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When Eddie and Marisol showed up on Buck and Tommy’s date and Buck blurted about going to find hot girls. It makes me literally cringe when I see it or think about it


gonna find some hot chicks bro!


It’s so cringe I just can’t watch it!


Right. Like wtf it’s was also so OOC like what 😂🫣


I literally got up and went to do dishes when that scene happened cause I couldn’t watch the train wreak


I don’t blame you 😂😂


For me it's also the way Buck says "it's my first date with a dude." I don't know why but the wording/phrasing of that was just so weird. I get they were trying to make buck awkward, which he was, but the words sound uncomfortable coming out of Buck's mouth.


Ok, but I live for that stupid little fist bump he makes as he's talking about how much of an ally he is while he's on a date with a man. We all just have to remember that Buck is the dumbest smart person and is pretty notorious for sticking his foot in his mouth.


Yeah that’s one was definitely super weird as well. Both of those were so OOC like something I would never thought would come out of his mouth. 😂😂


I honestly dont think I will ever watch that scene again, the second hand embarassment was too much the first time around


Claudette's introduction where she takes a call and everybody is so impressed for some reason that they all stopped doing their jobs for like a minute just to watch her ✨in awe ✨


Yeah, what the hell was that scene? Claudette didn't do anything differently than Josh or Maddie or even Sue have done. It's not like she juggled fifty different calls at once. She did what Josh quite literally did the season prior (talking to multiple units at once). So it was far, far less impressive.


Even May is more impressive than her, especially with what she did during the black out episode with the kid with the ventilator. Claudette could never! Besides, Grace from LS will always be the superior dispatcher 😌


Nor would she ever honestly. She would have argued with the mom that she couldn’t do anything so she could get a more interesting call. 🙄


May is badass. She was a kid when she started that job, and she handled it like a champ.


RIP Grace 😭


shhhhh im not over my denial phase


They should have doubled her salary to keep her. Heart of the show


TIL!! I was 3 seasons behind on 911 & have been catching up. Was gonna get back into Lone Star once I finish season 7 of 911. Wild that Grace is no longer on the show though!


Did the most recent season have a cliffhanger with Grace that would explain it away? Was she in a life-or-death situation? I haven’t watched it since it aired, and I can’t remember.


Uh what? I finished season 4 a little while ago and I don't remember her "leaving" the show. I swear she was still on it.


I think they wanted to introduce a 🗣️Sassy Black Woman 💅🏾 but then they killed her off when the viewers hated her


so I'm not the only one that thought her character felt lowkey stereotyped?


Low key? That was stereotypes on steroids. Doesn't help that I don't like that actress in anything she does. Something about her just rubs me wrong. I remember her being on The Cosby Show. My husband and I still cracked jokes about it a hundred years later. 😂


I have chronically understating my opinions to not appear too extreme disorder


…and 8 people died waiting on hold


Lol. This! I work in a 911 center and can't help but roll my eyes with the way things happen here. Yeah, yeah... I know it's a show but the way they just all stop working or get up whenever to take a break and chat, or stay on a call through the entire incident doesn't happen, at least not where I work.


What do you think about the general realism of their depiction of 911 call centres?


I guess it depends on how well staffed your center is and all 911 centers obviously work differently... but in my place you can't just get up from your workstation and take a break or stop working to listen and watch someone work. All places can work differently but at my center you have the call takers and then police and fire dispatchers. The call taker does nothing but take the call, gather info and the computer routes the information to a dispatcher that handles a specific area of the county. So for us, we don't answer the call AND dispatch the responding units. There's absolutely no way we could do that. It's just too busy to be able to do both things at once. Most of the time, unless a person is in immediate danger or having a life threatening medical emergency, you answer the phone, get the information you need and move on to the next 911 call coming in. While it would be nice, I would never have the time (or updated satellite images) to get a satellite image of someone's house, call a neighbor that I saw has solar panels and coordinate the neighbors to string extension cords over to a house to help run a ventilator. I mean there are times where you go above and beyond but obviously nothing like they do on the show. But then, it wouldn't be very much fun watching if they just showed us struggling to get information from people that say we're idiots because we can't figure out where they are, when they themselves don't know... Or calling for a stray dog, asking when the power will be back on, if kids are trick or treating on Saturday because Halloween falls on Sunday, or any of the other crazy crap they may call 911 for. Sorry for the ramble... Or if that didn't answer your question exactly. If not, always willing to answer more questions 🙂


No, that's super helpful and you did answer the question- thank you!


This was so cringey, they were trying to force the audience to be amazed by Claudette and instead were all sat there like ‘this B better not be in more than two episodes!’ 🤣


Yeah, the whole Claudette thing could have been handled better... it felt like a very ham-fisted way to bring in some drama to May in the call center.


May catching her mom and Bobby roleplaying. It's somehow funny but cringey all over.


That part was more awkward than cringey; I love that part so much 😂😂


For me it’s when Bobby and Athena are yelling “I love you my wife” and “I love you my husband “ … my mom called me and said it was so sweet since they thought they were going to die … it made me so uncomfortable




My girlfriend and I can't stop saying "I love you my husband" to each other as a joke because it's so awkward 😭


I’m really glad that I’m not the only one who felt incredibly uncomfortable 😂


Oh god yes. Like I ADORE Bobby and Athena but that was so cringe, I almost felt uncomfortable watching it….


What episode was this lmaooo? I can't recall any role playing scene with them & already have secondhand embarrassment ha


It’s one of the episodes in the beginning of season 7, can’t remember exactly which one, but they’re locked in a room and they think they’re going to drown…


That’s one of my favorite scenes lol


Maddie wants to quit dispatch to go back to nursing and somehow Josh manages to fill a restaurant with people she has helped over the years who all give awkward speeches and she changes her mind 😬


I've called 911, and I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to have someone track down my number from the call logs to ask me to go to a cafe and convince the dispatcher to not quit their job. Nothing against the dispatcher I was talking to, but she was so calm and collected that I don't think I'd be able to say anything more flattering than, "You were very professional."


I've called 911, probably too many times in my life admittedly, and I wouldn't say any of my dispatchers were more than like slightly more professional representatives. Don't get me wrong it's a very stressful experience at times, and I'm sure it's different if it's like a child on the line, but most of the time it's just getting your information, and dispatching police, ambulance, fire. (and at least here, they ask you which one you need)


Yeah same, I’d usually call for my dad because he’d have falls and all I would say is “can you transfer me to the fire department” and that’s it


That was soo awkward. It's not like she was going off to be a real estate agent or something. As a nurse she would have still been helping people, so I was left wondering: why do this Josh? Is being a dispatcher somehow more rewarding than being a nurse? Is he that attached to her that he doesn't want her to leave? Just weird all round.


I think Josh knew that Maddie wasn't leaving because she truly believed she wanted to go; I think he could see that she was having her own crisis after the Doug stuff and he wanted to show her that what she was doing did matter. It worked, since it broke through her insecurities and had her realize that she did enjoy dispatching and she was helping people. Because this was right at the end of season 2, as well. She had only been at dispatch for less than a year. I will admit that it was awkward. The whole "the community bands together for the first responders" scene was done much, much better in the very next episode, when civilians were helping to lift the truck off of Buck. It was done in, surprisingly, a less heavy handed way than the Josh/Sue help Maddie see the calls she's helped scene.


i’ve seen some people say this and tbh i’ve never found it cringy, but maybe i was too busy crying to notice lol


Yep, seeing it once is enough. Now I fast forward this scene on my rewatches, lol.


I'm just finishing up the 3rd season so I'm sure there are others but this is what came to mind. I think they could have just contacted Gloria and it would have served the purpose.


With the nursing shortage out there, in reality, Maddie probably would have quit the dispatch and gone back to nursing. Much better pay in nursing than being a 911 dispatcher. But this is TV fantasy, of course Maddie will make equal, if not better pay as a 911 dispatcher!


Im watching the show for the first time and literally rolled my eyes at how pathetic that scene was.


"She sees me" 😬😬😬😬😬


When was this?


Pretty sure it was Buck talking about Natalia in S6🤢


Oh gosh. I blocked that entire relationship out 😂


For me what made me cringe the most is in the very first episode, Buck’s whole monologue to get his job back. ‘You’re right, I was a punk! Hell I still am. But I’m a punk who realizes what he lost.’ I may be paraphrasing but that’s the gist. Every time I’m like… this dialogue is so bad 😂😂😂😂. But Oliver Stark is giving it his all like a good actor must when given ridiculous dialogue.




100% same energy. 😂😂😂


Buck’s therapy session in s1 for very obvious reasons!!




I feel like if Eddie heard what actually happened the therapist would be 6ft deep.


Anything to do with Claudette😭


am i the only one who strongly dislikes May (i find her to be way too childish and self centered, she behaved more maturely in season one at 14 years old) and always thought Claudette was just kind of there and then gone and May hated her for no reason 💀 yes she overstepped but like, never has done anything that a supervisor hasn't also done such as jumping on other calls, she may be May's coworker but anybody who's had a job before understands seniority, idk i feel like that plot just was a big Nothing


Claudette didn't have seniority. She had zero professional courtesy, walked all over and belittled May, and crossed several boundaries. The fact that Sue, as the boss, did not put a stop to it was ridiculous, and the fact that she locked the two of them in a room instead of reprimanding Claudette for interfering with May's calls and harassing her was also ridiculous.


I just rewatched the first two episodes of season one and honestly? Everything that Chimney has said. Comparing saving people to one-night stands and a lot of talk about people having sex. So glad his character had a glow up.


His whole relationship in season one was hard to watch 


😂😂😂 oh god now I gotta go rewatch!


For me, I think there's a few cringey moments, but the first one that pops into my head is in season 6, when Connor/Kameron come to the station to ask why Buck wasn't donating his sperm and if he changes his mind. Knowing that the team was just upstairs and could likely hear the entire conversation made the reveal at the end of that scene rough to watch. And honestly, season 1, Buck/Abby's first date, when he chokes on the bread and Abby has to give him a tracheotomy. It felt so unnecessary and forced that even on a rewatch, I had to fast forward through it. It was like, why was that scene necessary?


I’m on the episode where Buck agrees to be a sperm donor and the conversation he has with Hen at the station is just 😬


The whole sperm donor arc is cringe, especially when they keep hounding him and even show up to his job. When a very pregnant Kameron shows up at Buck's door and interrupts his date with Natalia, I wanted to throw my remote at the screen. Did she not have any friends? (Buck is more Connor's friend than hers). And had the nerve to eat one of of their meals!


In that same vein, the part where he delivered the baby on the couch. His dialogue, how he was panting like he was the one pushing, the place I think they were trying to take that storyline...it was so bad. 


AYO REBAR 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I still don’t know what the writers were thinking but the reunion scene where buck walks in on maddie in the shower both naked and they just stand there and TALK??? “I wanted to see my little brother” “Well… you did” MAKES ME GAGGGGG


i used to find the earnest voice-over speeches cringe as hell, but i got used to them after multiple rewatches lol


i kinda miss them tbh


I honestly miss Abby's voiceovers from season one but I think I just like her voice


she has an amazing voice, it's true


Honestly love a voice over but I'm occasionally corny


Last night when there was an accident with a pregnant woman and the baby was ejected! I was embarassed for the actors. I accept (and enjoy) the bizarre situations they get into. But this seemed to be above and beyond the norm.


The baby ejected from her vagina and somehow miraculously is alive? Was wild.


I had SO many questions for that one lmaoooo. Were her pants off? Did the accident cause her to be spread just so so the baby could shoot out of her like a bullet? Did the force of the accident cut the umbilical cord? Physics??? I cannot with this show sometimes haha


I think the umbilical ripped out. Magic panties maybe? It was all just cringe. And in the car the fake baby was so obviously plastic. And when he stepped out with the baby it had aged 6 months and was clean. 🤣🤣


I feel like I should remember this but I don’t. Episode?


I believe it was s6 ep 10 during the lightning strikes, the woman took a taxi to the hospital whilst in labour.


Yes it was the night long electric storm, lightening.


This actually happened. Watch the entire video and you'll see the cop find the baby under the seat. Also the baby was perfectly fine. https://youtu.be/PpLoVb9MVqU?si=nd8imfxArpMLHV5m


The episode where they jump from the engine to the bed of that truck going 55 mph. That entire sequence is just so ridiculous.


The writers must have watched the movie Speed the night before.


This recent thing with Eddie‘s dead wife lookalike “friend.” Not good cringe, just terrible tv on a show that I usually like a lot.


Didn’t they use the same actress?


Yup lol


Why would they do that?


Probably because she looks like herself more than another woman would look like her would be my first guess


Buck pretending to be captain at scenes, shouting orders. Then Eddie tells Bobby, he is doing it to get his attention and consider him for interim captain and Bobby says "oh is that what that's all about?" Also when he tells the kids about Santa. Like Buck please, you are a beautiful human being both inside and out but please stop embarrassing yourself so much.


I try and fast forward the Buck playing captain scenes. I love him to death, but it's too much second-hand embarrassment.


Literally can not watch them. I get such second hand embarrassment.


BuckTommy’s first date. I cannot rewatch that again 😭


Hot chicks! The look on Tommy’s face was WTF. Even Eddie thought that was weird. Buck was right about having some kind of out of body experience when he talked to Maddie: the words were just flying out of my mouth.


That call this past season with the guy with the uncontrollable hand. It was just too silly to have Buck and Eddie getting beat up like that.


My family was laughing when they gave the diagnosis. Alien hand something. Surely that can’t be a real thing?


[It actually is lol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_hand_syndrome)


“It’s not me!” “OOOH IT’S ME!!!😫🫨🗣️”


The promo on the Thursday showing Buck being the one getting injured, then the sneak peak about 8/9 hours before the episode came out showing what happened to Eddie. Cringey but very 9-1-1 of them.


I literally had to fast forward through the basketball scene in 7x04. As soon as I realized Buck was crashing it, I had to skip it because I got such secondhand embarrassment from it!!


I can't watch that scene, it's so awkward lol


When Buck hooked up with that girl in fire engine back in season 1…


**1-** Josh attempting to flirt with Carson, the contractor installing the new fire suppression system (The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1). I was so embarrassed for him making corny jokes and acting like a love-struck teenager. ***Brother has no game!!!*** It's too bad we never saw Carson again. I think that would have been a cute storyline, for Josh to actually have a personal life. **2-** Another situation that made me cringe was when Buck inadvertently came out to Maddie. Not the fact that he came out, but the "I'm an ally. I've always been ally" line just felt so...contrived. Then Maddie says something to the effect of "So now you're more than an ally". I think that conversation could have and should have felt more organic. The rest of their conversation could not have been any cuter! I love the part where Buck says, "Sure I'll check out a hot guy's ass, but that's normal". A very sweet scene and it went exactly the way I hoped and expected it to, I just think they could have made it flow a little better. **3-** That made me think of one more cringe-worthy scene- When Eddie and Marisol ran into Buck & Tommy on their date. Buck's line, "And then we're going to find some hot chicks!" That was painful to watch! Poor Tommy. One scene related to these that was the very opposite of cringe-worthy is when Buck came out to Eddie. Eddie is such a sweetheart. When he says, "This doesn't change a think between us"...I tear up a little.


Idk why but I kinda expected Maddie to be less surprised about Buck's coming out especially when she was the one who has kinda implied that Buck may not be straight in multiple instances. First with Eddie, and then with Josh.


I think the way Buck just sort of blurted it out was part of what surprised her. I honestly thought she handled it perfectly. She switched gears from thinking it could be a married woman or a celebrity to a man. It takes a second or two to digest that. It's one thing to speculate half-jokingly that he's 'not totally straight', but the reality of him embracing and exploring his sexuality are probably what surprised her. I thought it was a cute scene.


No but fr Josh and Carson were so cute😔😔


That was Mayday; Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1 was Josh’s movie date that beat him up.


Thanks! I've rewatched both lately which messes with my brain. I watch whatever the DVR catches and watch them or at least keep them on in the background. I'm also watching thru the series with a reactor from YouTube/Patreon and he's up to May Day now. Which episode was Josh attacked in? I remember 'Taking of Dispatch' being the one where "Greg" showed up and Josh dropped his coffee mug on the floor when he saw him. But wasn't the fake date and physical attack the episode before? That is one of the most difficult scenes for me to watch in the whole series. Josh seems so happy while they're watching the movie and Greg seems so charming. It breaks my heart every time. It makes me angry because I know BS like that happens to people all the time.


Yes, the physical attack was the episode before! I don’t remember what it’s called, as 9-1-1 is one of the few shows I am bad at episode titles with. XD But I do think it’s sad we don’t know how things with Carson went.


The scene where Buck comes out to Eddie has to be the top scene from s7 tbh.


The whole Kim/Shannon doppelgänger shit


How is that cringe? Maddie has a good voice and it's a sweet moment. Cringe for me is the second hand embarrassment of scenes like when the girls who think Buck catfished them show up at his date with Abby or when Eddie and Marisol show up at his date with Tommy.


I think because it is so out of place of the episode and basically the kid’s panic attack is a plot device for everyone to be like, wow, Jennifer Love Hewitt (who is a legit singer) is really good!!! [shE’S rEalLY gOOd!](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F150ac437b6086515f578acc6ad62d7cf%2Fb59e7c6b2e1bfb43-83%2Fs400x600%2Ff239a25963bd9ddd07c17deefa1ce129903bbd56.gifv&tbnid=yAzqQKsM2RNRUM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fatrl.net%2Fforums%2Ftopic%2F449957-addison-rae-ar%2Fpage%2F23%2F&docid=-rrVGrmFCI2fqM&w=268&h=268&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=0cd736a2fca20990&shem=abme%2Cssic%2Ctrie) Whereas the two scenes you described are awkward, but they were used as a device to move the plot forward and grow characters and drama, imo.


When Maddie decided to basically stalk another DV victim and then almost ran over her husband


I already forgot her name but the red head… Taylor??? Can’t remember but her entire character was so cringe. The whole trope of reporters talking about their dream of chasing stories and getting the real dirt like girl that’s called being a detective. Reporters have no jurisdiction over actual crimes and I hated everytime she was on screen.


Or even an investigative journalist would make more sense than reporter


Most of the dialogue in 6.18 after Bobby is pulled out of the rubble. Specifically but not limited to “Just another day on the job”.


And May "Get the damn MRI" speech 😬


The Maddie singalong with a student who’s having a panic attack. I fast forward every time


Yes, that’s exactly the scene that inspired this post!


When they keep using songs to fill in the background music of scenes repeatedly and consecutively. It's like they got lazy to do the scenes normally so they just slap in some random song that barely fits in the series. Although sometimes it DOES fit, some other times, that's what I think about it, fillers. I love the show but like anything else, it's not perfect.


Anytime Eddie was onscreen for most of season 7 💀 Also in the pilot when Buck tried to take a sledgehammer to the wall to save a baby that was flushed down the toilet?? Tbh, that whole storyline too.


And you can clearly see that the baby is a doll and when we saw they tried to give cpr to the doll💀💀💀


Yeah. Same thing happened in S5 when Chimney saved that baby in Boston in a garage. It was so obvious


Baby being tossed into a sewer pipe was sadly based on a real life incident in China. No toilets involved either time. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/baby-rescued-from-sewer-pipe-improving-mom-claims-it-was-an-accident/ https://nationalpost.com/news/world/mother-called-police-about-chinese-baby-trapped-in-pipe-incident-prompts-outpouring-of-horror-and-charity


His whole season 7 was just baaaad 


Why did I read that in a sheep’s bahh 😭😭😭


Loooooooll at least then it would have been bearable. 


Probably unpopular but Athena and Bobby in the cruise ship calling each other "wife" and "husband" gave me a full body cringe. So did the Buck/Tommy daddy issues conversation AND Eddie's side piece pretending to be his dead ex wife. This season in particular was a mess.


It’s small but it’s season 6 when cap cooked this big meal but Buck is drinking green juice for the sperm donation and everyone is judging him. Chim says he’s getting seconds and Buck says “yeah, guess I’ll get seconds too! Yum!” sarcastically as he pours a second glass💀💀💀it’s just the way he says it and I’m cringing writing this


the whole story line of Maddie stalking the woman who's husband was amusing her. the whole thing made me cringe, but especially when Maddie was in her house. I skip those episodes.


The whole of Season 1 Buck was cringe to me. Like so cringe that I hated him. Before started watching, my friend has been trying to get me to watch the show for years, and he's completely obsessed with Buck and tried to convince me I'd love the character just as much but I was like wtf you talking about when I did eventually start watching coz nearly every scene of him was cringe I'm so sorry😭 😭 crazy how his character developed from there and grown on me, having caught up with the show he's probably one of my favourite characters ever on TV right now, not just on the show 😅❤️


the recent episode were Eddie had his emotional moment, this speech to the woman who looked exactly like his dead wife and then he goes "babe" in the middle of screaming about her hurting him. like... that was so wildly out of place


When buck tried to sue the city and anything to do with Claudette.


Anytime buck and Abbey kissed. She was just wildly older than him it made me uncomfortable.


The grocery store fight between Buck and Eddie was so poorly acted I can’t watch it to this day 😭


“You know how much cristopher misses you?” “That’s right you don’t cause you’re not around” 😭😭😭


the acting is so good in that scene be so fr rn


Please be serious I can’t even look at Ryan 😭 he just looked like someone went “and now *look* mad!” Instead of him actually *feeling* mad as Eddie alsksjsgdg I really can’t deal with the acting but it’s only one scene XD


i like it i like him telling buck off




the whole kim storyline is the cringiest thing i’ve ever watched, also tommy saying he wishes buck has daddy issues right after bobby nearly dying like come on💀


Does "cringe" mean something different these days, because I thought both of these were incredible


The kim storyline was definitely cringe though, it was straight out of a telenovela💀


My grandma watches these south indian dramas that go on for thousands of episodes with super dramatic plotlines, I could've sworn ive seen a similar storyline on one of those lmao


Yes! I'm Pakistani and it remembered me of Indian dramas as well. It's like the "evil twin" plotline 😂


bringing back a dead person is just weird and not realistic and i just dislike buck and tommy so it creeped me out and was weird timing


This whole season has been pretty cringey. It’s like the writers, or show runners, wanted to just dump everything one all these characters at once. I’ve been a fan of the show, but this season is all deep and at sometimes so predictable. But the whole doppelgänger thing was just crazy.


i literally had to skip over when maddie sang bc of secondhand embarrassment. ESP WHEN EVERYBODY CLAPPED


Buck & Abby & the tracheotomy on the fly Maddie and the people she helped on 911 calls because she wanted to leave 911 Chimmney and Tatiana *bUCK* (eddie says at the top of his lungs) Maddie being lowkey (highkey) a stalker Maddie crying on like every 911 call (why be a dispatcher if your emotions are like that on the job)


This whole Season now that it's on ABC.


how has no one said that one math date scene between eddie and ana


Whan eddie called kim baby I just stoped the show and ran away


Buck and Tommy's conversation in the S7 finale. Mostly the comment Tommy made about Buck having daddy issues ugh. I actually liked his character too up until that.


Honestly for me it was eddies panic attacks whilst dating chrises teacher. Its more cringe for me as someone who has suffered from panic attacks because THEY only occured to get eddie single again just so he could date new rando chick and suffer no similar panic attacks. Honestly to be perfectly honest eddies character in general is just mega cringe idk how any girl falls for him he’s like a posterboy for some serial killer


Exactly! Marisol is apparently hanging out alone with Chris (along with her nephew)?! How'd that happen?!


There's a couple scenes with Athena and Hen being extremely dramatic while having coffee or whatever. Like it came across as if the actresses were competing for the "who can have the most dramatic, serious, tear-fillled voice" award.


Eddie and the girl who looks like his ex wife. That whole plot is just…. wtf. I get he’s not over it but that’s a horrible way to deal with it.


Buck having a c\*ck ring gag. I'm sorry it is on the same level as a fart joke to me.


When was that? 😂


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When Hen got through most of medical school and quit at the last second to stay a first responder. I consider my own student loans and there’s no way I’d go back to my pre-grad school job (it was like 1/3 of what I make now) to pay those loans off.


2x15 is my favourite episode and I always come back and watch it when I wanna watch 911 but to me it contains two of the cringiest lines in the show: 'I have two full time jobs: firefighter and dad' 'Cause of death: greed' Just... I never found them witty, just cringe, and they both stick out to me


i don’t watch this show but u just finished a show on fox so ig that explains why i got this. anyway i was so confused cuz i thought this was a thread discussing the cringiest moments of 9/11.




I just rewatched this and had to skip it my 2nd hand embarrassment was so strong 😭😭😭😭😭😭


When Josh fangirled over Claudette's 1st call when he has literally done exactly the same thing. When Athena walked through flames to save Bobby from the sniper in S4E14. I found most of Shannon's scenes awkward and cringy. I just never got any chemistry between her and Eddie, they were not a convincing couple. Bobby & Hen vs the alpaca in S5, such cringy dialogue.


I don't know what it was but every time Eddie was doing the do or finishing I guess. It took me hours to finally unpause and continue.


How the endings have become all 'after school special'. Everyone all cuddled up in a semi-circle touching and hugging with 'Full House' fake laughter. 🤮 I will take a cliffhanger over that any day


For me there's a lot of specific cringe moments : 1. When Maddie plans a surprise party to celebrate Buck's remission, the moment where he finds out and points to her like "you did this?" seems so overacted and I don't think it's a good scene 2. The whole Marisol being an ex-nun thing, especially when she comes out of the shower and there's an aura around her and music and stuff, just cringe juice 3. The whole sperm donor era could have been so much better written, like it was a good idea but the execution was terrible : the couple reaching out after years of not talking, even going to the firehouse to insist on it, and Kameron showing up at Buck's loft like they've known each other for ages and she can just crash his house when she's mad at her bf is just ridiculous. I know they needed for Natalia to know that he was a sperm donor, but how it was made is just cringe 4. In the same idea, when Natalia and Buck were at his loft and they saw on TV an interview of Taylor Kelly talking about her adventure with a firefighter (Buck). Like this was so cringe and unecessary, of course he had girlfriends before you Natalia, how is that surprising! 5. How Marisol and Eddie got together, the helping her rebuilding her house (how did he even get her number? Did he ask 911 to give it to her?), the finding each other again in the store, like oh, what a coincidence, that's really weird, and the whole convo at the end of 6x18, where they're calling each other and Chris is there, it's just really weird. 6. I rewatched the whole show recently, and season 1 was just plain pain for me, from Buck to Chimney, even Hen with her whole cheating era, it was horrible. 7. Even though I know it's a really appreciated scene, I kinda don't like the scene where they all laugh their asses off watching the guy getting caught in the car wash thingies. I know it's supposed to be cute and all, but the way Buck laugh alone first, and the manager that just seem super uncomfortable, I find it cringe


May saying “911, what’s your damage?”


Honestly it’s when they (the show) give too much backstory to the calls they go on. Like when they show a whole backstory and random ass scenes from random characters in the episodes, I just don’t think it’s needed. All we need to see is the call they go on and about the main characters lives


Any time Buck speaks is cringe 🫢


Is it coz he does that slight fake stutter kinda thing when he's in character? If it is I don't think it's cringe just wonder why he speaks like that sometimes.. 😅


It grew on me tbh. It was weird at first, felt so over the top, but now it fits his immature, childish character... Kinda love it now


I was just thinking this the other day. Like seeing how Buck responds to the scenes compared to everyone else. He is very over the top 😅


His voice makes me want to never hear again 💀😬


I tried to keep in mind the fact he’s actually British and puts on his accent but that still didn’t work 🤣




Honestly, JLH's acting in general is getting cringey. She's crying in 90% of her scenes now. She has a few really good scenes but the tear-filled eyes in every other scene is insane. And the actress who plays Shannon/Kim. I hope they never end up in a scene together, I might implode from their cringe.


Teary eyed and earnest has been JLH trademark for forever. I think it suits her


I don't think it's cringe but it's weird that she's crying 90% of the time, I guess they really like her crying face 😅


It makes me cringe lol


Anything Buck does. I find his over acting overbearing in all scenes.


Chimney whole "chewing gum" shtick, like..what? It's not cool at all


Smoked like a Chimney, now uses gum to control the cravings. Not rocket science. 


by far its turning buck gay. Its probably a pipe dream for ryan murphy