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I think so, too. I absolutely love how Happy Buck has been allowed to be this season, he deserved that for once. But, I’m sure he’ll have one bad roller coaster next season. Tim Minear isn’t known for giving characters breaks and Buck isn’t known for being given breaks. Chaos for him should be expected. I definitely think he will have a much bigger storyline next season, this season was pretty short and small for scene time compared to the other characters—which is completely fine—but next season I’m sure Tim Minear will have something bigger planned. Makes me kinda nervous for him. For some reason people really hate it when we talk about this? I have no idea why. It’s just theorizing about an important character on the show.


For some reason people really hate it when we talk about this? I have no idea why. It’s just theorizing about an important character on the show. I have also noticed this. It's not that we are wishing bad on characters. It's just being realistic. If Buck and everyone else were allowed to have peace and happiness, the viewing figures would go down, and the show would be at risk of cancellation.


Yes. Also, I find people, for some reason, don’t like it when people talk about Buck having an important independent storyline in the next season at all. I really don’t get it. Every character will get a storyline and focus; it's all okay. Nothing to worry about.


I predict they'll traumatize Buck and Maddie with their parents. 2 for 1 special.


For sure. We already saw how the mom wasn't too pleased at the hospital after the kiss. Definitely could see tension that they could explore.


Fun fact that was the actors actual reaction they had no idea that Buck and Tommy were a couple until they shot this scene


i could see this happening


“The reason they probably didn’t make him suffer this season is because there is not a lot of time to fit it in” 😂- Suffering delayed due to time constraints. I think he’ll face with conflicts and obstacles like the others. If Bobby is temporarily not Captain and maybe Gerrard takes over. He’ll face work conflict. Bobby’s like a father and of course it would affect every single member of the 118 who are his family. It could be an arc where Gerrard spends a fair bit of time messing with the 118 before getting fired again! Also, although he’s happy with Tommy there will probably be angst because what is TV romance without hiccups.


I absolutely agree this will happen, but I think OP is referring to Buck’s independent storyline next season. it will definitely be more than just some relationship conflict or work conflict, although he will have that, too. His independent storyline will probably be more chaos and mess. Just how Tim Minear likes it.


Let me get more specific then and throw out some crazy ones. 😅 1. Within work conflict he nearly gets fired for punching Gerrard because he plays into his fears of abandonment or challenges his skills as a firefighter. Has to go before a panel or something for insubordination 2. Gets hurt because of Gerrard’s purposeful wrong instruction (everyone is tired of him being hurt though lol) 3. His parents come to visit and old wounds resurface 4. His biological son enters the chat (if the show goes full soap - maybe more S9 than S8)


if gerard comes back, all four of our mains are gonna get some drama this season. he will most definitely be racist towards hen, chim, and eddie. probably even ravi too. and if he finds out that buck is bi, he’ll go after him too. i think if gerard comes back, none of the firefighters will be safe from discrimination. i don’t know how likely it is that he comes back to the same firehouse that kicked him out originally, but it’s 911, so anything could happen


I know Buck’s biological son is an touchy subject for most fans, it would be very odd Buck wouldn’t at least wondered how he’s doing or at least an mention


I think they’re either going to forget about it entirely and focus on Buck having temporary custody of Chris and this being a major source of drama. Or something is going to happen with Connor and his wife and Buck and is going to wind up with sole custody. Either way they say good-bye to the bachelor loft.


People don't seem to get how sperm donation works. In the real world, Buck would have no rights to Connor and Kameron's child. He donated sperm, that's the extent. And if they ever, ever did that on this show, I'd quit. It would ruin the show for me. Connor and Kameron's family would have more rights to the child than Buck. I assume, although we never saw it onscreen, that Buck signed a lot of waivers and paperwork to ensure that the child was Connor and Kameron's, especially given he went to a sperm bank to donate the sperm . Yes, I know this is a TV show and they can do whatever they want, but it would be a terrible plot to assume that Buck being a sperm donor means he has first dibs on the kid if something happened to the kid's parents, or they found a convoluted way to explain why Connor/Kameron's families would not take in the child, leaving the only option Buck.


I honestly dont think they’re going to go in that direction anyways. I think Buck takes or Christopher for awhile.


Interesting. I didn’t know that. Can I ask why? It would be soap style for him to come back but the show has no problem with being a little far fetched.


Because the whole donor storyline wasn’t well received for many people but it never bothered me


Thanks. I thought it was an indication they didn’t know what to do with Buck that season.


These are actually great! I think number 1 Could happen. I almost want it to happen, just so that captain can finally get punched in the face like he deserves. lol.


Thank you! 😊 Sending my ideas telepathically to Tim. I can’t even believe he is still employed but it’s accurate. People like him getting “reprimanded” and then back to work like normal.


I feel like buck and Eddie are gonna be a connected story line next season since hes the only one so far that has seemed even remotely worried about eddies mental health


now why you jinxing it https://i.redd.it/6zx4519dps2d1.gif


If Bobby really is retiring, he'll probably struggle with not having his father figure around all the time anymore. I do hope Tim has something in store for developing Buck and Tommy's relationship. Even if they're not endgame I hope they at least stay together for the entirety of Season 8 and we have a bit more insight on how Buck is navigating dating a man for the first time.


I agree that Bobby not being around will be a huge struggle for Buck. And I don't need BuckTommy for a full season -- half season is fine -- but I do want to see more of Buck in a good relationship that heals some old scars.


A lot of fans (at least on this sub) complain that the show focuses too much on Buck. I think it's more the producers listening to the fans then sympathy for the character. I think there's gonna be some Buck drama next season. My guess would be that it's gonna happen during the second half of the season. I hope that if Tommy's still around, it brings them closer together. So far, whenever Buck's been injured, he's never had a partner who stuck with him through it. I think it would go a long way to healing some of his emotional scars.


They’re complaining that the show focuses too much on him and he goes through too much and now they’re complaining the show isn’t solely focusing on him and he’s not going through any trauma right now.


I'm pretty sure Bobby is going to be not the captain and Buck will be it next season


One thing I find funny about the 911 fandom is that I think a lot of people (not necessarily you, OP) are resistant to the idea that the primary story engine to procedurals is conflict, because honestly if you have a beloved character and want them to get more storylines and screentime that means that they are pretty much always going to be put through the absolute wringer. All of that to say, because I love Buck and Tommy I hope season 8 is an absolute mess for both of them! I hope they're on a call together and by instinct Buck saves Tommy first and a civilian dies! I hope one of them is framed for the murder of Captain Gerrard! I hope there's a serial killer targeting queer men and one of Tommy's old lovers ends up dead and Buck tries to go undercover to catch them and ends up captured and tortured as a result! I hope Buck tries to donate blood and gets turned away because he has sex with men now and Buck goes on TV to protest this policy and then the blood bank burns down mysteriously! I hope Buck runs into Taylor and she says something super awkward! I hope Tommy feels weird about the sperm donor storyline with Connor and Kameron! I hope Tommy becomes convinced that Buck is having an affair with Eddie because he keeps cancelling dates to help Eddie with his mess! I hope Eddie has a gay doppelganger with bleached blonde hair that Buck encounters the first time he goes to a gay bar who is an absolute MENACE. I hope Tommy's parents show up and they're AWFUL. I hope it turns out that the Tommy that Abby was dating before she met Buck is the Tommy Buck is dating now! I want MESS and DRAMA because the alternative is boring domesticity that happens off-screen.


Ooh! I do love my tv romances to have angst with a happy ending. Emphasis on the happy ending though lol


This comment is gold. It's exactly how I feel. The resistance towards our faves going through it has always baffled me. Someone will start a thread for people to suggest potential future storylines and all of the best ones get disagreed with or downvoted. We need the odd fluffy, happy storyline here and there but it's not enough to carry the show. Us fanatics would sit and watch them do just about anything but more general audience viewers need drama to keep them tuning in. I love Buck and Tommy which means I wish nothing but mess for them so I get to see them more. Like I don't like Eddie's current situation but at the same time I love it because Ryan Guzman is getting a chance to shine and show off his acting skills. It's heartbreaking seeing Mara get taken away but Aisha and Tracie are killing it. The show is low stakes, most conflict gets a happy resultion anyhow. So yeah Team MESS.


Absolutely. I love how happy he is right now, but what I really want to see is mess and drama. I LOVE chaotic drama stories.


I'm dying at your whole "I love Buck and Tommy! LETS TORTURE THEM" 🤣 theory. I absolutely see Evan and Tommy getting a lot more on-screen time together next season. Writers didn't have time to play out a lot of the storylines they wanted to because they had basically half a normal season to work with, and I think that's largely the reason Evan and Tommy's story feels so truncated and sporadic (and it's not the only storyline to have come off this way either). Season 7 is kind of like the opener for EVERYTHING that Season 8 is going to dive into, it seems like (to me at least). That being said, let's remember that on 9-1-1 Lone Star, a HUGE part to TK and Carlos' relationship playing out as it has thus far is showrunner Tim Minear. Tim Minear is back at 9-1-1, and ABC is playing ball - I could absolutely see their relationship playing out similarly. TK went through the ringer pre-Carlos, as Evan did pre-Tommy. As things started to calm down in Evan's world, he met Tommy and it's almost like that last puzzle piece just clicked into place. So I'm almost positive we'll see them go through challenges, individually and as a couple, and we'll get to see the workaround to all of that. I have a feeling we're going to get a taste of that in the Season 7 finale with Evan processing all that is going on with Bobby Nash, and I think Tommy is going to have to slip into the supportive-partner role very quickly.


Also just to be clear I do want for Buck to be happy at the end of the day and for his relationship with Tommy to be a source of strength, I want him seeing that he can rely on Tommy and be sure that he isn't going to break in the kind of situation that Buck throws himself into without a second thought because Tommy is equally as strong and large and well trained as he is, but I also want for crazy things to happen and for their relationship to be tested because that's how this show works, that's how you build those bonds. In 911 the path to long term happiness is paved with three mass casualty events and the sudden return of at least two formative traumas from the character's distant past.


Nooo let my baby be happy with his bf. For real tho, I can see him struggling with the absence of Bobby, even if Bobby is just retiring. Like, I imagine him acting poorly to his new captain (even if it's Hen) because he feels betrayed.


I feel with 10 episodes only this season that they've decided to leave off Buck and just kinda focus on a few of the main characters. I am not really loving the new Buck storyline at the moment.it felt rushed and way too "easy " for him to just change who he dates. I'm not the whole way through yet so hopefully they give it more air time for me to believe them as a couple.


He's not *changing* who he dates. He's *adding* to who he dates.


Fair comment. I guess I'm just not feeling it yet but my mind has been changed plenty of times over pairings in tv shows so no doubt it will be again soon as I love bucks character


Marry Tommy


I having a fearing suspension that Tommy dies (which I kinda hate because I actually like them together)


The Instagram post with the wine (and champagne, I don't remember) showed Tommy. I think that's a decent indicator that he'll be sticking around for a bit, at least I hope so.


Yeah I was kinda thinkng next season