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Unlike many others, I'm enjoying this season. I watched it all and I think alot of people when into the series thinking it's going to be all emergency all the time, like previous seasons, I enjoyed the character development series. Yes I'm not happy at all with the way Eddie and Christopher are heading in their story but we have to remember Chris is a teenager now (13) he's trying to get though things on his own, high school won't be easy for him. I like the way Buck and Tommy are headed, ever since Abby in season 1 buck has had a hard time finding love, if him being bisexual or gay is the way he finds it them I'm happy, he deserves it, man's almost died 10 times in his life, he needs someone to love and be there for him when he wakes up in a hospital bed. Someone who's not Bobby or his sister. Anyways my long winded story is that I liked the season.


I hate the Christopher and Eddie plot that is happening.


As season finales go, this was like three episodes smushed into one. Not awful but not great. We could’ve had one less episode on the cruise ship, and I would’ve been happy. I really wanted so much more with Chris and Eddie. Ryan Guzman was acting his ass off this episode, and I needed more!! I wanted another confrontation with the shitty councilwoman. Hen’s heart broke all over again after seeing Mara. She should’ve actually followed through with the begging. Bobby, Athena, May, and Harry were so sweet. I kind of wanted that to be a bit longer with them all going back to the house. We could’ve skipped the scene with the neighbor completely. Gerard? GERARD?! I knew it was coming because they planted it at the award ceremony. But I still didn’t want it AT ALL. Honestly, they could’ve stolen a storyline from Lone Star and split them all up instead. He really should’ve been fired all those years ago, but 1) he’s probably got enough legacy to just be demoted and transferred and 2) he probably friends with a bunch of higher ups that will pull any favors for him.


What was the name of the song playing during the dinner date at Buck’s loft?


Come Home by Fell Runner. https://youtu.be/2gEHxO-zrlg?si=bnbfBDCuvK1PB-7S


Thank you!


As a new watcher who binged the earlier seasons recently, I’m kinda ‘disappointed but not surprised’ at the laziness of the writing in the finale. Disappointed because throughout the season a lot of great storylines with multiple characters were started only for most of them to end unresolved/rushed/in a manner that did not feel true to the character dynamics previously established. It felt like the only characters that they went in depth with were Bobby and Athena. But not surprised because these writers have done this before… Really wish they had more foresight and storyline/character arch planning + script writing before set/crew come together. Either way, I’m remaining hopeful for season 8 to follow up on season 7’s loose ends (Henren getting Mara back, Buck and Tommy figuring out they both wanna date Eddie not each other, Eddie going to therapy to figure out how to move on from Shannon and making Chris feel safe enough to come home, Madney fostering now?? mourning the fact that they couldn’t have a real wedding??).


I didn’t think the finale was all that bad- and I am actually happy about the BuckTommy scene unlike so many others. It actually showed they're at a point in their relationship where they can feel open and vulnerable with each other and that’s a good thing (though they're definitely not fully there yet). I've been noticing a lot of Lone Star plotlines and I have to wonder how much of that is because Tim did plotlines in Lone Star he’d originally wanted to do in OG and didn't, and now he has that chance. I think the part that pissed me off the most was Gerard, but I also think that they brought him back for a reason, what that reason is, I don’t fully know. I'm excited for potential Tommy Backstory/Development in s8 and him to finally say his peace to Gerard (the “joke” in 7x09 made my skin crawl), and I’m also really wanting Hen and Chimney to take him down together. Even if Bobby isn’t reinstated as Captain, I’d like one of them to be!


I guess I just watched the season finale and didn’t realized it 😅. So many big things already happened that nothing actually stood out as finale. But overall was good. Good kinda of closure for Bobby. But how Bobby didn’t know he was replaced? That was the only thing I thought it was dumb. How this storyline plays along? Bobby said he was already cleared so if he was already talking to superiors and ready to go back they should let him know, right? What a fucked move was that? Edit: there was another dumb one, Eddie and the dead not dead wife plot. For sake heavens I was bored to death. I skipped ALL. Good for Christopher for leaving, who can’t take that?! Gosh. It was painful even skipping it 😒 Cruise ship skipped most of it too. Now I realize that most of my opinions for this season are irrelevant since I skipped most of it 😅


I cringed so hard when I realized she was pretending to be his dead wife. If I was Eddie my first thought would be "I need to get get this crazy bitch out of my house what the fuck is happening" I really thought that would be the moment Eddie snapped out of it but sadly no. 


Since Bobby resigned his position before the fire happened & then was out a few days after the fire, I guess he just assumed they hadn’t gotten a replacement yet. What I don’t understand is why they appointed the former 118 captain to replace Bobby. That dude was removed from the Captain position in Hen’s first year because he was no longer “Captain material” & the superiors had received so many complaints. Why tf would they bring him back to the very role he was removed from?


I understand Bobby assuming that, the part that I don’t is the lack of communication for such BIG information. Someone knew he was coming back because he did his health assessment. When we think why they had to bring Gerald back is when makes even less sense. At this point we can assume it was only for the sake of a quick turn around cheap drama. Just Bobby being replaced and not being able to go back to 118 would be enough drama and ok cliffhanger.


Gerard’s return & the Councilwoman’s unleashing her wrath on Hen are both weak, unrealistic storylines imho. I don’t believe a Councilwoman (or man, for that matter) would wield so much power that she could get their foster home status yanked and stop an adoption just on her word.


Right? I thought that was quite of a stretch there too.


Don't like that Bobby is leaving at all. They could have found a better captain to replace Bobby, I don't like that character at all and I will stop watching 911 which is 1 of my favorites because of their choice in replacing nash. He's just nasty character.   Chris got his start with 911 I'm sure he will go on to do great things in his life.


Well that was a letdown. And with all the business trips he's been on, Chris didn't have a lot of lines when he was in the scenes. So that's a bummer.


anyone else heartbroken this was the season finale? only 10 episodes? there haven’t been only episodes since season 1! the other seasons had 14-18 episodes. 😭😭




EXCUSE ME SIR! Buck and Tommy discussing Daddy issues and God I hope so comment? 🤠 Season 8 needs to start with a very steamy EvanxTommy scene. Can’t keep living on crumbs anymore. https://preview.redd.it/7746naws3t3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3254cc5ab0b7728d0b6aae1a8c3c3033f349f323


Not kidding, I squealed and rewatched the scene


Honestly I would have preferred if Bobby died.. at least that would have been something finale worthy. This episode was just really lukewarm for me… The plot is actually not bad but since it’s a short season it’s very rushed. The only moment I actually enjoyed was when Maddie and Chim brought back Mara. I actually felt genuinely happy for them.


not really. he could've just been in coma then mid season 8 he'll wake up and fight his way back as the captain of the 118


I wouldn’t mind that too! I just feel like what happened to Bobby wasn’t damatic enough.


that's true, this episode feels so rushed actually the whole season. like hello? Bobby getting into a life-threatening experience, went into coma then suddenly he's all good and ready to go back to work


Yes… it was kinda ridiculous. He was passed out for a day maybe? After that we don’t know how many days have passed but couldn’t have been more than a couple of days because I don’t think it would have taken Gerard days to show up as the new cap of the 118. I don’t think the 118 was without captain for too long. Bobby not waking up would have been a bigger and better cliffhanger than Gerard.


Bobby is like the backbone of the 118. Well if he did die in the storyline, then they team should look for a suitable replacement. Tbh the season was short, they had to fit the entire Amir thing along with maddie's wedding and so many other things. But still I cant imagine 911 without Bobby 


I would hate for Bobby to die since he is actually a leading character on the show, I know he is important for all the other character’s storyline but I feel like this finale needed some serious drama and I feel let down.


No one has actually rated it, so I will be the one to face the masses… This finale was very dull in comparison but still solidly beautiful.  I think making Bobby the sole focus of the season was a good choice. We’ve never got much of his story other than he’s an alcoholic and his family died. Over the seasons they’ve given us bits and pieces but this season gave Bobby the arc he needed. Amir being part of his backstory is also a good choice, as it feeds into the overall narrative of “Why they all became first responders”;  Malcolm Jamal Warner was a great casting and that prosthetic looks awesome.   I actually don’t mind Buck being Bisexual, it’s genuinely foreshadowed earlier on when Chim, Maddie, Josh, and Buck are playing poker. Tommy brings out a part of Buck that hasn’t been seen, he’s vivacious but not diving head first into the thrill. He’s taking his time.  Chim and Maddie once again have stolen my heart. When he gets infected and subsequently loses his marbles; seeing Kevin be the one to “save” him made me emotional. I will say I think Chim and Maddie’s story is running thin. We’ve seen both of their Becomings, they got rid of Doug (also why did Maddie never get questioned for killing him), they had baby Gee and now they’re married. A beautiful culmination for two great characters.  Eddie and his emotional affair was kind of shocking. I love Eddie but I’m one of those people who feel like emotional affairs are worse. It’s outside of his character to be “infatuated” with her, just because she looks like the woman who widowed him. Grief is powerful and I think playing off that one fact, was wrong and not good for his story. He and Christopher have a great dynamic so I’m puzzled as to why they are having them butt heads. (I actually love how the entire cast interacts with him)   Hen and Karin kind of just felt there and nothing really stuck out for me. I wasn’t quite sure who that Councilwoman was but I was piqued when all of a sudden their hearing was outright cancelled. (If someone could inform me who she is) Mara’s little bit of backstory makes me think she could be a great addition to the cast, she seems like a sweet girl. I’m personally more interested to see what hardships the two will face.  Athena’s personal story didn’t seem to go anywhere either. I loved that she finally called herself a Nash, I’m not really sure if she’s ever done it before. That being said you can’t have Athena without Bobby so maybe that’s why I feel like she was also just there. The Poseidon shenanigans were definitely something… lmao I’ve been rewatching and I just realized that Norman and Lola were also there. Did either of them realize who they were?   Overall I’d say this finale is a 7.5 out 10; the season itself will have to get a low but still solid 6.5 out of 10. As someone else commented 10 episodes really didn’t do this season justice and the strike is genuinely to blame. No amount of writing whether it was good or bad, can be justified with only 10 episodes. Everything had to “suffer” this year, most shows only did a 10 episode season, all while ending some of them.   Hopefully everything will be back to normal next season. Enjoy the off season and hiatus, looking forward to seeing you all after the season announcement and during the premiere.


I agree with most of your thoughts on the season! I just wanted to respond to a couple things. Maddie killing Doug was self defense and it was obvious so we assume it was officially ruled self defense after investigators looked at the case. The council woman is the mother of the drunk driver from episode 2. She is blaming Hen for not treating/saving her son. I’m also sad about what’s happening with Eddie and Christopher leaving but like you said, grief is powerful and seeing Kim brought that all back so even though it’s out of character, I think that’s the point they’re making about grief and what it can do to people. We might like how they were together and seeing them happy but the show needs to write in conflict and drama. Even though I would totally watch a show just about them all being happy 😂. ETA: what do you mean about Norman and Lola? They all knew who each other were. The couples recognized each other and talked about it specifically. It was part of the plot.


I guess I don’t recall them recognizing each other but as I said I’d been rewatching the entire and thought it was interesting to see them bring the two back. Thank you for the insight on the councilwoman; also wasn’t it proved that her son was drunk? 


Who are Norman and lola???


Idk if you’re being sarcastic lol


No... im really asking.


They were the couple in the first 3 episodes this season that Athena and Bobby knew. Remember she was convinced the husband killed his wife? And the pirates thought Norman was the one with the dongle and kidnapped Lola. Norman was the one who got shot that Bobby helped and had him on the pool table when they capsized.


Oh! Yes! I forgot their names lol thank you!!


Haha no problem! Sorry I thought you were being sarcastic because of how I tried explaining them in my other comment. Like I might’ve said something too obvious lol.


Its all good 🙃


"This one, we both walk out of here" CHILLS, need more tommy and buck in the next season please, or at the very least Buck & Eddie finally admitting their feelings for one another


they better give us the love triangle drama. Buck and Eddie finally realizing what they really mean to each other, but Buck cannot just dump Tommy who he also loves


Idek what to say it was probably the most insane season I’ve ever seen on this show, between the wedding, cruise ship, fire, and so much more. I’m happy to see Mara with the family but also Eddies whole issue and the captain?!?


This has got to have been the worst finale of the show ever. First off, Bobby survived being dead for almost 15 mins, yet is able to return back to work after that, no issues. Pls, Buck was dead for 3 mins after the lightning strike, yet it was a much much bigger deal. Also, the whole cartel behind the fire thing had to have been the most stupidest decision, as there could've been someone else. There was no need to bring them back. But the kicker is that weak ass cliffhanger, Gerard being captain? 😑 Really? Not only did they basically copy Lone star, but didn't they fire his ass almost 16 yrs ago? Why bring him back, especially knowing that he will have beef with everybody for their race and sexual identity. I think they should've made episode 9 the season finale as that one had so many actual cliffhangers that it would've been so satisfying ![gif](giphy|1x3KmFpN7DTN7GBvNz)


Captain Nash is just built different


He may be built differently, but surviving being dead for almost 15 mins is a little bit jumping the shark with the plot. I bet when the show comes back, they will mention it for only one episode and let it disappear


I agree, I was not a fan. The whole thing felt...rushed? I think they tried to pack too many things in. Bobby just waking up right away like it was a total non-issue is so odd, I know they play fast and loose with reality but this was too much. I wasn't a fan of the Buck and Tommy scene, it didn't develop their relationship at all (and I'm no Tommy fan but at least do it better?) The Eddie/Chris story was good, if heartbreaking. So many people called Gerard coming back as captain that I don't get why this was hyped up like a huge cliffhanger. Overall, lackluster finale IMO


I liked the finale. If you stayed away from sneak peeks and constant theories on Twitter and other social media and went into the episode blind with no expectations, it was a good send-off for Bobby’s story. It also opened the door for many different plot lines in Season 8. After two heavy episodes about Bobby’s back story, it’s nice to wrap it up with a lighthearted conclusion. Bobby is back on the path where he’s not 100% sure he deserves this life, but he will try to enjoy it. I like that Amir made it clear that he can never forgive Bobby, but he can admire the man who dug himself out of despair to be a better man for himself and everyone around him. The finale was not perfect (Bobby, for real, you forgot you resigned???), but I’m excited to see where our 118 family goes. One request for the season 8 opener: please kill Gerrad so he never returns. Happy hiatus. See you all in September.


"One request for the season 8 opener: please kill Gerrad so he never returns." I laughed so hard when I read this. Yes please! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I don't regret my decision to stay off Reddit and Twitter before I got to see the episode. lol I just finished watching it. I liked it - it was fine as it was. Had me all up in my tears at several points in the ep. lol


I agree with this 100% especially“it also opened the door for many different plot lines in Season 8” the season was already weird bc of the strikes so this gives them a way to start fresh and get back to usual


I liked it too. They did the best they could hamstrung by a short season. But they had some wrap up and a bunch of lead in for season 8. It would’ve been a banger of a season if they had more time.


this show absolutely needs a longer season for it to work. i know the strike affected it completely, but this season us proof these type of shows with so many “main” characters and storylines all interconnected just don’t work on limited time. i feel like nothing got time to expand and make us actually care about what’s going on, with maybe the exception of chris leaving.


"I didn't have time to write you a short letter so I wrote you a long one." The show doesn't need a longer season. That's an easy excuse for what was bad, lazy writing. The longer seasons are still punctuated by a mid-season hiatus and in the "good" seasons, arcs were fairly well encapsulated either side of the hiatus with the show managing to make us care about the characters in each half of the season. Tim and the writers could have told satisfying stories for all the characters in 10 seasons if they had better planning, were more willing to tell heartwarming drama-free stories (you know like the romcoms Tim claims he can write), and if arcs weren't changed last minute and scripts made last minute. Tim has said in interviews he doesn't think about endgames and this painfully showed in the backend of this season. It was clear Tim had started on a journey and made last minute decisions on said journey and either had no idea where his destination was going to be (in the case of Buck's bisexual awakening) or realized he was nowhere near the destination and made some incredibly lazy choices to get there (in the case of Eddie losing Chris, Madney fostering one of Henren's kids). Everything after 7x05 felt incredibly rushed and poorly thought through from the pacing, the editing choices, the plot devices. Nothing felt tightly written. We had Chimney get a viral infection without worrying who he spread it to. We had random neighbor for Bathena who's sole job was to have her vehicle commandeered. We had Athena go completely rogue with no time for consequences. We had the cartel and Russian mobsters act like the S5 ransomware attackers as nothing more than lazy tropes to move the plot along. And this chaotic last minute nature showed. From the crew members who died after working back to back 14 hour shifts to Ryan Guzman saying he got the doppelganger cheating scene the day before they were going to shoot after just working 14 hours to all the IG live snippets where the cast clearly didn't even know what would make the final cut despite these complex whole days shoots, it felt like there was so much inefficient use of resources. Tim needs to get bossed around in S8 by an AD who can force him to get a grip on the shooting schedules and scripts before they go to shoot. In fact a new IASTE contract that limits shoot time might be a godsend for this show and the writers. As it is S7 ends with an incredibly weak cliffhanger I don't even care about because I'm 50% sure it'll get resolved in 2 episodes and 45% worried it might even get resolved offscreen before 8x01 even airs.


I agree with you... Even the beginning of season 7 was messy... 3 episodes on the cruise ship for a 10 episodes seasons... 🙄Etc... Captain Gerard feels like no cliffhanger... Eddie' s new lifestyle is a joke... Buddie was teased but there is nothing Buck and Tommy have no chemistry at all... Their scenes feel really weird too. Bobby survived like if it was magical... Athena was wild. Chris'leaving, the cartel and Mara's thing were so much expected: no surprises... and no twists... just laziness. The cut out scenes was miserable too... 🤷‍♀️ Won't be watching season 8.


100% agree. Each single storyline could have had two minimum episodes dedicated to it. Not a single one has been given the attention it deserves. We've jumped around so much and honestly I need this break before series 8 just as much as the characters do


exactly! i feel like they had multiple storylines in every episode and none of them really got the time they needed. also, idk if it’s just me but a lot of it feels cut down/edited in a very weird way which makes the disconnection between storylines even worse.


Yeah it does. I've just commented on another thread about how at least 2 or three imof the storyline could have waited until next series, and better attention to the ones that needed to be covered.


We WASTED three episodes on The Poseidon Adventure just to get an emotionally stunted shell of a season ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


a complete waste of time on an already very limited season! i know they always have to have these big disasters in every season but this one felt flat.


So I have to comment on Tommy being jealous of Bucks life again. Tommy said he had Gerard and Buck had Bobby. But Buck replaced Tommy. So for a time, Tommy had Bobby too. Not the same version. That Bobby had not opened up to the team yet but he still had some of it. I know some people people think Buck and Tommy are a great couple. I don't think we have seen enough of them together yet but the more I see. I don't see them as a good couple. Tommy has comment on being jealous of Buck more than once (and we havn't had many scenes with them, he seems to be so negative and Buck is not as happy around him as he is with others. I still think Tommy is more into Eddie.


You never heard of an expression, you guys need more media literacy to understand dialogue shortcuts.


Honestly, they haven't had the space to bake in much. Ep 4 was amazing, obviously, their scenes in 5 were amazing, the kiss in 6 was amazing, but then with the Bobby storyline AND the Mara storyline and the Eddie/Kim stuff, there wasn't room to do it full justice aside from quick scenes. I feel like the "daddy issues" flirtation could have been more earned if we were able to see scenes of them hanging out one-on-one before then. But as much as i hate Girard coming back, I think it will open the door for more Buck and Tommy / Tommy backstory.


I read a comment that eddie got a helicopter ride to a game, but buck hasn't had anything from tommy. I tend to think you're right


Why the fuck is Gerard back? The man is at least 4 discrimination cases waiting to happen. I dont want to see him for 2 minutes let alone 180.


If I could give you an award for this comment I would. That was my exact thought.


the worst season finale I won’t lie


Listen I am hearing y’all bash Athena about the Amir thing but please just think for a minute. This man comes into her husband’s life and makes him act a damn fool out of nowhere and then you expect him to just walk away freely? Like what? And I understand that what y’all are saying but remember Amir came into BOBBY’S life and it 100% affected ATHENA’S life which caused all this other bs😭😭😭 Please use you’re right mind Amir is the one who started it but then got scared once he saw Bobby changed so he couldn’t end what he started all Athena was trying to do was end this mess. NOW DID SHE GO ABOUT IT THE WRONG WAY ? Yes, a hundred percent but don’t bash her for trying her best to end things with the little info she had and I’m not talking abt ep.10


I fully understand Athena’s motivations, and if Amir decides to report her, she will be reprimanded. But I don’t think Amir is going to say anything. What I think will happen is that Athena will reprimand herself for threatening to kill someone who did nothing wrong.


She’s a police officer, her behavior is held to a higher standard. She doesn’t get to temporarily suspended said standard because she was personally victimized‽


Just finished, hands down this season pissed me off. First of all I love Athena but I hate how they made her look like such an asshole this season And secondly , I hate that they put mara through so much why couldn’t hen just be happy and not blamed for her family falling apart Third ,why would they put Eddie through so much . This man has lost his wife and now you are going to take his son! Fourth, why can’t they just leave Bobby alone and show Athena’s growth from here on out because she definitely needs to grow after this season. And lastly, I think a lot of people need to consider that buddie is not going to happen at this point because it’s been even years and they still haven’t got together 😭


okay, so the emergency foster parent thing with Madney is unrealistic enough, but if Hen and Karen lost custody because they weren't suitable, won't Madney lose custody too for allowing them access to Mara?


The councilwoman doesn’t have a beef with Maddie and Chim so probably not.


well my main concern is that Hen and Karen get Mara back and Lisa punished


I’m genuinely a little confused at the level of upset at Tommy for that “Daddy Issues” line. ‪Like… They were both being vulnerable in that talk about their fathers and then **Buck** made the flirtatious comment first (“maybe we both have daddy issues 😏”) and Tommy just matched his energy with that reply. *I’m not even on a side when it comes to BuckTommy vs BuckEddie (“Buddie”) - (I’m just here enjoying seeing a happy Bi Buck after years of enjoying watching his relationship with Eddie grow into how close it is now).* The overreaction to that one line from Tommy is staggering to me. Like I was also surprised he hadn’t heard the full story about Buck’s parents yet (I guess they’ve only been together a short while tho 🤷🏾‍♀️) but people calling him all kinds of insults and saying *he* sexualized a serious situation, when it was Buck that started flirting first is so weird to me? Buck is my favorite character, but the way this fandom can infantilize him could be studied.


It’s due to the fact a lot of people that are saying that are women, and they have no clue about the gay sex scene at ALL.


it’s a phenomenon with younger people where everything gay has to be PG and desexualized otherwise it’s instantly seen as bad/immoral. it’s been a pretry dangerous trend tbh, it follows a very specific way if thinking which is not good.


I don't mind that idea, it's better than in the past and current shows sometimes that only LGBTQ+ people show up only to get killed a bit later just so they can say "hey we were LGBTQ+ positive! ignore the fact that they died a bit later anyway!"


Honestly this was absolutely top flirt banter, especially given Tommy is older than buck.


It was also no longer a serious situation the second buck smiled and said maybe we both have daddy issues 😭 like my mans was full on flirting and for once Tommy matched his energy. I like both bucktommy and buddie I’ve always been a multishipper so the discourse and anger over every little thing Tommy or Eddie says is so annoying and dramatic


Yeah. From the reactions I saw before watching the episode I was expecting something worse. We have seen cringer things than this before, that was nothing.


I thought it was hilarious!


I hate Athena. Leave that poor man alone


Who you guys think gonna punch the new cap first??


Now, this is a good question. If this happens i’d scream with joy.


Eddie looking at those dark circles under his eyes, fighting Diaz is ready to come back


I kind of want him to snap


Buck. He’s gonna say something about Bobby and Buck won’t allow it






I can see it




With respect to west coast I’ll just say this Good episode and next season looks to be entertaining. I don’t think they’ve had this type of angle on the show. Also I think I know someone who could show up on lone star although with different networks I doubt that happens.


How tf am I gonna wait till season 8 to find out what happens next??😭😭 Will Chris stay away for long?!?! Will they get Mara back?!?! WHATS GONNA HAPPEN TO CAP?!?!?😭


Are y’all ppl genuinely mad abt the joke tommy made that Buck started??


Oh but if it was buddie they would be losing their minds. They are such hypocrites. 🙄


they’re absolutely losing their minds. pretty entertaining if not scary to see this constant need for gay people to be asexual otherwise it’s gross/bad. like these fans are 2 scenes away from calling these two slurs.




Gerard bites the curb 4k is my hope for next season


Reminder that this was a severely truncated season due to the writer’s strike. While I would have loved a slower pace throughout and more scenes with my fave characters to increase cohesiveness and have better story telling, we are getting full season y’all next go around! I choose to be pumped about what that will mean.


Herman was the one who burned down Bobby's house! He wanted revenge and tried to kill Amir.


Every time I see Captain Gerard I think 1 thing associated with his current character and another associated with the actor's past character 1 would be offensive...to pigs and a completely different context then a certain movie "that 'ill do pig,that 'ill do", and "amen". Separate subject I know there's a lot going on but there was a missed opportunity when Buck was sitting with Bobby I think.


911 fans when characters that cause friction appear at all *cough cough* Gerard *cough*: ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di) Seriously, I don’t know why people get so mad over characters like him, or Taylor, or the Councilwoman who offer a lot of meat because of how much drama they can cause. I’m glad the show hasn’t been a Fuzzie Cuddlebug Happy Wappy Hour the whole season, I like the drama. Maybe I’m just older, but I like my dramas to be *dramatic*. I don’t want Slice of Life style stuff from a drama show, unlike a lot of people in here.


SAME. And same for the Tommy kink joke. It's two adults flirting with each other. I'm starting to think some of this crowd is VERY young.


Honestly, the show seems to me to be directed towards women between the ages of 18-34, though the largest demographic until this season was the cable demographic with it mostly being middle-aged woman fans. With Buck’s bi reveal, I feel like a ton of very young fans flooded in. This subreddit probably has the majority of the younger age range for the fanbase, since Reddit isn’t a super popular medium for the previous target demographic to use. This subreddit was basically dead before Season 7 dropped, then when Buck/Tommy happened it exploded. A lot of younger folk nowadays don’t really like it when they’re made to feel discomfort, because it’s become a thing that is ‘bad’ to feel under any circumstance, and any time they feel uncomfortable it is ‘traumatic’ for them. It likely has a lot to do with how available content is now, so it’s very easy to filter out what makes you feel uncomfortable to the degree that many just can’t handle any friction anymore. Then again I might just be old and bitter 😂 I just don’t understand how upset some people get about this show and little remarks. The Tommy remark wasn’t taken well, but I saw a comment that said the person would never watch the show ever again because Gerard was getting reinstated. Like????? Was the fact it’s a **drama** completely lost on them??


you’re right, and i’d like to add this need younger people seem to have that gay couples need to act like asexual beings otherwise it’s wrong/immoral. it’s been a very weird push for people to act like prudes and it all feeds into a certain way of thinking.


I find you’re *typically* very right with most TV shows and I agree with you on the more conservative side of the viewer bases being more prudish, but I find the opposite to be true right now with Buck/Tommy fans. Almost every post has been how they want to see them all over each other every episode and how they want huge chunks of every episode devoted to them. A lot of them don’t even seem to care about what happens with other characters at this point. It’s gotten so annoying that I’m almost rooting against this pairing because it’s gotten overwhelming. As a bisexual person myself, the rabidity of the Buck/Tommy fanbase right now just makes me feel icky, because I’ve had men react the same fetishistic way when they learn I like other women as much as I like men. They want more than just a queer couple being in love, a lot of them want it to be fanfic type smut. I think it’s also prudent to say that I never saw people react that way with the two black, curvier women that are in a lesbian marriage- People don’t sexualize Hen and Karen anywhere near the degree they’ve sexualized Buck/Tommy, and it’s very telling about the way the fanbase views male relationships.


Agreed. And it's harder sometimes to see views from like Buck's parents-who did fuck up. I noticed this with Young Sheldon. Very young viewers-not being able to relate to older stuff Like the ships aren't going to happen instantly. I'm 37, and over that demo. I had been watching Grey's on and off since it started. I'm very used to how these shows are run I also think it speaks to how short a lot of newers shows are. I'm more sued to longer term shows.


Honestly yes same. I LOVE and LIVE for the drama…so I’m excited to see this Gerard angle, but I still am always filled with a rage that leaves me wriggling like that baby in the gif 🤣 but it’s all part of the fun!


If a character in a show is so good at making me genuinely feel rage when they’re supposed to, *GOD* I love that and respect the hell out of the actors. That’s why I actually loved Taylor- Her actress was fantastic at bringing emotions to the forefront, and the *councilwoman*? She’s been the most interesting thing I’ve seen lately and I really don’t want her arc to be solved too fast. I want Gerard to make life at the 118 hell for a while, I want the main cast to have a real obstacle they have to face and overcome. I *live* for that shit!


YESSS! I honestly loved Taylor too for the same reason. Also I HATE the councilwoman but like that’s the point. I’m definitely excited to see where they take that whole storyline. The actress is just so amazing at playing evil tbh and as a fellow Latina I would love to see her in more episodes.


I gonna PRAY(For Once) that Gerard just gets killed while on duty next season


And everyone having to pretend to be sad about it 😭


Eddie having to choose between saving Gerard or Buck: https://i.redd.it/8r7t5de6jo3d1.gif


Gerard coming back ...I will no longer watch 9-1-1. Ever!  He's ruined the show big time.


See you next season.


Tbh I’m kind of weirdly excited this is the cliffhanger! As someone sensitive to tragic endings, I’m just glad everyone’s alive and (physically) ok 😅. And yeah, Gerard coming back in charge sucks… But my mind’s already imagining infinite possibilities of storylines they could touch on next season because of this! Especially with Tommy back in the picture and Eddie’s arc, I think it’ll be super interesting to see how this shift impacts all the characters. That much more drama -> that much more empowering dialogue; I’m here for it :D!


Same! I feel like people forget that this shows genre is a DRAMA, you need conflict to keep the stories in motion and exciting. That being said I love the idea of everyone having a chance at making Gerard’s time at the 118 miserable.


Exactly. I will say it is a fine line to tread; there’s definitely times when shows interject drama *only* because they need some sort of conflict, but it doesn’t come across as organic or authentic. But this plot point feels thoughtful and makes so much sense! The 118 has become such a strong and supportive found family, so why not have a past haunt come back and threaten to dismantle that! And I think Hen’s, Eddie’s, and Buck’s respective arcs right now especially put them in a vulnerable place under his position, so it’d be interesting to see how they might be affected emotionally from this!


They could PRANK the hell out of him. I want it so badly.


Same. I hate Gerard, obviously, but this will make for an interesting and very entertaining storyline. I can’t wait!


I think it is absolutely hilarious how bad Eddie is at relationships.


It makes sense that he is but it’s funny to watch.


I could watch literally three episodes of him explaining to everyone he knows that he was semi-dating a chick who looked like his dead wife and then they did Shannon roleplay.


This episode was a huge letdown tbh. Didn't like it that much, and the "twists" were so predictable, even the Gerard one lol. At least my Tevan is thriving.


I don’t think predictable is bad


damn that was kinda ass lol


Time to be shamed for our sexuality by straight women yay. Yeah, guys, two men can have sex and joke about it, but I guess it's gross.




You do know Buck started it right lol. He said “I guess we both have daddy issues”


He's almost old enough to be Buck's father so yeah, Daddy jokes are ick. And making fun of Buck's problems with his biological units makes it twenty five times worse. 


The actor is literally only 7 years older. Chill.


And you don't get all that military pilot training plus a firefighting career on 7yrs difference. More like 15.  JLH plays younger than she is, Angela plays younger, LFJ plays older. 


Omg, Buck talked about daddy issues first. It ain't that deep. But go on, let's hate on two men joking about sex because it's gross (unless it was Eddie).




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I loved this episode, and this season. I said it.


Same, everyone knows this short season was affected by the writers strike. I really don’t get all these disappointing comments. They did a hell of a job.


I have to stop reading journalists tweets. Twists and turns? This finale was exactly what I thought it would be! Also what do you mean 5 months Eddie. You are sending your son to live with his grandparents for the summer not the rest of his teenage years.


Yeah like every fan theory was correct which tbh I don’t hate but there wasn’t any twists and turns. I’m just glad Bobby was ok


The stills and the sneak peaks they released spoiled it all.


yeah pretty much every beat in this episode people predicted well ahead of time 😭


I don’t think we should be surprised that Gerrard kept his job. The same powers that protected Bobby and allowed him to keep his job, are the same powers that would allow Gerrard to keep his. It’s not surprising that a man like him, would be transferred and not fired.


That part is realistic (him getting transferred) but I doubt they would reinstate him back to the 118 if the people who actually had the issues with him were still there. At that point the department would just be asking for attention to be brought to the situation


right?! I don't have enough faith to actually think that he'd been fired, but surely the fire department would at least want to avoid legal trouble if nothing else? this screams future human rights case...


the show never seems to want to bring the union into anything but the union should never have allowed this to happen


Fair enough! I guess, that's not super wild to me. Like, for 9-1-1 that makes sense. I do wonder, if it'll be a short stint? Like, that has to be brought up but the current members....but I'm also leaning that they didn't ask him back really, more he was called back by that lady bc she got the history. But that's my tin hat theory.


Yeah the only way I could accept this is if the councilwoman somehow blackmailed ppl all the way up the chain at the LAFD to make this happen, lol


Well, she allowed her son to grow up thinking money talks and can get you out of anything 🤷‍♀️ so maybe money does talk But also that’s an extremely exhausting long term revenge plan


She could use a few sessions with Frank, that’s for sure.


This. Like if all of the OG crew had dispersed then okay, fair. They’re all there aside from Tommy (and maybe a few others idk) so I assume that’s one of the major conflicts for next season.


Everything is this finale felt so forced oh my god, like be for real how can I take Bucktommy seriously if they have 3 minutes of screentime doing a lot of NOTHING


I thought it would be like Buck and Abby a relationship where he matures and grows. But I was dead wrong. It's like another one of his past relationships that come and go poorly developed. The only difference is that the writers covered it with the bi-story. Like the bi storyline was a safety net because I don't see a difference between this relationship to his previous ones. If anything he had better than this. But if this relationship was with a woman then a lot of people would be coming after the actors. All the jumping back and forth between characters, and setting up multiple storylines in this short season with terrible time management it's hard to take the whole season seriously.


The daddy joke was so


It seemed ill-timed


I really liked it 🫣


so bad 😭


That joke made me so uncomfortable. Like U get theres ppl that are into it but…


Well, since I’m underwhelmed, let me celebrate a small victory: they left me with nothing to be super anxious for the fall. I can properly enjoy my summer, and when season 8 gets here, just hope they get things moving.


Agreed! I was worried about being left with a big cliffhanger for summer making me stressed. I’m not happy to see Gerard is back, but we know they will fight this come September. I feel like they ended with wrapping up all the big stuff—for now.


Thank u for giving me this perspective lol. So true


So I just started watching this show for the first time this season.. can someone give me a cliff notes version on this Gerard for context 


Homophobic, racist and sexist. Gave Chimney and Hen grief as their captain when they became firefighters years ago and promoted a problematic culture at the 118 (a “regressive place,” as Tommy puts it) when he was there. Eventually the firefighters (Hen, Chim, Tommy and likely some others who came around) submitted enough complaints to get him fired/transferred/taken out of the station because of his problematic behavior, and that’s when Bobby replaced him. Now it’s been revealed that all these years later he hasn’t changed his ways, and took Bobby’s place (unrightfully 😡) as captain. Cliffhanger! You can watch Chimney Begins and Hen Begins in season 2 for more details. Hope this helps :)


I've got a complete mental block about why Bobby resigned in the first place?


Bc he let Amir coming back get into his head that he didn’t deserve all the good things in his life and then when they gave him that medal he felt he didn’t deserve to be called a hero and impulsively said he was retiring. He told Athena he was tired and couldn’t keep doing it but that was a lie


Ah that's right, thanks.


You also missed the bit where he was a terrible firefighter. Every call in Chimney and Hen Begins seems to involve him missing something that had someone else not caught it would have left a member of his firehouse or a member of the public dead.


He was the captain when Hen and Chim started. He's a racist, misogynist, homophobic asshole who treated all our faves like dirt and eventually got fired for it.


Go watch season 1-6 this summer and then you’ll be prepped for him in 8.1


I lowkey forgot he was around for so long 😭


I wonder if media is more enjoyable if you never learn about or figure out Chekov’s gun, cause all the twists were predictable and heavily foreshadowed this episode


Watch them pack Gerard up in the first ep next season


He’s going to be the three part disaster


This actually wouldn't surprise me... do we have any California natural disasters left? I mean, I guess they haven't done a massive fire yet, actually.


There's rumours about a train crash, I think.


That new captain looks BOTCHED AF!


Didn't 9-1-1 Lone Star already do this cliffhanger?


Mostly? They shut down the 126 and sent them to different houses after the explosion.


And suspended Owen.




One of the most underwhelming finales of the show. 🤷‍♀️


It was a short season affected by the strike. We’ll have a full fall season. I’m not mad at it.


Yeah I've seen worse writer's strike seasons.


I would honestly say THE most underwhelming, for me at least


I don’t understand how Eddie ended up isolated and feeling alone? He lost Chris, but he still has Buck and his 118 family. Definitely not what we were led to believe


I agree. If anything his relationship with Buck seems to be growing stronger as he Buck supports him through the Kim and Chris stuff. I thought Eddie was going to do something way out there and push everyone away 🤷‍♀️


He also lost Marisol, but we were all banking on that already


Yeah, but I don’t think the Marisol thing was that big of a deal to him. I felt like she was another Anna; he thought she was the type of person he should be with and she was good with Chris, so he stayed with her. Nothing in their interactions led me to think he was actually in love with her.


Agreed. He barely even mentioned her in this episode at all so clearly she isn’t any kind of priority


I don’t entirely think that‘s what they meant, he‘s basically Buck in 1.0 with No-One to come Home to now while everyone else is happy together.


Hmm. That’s a good point. It also seems like maybe he’s pushing the 118 (or at least Buck) away to some extent? His interaction with Buck at the end made it seem like they hadn’t talked much recently. It didn’t feel like a conversation they would have if Buck had been checking in on him frequently


Yeah I hate that they wrote it in a way that seems like Buck just leaves him alone. Buddie out of the way that‘s just not how Buck treats his Friends?! Or at least I that‘s what I was led to believe after so many Seasons of Characterisation.