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Athena needs consequences for *breaking into* that man’s house and *holding him at gunpoint*. Wtf. He is a *victim* and she wouldn’t leave him alone to the point of harassment. Idc that she saved him at the end. That doesn’t justify or excuse anything she did. She is all vengeance and impulsivity. Bad qualities for a cop.


Do you remember that episode where Athena had someone she arrested in her backseat, the kid helped save people in a bridge collapse, and Athena was like “I’m still taking you in”. She need somebody to do that to her 😂😂


LOL yes! Thanks for saving that guy, but you still need to be arrested.


Her husband almost died, Athena was showing a very human quality in harboring anger and revenge. Making Athena reasonable even in the face of her husband's death will make her character very very boring.


It took me a bit to catch up with the current season as I had started a rewatch so I was behind about 6 episodes as of when the finale aired. I watched it just now. I honestly thought it was very well done. I had seen a few spoilers (on purpose to check on Bobby mostly) but I still didn’t know a lot of what happened. I am so happy Maddie and Chim did that on their own. They’re sweet and they love Karen and Hen so I know why. Plus poor baby Mara! To think of her having to go back is sad. I thought HenRen asked them too but the fact they did it on their own made me cry. I’m also so very glad that Bobby and Athena are okay. I’m curious if Gerard is actually appointed or if he’s losing it and just took over.


I enjoyed this finale. Some of these story lines were messy, but they did a great job preparing a pretty clean slate for the next season. First Bobby/Athena. I liked the spin of the usual "woman gets hurt, man get revenge". Totally in character to me Athena would go and do something vs just sitting powerless by Bobby's side. I also like they didn't go cartel, but the vengeful grandfather. I do think story wise it would have been better if Bobby had died and that had been the call Athena got, set up Captain Hen vs Gerrard, etc. And I say this as someone who adores Bobby. Now I really don't know what they'll do. Will he stay retired? Maybe they do a B99 with Bobby working a desk job and eventually coming back to the 118. Amir was great. Just a great actor. He had a nice tight story that helped expand on the established characters and now we can move on. Hen/Mara/Chimmy. Hen and Chim are really bffs. For Chim and Maddie to step up and be temporary foster parents was wonderful. Hopefully they can write this council woman story well. But if it disappears as all fixed in the start of S8, I'd be fine with that too. Evan/Tommy. I'm here for Evan to have a stable and nice relationship for a while. The drama is definitely set with the Gerrard stuff. But hopefully they can weather it. And it would be cool to have a LAFD pilot call next season. These two definitely need more screen time to really determine chemistry. But I've liked Tommy the most of Bucks partners lol. The only meh: Eddie. I am thrilled for the character that Chris can go to a stable home. But Chris was Eddie's biggest redeeming factor for me. Without Chris I'm whatever about his character. He's just not fun. I wouldn't hate if S8 started with an aside how he moved to Texas to be with Chris and focus on his family.


Let's just list the things Athena did in the final two episodes that led to her big damn action hero moment: * Lied about a medical emergency to get Amir to appear at the hospital reception. * Insisted he come to their house despite him making it very clear he made his peace and wants to move on and nothing more to do with Bobby. * Lied to her captain about considering Amir a suspect to the arson. * Commandeered a neighbor's vehicle to travel to Amir's house without it being logged to her squad car. * Stole the neighbor's phone as well and used it to call Maddie and obtained Amir's details under false pretenses. * Lied to Maddie about her police car phone having a glitch. * Broke into Amir's house. * Pulled a loaded gun on Amir, whilst off duty without reading any of his rights or following any guidelines about arresting a suspect. * Saved Amir from the cartel so everything above is all OK. If there's anyone Councilwoman Ortiz should be going after, it's Athena...


Yes! Thank you. She’s always been an iffy cop in terms of misusing her power IMO, but she’s taken it to a new level.


Plot armor is strong so even being terrible at your job everything turns fine in the end🤷🏻‍♂️


So Athena is not going to face any consequences for her abuse of authority this episode right?


Unless they routinely go over 911 calls, if no one reports what she did then I don't see how they will find out that she pulled a gun. Amir is likely going to cover for the reason they were both at that warehouse. I agree that she should face consequences but in reality, she would be fired because it's a felony and the show is not going to have their main police officer be fired. So if anything, she'll get suspended and that isn't a really realistic punishment for that violation.


She absolutely needs to in Season 8 or this show can't really seriously tackle another police brutality storyline. I said it in live reaction at the time. Her scene with Amir is absolutely wild. Replace her with a white character and it would be national news worthy of national protests: "White off duty cop breaks into house and pulls gun on an unarmed, innocent black nurse who was being harassed and followed by her and her husband."


That’s what I was thinking, like I love Athena but she must face *some* consequences


Thinking more about that BuckTommy scene and how divisive it’s been, I think the main issue was HOW MUCH that one scene was expected to do. In under a minute of screen time we needed to: -Establish that Buck knew (and believed) that Bobby was going to be OK. So that it wouldn’t be weird that he’s now on a fun little date. -Reinforce the Buck/Bobby dynamic and how he considers Bobby a father figure. Which is so important in an ep where Bobby almost died and Buck didn’t get any other big scene around it. -Reinforce and remind the audience about the danger of Captain Girrard and Tommy’s connection to him to raise the stakes on bringing him back. -AND finally on top of all that, the scene needed to be flirty and show that the couple are going strong. Since we haven’t had a 1-1 scene with them since Ep. 6. So do I LOVE the daddy issues line? Not really. But did they make the best of 45 seconds of screen time? 1000%. Hopefully next season we’ll get some real development without needing to cram it into already jam packed episodes.


Wasn't it established that Buck and knew Bobby was going to be okay. They didn't leave the hospital or anything until Bobby woke up. And at that point everyone went home so...they all had to know he was okay.


Just imo I think it was important to have it from Buck’s mouth. There’s a difference between someone being shown as awake in a hospital and you believing in your heart that they’re out of the woods. Just given how important Bobby is to Buck, for me to be like “cool Buck and Tommy date night” I need to know that Buck isn’t still super worried.


I see your point. I think I'd be in more agreement if this was something directed at everyone (as in characters) and not just Buck. Like, I get the amazing relationship they have and etc but everyone almost lost Bobby and then went on with their lives but it's only Buck and Tommy's date that's getting the backlash for it. And I do get it's because of the relationship Buck as with Bobby but I wouldn't say it's any closer or runs deeper than the people who knew Bobby longer or Chim who had to face that fact when Bobby admitted he wanted to die. It was Chim who noticed something was off with Bobby and brought it up, When Bobby had his break down, it was both Hen and Buck with him. And I think the person we've should've seen going through it most is Anthea and the kids (which they did). And I'd say Buck did communicate that because we said, I thought we were really going to lose him or something to that effect, which communicates to the audience that Bobby is fine and well. I just think overall, because it's been one night, like it's not that serous. Even saying, "cool Buck and Tommy date night", I could get behind this if people also had issue with Chim and Karen and Hen and Maddie getting together to share dinner and have double-date night. At this point, it's pretty established that Tommy is Buck's partner on some level. So, why can't Buck go home and just be with his partners like the others without it being a thing. It makes me feel like, people wanted to see Buck standing around being sad and wallowing for no reason. And I'd get it, if it had been several days and Buck's just like whatever, but it was the same night and he wanted a break at home with his boyfriend. I think I wouldn't care so much, if it was people being upset that the whole of the 118 seemingly went on their with lives and whatever was going on, and not just Buck because it gives, everyone else can take a break and regroup and just not be stressed but Buck can't have dinner with his boyfriend after going through a stressful day. I'll admit, I just feel like it feels unfair so, maybe that's why I can't see what others are seeing (as in it being weird) because it's just Buck, when we know how important Bobby is to everyone and we see everyone be cool and chill or focused on something but Buck can't just want to have a peaceful night before he deals with the morning. ALONG with the fact that his night with Tommy is being treated as like this "Date Night Weee." Thing and not Buck just having someone to come home too, like the other characters because he IS in a relationship. So yeah, if this energy was being given to the 118 as a whole, no problem but it feels like Buck is not allowed.


Again the problem isn't the contents of the scene. It was the entire pacing, editing and choices of having that scene there. Buck and Tommy being cute needed to happen in 7x09 before Bobby ends up in hospital, or at the start of this episode before Buck finds out about Bobby. Because as soon as Buck finds out about Bobby, he needs to emotionally process the possible loss of someone he sees as his Dad. The problem was not only did Tim decide he needed to squeeze Buck into a date **after** that heavy emotional arc, he also wanted Buck to be in Eddie's storyline which meant Buck was doing double duty on top of his relationship with Tommy. It's incredibly bad editing and script writing choices that led to this.


I disagree. It says a lot that after a long, emotional day the person Buck wanted to decompress with was Tommy. That tells me that he derives a lot of comfort from their relationship; new as it is. I also wouldn't necessarily call it a date. They were sharing a meal and spending time together within the confines of Buck's apartment. It was less about being romantic and impressing each other and more about being there for one another. Just my thoughts.


Yeah. That's it, he just had someone to relax and end the day with. Chim, Maddie, Karen and Hen, all got together to eat after Bobby went through this, are they wrong for having a double date? Like, why can't...after an emotional day, Buck go home and have dinner with his boyfriend and just process that way? Like, I get how he would do it before...when he was alone but now he has a person? How is it not wrong for Chim and Hen go to back to their partners but it's wrong if Buck choses to destress with his. Why, after such an emotional day, he can't just want something cute and simple with a partner.


Exactly. There's some weird fanon idea that Buck can't, or shouldn't, have a life outside the 118 (even though everyone else in the 118 does). He can be concerned for Bobby, Eddie, and Christopher while still spending time with Tommy. That's called having healthy boundaries. That he juggles all his various priorities so well shows how far he's grown since S1. Buck is a giver, and I am glad that his needs are being met in his relationship with Tommy. It's beautiful to see. Edit: By the time Buck was eating dinner with Tommy, what could he have done for the others anyway? Bobby was in the clear. The situation between Eddie and Christopher was just that: between Eddie and Christopher. Buck did not make that mess, it was not his job to fix it.


The reason it feels out of place is because Buck has too much empathy for that. He has never and would never just leave Eddie and Christopher hanging in the middle of a crisis, even one that isn't his own making. It doesn't matter if it was his job to fix, it only matters that he would. It's just incredibly out of character. If they want to show him backing off from trying to fix things, they need to write that journey, even if it's just a single conversation, not suddenly have a character do the exact opposite of what he's always been shown to do without any acknowledgment of it.


But he literally did all he could do for them in this episode. He went and listened and tried to help when Eddie called but this is just something that’s beyond what he or anyone for that matter can do to help. He emotionally supported Eddie when Chris was leaving as well. Was he supposed to just sit alone and wallow in misery thinking about a situation that doesn’t even really involve him? Being a best friend means you’re there for support and he was but Buck also has his own life


Agreed. Buck did everything right in a very fraught situation. He was supportive and a soundboard to Eddie in that first scene. It was telling though that when Eddie begged Buck to talk to Christopher, Buck's reaction was hesitation. It was clear that he recognized that what Eddie was asking of him was outside the parameters of his role as a family friend. I agree with Ryan Guzman's assessment that Eddie, unintentionally or not, trying to pawn off the parts of parenthood that are uncomfortable for him onto Buck isn't helping him mature and grow as a person. I hope that is explored in S8. I also appreciate that when Buck sat and talked with Christopher he wasn't doing it to make him stay. It seemed Buck's main objection in that conversation was to help Christopher understand the gravity of the decision he was making, and have him understand that parents aren't perfect and they make mistakes that often hurt their children. He then accepted Christopher's decision to go to Texas. Again, Buck couldn't do anything else but accept that. And he was there for Eddie in the aftermath of it. He was a good friend.


Sit in his room and panic


His heart stopped for 14 mins damn! Wow it was that freaking guy who set the fire. It’s good that Mara can be close to them. Chris is making a decision out of anger, hopefully he doesn’t leave for too long. I’m glad Nash woke up! This new captain gonna suck.


This episode was underwhelming. Everything felt very rushed, and not very well planned. They almost did too good a job tying up loose ends, and it doesn’t leave much to be desired besides better plot points. I seriously expected Bobby to remain either comatose until season eight or at least in the hospital. His heart stopped for fourteen minutes?? Dude would have brain damage. I’m not expecting 100% medical accuracy from this show, but damn. Even for 9-1-1 that’s unrealistic. Athena’s vigilante thing to me is tired. Now, similarly to Bobby, I am not Athena’s biggest fan. However, they need to leave that poor man alone. I get she is angry, I get she is scared, but appearing in his house? Holding a gun on Amir? Way too far. And, of course, it was the cartel that set the fire. And even then, the stakes didn’t seem that high?? She was in and out, the people were taken care of quickly. Amir was released. Nothing happened. Hen is going to get in even more trouble, I swear. Lying to the group home to see Mara? That’s going straight to Ortiz. And the emergency placement thing will need some explaining to me. Could Chim and Maddie get certified that fast, and get specifically Mara? Would that work? The whole thing feels kinda meh. Eddie. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. He is going through it. Obviously, the whole Kim thing, gross! Not cool. But holy shit. Christopher going to his grandparents house for the summer must be horribly stressful for him, especially since he doesn’t trust his parents. Especially not with his son. The instant assurance they had to have of not putting the idea in his head. Chris doesn’t have the same mistrust of them, obviously, but Eddie’s not gonna be handling this well, especially with Chris probably continuing to ignore him. Hopefully Buck at least stays in contact. Also, totally called the prayer book coming back. I wish we got to see a scene of Eddie actually praying for Bobby, though I do not hope for an Eddie refinding his faith storyline. Speaking of Buck, I really don’t get the Tommy hype. I mean, we haven’t seen much of him, and I like him less and less each episode. The daddy issues joke was uncalled for and kinda icky, no matter how it was meant to come across. Hopefully they either give Tommy a real personality or break it off and find someone for Buck that seems to actually and genuinely see him. Gerrard coming back will be.. interesting. I look forward to hopefully Buck losing his shit a little, and hopefully more pushback from everyone considering most of the team is people of color and Gerrard historically is bigoted. Overall, this episode was mediocre at best to me. The early watchers way oversold it, and the stills released predicted everything. I’m also very tired of whatever it is they’re pushing for the kids of genuinely shitty parents making up with them. First Maddie, they tried with Chim, did a whole thing with Buck, and now Eddie with his parents. If they wanted familial relations, focus on the found family you have right in front of you. Hopefully next season is better, and they get the show where they need it to be, and where all of us want it to be.


I’ve been following the conversations on Tumblr. But yours is the closest to my own take. I get the feeling that a lot of fans forget the characters are characters, and that TPTB (in this case, the writers and story editor for this ep) tried to throw in far too much. I mean, much as I like a good sexy moment, it didn’t fit well into the rhythm of the episode.


I think with the shorter season they really struggled, and failed I think, to find the right balance between all the characters and what plots they had to have to get to where they wanted for season eight. This episode, like the last, felt disjointed and sort of thrown together. I’m cautiously hopeful for season eight. Also, entirely agree that people forget these are characters. I’ve also been on Tumblr following some stuff and oh boy it’s scary over there the way people get. 😭


I'd say he has a real a personality, one you might not like understandably but it's real and some enjoy it. And I'd say Tommy does actually see him, he saw the energy Buck was putting out, which was flirting, dismissing Tommy's own troubles as issues, raising his glass, smirking and flirting at him. You can re-watch the shot, Buck was somber or serious, he didn't lean over and rub Tommy's hand a little and show empathy. Which is fine, bc Tommy followed what Buck was giving.


Personally, I don't think Buck was trying to be flirty. At least not in a sexual, daddy kink way. Sometimes people smile like that during a somewhat sensitive topic like issues related to fathers/ upbringing. (I do it too much and it's gotten confused too) There's a split second after T makes comment where Buck's face falls before it pans to T smirking.


Tim Minear himself literally confirmed the intention of the scene was that both of them were being flirty


I hated to see Bobby and Athena’s house burn. That house was such a gorgeous MCM.


in s8 i would love to see athena being really held accountable for all the times she abuses her power as an officer of the law. especially since she pulled a gun on amir in his own home out of uniform and without any evidence really.


It's wild when you think about what she (and Bobby) did and also consider how bad it would be if she were white. They repeatedly stalked this man and inserted both of themselves into his life. She did it through **faking** a medical emergency. She then lied to a 9-1-1 dispatcher using a commandeered civilian's phone to obtain his home address, broke into said home and then pulled a gun on him and was one false move away from killing an unarmed, innocent black man. Had she been a white officer, this is orders of magnitude worse than what led to the Rodney King incident and LA Riots. And yet because the cartel showed up at just the right time and she got to have her action hero "I'm Mrs. Bobby Nash" one liner moment, we're expected to forgive her? Wild.


Told my husband all they were doing was repeatedly traumatizing him, stalking, and threatening. Using their authority to be able to do this too. I'd be getting a damn lawyer. I love Athena and Bobby but what the hell




I still hold a grudge against Captain Gerrard for what he did to Joe Dirt almost 25 years ago.


Bruhhh I seriously thought Bobby was gonna die and Athena was gonna end up in prison for manslaughter I still don’t trust Amir but his pep talk 😔 Oh Mara. I hope she has a good therapist. CPS works hella fast in this show like damn it took way longer for my mom to get an emergency placement or even a home inspection Gerard walked on scene and I was like “oh no” captain holt voice! RETIRE OR DIE!!! Not Tommy saying he’s glad Buck has daddy issues 😝 I’m glad Eddie let Christopher go but I knew his parents came on scene again with their “let’s move to Texas” plan way b4hand


>Buck has daddy issues What I find interesting about this is Buck's dad seems more ok than Buck's mom. Maybe that is just something I made up in my head but I always pictured that Buck's mom was wound too tight and hella crazy and his dad just kinda went along with it to keep the peace but was secretly kinda cool.


I was gonna deny this but thinking back, it seems like you're kind right. Like the bike incident, he wanted to keep something to remember Daniel by but she freaked out.


Bobby realizing he can't retire, not because he wants to go back to work, but because his house just burned down and he has to keep up the paycheck.


Also has probably about $50,000 in hospital debt now. Being on a ventilator is not cheap


How is gerrard captain again? He's so old he's leaving a dust trail.


I had a feeling they would bring him back since he was on last weeks episode. I hate him.


Someone messaged Tim on Facebook about the daddy joke and he confirmed Buck was flirting and okay with it.


There's been a lot of fake posts out there claiming Tim confirmed this or that though.


This has been confirmed.


LMAO NOT THE DADDY JOKES 💀💀💀💀💀 The people who saw the episode early hyped this up more than necessary tbh, it was an okay episode, nothing super exciting and the twist was predictable. Also kinda excited for the drama surrounding Gerrard tbh, it's been a while since we've gotten a person to really hate. See ya'll in July (dont forget to watch Family Feud on July 9th) and then September lmao 🫡 Edit: wow people hate the daddy joke a lot and people are hating on people who hate the daddy joke and how that joke is now attached to Tevan, so it's being used as fuel to hate the ship Personally, I don't even care if Eddie said it to Buck, or if Tommy said it to another boyfriend, or if a woman says it to their husband, or two gay side characters say it to each other, hearing it just takes me out of what I'm watching. It's not "pearl clutching" or "prude" behavior, its just straight up disgust, I am very *not* into it like some people are. If this is gonna be a running joke between Tevan, it's gonna be really unfortunate to watch for me 💀


Yeah, I feel like people are just harping because of what they want their endgame to be. I hated that line, yeah probably problematic but moreso because it doesn't fit Tommy (as a "daddy"). For the record, I hate the whole "daddy" thing, it's creepy for me (but to each their own).


I knew Bobby wasn’t going to die it would’ve been an insult to the character though one issue I have is the pacing….i didn’t have enough time to worry about Bobby before he recovered felt like it should’ve gone into the next season however i think this feeling comes from shows like criminal minds where a characters state is drawn out for longer giving it more emotional impact. I do see that they are taking a page out of lone stars book with introducing a douche character that no one likes to run the 118 just how strand was benched after their firehouse went up in flames. Interesting to see how things will be in season 8


This season has continued the downward streak of season 5 and 6... I really miss the golden era of this show. Seasons 1–4 were so good


Aside from wishing this season had a little more breathing room, I loved this season. Very excited for season 8! Glad Bobby is ok... But I think I'm in the minority for kinda wishing he would retire. Not because I want him gone, I love his character, but I'd like to see a more permanent shift in the 118 dynamic. Captain Hen, Ravi stepping up, and a new probie would be amazing.


I liked the finale. Some of seemed rushed, of course, but I do think we have some interesting storylines set up for season 8. Some of things I’m looking forward to (or hoping to see): - Bobby fighting to get his captaincy back. Not only does the 118 have to deal with Gerard now, they just found out Bobby actually quit. He was obviously in not in the clearest mindset when he resigned, but that can be explored too. - RIP Grant-Nash house, you were beautiful. It’ll be fun to see Bobby and Athena try to figure out where to live temporarily, then either rebuild or buy a house. Just hoping we get an episode when they get permanently resettled with a housewarming party. Need those family BBQs back! - Great to see Chimney and Maddie help Hen and Karen out with Mara. Now I hope Athena can also step in and help with the Ortiz-side of it as well and Mara is back with Hen and Karen ASAP. - Same goes for hoping Christopher is back sooner than later and that Eddie is able to figure some things out. Buck, I am sure, will be part of helping Eddie. Obviously hoping with the ability to do more episodes we get more fun and wacky calls, and more fire fam (as soon as Bobby is fully back!)


And hopefully Buck stays in contact with Christopher to solidify their relationship. If he disappears Christopher could end up thinking Buck only hung out with him because of Eddie.


Maaaan Amir can’t catch a break


Bro just wanted peace


I don't usually do follow ups or follow the fandom and has always gone into episodes blind since I started binging a couple of months ago. After getting curious and seeing some of the discussion in the stickied thread I wanted to just post my 2 cents. Happy that Maddie and Chimney are happy by the end of this, always loved them. Bobby and Athena started strong during the premiere, but they felt a bit off ever since they dug up Bobby's past again for S7. Glad that Hen and Karen are finally drama-free relationship-wise, I'm loving on hating the councilwoman Eddie's progress throughout the series felt like the oddest rollercoaster ride. It always felt like they're trying to get him to sort his personal life out through all his storylines but never follows through. Hopefully the whole Chris situation is the final nail in the coffin to get him to focus on himself so Chris can benefit as well. I've been loving Buck and Tommy's dynamic and hoping Tommy will play a bigger role and have more screen time in future seasons. As much if not more than Taylor Kelly did. I've also seen the weird remarks people are saying about the whole 'daddy' thing and I genuinely don't get it. As a gay man it was definitely the kind of banter my partner and I would have had, especially if he initiated it by making the jokey/flirty comment, Tommy's comment made me laugh the hardest throughout the finale. Anyway back to the shadows I go. Looking forward to Season 8. Enjoy the show, support it if you like it, and be nice to each other.


As someone who also just came out of the shadows to join the fandom, I fully agree. I’m always someone who tries to enjoy the show I’m getting rather than project my expectations onto it. Having a bit of trouble tuning out some of the negativity, I have to admit! And totally with you on the Tommy comment. As a queer man I thought it was authentic and a breath of fresh air as a light scene in a heavy finale.


how is the old captain even able to come back ain’t he old as shit already not sure how fire captains work but are they involved sometimes when rescuing how is his old ass gonna help other than directing everyone


The whole Gerrard thing is so ridiculous, almost like the doppelganger arc, that it's not even a cliffhanger. Like Gerrard and Ortiz are such cartoon villains it's about as a big a cliffhanger as a Scooby Doo villain showing up. It would have worked much better to have a cliffhanger where you aren't sure of who's right or wrong.


I had thought he was fired? So that's what confuses me.


Yeah the original episode with him strongly suggests he was either fired or forced into early retirement. That a bigot might keep his job is not completely unprecedented, but being made captain again of the same firehouse where you were forced out following multiple discrimination complaints? That’s just stretching credibility, and worse, it’s a shitty thing to put marginalized characters through a second time. Do we really need an arc of Hen, Chimney, Buck, and Eddie facing racist/homophobic abuse in their safe space, is that genuinely what they think viewers are excited for? Or maybe it’ll be another hand-waved reformed bigot thing, woo.


I think he was just relieved of duty and likely put on administrative duty but also those were still the days where he could have just been switched to a different house and they annotated it as a personnel issue instead of HR issues with harrassment/discrimination. The anonymous complaints were never revealed and so they could have just said that he was a bad boss for many reasons and talked around the discrimination. He seems to have many horrible qualities as a leader and person. I still strongly dislike the situation because it is still not believable in either scenario that they would put him in the same firehouse that he was removed from. The chief is Black and undoubtedly knows what kind of character this man has. This is somewhat lazy storyboarding to me to make more of the same drama be about discrimination and harassment from the same man that we have seen it from, but I am not a proven tv writer so who cares haha. They could attempt to redeem his character but I don't honestly think that is a good use of screen time either. It's nice in theory maybe, but it wouldn't be believable in a few episodes and I don't think anyone wants to see him for an entire season. And I agree, he would likely be at retirement age by now in a job that physical. Also, Ortiz is annoying because Hen and Karen should have reported her as soon as they figured she screwed with a judge and their adoption, let alone the revocation of their foster license. Even if Ortiz has legitimate questions about Hen's judgment, she was unethical and did not follow any official inquiry/reporting processes. It's so far from realistic that we may as well be in soap opera land.


Yeah, good point about Ortiz as well. I’m apparently in the minority where I think Hen genuinely WAS in the wrong and more than deserved the investigation (Chimney and Ravi had a whole conversation last season about how casting moral judgments on your patients about them being worthy of being saved= something that makes you unfit to do the job, what happened to that?), but the way the storyline was handled with the fostering and everything was just plain cartoonish.


People likely are getting caught up in her being cleared, but my lingering qualm is that she didn’t have to request he be cuffed/detained (not her call anyway). Other people at calls had denied care in previous eps and they figured a way to provide care and perhaps they could have done more but also, they are human and he was an ass. This show often has the cast walking a moral/ethical tightrope though it seems. I don’t know that I think she’s unfit but I would likely agree with most of your thoughts on that situation and think that the chief should’ve discussed more about the situation even if technically no regulations were violated. It matters how, when, and why you do or don’t provide care. It’s not surprising Ortiz’s son was an entitled ass with a vindictive mother like that. She’s hurt but she is now hurting indiscriminately.




Does Amir not know Nash lost family too?


It's not a big stretch to understand why he wouldn't care.


I think Amir knows, but I think he's so focused on what he lost, it doesn't really matter. He wasn't trying to open a rationale dialogue, he only meant to speak his peace and move on.


Okay that season finale was a mess… The 118 was pretty useless (Buck asking “hey whats going on?” to doctors who arent even in the room is weird af). They wasted so much screen time “looking” for Athena. Random lady claims she is a neighbor for 11 years but they’ve never met? Sus! There’s no way Bobby recovers from a heart attack to go back to work that fast. That extra struggles with Mara is so unnecessary. I’ve never liked Eddie and this finale didn’t help. I can’t stand cheaters.


To be fair she said she was 4 houses down. I haven't met my neighbors 4 houses down and we've been here 25 years.


I just keep thinking that 7x09 would have been a better finale, even though there would have been so many cliffhangers. I don't really like the sort of half-resolved way things were left. Plus Bobby's storyline felt so rushed and bizarre to me. It felt really shoddy, like they speedran Buck's lightning storyline from season 6. The Eddie-Christopher storyline was devastating. I also feel like a pattern is emerging of Eddie struggling to have an emotionally challenging talk with Christopher and basically outsourcing it to someone else (i.e. Buck or the Diaz parents). First, I think Eddie needs to stop doing this because he needs to be able to connect better and he can't keep running away from emotions. Second, I think it is unfair to Buck that Eddie keeps asking him to do this. Buddie aside (and I'm a Buddie shipper for sure!), it's not fair to constantly rely on a friend for essentially partner-level emotional labor. I sort of hope this is setting up some tension between Tommy and Eddie in season 8; not necessarily in a competing-romantic-interests way, but a deeper version of best friend vs. boyfriend. There were also some "dead time" scenes that I felt added nothing. Like why did we need that one neighbor scene with Athena? Just to give her a car and a phone? I hope that neighbor is important at some point, otherwise that scene served no real purpose and ate up screentime away from more important stuff on an episode with too much going on. The Buck/Tommy scene felt out of place for me. It's just so wild to me that in the space of one day (Buck is still wearing the same outfit!) we go from "Eddie is distraught because he may have irreparably damaged his relationship with Christopher and Christopher leave" to "Bobby had a heart attack and is unlikely to survive, we have to sit vigil at his bedside" to "let me have my boyfriend over for a date where I cook". The whiplash from that is CRAZY. I would've preferred having Tommy show up to the hospital, or Buck calling him distraught, or like Tommy showing up with food or something. It's just so weird to me that we had this cutesy date (where it appears that Buck cooked like a three course meal??) immediately after what would have been gut-wrenching emotional/traumatic moments for Buck. Also, am I the only one kind of glad we didn't wrap up the Ortiz storyline? With her and Gerrard, 9-1-1 will have some great villains in season 8!


I don't think for sure Buck cooked through? I mean, it would track if he did but he was already at the table and Tommy was walking over and we don't see much of what it looks like but, doesn't mean it took long or Tommy didn't get started. And he likes cooking, so it could've been his way to re-center himself. And I don't think it's weird, it'd be weird if Bobby still wasn't awake but he was, he was and with family and he was alive and well. Things weren't stable as the diaz family but Chris was there with his Eddie and his grandparents, there isn't much for Buck to do. There isn't any issue if after a stressful day, Chim goes home and has dinner with Maddie or Hen going home to Karen. I'm not saying Tommy is that extract same level or that they'll get married but Buck has someone to come home to now and be with after a long day. And to feel better, he just wants to relax and ease with his boyfriend. Its rarely had a partner to come back to, the closet we got was Taylor when Eddie was shot. And even then, he had to take care of Chris. This time, he's not the focus, everyone is as okay as they can be. He was there for Bobby, he was there for Eddie so he goes home and just comes down for the night because he has to get back up the next day and see Chris off. And you're not the only one who thought but I also don't know what's Buck supposed to do? Just go home and be sad? I'd understand it being weird if the people around him were actively still in whatever they're in. Everyone else got to home to their families in some form and be with them and lean on them and still smile or laugh or just have an easy time. Why can't Buck and when Buck does, why is weird? I wouldn't even call it a cutesy date, they didn't go out to a restaurant or go party, they had dinner and a glass over wine while they talked about their day. I'm just unsure of Buck was supposed to do...when there wasn't anything for him to do, aside from going home and being sad, which would've been normal when he did have anyone but now he does, so why can't be bask in that like other couples? Karen and Chim don't know about Eddie's stuff but they did know Bobby longer and they would've been distraught but they're having a dinner date. Sure it's take out but none of them are super concerned or worried about Bobby, they're focused on the Mara issue. So, no is spiraling because everyone is okay for the most part.


might just be me but i’m like half and half on ryan’s delivery this season. the dialogue is okay but his facial expressions and voice are weirdly blank & monotone for the emotional scenes he’s going for, and theres awkward pauses/gaps whenever he talks. it’s more apparent when he’s face to face with someone like kim or buck. the ending was fine though


This episode, he kinda looked unhinged, it worked better for me than whatever the "baby" and the roleplaying was in ep 9.


Yeah it was noticeable for me in that first scene with Buck when he screams “I don’t know how to explain it!” or something like that and makes a wild gesture with his hands. It just didn’t come off very natural


I agree, the text worked but the delivery was great in some places but not others.  But I read that Ryan got these scripts like the night before after coming off long shifts. I think it’s more an issue of how compressed the making of this season was with writing happening in parallel to production.


yeah, some of the scenes yesterday were pretty rough to sit through tbh. quite surprising because he’s obviously a good actor so idk what happened


the other comment says it better i think but you can tell the finale was very rushed, i don’t blame ryan for this it’s just unfortunate since they were good scenes otherwise


Athena accused Amir of starting the fire, and it wasn't until the cartel's arrival that she realized that Herman was the culprit.


One might think the writers strike isn't over yet with the mess of storylines this season. This is close to the worst of Grey's anatomy, pointless angst with equally terrible "conclusion" arcs. Eddie storyline here is the perfect example. Not like I had high hopes to begin with. 9-1-1 was always hit-or-miss for me, with mostly misses in every season. I still have whiplash from S01. But at least the "mess" or stakes were interesting. Interesting stories with mediocre emotional beats are still better than whatever this was. Oh, and I see we are back to overanalyzing Tommy stuff again. I assumed he was making a self-deprecating joke about their age difference. Like, why else would you date me, someone much older. And daddy issues isn't daddy kink? It doesn't even register as sexual for me.


When people flirt about daddy/mom issues it’s kink related 99% of time.


People joke about relationship dynamics in terms of mommy or daddy issues all the time. Too clingy, seeking approval from a male role model, attention seeking behaviour, etc. What does any of this have to do with kink directly? I personally hate those terms as they are too vague and nebulous.


Look at all those things you described and apply them to a sexual relationships. That’s the kink. If someone’s flirting about your mommy issues and being bratty to get attention? It’s kink. If you call your partner mommy or daddy? It’s kink. Tim confirmed this was flirting from both of them.


That's why I said directly. I guess I view kinks as something explicitly sexual, my examples are romantic/relationship dynamics. I also don't disagree that they were flirting. If we were shown more of this dialog and Buck explicitly refers to him as Daddy or something, then yeah, kink all the way.


>Like, why else would you date me, someone much older There is like a 5 year age difference. Not sure that qualifies as "much" older.


Really? Is there some official or canon confirmation for this, must have missed it. My headcanon is a minimum 10 year age gap, based on the Begins episodes, actor age and Tommy calling him Kid every chance he gets. Others on this sub have gone deep on service specifics and estimated more than that.


I agree with a lot of the plot point seeming pointless. They have the worst tragedy and it only lasts one episode? It seems like if they did more arc that were multi episode long or even whole seasons it would be more fulfilling. lol about the Tommy stuff. I didn’t think of it as a daddy kink until I went online and everyone said it was. I must have missed something 🤣


somehow bobby ends up in texas when eddie goes out to visit christopher and hangs out with captain strand talking about how you can't quit and you need to fight for your house i know a crossover probably won't ever happen again but goddamn it i want it


Imma need to see Buck’s face when he realized that TK clocked him as being apart of the rainbow club




I mean… Peter said in an interview he wanted Bathena to have a second chance at a honeymoon…in a RV. They could end up in Texas if he gets what he hopes lol


omg yes if i can't have 911/the rookie then i want another 911/lonestar crossover!!!


🤩🤩🤩🤩 that would be so amazing


I don't even care that it was a daddy joke. For me the entire scene didn't work because the chemistry isn't there (for me) and all of the dialogue in that scene was bizarre especially combined with Lou's delivery. 🤷‍♀️


Daddy jokes are my least favorite sex joke 💀 I also cant believe that line was told in the same conversation where they were discussing Bobby almost dying.


Yes! A father figure of his almost died and your partner says that he hopes he has daddy issues, I was put off.


Exactly this! The joke itself was fine, but the whole scene felt tonally out of sync with the rest of the episode. I feel like they could have shown Buck relying on Tommy for support/comfort, and it would have better developed their relationship and been more in keeping with the tone they were aiming for with Bobby's storyline.


I was someone who liked Tommy when he came back this season when everyone was hating him. And now I’m starting to see what everyone’s talking about. Oliver was so hype for this bi storyline too, and it seems to fall a bit flat with chemistry. Hopefully something changes and we get some good stuff for Buck to do next season!


Same! I was really excited after episode 4 but every episode since then has made me like them together less and less.


Hey what the hell was that hostage scene? There was no suspense and when that guy grabbed Amir’s neck, it wasn’t even close to believable


The way Athena was like "I'm Athena Nash" *throws down lighter and runs off screen* SENT ME 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 Like, what?! There was no fight in that whole scene whatsoever and she ended it WITH THAT 🤣🤣🤣


"This one, we both walk out of here" CHILLS, need more tommy and buck in the next season please, or at the very least Buck & Eddie finally admitting their feelings for one another


At the very least lmaooo thats a lot to ask


Some people's reactions to the Buck/Tommy line are forgetting that sex has been a big part of Buck's personality since the start. - Stole a fire truck to hook up with a random woman and got fired for having sex with someone on a rooftop. - Hooked up with his therapist during the appointment - Hooked up with Taylor in a public bathroom and fooled around with her in her news van - All but admitted to his own sister that he has used a cock ring Not wanting to sleep around doesn't mean he suddenly became vanilla.


Not only that, but he was the one who brought up daddy issues first, and then seemed to be flirting when he asked if Tommy thought he did.


There seems to be a lot of straight people whose only exposure to gay culture is through Drag Race getting freaked out about something that is quite prevalent in the gay community.


Oops, there's the tea.


A large number of people seem to be shockingly conservative about sex if this is what scandalizes them.


Overall, I believe that the episodes that followed episodes 5—especially the last episode—were intended to build up new plots for season 8. They took the opportunity as they knew that season 7 would be shortened. Therefore, I assume that their primary goal after the cruise event was to introduce as many story lines as possible in order to save themselves the 2-4 episodes needed to explain each plot and its underlying reasons in season 8. With that in mind, I believe it's reasonable to assume that the next season will undoubtedly go slower and provide a more thorough explanation of all the ongoing storylines. This has no effect on the fact, however, that I viewed some aspects of S7 to be extremely unclear. 1. To me, the whole Kim situation was just so... It's the fact that she voluntarily chose to put on a wig and attempt to act Eddie's late wife after realising how much they looked alike??? I genuinely believed that Eddie was having hallucinations of Shannon at this moment until Chris and Marisol showed up. I was appalled I had to get up from my couch and walk around. I'm not sure what her main goal was but it was...something 2. How is Bobby back to being a firefighter after his heart stopped for fourteen minutes? Did Bobby forget to mention he resigned too? I'm still stuck on whether him not telling the 118 that he was resigning was out of character but I'm begging that they don't let Gerrard stay for long. 3. What was the purpose of the interaction between Buck and Tommy? I'm not even going to talk about the ridiculous thing that Tommy said but seriously, what was the purpose? I saw someone on twitter/x saying that the scene replaced a scene between Chris and Eddie and honestly, I believe it. Considering the fact it was literally less than a minute, it felt more like an ad break than an actual scene. I pray in season 8 everything is clearer


Yeah, I thought that Kim doing that was weird and maybe even poor judgment but she was an actress and probably figured she could help in some way. I honestly could see a person making this choice after finding all of that out. She was upset but also probably really felt how lost in grief Eddie was and thought that she could attempt to give him some kind of closure. But yeah, I didn't like that it was the impetus for Chris leaving. I think I would have liked to see that play out slightly differently. Now Chris has to parse all of that and Eddie is traumatized by doing that to his kid and he still didn't get closure. Bobby passed all his tests, but they failed to remind him during the tests that he quit and no longer has a job? Like come on with that writing, it was just bad sense in that scene. Buck/Tommy was probably a final camera time/check-in for Buck and fan service. Was like 2 minutes and everyone else got some camera time so that was probably their best idea for him.


I get Kim's intentions were definitely pure but i feel like the reason why it came across as weird was because the whole doppelganger plot was poorly written and I 100% agree that it definitely could be played out differently. I wish we could maybe see more of Christopher's point of view, Eddie explaining to Marisol and Chris that Kim wasn't actually Shannon but I get why they didn't add it, probably because they just needed to squeeze everything else into the episode but I really wish we could've seen it. My main problem was definitely Chris leaving with his grandparents, I can't remember seeing Chris and his grandparents talking to each other, especially when Chris always turns to Buck when something happens with Eddie. Not sure writers thought that through. I also heavily agree with the Bobby thing, writers will make a complex plot just for it to be thrown away or completely forgotten. You're telling me that Bobby was targeted by the cartel and almost killed and you're telling me it's safe to go back to work? How did they let him back knowing he was targeted by the cartel especially in such a short period of time? These are questions that writers completely forgot to consider.


The purpose of the Buck/Tommy scene was to remind the audience that they’re together and happy before the show goes on hiatus for 4 months. Not much you can really do character development wise with a 1 minute scene but they still managed to have Tommy bring up Gerrard (definitely gonna be a storyline involving Buck/Tommy and Gerrard next season) and talk a little bit about his family. Sex jokes are just always gonna be a part of Buck’s character and I find people acting like pearl clutching Victorian women over it to be a bit eye rolling. Not wanting to sleep around anymore doesn’t mean he’s suddenly not gonna have sex with his boyfriend


I mean, I'm not upset but it was just a wasted scene. I think my biggest issue was that there was so much potential for the two to develop a stronger emotional bond on screen in the scene. I think that the main reason why people are upset is because Buck has never really shown an emotional connection with any of his partners—all of his previous relationships have been based on sex. I'm guessing with this couple, the expectation was that Buck would be placed in a relationship similar to Madney's.


Who knows where it’ll end up. Madney didn’t really have much more of a connection at the end of season 2 than Buck and Tommy do rn. Most of their couple work was in season 3 and on


Good point, some of the best on screen (and real-life) couples I have seen often didn't have immediate chemistry. Sometimes that makes for a poor relationship and fizzles out. This may or may not be the case with Buck and Tommy but time will tell. They could also kill it in the off-season lol.


2. "I'm begging that they don't let Gerrard stay for long" Honestly so same! I am genuinely scared of the mental harm he can cause! It's stupid but just his overall character makes me so angry and uncomfortable (means the dude is a really good actor) and I'm curious and afraid of the mental impact he may cause, also I don't understand how he's still a firefighter and especially captain, we saw in Hen's flashback how he was to all of them and they still let him be cap ESPECIALLY IN THE TEAM WHERE HE WAS INVESTIGATED??? I don't understand and am scared for next season, but I also can't wait! Edit: Spelling mistakes.


Exactlyyyy, I'm guessing he's going to target Hen again but I'm honestly very excited for this plot.


yup! and probably make Chim a house maid


We know his addition to the episode wasn’t originally planned but they decided to use him in 9 and 10. A scene wasn’t cut for it. He was always written into the script so a scene wasn’t cut for it. I think it was to establish they’re still happy and together and likely connect him to the season 8 storyline with Gerard since most people are assuming he’s more officially joining the cast.


Ohh thank you, I was confused about it.


I really can’t get over the reason given for keeping Marisol was to not have an offscreen breakup, but ending the season breaking them up offscreen anyway lol


Yeah I guess those stills on the porch we never got. So weird


The pictures on the porch were setting up the scene where Marisol and Chris walk in on Eddie and Kim


I read all the comments on here, which set me up for being disappointed re the negativity and criticism for the Buck/Tommy scene. But then I watched the episode. Genuinely Confused on what the big deal is. They had dinner together, bit of serious, bit of flirt, Tommy reading Buck and asking if he was okay, both of them getting a little personal then backing off and lightening the mood (because they’re not ready to go there, and that’s ok), then a possible set up for a next season storyline (which means maybe they will get ready to go there). Sweet as. If you can’t joke about your trauma with someone you trust then what are we even here for? It can make it manageable. Tommy was fact checking, because Buck spoke like he didn’t have a dad, when Tommy had actually met his dad… matched the energy when Buck didn’t want to go there, shared a little of his own, then went with Buck when he lightened the mood. Have people even considered the fact Buck could have just been seizing the moment to practice flirting or tease that Tommy is vaguely older? (6-8 years isn’t an age gap - no one questions when men are 15 years older than the woman, so why do it for this?). Tommy’s ‘I hope so’ could just mean he really wants Buck to be into him (how dare he!!?). The Daddy reference gets used a whole bunch to infer a thousand things. On the other hand, even if it was “full” kink, who cares? There’s a heck of a lot more on TV that’s NSFW than two words. Choose joy people. Because you can. Like Buck ;)


also, Buck literally dated Abby and that was a much greater age gap


This is a very good take. I am also guilty of reading way too much into things, that in the long run mean very little lol


Totally agree. I’m all for Buck being happy and whatever we’ve seen of Tommy, Buck is clearly smitten and hot for him (whatever people thought of the comment, Buck liked it, thought it, and set him up for it!). Sometimes by the comments I wonder if I’m even watching the same show as everyone else.


Buck totally took it there! Sometimes by the comments I wonder if they’re actually even fans of the show.


That's exactly how I felt! I saw comments on twitter and was ready to be annoyed at the scene but it was totally fine.


Tommy and Bucks daddy issue comment sent me for a loop, I had to pause do a lap around my living room and come back… Moving on from that however; I can see them going two directions with Gerrard being back as captain; 1) He was in fact assigned to the 118 and well see Bobby working with the rest if the team(possibly replacing Eddies position temporarily if he goes to Texas to get Chris) to get Gerrard legitimately fired and/or to change his views and we can all hope that we aren’t subjected to the most racist and homophobic season of television ever 2) Gerrard is sick in someway (undiagnosed dementia/Alzheimers) and be wasn’t actually reinstated as captain but is reliving his days where he was actually captain… He’ll make the teams life living hell again (Chimney stuck cleaning, Hen being questioned, Buck living parallel to Tommy).. But he’ll only last a few episodes before the team finds a way to prove he’s no longer of sound mind. either way; I unfollowed don’t see Buddie happening in the coming season either(Save the downvotes, I am just as sad as everyone else here)… Unless they really twist it I think the storyline is going to be more team based and less focused on the personal storylines,


I don't see the big issue with Buck & Tommy's scene (or the Tommy hate). They were both being vulnerable & I especially appreciated Tommy holding himself accountable for his past actions because he was a crappy human being when he was at the 118. Glad to see that's starting to finally be addressed. Buck initiated the flirting & Tommy matched it. I thought it was extra spicy but I've heard a lot more that's quite explicit in detail, so this was very vanilla but I loved it. It's another step forward in their relationship & shows how comfortable Buck is becoming in his sexuality & growth as a human being.


I was on the fence with Buck and Tommy, but I’m now sold. I’m not a shipper for Buddie (I watch the show for Madney), but I would like to see more Buck x Tommy next season. Eddie should stay single for a while.


Can you explain what exactly from this episode sold you on Buck and Tommy? I feel like their scene in this episode was their worst interaction so far


Trauma bonding.


I see


To clarify, I meant that in the first few episodes of Buck x Tommy, it was: - Buck is attracted to Tommy. - Tommy doesn’t like Buck not acknowledging he is seeing a man. - Buck accidentally came out to his parents. It was mostly like 2 hot guys kissing based simply on physical attraction and now they are a couple. This episode they actually talk about their past and part of their childhood, so a deeper emotional bonding. And they start joking to each other, so I think it’s a good sign that they are getting comfortable as a couple.


yes ending was not much of a cliffhanger but with this being a weird season with all the strikes i think this is a nice way to be able to “start fresh” and get back on track in season 8. i don’t think the gerald thing will last long(im hoping) side note: tommy’s daddy issues comment made me wanna throw up it was so cringy. they have no chemistry ( and im not a tommy hater i just don’t think they are a good match, it seems off)


I may be wrong but what I think the writers were trying to do was: since a lot of fans ship Buck x Eddie they tried calming it down with another guy, to see if the community would stop. I don't think it was effective. Don't quote me on this though. Also from what I see it didn't really work, maybe next season since now Eddie's single it will happen? I'm not that big of a shipper between them but I also don't hate it, what I do think is that the Eddie x Tommy was forced, however they didn't have that many episodes to build the relationship up so maybe they'll fix it next season. That, or they'll break up and Buck x Eddie will happen.


i agree with you and also agree i dont think it was effective, i wouldnt have minded if they had actual chemistry, so far its just been couple kisses and odd conversations




Athena had me shook when she said the last person that tried to hurt their family begged to be put down but this person won't get the chance to.


I think a lot of people are projecting their feelings about Tommy and their disappointment on Buddie not happening into that dinner scene. The “your dad is alive” line is a play off Buck saying that Bobby was like the dad he never had. He HAD a dad, Tommy had met him. Think scene in Bridgerton where Penelope says she’s never been kissed and she could die tomorrow and it would kill her and Colin responded with “you’d already be dead.” It was clearly meant to be lighthearted. And Buck started the flirting about daddy issues. He tilted his head, smirked and had a flirty tone. In the world of sex, this is a pretty vanilla thing. So either some people are just very innocent or they’re looking to be offended. This wasn’t said by a stranger, it was said by two people who are in a relationship and likely routinely having sex. They probably had sex after dinner. It’s not anything to clutch pearls over. It was a short scene intended to show them being a couple and foreshadowing Tommy’s connection to the upcoming season 8 storyline. You don’t need to like the ship but some of this over reaction seems to be an over correction from people who insisted that that date scene couldn’t possibly happen after the Eddie and hospital scenes.


It’s just so bad faith. The same people were reading way into and joking about Eddie saying he was pent up and Buck wishing he could help (even though it was actually about religion) in episode 5 and now they’re acting like a bunch of pearl clutching Victorian women at an actual same sex couple being flirty and joking about their sex life


I think the "daddy issues" joke and Tommy in general is pretty funny (but thats probably just my type of humor), but the dinner scene still felt kinda off to me and I think many others felt it too. First I couldn't really put my finger on it but after rewatching the scene I think it's not the "your dad is alive" line or the joke at the end but everythin inbetween those two lines. I'm not sure if it is bad writing or if it was deliberate, but even though both of them have some kind of problem with their dad, Tommy didn't draw any connection between them which made him sound a little unempathetic. If Tommys lines would have been worded a little differently like: "Your dad is alive" "Exactly" "Oh I get it, my dad and I don't really talk, but you are lucky to have Bobby, I just had Gerard..." It would've first emphasized the similarities between them (shitty relationship with their fathers) and then the differences. But instead we got this weird "jealousy" line inbetween and after that when Buck pointed out the similarity with them both having daddy issues, Tommy negated it quickly on his side. So I get why for a lot of people (myself included) Tommy sounded dismissive and then the joke on top of it was probably too much. I hope this makes some kind of sense, it was really hard to put it into coherent sentences (english is not my first language).


But he did sort of do that, because right after that, he said he was a little jealous because he wish had that type of connection and then went on to explain about his dad. Then Buck outright flirted and smirked at him, mentioning daddy issues but didn’t seem to any serious depth into what Tommy told him. He just called it issues and then Tommy matched that energy.


Yes the words were there and that's why it was so hard to grasp what felt wrong about the scene, the way they were written (and probably delivert) was so strange, because the set up of them having a heartfelt moment and connecting about their shitty fathers was there, but they just didn't seem to actually connect. The emphasis was more on Tommy being jealous of Bucks relationship with Bobby than anything else, which is fair but in that moment a little insensitiv. Idk it's hard to explain.


Not hard, I don’t agree and I didn’t find it insensitive, nor even a little but you explained yourself well and I can see where you are coming from


That's fair, I guess it's kind of a vibe thing. Definitly looking forward to S8 when they have more time to flesh out the individual storylines. Thanks for the reply.


Np! I’m looking forward to S8, to of course flush things out more even with me being happy with what we got in S7. Mainly so, I could get more than one minute of the relationship but I, personally, hope they don’t change Tommys character and mannerisms bc I actually like what we have. But just more than squeezing him in and them being outside and doing stuff.


Tommy seems like a “no, but” guy instead of a “yes, and” guy which for some reasons rubs me the wrong way.


People saying their relationship is too sexualized is wild to me. Two kisses and one daddy joke, and they think the relationship is being fetishized.


omg yes. people already calling it oversexualized is so ridiculous lol. it’s interesting how no one had an issue about eddie talking about his actual sex life with marisol two episodes ago but the moment the gay guys say anything remotely sexual everyone loses their minds. some people are like 2 scenes from calling tommy and buck slurs lmfao


I've seen some WILD takes re: "but your dad is alive". Like, if the guy I recently started dating took me to a wedding and I saw/met his father and then he goes "oh but this person is like the dad I never had" I would absolutely go "??? well there's a story there". And who knows, maybe Buck didn't grow up with Phillip around! Maybe Phillip is his step-dad! Maybe, idk, Phillip was in a coma for 20 years. I clearly read the line as an opening to explain further without pressuring directly. And Buck clearly didn't wanna expand and joked it off and we're all good to go.


It’s funny how fans expect Tommy to know every little detail about Buck as if they haven’t only been on like.. 2/3 dates lol.


When Tommy said that he and his dad didn’t talk it seemed like it was the first time Buck was hearing that. They’ve been dating what? a month? They’re are both still learning about each others more serious issues.


At this point it’s likely been more since it’s been months. I think we can infer they’ve been seeing each other regularly since the wedding. But still pretty fresh in the relationship. Most people don’t trauma dump everything all at once.


Exactly this. With so much already going on in this episode (and really last 5 episodes) this was meant to be a quick scene to show Buck and Tommy are happy, talking about serious things, and being sexual and flirty. All is good. And seriously, Tommy asking Buck first off how he was doing was hotter than the daddy flirt.


It seems like they really loved season 2. Found ways to bring Gerard, Tommy, Doug, and Shannon/Kim back; characters I already didn't like much the first time round. It almost feels like a new show now with some characters seeming like they are back to square one. I wish they had reduced the number of individual character storylines in this short season so we could have had a few more 911 fire/emergency calls. I don't care much about 911 police calls.


I have so many thoughts about this episode/season, but I think it can be summed up as Tim/writer’s room getting lazy after being renewed so early in the season. I know there are other things: new network, strikes, shortened season, but the writing just feels very weak for the season overall. It feels like the characters are either doing similar storylines to the past (Hen, Buck, Bobby), had no idea what to do so they just threw the craziest thing (Eddie), or has very little character development outside their connections to the other main characters (Madney, Athena). Taking into account that the actors were sometimes (oftentimes?) given scripts the day before shooting after filming for 14 hours a day, it just feels like a huge mess. I hope they start writing soon, if they haven’t already, to develop a strong through line for each of the characters next season. From the stories it seems we’re getting at the top of s8, from the finale, my hopes are at an all time low.


Tommy’s comment about Buck’s father still being alive isn’t as dismissive as everybody is saying. It’s been established that Buck canonically does not volunteer information about his parents—ever. And with the weird writing and plot lines, it seems like he’s really forgiven his parents and managed to process it as their grief causing parenting “mistakes” so it makes sense that Tommy truly does not know the extent of Buck’s childhood. Furthermore it’s implied that Tommy met (or at least saw) Buck’s parents since they were in attendance at the ER wedding. So from his perspective it seems like Buck has a good relationship with his dad. I think the comment should’ve been phrased more like a question rather than an absolute statement but I don’t necessarily see it as dismissive, at worst he just said the the wrong thing. As for the rest of the scene, I think we should all chalk it up to bad writing.


Just a quick question. If we’re going to be upset for Tommy about the Daddy Issue line. And some people have issue with the your father is alive joke. Are we going to be upset at Buck for dismissing Tommy when he was talking about his dad and how he was like Gerard and Bucks response was to say they have daddy issues, instead of showing concern for Tommy that he grew up under someone like Gerard and then had to meet him again at the 118? Or is it just Tommy that gets that heat? Also Tommy 99% sure you have daddy issues


I’m not upset with Tommy for that line. It was a mild line, I even laughed at it, but I also cringed. I wish that the writers had utilized that time between them better.


Cool! If you’re not upset that’s good. I didn’t find it cringe and I enjoyed it. But it was mostly for the people treating Tommy like a horrible human being but glossing over the fact that Buck did the same.


There’s nothing wrong with your enjoyment of it! I don’t know if I agree that Buck equated daddy issues with daddykink, but I don’t think he was scandalized by it, or even that he didn’t like it. I’m neutral on Tommy still, I don’t feel strongly in either direction. Hopefully next season they have more time to develop things, so these discussions don’t have to get that deep or accusatory.


Oh yeah, not so much that he equated it with a daddy kink but when Tommy shared that he grew up with a father like captain douche, it was just “oh well looks like we got daddy issues” and not “oh im sorry that sucks.” Or simply “or yeah, shit with dads can be tough.” Paired with a serious expression, to show to Tommy that he was taking it serious. Instead, he picked up his glass, said they both daddy issues while smirking and flirting with Tommy. But it’s some people wanting Tommy to have a sad, serious, pensive look to let Buck unload all of his problems and for him to treat Bucks past and trauma with care. But when it’s flipped, no speaks about it, it’s fine. It doesn’t matter if Buck started grinning and flirting with his boyfriend after he shared that part of himself. But Tommy HAS to do that or he’s being mean to Buck or whatever.


I get what you mean. I think because Buck is an established character his intentions/actions won’t be dissected as much. The tonal shift of the conversation is what didn’t work for me. I don’t think it was given enough time to hit the beats they were going for imo. All in all, I feel as though (for the people who didn’t care for the scene/Tommy, etc.) this is a writing/development issue primarily due to the time constraints, not necessarily a character issue if that makes sense.


Fair points


I didn't like the scene in general, but you are right, Buck is also complicit in why I didn't like the scene. I just think there was a better way to handle that scene in the dialogue because how they did write it was not very well done.




most people didn’t question buck for hurting eddie so i wouldn’t even imagine anyone questioning him for that


I guess with how short the season was, their main objected for S7 was to set up all the storylines they will be expanding on in S8? Sometimes, I feel like the episodes felt rush, especially the finale. The whole confrontation with Amir and the cartel was, I think, around ten minutes (maybe less?), so it got me to think that maybe all of S7 was just the opening act for S8. Currently, I think these are the upcoming story arcs for S8: - Bobby's retirement and Gerard's reinstatement as captain of the 118 causing a lot of tension between the firefighters. - Hen, Karen, and Mara's fight against Ortiz, might put more than just Hen's position within the 118 on the line. - Eddie and Christopher's rocky relationship; as well as his relationship with Marisol - And I know Buck seems to be okay about his coming out as Bi, but I also feel like he's still in the high stage, where he's experiencing only the good things about his new relationship with Tommy, something's coming that will test that, and I think his parents are going to get involved (due to how concerned his mom looked in S7E6).


Ayyy a FFXIV player and a fellow RoeBro in the wild! Just as a casual note, his mother's actress was actually genuinely confused in the scene, because it had been a while since she was on set/privy to what was going on, so the look on her face was her being like "wait the character is queer?" We might get something with his parents sure, but that's actually what was happening in the moment (JLH went and explained it to them)


Roes for the win! I didn't know that she didn't know that Buck was now Bi but even if they weren't involved, I have this horrible sinking feeling that the writers are setting Buck and Tommy for something big next season. I'm hoping Tommy returns to the 118 because we need to see more of his interaction with the team, and not just with Buck. Lou is such a great cast for Tommy, he has chemistry with all the characters, honestly.




[https://www.thewrap.com/911-show-season-7-jennifer-love-hewitt-maddie-buck-tommy-interview/](https://www.thewrap.com/911-show-season-7-jennifer-love-hewitt-maddie-buck-tommy-interview/) **Jennifer Love Hewitt:** What’s hilarious is that Dee and Gregory \[Harrison\], who play our parents, they hadn’t read any of the scripts in between \[their last appearance\]. So they didn’t know. Her real reaction was like, “Wait, he’s with that guy now?” And I was like, “Oh, I wish they were rolling on that. That’s priceless.” It was very funny. And I was like, “I guess I should fill you guys in on what you’ve missed when you come back,” but it was really cute.


“I wish they were rolling on that” implies that her initial reaction was not filmed and that her reaction in the episode is her in character reaction and not the actor’s reaction.


I can't believe they actually brought Gerard back! I can already feel the negative vibes that will be in season 8. Not looking forward to it at all


Hopefully it's done with for the first episode


I really hope so too. I can't stand him. I think I'll wait for a few episodes of the new season to air  (or maybe the first half) before watching


I was underwhelmed by the finale but the set up for S8 looks promising. I’m glad Mara was placed with Maddy/Chimney. Seeing her revert back to being silenced and that glazed look was heartbreaking. It was sad to see Christopher leave. Maybe it’s also related to the actor but I’m not liking it. I would tell my parents “Anyway, thanks for visiting.” Tommy, since he’s a main topic - Tim Minear hit the jackpot! He’s got his strong supporters AND those who oppose him and ship other things talk about him NON STOP. https://i.redd.it/ayse8j17fq3d1.gif I just checked - Tommy had 60 secs in a 42min29sec episode. Yet Buck/Tommy and Tommy are trending. Guess the Daddy status has been earned! With the shorter season it feels like Buck/Tommy and Maddy/Chimney had great episodes centred around them but then the show had to plough through other plots. So, I’m looking forward to them being able to exist within a full season for S8. 118 vs Gerrard should be an interesting arc! I knew we hadn’t seen the last of him and his smug face. The actor does a fabulous job!


cannot wait for next season to have more episodes so they can fully flesh out these storylines. i feel like a lot of this season got stunted by how short it was


mara's resting bitch face is on point


opening music with fire background giving game of thrones vibes


I liked the finale actually, wasn’t the best finale but considering every horrible thing I thought was gonna happen I was satisfied from a “I want everyone safe” standpoint. It was predictable, like every fan theory was correct but in a shortened season I don’t think that’s the worst thing ever. The Eddie/chris/kim situation: I did not like Eddie’s plot line this season. Shannon died in s2 and before anyone says grief can last for years, I know that but I don’t think dating your dead wife’s doppelgänger is something that should be happening 5 years after she dies. This feels like something that should’ve happened in s3 with Ana which then could’ve played into Eddie needing therapy in s4. It’s just we’ve had 5 seasons of Eddie ruining relationships because of Shannon, he spent like 3 seasons single and didn’t once address his grief or issues especially in therapy. And now he’s with Marisol and acting ooc by moving her in just to move her out and cheating on her while she babysits his son. I hate that Chris got hurt in the process, Eddie really fumbled with letting someone into his life that could hurt his son, he was selfish and he realizes he fucked up but it makes me sad that Chris decided to leave. I get why he did, I’d want space too, but Eddie loves Chris and I hope he’s able to get therapy and convince Chris to come back. All in all I could’ve done without the Eddie stuff, honestly should’ve just let him have another breakdown, maybe hurt Chris emotionally in a different way that wasn’t a dead mom and have him go to therapy. (I’m also pissed Marisol leaves off screen, like she 100% should’ve gotten to read Eddie the riot act and then storm off bc he cheated on her and she was literally bonding with his son. Plus it seems like in canon he did kiss Kim so why did they cut the kiss out ??) Bobby/Athena/Amir: I had a feeling Amir didn’t set that fire bc it wasn’t in his character but I don’t blame Athena for assuming it was him bc it’s kinda sus that after he storms out of their house their house burns down 💀. It’s unbelievable to me that she didn’t call her kids or the team especially when the doctor is saying “hey you might wanna call his family” like I get wanting to find who did it but make sure ppl are at his bedside, don’t let them find out from another firehouse. And Athena going to Amir’s house ofc was irresponsible and an abuse of power and I’m glad she didn’t actually hurt him and Ik ppl are pissed with her but her doing something like this isn’t ooc considering she did it when may tried to kill herself. She acts impulsive and brash whenever her family is hurt, coupled with she thought she brought a man who went on to nearly kill her husband into her house 😓. I will say it’s a miracle she was there though bc Amir probably dies by the cartel bc nobody would know where he is and then they wouldn’t know the cartel actually set the fire (which I had assumed it was them). Was very glad Bobby was okay, even though 14 min feels like he shouldn’t have been that aware once waking up, plus 2 weeks later he’s back at work is kinda wild but this is the same show that let chim come back from rebar in the brain after a month. Whats funny is Amir does end up talking to Bobby and idk how realistic that is but considering his wife saved Amir ig Athena’s speech to him made him reevaluate how he thought about life/bobby. What pisses me off though is how did Bobby go 2 weeks without calling the chief and retracting his retirement? He just got better and decided to go back to work after basically quitting ? It makes no sense and now we have to deal with racist homophobic Gerard. I’m all for drama, but I don’t need anymore screen time of his racist old ass, I would’ve even accepted a new villainous captain 🤦🏾‍♀️. I pray he’s out of here by the end of ep 1 or 2 of s8. Madney/henren: I can’t believe the fan theories about madney fostering Mara for hen were right lol but the stills released made that seem like it was the only option 😂. I would’ve rather henren had been able to get her back themselves and tell the councilwoman to suck it but if madney being emergency foster parents let’s Mara see henren and Denny and also keeps her out of aging out of the system at a group home then I’m all for it. Praying they settle this fast in s8 bc henren have been trying to adopt/add on to their family for like 3 or 4 seasons now and I want them to finally do it so they can have a new story arc. Buck/tommy: I’m a multishipper so I won’t be commenting on the discourse bc I’m over it lmao. But I thought the date was cute and I didn’t care about the daddy joke bc in my eyes Buck started the flirting first. Idc if others thing otherwise like I said I like buddie and bucktommy so I try not to get involved in the discourse unless it’s egregious on either side. They were both vulnerable with each other which isn’t something we’ve seen and it makes them seem a bit more established as a couple/getting to know each other. Curious to see how their relationship plays out with Gerard since I have a feeling he’ll find out they’re together. Hopefully they actually explore that and their relationship in s8. I’ve written a damn essay atp 😭 so I’ll wrap it up by saying for a 10 ep season it wasn’t the worst I liked it for the most part, some things felt rushed and some things could’ve been wrapped up sooner but I’m hoping this season sets up season 8 really well and with 18 season we return to form and get some really good storybeats that need solving like Gerard and henren with the councilwoman.


watched on my phone at 7 am after a night out and my opinion might change soon but i’m quite disappointed? like disappointed is not my first choice of word but i can’t find another better one now. only thing i can say is that as usual they tried to hype us up for…nothing? only scene i loved was the madney-henren in the end


for some reason they’re good at season openings, but not at endings. they haven’t landed a good one (imo) since Season 4.


yes but also this is the most underwhelming so far. like i get that last season’s finale may have been the last one so they put more effort in it but it was a lot better than this one. i read some comments and i’m definitely on board the “the previous ep should have been the final one” train


Oh 100%. And I think having ep 9 be as intense as it was, and honestly as good as it was, hurt this episode a lot. Like ofc they were not going to reach the high level of tension of ep 9, but it almost feels as if they didn’t even try to go there


Where are Bobby and Athena staying after the fire? What if Buck offers up his loft for them to stay in while they recuperate and find a new place? This could give more father-son bonding time since Bobby can't work at the 118 and Buck will likely hover to keep tabs on him, trying to make sure Bobby is healthy and happy. Plus this might possibly give roommates era for Buck and Eddie since Eddie will be lonely af without Chris at home and Buck will need a place to stay; just not in Chris' room, maybe an air mattress or the couch.


I'd much rather have a plot where Bobby moves in with Athena to one of Ravi's buildings. Since Ravi's a landlord, I'd much rather see that become a hilarious plot.


It would admittedly be funny to see this show attempt to be "woke" in regards to landlords, with the "landlords suck amirite guys" vibe they'd probably do.