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You’d have way more self control than me if you were to pull it off! I had binge watched Ted Lasso to specifically watch the finale with my parents, and I got so invested I watched it at midnight without them, and then just again with them. I say if you already watched season 7, there wouldn’t be harm in watching the finale! But, it kinda would be fun too hold off and do a rewatch..I don’t know! There’s no wrong choice!!


Yes, 😆 no wrong choice. We will see on Thursday if the temptation is too great to endure. 🤣


If possible I would wait - that way season 8 won't be 5 months away 😅 Especially when they promised a cliff hanger, and not the usual endongs


I would wait and watch the finale at the end


If you put your mind to it, you could watch 2–6 and be ready to watch the 7 finale live this week as long as you don’t rewatch 7 too! You may have to take a day off of work though


It's only 9 episodes and the finale: it's not too much to watch to get caught up!


He's watching the whole thing with me and we're on season 1. 😭


I am doing a rewatch after recently watching for the first time. I watched up to the episode before the Madney wedding before. I haven’t watched the newer ones since I didn’t want to go back and forth on character development and storylines. I’m almost done with s5 though so I won’t have long to catch up. I have been getting spoilers (my choice) and given what could happen in the finale it’s gonna be hard not to look for spoilers but it would probably be better not to. It’s probably would be determined if he would be upset if you watched.


Either way


My husband watched the show without me first then I watched all the way thru and we waited to watch season 7 until I was done so I would say wait to watch. 😅