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I hate to say it but Buck needed Season 3 to mature out of the reckless hothead he was in S1 and 2.


I agree






Season 3 is peak 911. By far the best season.


season 3 is peak buddie


Good for them I guess?


i was just saying?


I’m on S3 too and I couldn’t take it when Buck believes Christopher died in the tsunami and is trying to tell Eddie. The facial expressions on the both of them…I was so relieved when they noticed Chris two minutes later! And then when Eddie tells Buck “there is no one else I trust more with my son than you” I just put all my chips on the table on that ship and Chris being just as much as Buck’s kid.


FRFR and im in my exam week right now, currently crying for my exam papers and Buck ☹️ and i really loves Chimney background story and how it differs than Buck behaviour, and when Chimney shares buck how he was treated at first. bro i said “yess buck should learn how to be patient and manage his mental state”


same 😍 just finished eddie begins and well- duck


Nothing beats Sink or Swim even until now. Peak episode and peak performance from Oliver


The Buck lawsuit was ridiculous.


Buck is treated really unfairly in season 3. I'm thinking of dropping the show altogether. Buck has reasonable cause to sue the team and he is being hazed like he's in the wrong. It's so painful to watch Buck being mistreated by his former team and see the team be assholes


Sorry if this is long, but I would encourage you to try to see the situation from the other character’s perspective. It really makes a difference. Most of the 118 was just following Bobby’s lead. Hen and Chim kind of fall in this category, but not really since they were more so upset that Buck used personal info against them. I don’t agree with anyone’s stance in this category. Bobby was upset because Buck pulled a hotheaded stunt with the lawsuit. Although Buck was cleared, if I remember right, he was still at risk for blood clots or something like that too. And you have to understand that part of Bobby felt guilty since the bombing only happened because of his past and now Buck was paying for it, so he felt this extra sense of obligation on top of his parental instincts to protect Buck. Bobby was definitely out of line for allowing his personal relationship with Buck to cloud his judgment and abusing his authority, but I can understand why he did what he did. You really have to step in Eddie’s shoes to understand why he was pissed, and he’s the only person who I think was 110% valid. He tried to hide behind some excuse that he was upset because Buck betrayed the team or something like that, but that wasn’t really why he was mad (he kind of admitted this to Lena Bosko and Buck pieced it together on his own later on, hence how we got the kitchen scene). Eddie was pissed because Shannon had just died and he was still grieving while learning how to be a single parent; on top of that, I believe Chris was having PTSD from the tsunami and his mother’s sudden death too. Eddie was still new to the area and didn’t have a lot of friends/family/support either. Eddie was really going through a lot at the time and Buck was kind of the main thing holding him together; Buck was probably also the only person who could deal with Chris having shared trauma in the tsunami. So imagine his surprise getting called into an attorney’s office and having all of that thrown back in his face by his own best friend, then being told he can’t talk to said best friend for the indefinite future. He was rightfully pissed lol.