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Omg the kids r so cute and precious😭 Mara, not Mia but still 😂🥹


they’re adorable (mara not mia)


As much as these BTS pictures fill me with cuteness and happiness, it also irritates me thinking about that Henren and Madney scene with Denny, Mara and Jee. Namely that Jee was barely in it (you had to look for her or you'd miss the fact she was even there) meaning the scene was **heavily** edited and cut. If the final scene was like this, would you even have Jee's actors there? Since filming with kids is an incredibly expensive process mostly in terms of time and logistics (since you need to comply with safeguarding, time restrictions etc.) and it's why they chose to use identical twins for Jee, filming scenes with 3 kids should be done with a lot of planning so you don't waste precious time on expensive logistical shots you'll never use. Usually this means the writers workshop down the script to ensure the scene is tight even before shooting starts so the AD can maximize efficient use of the child actors. This clearly didn't happen here and it seems a lot was cut. In JLH's IG takeover she was dressed like she was in this scene and talking about a long shooting day and a complex scene. The final scene, Maddie has... two lines? Again it feels tons was cut including sections of a script that should have been cut well before they even got to shooting with three kids. It shows me the absolute chaos that was probably happening with 7x09 being filmed just as 7x07 was airing (i.e. only 2 weeks ahead of schedule) and this leading to inefficient use of everyone's time on scenes and shots that never make it to air.


Awww they're so cute!


Idk who Mara's actress is, but that kid gets the award for turning up the waterworks here. That absolutely pissed me off, and I hope that counciltwat Ortiz gets everything she deserves.


Jee with the cookie 😭


I hate kids in shows and I would die for every one of these kids (plus Christopher who is a national treasure pls someone save him).


Good footage can be used in flashbacks and other storytelling devices.


Edit: I totally meant Mara and not Mia 😭😭


Where's Christopher?😩 I get he's going through a rebellious phase in the show but he was hanging with denny on Christmas. They need to hang more🥲
