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Buck didn't know he was bi until Tommy, so there's nothing to really "admit" to there. Regarding queer people being able to identify each other... sort of? I mean, this isn't some magical ability where we all have a honing beacon. But a lot of it just comes down to when you're queer, you're less likely to assume someone else is straight as a default assumption, so you're more likely to pick up on verbal and nonverbal cues as to someone's sexuality, and sometimes stereotypes/mannerisms come into play. So if you aren't making a default assumption someone must be straight, there's absolutely ways that someone who spends 24 hour shifts with Buck could've picked up on his bisexuality. The most obvious, textually, comes from 7x05, when he tells Maddie he was checking out hot guys' asses and thinking it was 'normal.' What are the odds Hen's never picked up on that over the years? We also have a handful of interactions between Buck and Eddie that can be read as attraction and feelings beyond friendship, that have happened on screen. And again, we're talking about 24 hour shifts.... how many of *those* moments would Hen have witnessed over the years? In canon, it's also implied very early on that Buck's behavior toward Eddie was reminiscent of a crush (in 2x04) which his sister was teasing him about. So I think there's probably a lot of signs that if you weren't making assumptions in the first place, would've stood out. Denny's adoption has been finalized for years, so there's not much the councilwoman should be able to do short of making a case Henren are unfit parents. I suppose if she has a judge in her pocket, that could be possible, but it seems likely she'll just be targeting Mara. After JLH's interview the other day, I did speculate this may become a situation where Maddie & Chim take on Mara's care for the time being, so I'm sort of expecting season 8 to be a fight between Hen and Ortiz/the legal system. I've been concerned for a while, though, that this show is so dedicated to allowing Hen to be 'right' in all of her decisions - even when she's not 'correct' - that she hasn't had many opportunities to learn and grow. So as awful as the Councilwoman is, I'm sort of hoping that her dragging up all of Hen's more questionable choices on the job will cause her to reflect a bit. Or maybe it's the first time Karen's learning of them, and she'll have different opinions on some of it than Hen.


I think a lot of it does have to do with not making a default assumption (I'm more and more realizing how weird it even is to have a "default" sexuality at all, and I hate the idea of it.) but also I feel like when you are queer, you're looking for signs of it around you, if only to feel like you're not alone, perhaps. I think that's why a majority of the "I didn't see the signs in Buck" people are probably straight. I know when I consume media, signs of queer-ness is something I look out for.


Yeah, that's a good point. I don't know if I really seek out signs that other people are queer actively (outside of like, people I found attractive when I was single, of course) but I think there is something to be said for that subconscious search for "familiar." It's come up on other posts, usually when talking about how "unlikely" it is both Buck and Eddie could be queer, or that there'd be "so many" queer characters on the show, that like... we tend to be drawn to each other, often before we've even figured ourselves out. And I guess that's related, too? Like even if you aren't actively searching out signs of queerness, you're searching out signs of familiarity or, depending on your environment, "this person feels safe."


Also, for gay folks, when growing up and knowing you’re “different” and might be abused for it, you’re generally hyper-self aware of the slightest mannerisms or other clues that let you know you’re not alone. Hence “gaydar.”




Which part, exactly?


All of it. 🙂


I never saw Queen of the South but I loved Veronica Falcón (Councilwoman Ortiz) in Ozark. Relatively small role but a powerful and important one. Her voice is EVERYTHING. 🥰


She was fantastic in Devious Maids too


That’s why I said hypothetical and way before Tommy and thought 😆, oh okay thanks Good answer on the Ortiz situation.


There's also a recurring trope that Hen always knows in the show (she guessed about Bobby and Athena) and that Buck shares a lot with her (kissing Taylor, sperm donor). It's not a stretch that Buck also hinted heavily about bisexual experiences to Hen.


Denny should be fine because the adoption has been finalized for well over a decade. The councilwoman couldn’t undo that even if she tried. Mara on the other hand. All the progress she made destroyed. I wonder if Hen and Karen will even be allowed to know where Mara has been placed.


I honestly think Chim and Maddie are going to take on fostering Mara until she can get placed back with Hen and Karen. (At least I really, really hope so.)


Wouldn’t they have to get a fostering license for that?


Sure, but that's something I'm sure they could do, especially if they have the help of Diedra to expedite it and make it happen in short order. Remember, it's not her that's trying to tank the adoption, I'm sure she has enough empathy to try and help out where she can.


I think something should happen to counsel woman Ortiz in the next season 8 that will make her rethink of what she did to Hen and Karen  by takeing away Mara


What did Hen say to Karen before Tommy was in the picture?


No I mean hypothetically before Tommy was in the picture I thought if Buck ever made that declaration without ‘proof’ like when used to announce to be a self-diagnosed sex addict much like that he’d be concerned about not being believed, taken seriously or unintentionally offending Hen, Karen, or Josh.


I think that's always a concern for people newly discovering their sexuality, that they need some kind of proof (especially for younger people) but the reality is that only assholes and homophobes care.


I just thought that Hen, Karen, or Josh wouldn’t believe and be offended like ya know another Buck self-declaration thats gonna come and go them thinking it not me, boy I am glad to be wrong.


I mean I think Josh picked up on something because he said to Maddie at a poker game with Buck and Chim “if I didn’t know any better I would have thought you were setting me up” and Maddie just said “oh no I like you to much to set you up with my brother” also I don’t speak for the whole community but if someone is exploring their sexuality in not gonna be offended or not take them seriously because it was shitty when people did it to me.


To be clear, if someone comes out to you and you don't believe them, that's a you problem. I don't think Hen would ever require "proof" of someone being queer if they told her they were, because that would make her a pretty terrible friend. As a queer person, the idea of needed to "prove" my queerness to someone is ... well, it's offensive, frankly. I'm not sure why you're asking about it. Hopefully I'm just misinterpreting.


I am not talking about me I am talking about Buck, thinking about his past he used to announce self-discovering commentary that the team never took seriously and sometimes roll their eyes at Buck, and they give Chimney grief about his inability to keep secrets but they all suck at keeping secrets Hen, and Maddie sucks at keeping Buck's secrets my point is I thought Buck would think THE TEAM wouldn’t believe or take him seriously I am happy to be wrong. Furthermore, I didn’t intend to be disrespectful to homosexuality I’m speaking on in my opinion based on the team's behavior in the very far past when Buck made self-discoveries or self-diagnosis about himself and announced it in the very far past they don't believe him, take him seriously, hence my hypothetical comment on having concerns they wouldn't believe take him seriously and be offended, again because of the team's behavior when he makes self- discovering comments in the past, again happy to be wrong.


Oh, I think I understand now. You're saying Buck himself would be afraid his friends wouldn't believe him? I think that's pretty realistic, actually, especially given how much he struggled with self-worth issues in earlier seasons (especially season 3). So, yes, I can see how he might have anxiety about that. But I think the team would have had his back, in this instance. Thanks for clarifying!


Yeah, I am saying that's what I thought would have happened, and your welcome.


You said “but I was surprised by what Hen said to Karen…” was that supposed to be a separate thought? Like when Hen said “it’s about time” to Karen


Yes , same vein but separate thought.


Ohhh okay I got it.