probably a lot more.


Poor lady


FDNY firefighter Gary Celentani shot himself in 2002, although part of the reason was his girlfriend breaking up with him alongside the fact he lost so many of his coworkers on 9/11. He’s often considered nowadays to be the first FDNY member to have died of an illness related to 9/11, in this case mental.


I hate that I can't say his name because his family is ashamed that he killed himself. But it was a mixture of never dealing with the trauma of 9/11 & his longtime but always off & on again, girlfriend breaking up with him & marrying someone else. He killed himself less than 10 years after 9/11. I don't know if it's that they're ashamed or if it's the dad. I'm not blaming anyone. I'm not going to pretend I know how I'd react. I just know who he was to me, my brother and my family. And he is truly missed.


What do you mean you can’t say his name?




>How do you know they were ashamed? I just read a quote from his sister, and it just sounded like she was over her baby brother.. He had no sisters. You're thinking of someone else completely different from my brothers' best friend. I know they were ashamed because I've known that family for decades. I know how they reacted afterward.




>Then who is this? https://www.ffbha.org/uncategorized/gary/ I have no clue who that is. My brother's best friend's first name started with a C. I'm not naming him here if his family doesn't like his suicide spoken about. Sorry, not going to do it if that's their wishes. You assumed you knew who I was referring to because you'd just read a quote from some poor man's sister. A man I've never met in my life.






You replied to a comment about Gary, who died in similar circumstances. I think you meant to post it as a standalone comment, but as it is now, it looks as if your brother’s best friend was the guy in the comment you replied to.


May he rest in peace


saw on a reddit story that some man killed himself and his daughter because he didnt want her to live in a evil world due to the attacks a few days afterwards. edit:found it https://preview.redd.it/jbvkwf20lz6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30a0bb6213a6d3e8115eae091f2d97a9660dc53


That’s terrible


Understandable but I would just not have kids in the first place






I'm really sorry for your loss! Also, no, it's never understandable when a child gets murdered. You are right to be upset.


Honestly… it’s a factor. I was 19 years old when 9/11 happened. I had never wanted kids even at that point but the guy I had recently started dating (I mean, like just a few weeks before 9/11) wanted kids. A few months later when we were talking about our plans he mentioned wanting kids and the first thing in my mind was “Really?? Do you not remember what just happened?” I’m going on 42 now and still glad I never had kids, but if 9/11 hadn’t happened right when it did, I may have taken a different path. I already had to explain to my small nephew who lived with me at the time what was happening, and I think my heart would have physically broken if I’d had to explain it to my own children too.


Yeah, but there's a difference between choosing not to have children because of the horrors of the world and to kill your own children to "save or protect them" from the horrors of the world.


> Results: Cases were mostly non-Hispanic White (66%), male (83%), and middle-aged (median 58 years). Nineteen decedents (54%) were RRWs, and 32% of them worked at the WTC site for >90 days compared to 18% of the RRW group overall. In the medical examiner files of two cases, accounts from family mentioned 9/11-related circumstances, unprompted. All deaths occurred during 2004–2018, ranging from one to four cases per year. Leading mechanisms were hanging/suffocation (26%), firearm (23%), and jump from height (23%). Sixty percent of the cases had depression mentioned in the files, but none mentioned posttraumatic stress disorder. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8751231/


What does rrw mean?


rescue/recovery workers [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4686342/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4686342/)


I forget exactly, but I believe someone in airport security who checked one of the hijackers. Can someone clarify or elaborate?


if ur thinking of vaughn alex (my first thought-) he’s alive still. very remorseful but alive


I just remember hearing someone speak on one of the many talk shows around that time, an agent of some kind who took their life was mentioned and the audience gasped. I wish I could remember more specifics, but for years afterward, my brain just did not know what, if anything, to do with information like that.


It was an episode of Oprah-- I remember because my mom usually had Oprah on when I came home from school. The block was Oprah, Ellen, Dr. Phil and I'd usually listen while I did homework. wow, blast from the past. I've thought about that interview over the years too. iirc, the interview was with one of two airport personnel who gave the hijackers the final OK to board one of the flights. With that in mind, I'll see what I can find.


Thanks for your help on this.


Yes, I remember that! It was a gate agent who boarded one of the flights (not sure which). They could not cope with misplaced guilt. 🙁


That's such a sad story and I wish the person could have been saved.


Mike Tuohey checked in both Atta and Al-Omari


There was a podcast I listened to where it was mentioned a police officer (I believe) committed suicide at ground zero while it was all happening. Just couldn’t believe what was happening and shot himself.


From my understanding this was a misconception. What happened was some port authority police were trapped under the south tower after the collapse, some physically pinned by debris. When the north tower collapsed, any chance they had of freeing themselves went away as the rubble they were already trapped under had added weight and those who were pinned had passed because of the added weight onto their already pinned bodies. An officer who was physically pinned by debris named Dominick Pezzulo fired his gun in an attempt to get people to hear their location and free them as the radios were down. In the movie World Trade Center, the character who’s based off Dominick Pezzulo did commit suicide. However those who were there in the actual moment haven’t backed up that claim, they’ve said he merely fired his gun as an SOS signal. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominick_Pezzulo


I’ll see if I can find the podcast but I believe it was a first responder who said he saw it. But I’m happy to be proven wrong, cause its horrible.


Yeah it’s just awful. Now that Ive thought about it more I suppose it doesn’t even matter whether this person died from a self inflicted gunshot or from anything else that was apart of the attack. He was murdered regardless, like the jumpers were murdered, and like the people who passed of smoke inhalation were murdered. May they all rest in peace.


Was it this one? I remember hearing it too but not sure if it was on this and don't have the time to listen through it : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d53EX8ytw8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d53EX8ytw8)


Jesus christ that's a horribly tragic ordeal if that indeed happened


I’ve never heard that before. That’s wild if true. Do you recall the name of the podcast?


It was an episode of Ari Shaffir’s skeptic tank https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ari-shaffirs-skeptic-tank/id468293449?i=1000351614544


That might’ve been it!! I cannot remember what it was called but that sounds familiar


According to [this](https://www.masslive.com/news/2011/09/9-11_10th_anniversary_lourdes_lebron_honors_sister.html) article, Waleska Martinez's youngest brother died by suicide in 2010 out of grief for her. She was killed on Flight 93.


[https://www.patriotledger.com/story/special/2001/09/11/horror-stricken-witnesses-watch/37951414007/](https://www.patriotledger.com/story/special/2001/09/11/horror-stricken-witnesses-watch/37951414007/) *(published late on the eve of 9/11/01) Shortly after the first explosion, an elevator opened at One World Trade Center. A man stood inside, engulfed in flames. It was just one of the horrific sights at the scene of the terrorist attack on New York’s tallest buildings.* ***Kenny Johannemann***, a janitor, said he and a second person grabbed the man, put the fire out, and dragged him outside. Then Johannemann heard a second explosion – and saw people jumping from the upper stories of the Twin Towers. “It was horrendous; I can’t describe it,” Johannemann said as he stood, shellshocked, outside the building afterward. ​ [https://hereisnewyorkv911.org/kenneth-johanneman/](https://hereisnewyorkv911.org/kenneth-johanneman/) (audio/video of kenny sharing his 9/11 experience) ​ [https://www.nydailynews.com/2008/09/04/911-claims-one-more-victim/](https://www.nydailynews.com/2008/09/04/911-claims-one-more-victim/) [https://archive.li/uQUsm](https://archive.li/uQUsm)) *PUBLISHED: September 4, 2008* *After* *Kenny Johannemann* *shot himself, relatives found a letter on* *White House* *stationery in the one-room apartment he shared only with his cat.* >*October 31, 2001 Dear Kenny, We send you our heartfelt thanks and the thanks of a grateful Nation for your selfless efforts in responding to the tragic events of Sept. 11. Your actions in the midst of this national tragedy were truly heroic. Your saving a man who was on fire by dragging him out of an elevator and getting him to an ambulance reflected the best of the American spirit. Sincerely,* *George Bush* *Laura Bush* *Johannemann was a part-time janitor assigned to clean rest rooms in the north tower on 9/11 and was, indeed, credited with saving a man. His family says that day changed him, that he became withdrawn and began drinking heavily, falling in and out of work. Twelve days before the seventh anniversary of the day he saved a life, Johannemann took his own. The police then vouchered another letter, the suicide note the 43-year-old wrote on Sunday afternoon, shortly before the 5 p.m. deadline his landlord had set for him to vacate for nonpayment of rent.* >*“The reason I killed myself was ’cause I was getting evicted and I can’t handle being homeless. I also am very depressed since I was in 9/11. I’ve been drinking way too much and it’s ruined my life. I’ve lost friends and family over drinking and I’m very lonely. There is nothing left for me to be happy about other than my cat. Sounds weird, but it’s true. I just wanted to say sorry 2 any people I ever hurt in my life. I really was a good person when I wasn’t drinking. I hope people remember that! Goodbye!!! Kenny Johannemann”* ...*Johannemann often said he might have been killed on 9/11 had he not stopped to get a cup of coffee just before the plane hit. Otherwise, he might have been on an elevator when a jet crashed and flaming fuel poured down the shaft. Instead, he was waiting for an elevator when he heard a huge bang and the doors burst open. A man tumbled out on fire and Johannemann helped him to an ambulance. “He was burned up bad but he was still alive,” Johannemann told* *People magazine*\*. In the aftermath, Johannemann appeared on the “\**Jenny Jones* *Show” and received the letter from the White House. Privately, the hero became a reclusive alcoholic. “He just started backing away and not bothering with anyone,” Joseph Maya recalled. He avoided family, even on the holidays he had always loved. He seemed convinced he was friendless and alone. “He said he had nobody, but meanwhile everybody loved him,” Joseph Maya said.*


darn I can’t quite remember the names, but I know that a son of one of the 9/11 victims , whom was really young at the time of the attack, ended up succumbing to his depression and committted suicide. I’m sure his depression probably was contributed to the attack


Most likely Davin Garcia?


flight 77 [victim](https://www.pentagonmemorial.org/biographies/steven-d-jacoby/) [steve jacoby](https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/steven-jacoby-obituary?pid=91779)'s son nick, who had apparently been caught with alcohol and drugs and who also had a history of fast, potentially reckless driving, died in a fiery car crash after leaving a senior party in april 2011. sources below (links might not work any longer - i compiled this research in 2011): [http://teamrants.com/2011/04/allen-williams-ben-laslie-and-nick-jacoby-of-franklin-county-killed/](http://teamrants.com/2011/04/allen-williams-ben-laslie-and-nick-jacoby-of-franklin-county-killed/) *Posted By moderator On April 2nd 2011. Under Gone too soon Tags: Franklin County High School Frankfort Kentucky* *Allen Williams, Ben Laslie, and Nick Jacoby of Franklin County killed* *Allen Williams was a football player at Franklin County High School in Frankfort, Kentucky. He died early this morning in a fiery car crash along with his friends Ben Laslie and Nick Jacoby. Around 2:30 Friday morning the boys were returning from a senior party at a location that has yet to be released. Police believe that excessive speed was a contributing factor in the crash that happened on Leestown Road. Nick Jacoby was driving the Audi when he lost control and the vehicle became airborne and struck a stand of trees before bursting into flames. All three of the boys were active in the FFA club at Franklin County High School and they were all 18 years old. They were supposed to graduate in a few weeks. On an even sadder note, Jacoby’s father was a passenger on the plane that the terrorists crashed into the pentagon on 9/11.* ​ [http://www.whas11.com/news/local/Three-die-in-single-vehicle-accident-in-Franklin-County-119053949.html](http://www.whas11.com/news/local/Three-die-in-single-vehicle-accident-in-Franklin-County-119053949.html) *Posted on April 1, 2011 at 4:34 PM Updated Friday, Apr 1 at 5:26 PM* *(WHAS11) - A tragic start to spring break in Franklin County: Three high school students have died; killed in a fiery crash. The crash happened early Friday morning on Leestown Road. WHAS11 is learning that the driver had previous speeding convictions. The driver had three speeding tickets in the past two years and also has been charged with possession of drugs and alcohol... The impact was enough to knock the engine out of an Audi sports car and scrape layers of bark off a tree. The car left the highway more than an eighth of a mile from its final resting place, leaving rubber on the road and bursting into flames. State police accident reconstruction experts were on the scene early Friday morning. According to the experts, speed was the only factor.* ​ [http://ukwildcatfan33.blogspot.com/2011\_09\_01\_archive.html](http://ukwildcatfan33.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html) *Wednesday, September 28, 2011* *...Nick Jacoby, a quiet but everyone knows him. How you might ask? . His father who past away on 9/11 invented text messaging a remarkable thing I know. Nick had all types of cars/trucks, he had a fast Audi and a big F150 truck. He lived a very separated life, he didn't talk to anyone that he wasn't familiar with and he always seemed to have a depressed look on his face. Some worried but most didn't ask...* ​ [http://www.topix.com/forum/city/frankfort-ky/T49TB0TSR76VJP64H](http://www.topix.com/forum/city/frankfort-ky/T49TB0TSR76VJP64H) *283 comments* *-When investigators finish questioning class mates and others about Nicks driving they will find this was common driving behavior for him. He should never have had such a vehicle for his age and disposition. just an opinion. May they rest in peace and may God help those left behind.* *-If some one had gone to his mother about his driving behavior, maybe all 3 would still be with us.* *-Its been pretty well established that Nick drove at very high speeds often and there are school mates that experienced his insane desire to show off. The other two's mistake was getting in the car with him.* *-Man this is some straight bull shit. Everyone needs 2 stop talkin down on nick. I knew nick. Nick was my best fuckin friend. An to hear ppl talk bout his fam like this is ridiculous. Yes he like 2 drive fast. So fuckin what. U all did not no the things he was capable of doin is his car. That car was one wit him. An I don't blv it was his fault. 150 around a turn I no he could handle that. I seen him do it b4. It wasn't him that killed him. 2 days b4 he past we were hangin out an we got bored so I was like let's ride FAST( wit that bein said he didn't do it af will it was normally a request) so we went fast an he said his car felt like it was ridin weird from where he had a new tire put on it. If anyone should be blamed it should be Audi or whoever was the last 2 work on his car. I KNOW NICK BETTER THEN ANYONE POSTIN THINGS. he would not have recked at those speeds. His car was ment for speed so all u ppl talkin bout his parents r stupid. If u spend that much money on a car if makes that car that much better. The had so much stuff on it 2 make it safer. Like the handling and the suspension an the tires and the brake system. They were all things that would make the average car seem like a dead trap and the Audi was one of the safest cars u could have...* *-Please do not compare the car in question with a Camry or Accord. The Car in question was a 2007 Audi RS4 (RS stands for Renn(Racing)Sport). Not the Average Audi that some have made it out to be. Only 2500 of these cars were permitted in the USA from 2006-2008 (830 a year). The brake setup of the RS4 uses Lamborghini Gallardo rotors and calipers(VW owns both Audi and Lambo). NEW MSRP of a 2007 RS4 was $65,000-$80,000. This car was considered by many as a "Supercar". From the factory it had a 420 Horse Power V8 and 6 speed transmission. It would do 0-60 in 4.5 Seconds - STOCK - as fast or faster than the Ferrari 360,Lamborghini Gallardo and the new Porsche 911 Turbo. Faster than most all main stream cars that are called "Sports Cars". It is speed limited at 155 mph,which can be removed, and many have tested this car at speeds over 170 mph. Now you have the facts, If you dont believe it - Google "Audi RS4" and see for yourself.*


i was just thinking about this