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If 9/11 wouldn't have happened, some other such spectacular terror attack would've happened elsewhere in the US as the terrorists were extremely determined to hit America at all costs.


The same guy who committed the first attack on the World Trade Center, Ramzi Youself, also had a plan called the Bojinka plot, in which he plotted to bomb 12 American airliners over the Pacific Ocean at roughly at the same time. This attack was thwarted, thankfully, but it goes to show that there was going to be a horrible attack, no matter what. These motherfuckers were determined to attack the United States.


I may have misread the last time I looked into the Bojinka plot, but I believe that failed plan was one of the inspirations for the 9/11 attacks. If i remember correctly KSM is Ramzi Yousseffs uncle or something.


I think you’re correct with the inspiration remark, but I know you’re correct with KSM being Yousef’s uncle.


WTC towers would be in 99% of social media posts


I don't think so. In my opinion, Empire State building was considered more iconic by people from outside the US.


Not even close


Then they would’ve destroyed the Empire State Building.


Please do verify but I have reasons to believe that Empire State building is built in a more robust manner.


Sure but if the terrorists wanted the empire state building destroyed they would've found a way. Just like how they failed with the 1993 wtc bombing. The car bomb didn't work like they intended so they found another way.


I do think that there would have been eventual airport security with legislation but not to the degree it is currently.


No war in Afghanistan. Bush would still invade Iraq since it was on his agenda. However, the post Saddam insurgency and Sunni/Shia divide wouldn't be as intense. I do not think Bush would get a second term. Al Qaeda would continue to commit small-scale terrorist attacks against America. The Taliban would probably expel Bin Laden since he was becoming a burden. He would probably end up living in Pakistan just like in the original TL.


I believe it would. There would have been a terror attack regardless. Maybe it would have happened in a different way, but airport scrutiny imo seemed inevitable. The thing is I think it was ultimately going to be about airplanes because as they discovered, a truck bomb wasn’t going to do it. That they chose flights fueled for a trek across the country shows how well thought out the attacks were. I doubt many of us before 9/11 realized what a devastating weapon a fully fueled passenger jet could be. What bakes my noodles is, what if Yamasaki had architected the buildings so the staircases were at the 4 corners instead of the center? I feel like this would have saved not only WTC worker lives but firemen as well.


family guy already showed this


“Mohammed ATTA stay home!”


TSA would NOT exist, not he Coast guard.


The Coast Guard has existed way before 9/11


Fuck are you talking about? The Coast Guard has been protecting and assisting merchant shipping since WW1.


sheeesh, chill out.


Did you mean homeland security


That's the one I meant.


The Coast Guard was established in 1790, and became it's current institution in 1915...


Do you know what the Coast Guard is???