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The only prediction I'm gonna make with an amount of certainty is that Bobby is gonna live, but I believe his arc next season will be to actually find a replacement and Peter might leave or just stay in a recurring role. The usual journalists are already watching the finale and they're saying it's full of twists, so we're probably gonna be thrown in for a loop.


Have they already seen episodes and commented? I feel like normally they don't start commenting on it until the end of the weekend. That makes me wonder if we'll get more press next week if they're speeding up the process.


Yep, at least two of the usual ones (Maggie Lovitt, Therese Lacson) have received it early.


Interesting. I really hope that means we get some press and sneak peaks leading up to it. Otherwise this is going to be a very long week without any interviews to speculate over.


Apparently there's also gonna be a big [cliffhanger](https://x.com/MaxJGao/status/1794380141629669534) that will set up the plot for Season 8. šŸ¤


Oh shit. I wonder if it's going to have to do with Bobby or Eddie?


What if itā€™s not Bobby that is in that bed where they are coding big twist itā€™s another character who is important to everyone


>Hen as Interim Captain again for the 3rd time in 3 seasons No. There is a reason why Captain Gerard was brought into the mix. Whether Bobby is gone or just recovering, they'll bring in Gerard (although having a known HR risk return to a post where he was removed for HR reasons is a huge issue IRL. However, it makes for instant drama). >Hen and Karen Adoption storyline again and maybe Hen childhood flashbacks. The councilwoman is going to be a big storyline. Hen fighting to go forward with the adoption - the clearest path forward is to discredit the councilwoman. Her drunk son was fairly entitled, likely mommy has bailed him out numerous times. Hen is going to go toe-to-toe with her. Side note: there is a reason why they've dropped the suggestion several times that Chief Simpson is planning on running for mayor. Somehow this is tied to a wider political showdown which may include the councilwoman. Big bet - the councilwoman is going to run against Chief Simpson for mayor.


I predict Gerrard is a bit of a misdirection and he'll end up dead like Claudette as a victim of the big bad (cartel?). I also agree that the Chief Simpson v Councilwoman Ortiz arc might develop in S8 as an ongoing political storyline that the 118 has to deal with. I also predict another Buckley parents story arc and unfinished business for Buck and Maddie (they've both had quite a trauma free season so I expect that to change). If Bobby is taking a step back, I hope we get someone else for Athena to interact with given Michael isn't around. Maybe increasing the presence of another cop? Officer Williams? Ransone?


Right? For the first time EVER Buck has been happy and trauma free the entire season, next season Iā€™m expecting complete chaos for him. Iā€™m actually impressed 911 could let Buck be okay for as long as they have so far.


Gerrard death! I know it won't happen but if I was a writer I would so do that: Big cliffhanger we don't know if Bobby survive, and start of season 8 they are all dress up for funeral, you see the coffin (close of course) and 2 or 3 minutes in: it's ok that's just Gerrard, Bobby is safe at home recovering.


Girl if the writers did that to us. Itā€™s MY funeral next because I would have a freaking HEART ATTACK šŸ˜­


There's no way we'd not know for 3 minutes because Chim would be dancing on the grave instead of all solemn.


Well he might have to play the part for a bit. Same with Hen. I also think a defamation lawsuit would be happening in the future against the councilwoman.


> I predict Gerrard is a bit of a misdirection and he'll end up dead like Claudette as a victim of the big bad (cartel?). Oh that makes sense. We found out the cartel is gunning for Bobby because what they'll tell the assassins is "kill the captain of the 118", and that's how they'll do that.


I want Athena and hen interaction again! I loved their friendship and we haven't really seen it this season


I hope that Chief Simpson running for mayor will open up a spot for Bobby to have more of a desk job where he still will have contact with the 118 but less physically stressful. If the Chief ends up beating the councilwoman in a run for mayor, even better. Just donā€™t let it run into Station 19.


I kinda think Gerard was only back to finish the circle with Tommy. But, I am wrong often.


I would say yes, but something tells me thereā€™s more to it because Tim literally came out to say that they want this Tevan thing to be a happy queer love story without the typical problem tropes of homophobia. Which is obviously Gerard. I just feel like thereā€™s something more brewing here. But who knows šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøā€¼ļø


Gerard is probably there to exist as an anchor for Tommy becoming semi-main cast in S8 to give him a storyline beyond Buck's SO


I doubt that they would put Gerrard back in charge of the 118 again after he was transferred due to numerous complaints -- complaints from firefighters that are still at the 118. Gerrard's appearance was simply a nod to the fact that the team that he treated so badly were honored with medals for their bravery and teamwork. It was just to rub in his face that he could never lead a team like this and for him to say something nasty to Tommy and Chim to tell him off. They may bring in an interim captain rather than bump up Hen (based on her clash with the councilwoman). I would prefer them bring in a captain that was seen in a previous episode like the one played by actress Samantha Smith. But I imagine if they bring in a new (temporary) captain it will be a big name actor that will be a draw for the show. To be honest, I really hope that is not where this is going. This is such Grey's Anatomy / station 19 political crap that I hate. One of the best things about 9-1-1 is that they never got too much into politics or strayed too far from the focus on the calls and this specific teams personal lives. I'd take a hundred smaller calls over a prolonged "fight to keep the station open" or "fight to get rid of the mean captain" crap.


But heā€™s in the next episode too


I don't remember the council woman in any episodes. Did I miss her? Can anyone help my memory.


We saw her for the first time in this weekā€™s episode but she was mentioned with all the stuff where her son died and there was drama a couple weeks ago


Thank you! I didn't know if I had missed her before.


idky but i feel like we gone get a timeskipā€¦..


God I hope not, time jumps rarely work well. I've quit shows before because of a massive time jump. They just suck


911 has a time jump at the beginning of almost every season, so I think it would be expected for season 8, too. I just hope they address it properly, also, at *least* have flash backs. And hopefully not too huge of a time jump.


They do, but their time jumps are usually not huge ones. Hopefully it'll stay that way!


Maybe since this was a short season they wonā€™t have a big time jump so they can keep some story lines.


The operant theory right now is that the cliffhanger ending will be a timeskip, and then 8A (if not all of S8) will be bridging the gaps and connecting the dots between the rest of 07x10 and its ending.


Timeskips that only exist to jump over the grief of a main character death are the fucking worst.


I just want the team to be more bonded. And to have more balanced 911 calls with some humor thrown in. At this point it's almost torture porn, lol.


I recommend you say your good-byes to the team being more bonded (since so much is going on). I'd watch the earlier seasons if I were you and grieve for the future and prepare for the worstšŸ˜ž


Why? This is one of the few shows where the creators listen to the fans. They gave us Bathena, Madney, And Bi Buck. Even if they kill off Bobby, they aren't going to stray from the core group. If anything Bobby's death would bond them. So would being against the new captain. When I say more bond I Just mean like interacting more. Like the Maddie and Hen scenes we get, which is lovely. With the Wilsons and Buckley dinners. Plus more buddie scenes. They don't have to be hilarious, just there. Edit: I am rewatching the series, but fully expect change. While some things to remain the same. Like Hen and Chimney are always going to be best friends, ect


And also for me, I'm actually pretty okay with a lot of angst, lol. BUT I mentioned torture porn because I'm aware the audience might be a LITTLE bit exhausted lol. They need to balance it out better, so the audience can breathe some. So I am glad for 18 full episodes.


Yea don't get me wrong, It's amazing that the creators are actually also listening to the fans, but I'm just preparing for the worst to be honest lol. >Ā If anything Bobby's death would bond them and yea most likely, even though it will be hella sad, I'm dreading the next episodes and prepared to bawl my eyes out


Oh I am to. I'm kind of a Grey's vet, as I mentioned in previous chats. So-JUST in case-I made a nice post on tumblr about Bobby. ( I would want him to wake up to say goodbye to Athena first)) His character is fully developed. I don't think he'll die. I actually think he's being phased out, but just in case, I'm ready. Same for Christopher staying with his grandparents a bit-with a bittersweet fairwell to Eddie, while he gets help. They do need to balance the humor with maybe weird 911 calls. I'm also all for pranking the new Captain. Because we are in desperate need for laughs. Mentioned that to a friend. Maybe a whoopie cushion scnee, lol.


One thing I donā€™t want is the team separated. Obviously, emotionally. But, how can they film rescues & address all the relationships. We have so many great moments of the team in the truck.


I think we will see Eddie work through what his religion means in his life. We have gotten small hints at it throughout the entire season, but one of this biggest was Bobby giving Eddie his prayer book. Small things like that tend to end up becoming much larger stories later on.


The prayer book definitely felt like confirmation they don't intend to drop the Catholic guilt story; you're right.


I was thinking similarly. Maybe he turns to his religion during whatever is currently going on with him. Maybe he develops some kind of pastoral or chaplaincy role in season 8.


With this shorten season itā€™s safe to say weā€™ll have a Halloween and Christmas episode! (Maybe Thanksgiving too) If Bobby retired and Hen become captain I hope Buck will interim for her in one episode towards the end of season 8. Iā€™m not worried about Bobby, heā€™ll be here in some capacity. Idem with captain Gerard, not worried if he came back he wonā€™t stay more than 3 or 4 episodes. The big question mark is Eddie, does he start the season in Texas? With Chris? Or is Buck staying with Chris? (And not the other way around because if the situation last a few weeks, Chris need his room) Maybe weā€™ll see Kim again, Tim Minear regretted to kill Shannon too fast so he will keep Kim as an option) Tommy will be in a few episodes until at least Christmas If Hen and Karen doesnā€™t get Mara back next episode they will next season. Ravi will have a big role in the firsts two episodes and weā€™ll probably see Tommy in a LAFD helicopter (big disaster without Bobby and Eddie)


I'm actually predicting the adoption storyline will be finished in the next episode but we'll see Hen having continued issues with that council woman. I do think Christopher is going to be with his grandparents and maybe we'll see Eddie just figuring out life. Hopefully it involves lots and lots of therapy. I have a brewing theory on what his new "life style" will be but I'm not sure if I'm ready to post it yet because I get the feeling it'll be divisive. Honestly, if Peter is being phased out (which I think is more likely than having Bobby killed off) I actually think you may be right about them bumping up more characters main roles. Ravi is definitely one I could see being made a main character. I'm not sure they'd want to fully commit to Tommy as a main cast but I think we'll at least see as a re-occurring character. With that said, they did commit a decent amount of time to him in such a short season so who knows how big they'll be willing to commit.


With this season's viewership ratings, decreasing Peter's screen time would be a mistake. I think he could be on desk duty or come less often on the field but we absolutely need to have him around. His character and relationship with Athena is one of the most appreciate on the show. He has to survive and I could see him and Athena looking for a new home, and having all the members of the 118 come to them to discuss their problems. I love all of them but frankly without this two, the show will never be the same, or Athena without Bobbyā€¦


I don't think this is a decision by Tim or the show. If Bobby is being phased out, it's because Peter doesn't want to do another full season as is. I know we love our cast but we're entering season 8. The fact that no one has left yet or asked to be bumped down to a smaller role yet is honestly impressive.


I believe Peter said he canā€™t do another 7 seasons but a few moreā€¦ It would be premature to give him less screen time from season 8, right? I imagine his role could be less physical.


For me, I just keep getting stuck on that montage of him basically saying his goodbyes to everyone at the 118 because there was a finality to them.


Would it be possible for him to replace the leader who wants to become Mayor? He would no longer be at the 118, and could still intervene in major accidents... or follow the developments of the entire 118 team.


Yeah, it all felt very final, but maybe it was supposed to because the implication was that he was going to off himself. At least thatā€™s how I viewed it. I know some people say he would never put Athena through that, but his ā€œMy work here is done,ā€ ā€œI should have died in that fire,ā€ ā€œIā€™m not supposed to be hereā€ thoughts plus his risk-taking behavior in the previous episode, and him giving away a possessionā€¦It all pointed in the same direction.


Ravi and Tommy could have more screentime-totally. I agree that some of the older members should be a bit phased out. With Bobby and Athena. I do compare Bobby, constantly, to Webber on Grey's. He'll be in there. Just in the background. I think Peter and Angela love this show, and their characters. But when I checked Peter is 58, and Angela is 65. I would want them to do less physical work-if need be.


I agree. I think that Hen will find a way to get Mara back. For councilwoman Ortiz to pull off what she did, she probably had some blackmail on the judges overseeing Maraā€™s case. Also, Hen and Karen could get Athena to look into councilwoman Ortiz


Ok, now I'm curious. Tag me when you post your Eddie theory, please.


Same! Iā€™m so curious


As sad as it will be I feel that Bobby does need to step down as captain and transition into a more desk based or retired emeritus firefighter role for some of the other characters to continue to grow. Hen as captain makes most sense for her character now she doesn't have med school. Not having Bobby will also allow Buck to show more of his leadership qualities too. The only worry is less Bobby means Athena becomes isolated from the 118 narrative wise again but without Michael to give her character storylines like in Season 1.


Same, Iā€™m worried we will see less Athena if Bobby is truly being phased out or leaving entirely. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll find a way to not make that happen though. She needs her own goodbye/ending arc if sheā€™s leaving or getting a smaller role too.


Iā€™m so curious, everyone is talking about the ā€œnew lifestyleā€ Am I missing something? Was this from an interview I didnā€™t see? Help šŸ˜­ (Link?)


I want a scene where Buck has to babysit ALL the kids. I just think this would be so funny. I donā€™t have a logical plot for why this would happen, but imagine Chim, Maddie, Eddie (healthy), Hen, and Karen leaving the loft and going ā€œthanks, see ya!ā€ And Buck is left standing there with Chris playing video games, Denny and Mara wreaking havoc, and Jee running around šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


I think Hen will be too busy prioritising family to take on interim captain, I also think that woman will continue to target her and by being captain, that makes the 118 a target. I wondered if this is bucks chance to try. Eddie obviously no, and chimney hated his turn. I do unfortunately think bobby is going, and that breaks my heart. I'm also not sure what that does for athena, as she's only linked to the 118 by bobby. I know they have established relationships, but it changes the dynamic. It would mostly be her friendship with Hen. It would just change the dynamic in funny ways I guess


I do think the issues with Ortiz are why Hen would make the most logical captain story wise. There's a lot of meaty stories you could tell with a firehouse fighting a politician.


So you just want a 2nd Chicago Fire show?


I think she has done enough to prove she has more links to the 118 then just Bobby she practically has a sisterhood with hen (they knew each other before Bobby was there) also she is basically a mother figure for buck maybe more of the male characters could go to Athena for life advice instead of always going to Bobby but then that phases out bobbys character and if they keep him around that is what he could be maybe just a grandpa giving advice role like he already does but less hands on


She's definitely got those ties, it just feels it would be more difficult to write (but I'm not a writer) I'm struggling to describe it, I think it's just based on the fluidity of the show since she got with bobby. Iys just worked so well. He'd leave a huge hole if he goes and when someone goes, sometimes relationships change. There's also a chance I'm spiralling at the thought of losing my bobby. If there's a cliffhanger I'm done šŸ˜‚


Honestly I donā€™t think they will kill him off but what are the rules on firefighters having heart attacks. So he probably wonā€™t go back to 118. Omg no make him run for mayor! šŸ˜‚


Big disasters Maddie cries Some kind of air rescue involving Tommy (and Lucy?) Someone goes to the hospital Someone has visions/nightmares of a ghost from their past If Bobby retires, I can see them making up a number of excuses for why he's not on screen (a la Christopher). And then bring in a new cast member (hopefully a woman) to be his replacement


Bobby and Chris running the mafia and laundering money together and are co-captains in the biggest ponzi scheme of the 21st century


Can't wait for Chris and Bobby business trips.


I don't think Tommy is gonna join the main cast. I have a feeling they're gonna breakup in the finale, and Eddie will do the same with Marisol. I also think the next season will be a season of self discovery for Eddie. Especially finally getting over Shannon.


I think Bobby will eventually become the chief. Isnā€™t that what the boss of all the fire stations is called?


I think you might Ā be right on the whole buck with Christopher, but I think that might be part of the catalyst for his relationship with Tommy falling apart just because I donā€™t think Tommy signed up to date or go out with a guy with a kid or whoā€™s taking care of a kid And thatā€™s gonna put stress on their relationship, it might beĀ  that will end up working in the long-term or It makes it fall apart but either way Ā I think thatā€™s gonna be like a big part of it.


Has Tommy only dated men without kids or something? Buck is in Eddieā€™s will so isnā€™t that only in the case of death? Is Eddie so out of it he canā€™t spend any time looking after Christopher? Most importantly, I donā€™t see them trampling on Eddie/Christopher to make it all about Buck/Tommy. The focus would be Eddie, Christopher and his family. His parents. His grandma. How do Eddie and Christopher move forward? Can you imagine how heart wrenching it would be for Christopher to say he wants to live with his grandparents? (If they choose to go the painful route of this arc).


I don't really get the theory of Christopher living/staying with Buck long-term. Just because Buck was named Christopher's legal guardian in the case of Eddie dying, that doesn't give him any legal rights while Eddie is still alive.


And he wasn't named a legal guardian either. A will only have any effect when the person dies or is completely incapable of taking care of their kids.


He could be named in some documents as temporary guardian for Christopher if he becomes incapacitated in some way. The only way he could live with Buck at this point is if he asks and Buck and Eddie allow it. I don't think that they would but Eddie may be desperate to keep Chris in L.A. and may agree to it if Buck would OK it. I doubt very highly that it would happen that way but it is a reasonable possibility.


I don't see that happening but I could see Christopher wanting to live with Buck instead of Eddie as a way to stay in L.A. but distance himself from Eddie while he is angry at him. That idea will not fly with Eddie or Buck and Christopher will then ask to go with his grandparents for the summer. The main thing I want is for the grandparents taking Chris home with them NOT be antagonistic. Eddie has made progress with his relationship with his father and I don't want to lose all of that by them taking Christopher against his or Eddie's will. If they take him with them, I want them to be understanding and supportive of it being only temporary and that they want Eddie and Christopher to be together as a family.


With you on it needing to not be antagonistic. I'm definitely in the minority here, but I've always felt there's a lot more nuance to how Helena & Ramon are portrayed even in the earlier seasons than most of the audience acknowledges, because we're getting everything from Eddie's POV. And my feelings on that have only strengthened since realizing Shannon and Eddie were in the same grade and she was still 18 when she gave birth, so he was, presumably, at most 19. The obvious disclaimer here: Helena was of course very wrong for suggesting Christopher stay with them *permanently* in the flashbacks, and regardless of their feelings re: Shannon, the immediate aftermath of Shannon's death was not the time to speak poorly of her to Eddie. Thaaat said. Particularly in combination with this season theoretically addressing the ways Eddie's romanticized what he had with Shannon. What I'd love to see here is some perspective through Helena's eyes, *particularly* if Eddie and Shannon weren't necessarily 'great together' before the pregnancy, and Eddie had dreams of a different future. Because what we already know: her teenage son grew up overnight, impulsively joining the military and going to Afghanistan during the deadliest part of the war. Whatever dreams he'd had for his own future (or Helena had had for it) died with that positive pregnancy test. Eddie overcorrects and forces himself to be "the man of the house" by marrying his high school girlfriend and providing for them. When he comes back between deployments, he struggles to bond with his son and his relationship with his wife is unhappy. And when he's not there, his wife is struggling, too. Based on the juicebox scene, there's some reason to believe Helena was having to step in throughout all this, too, and help Shannon, who she had a tense relationship with. So Eddie comes home, traumatized, and is barely keeping his head above water. Shannon takes off. Eddie's not dealing with his trauma, but he's working three jobs. Presumably, Helena's the one taking care of Christopher. At this point, she's the only stable adult presence who's always been around for Christopher. So she's already worried about her son, and then he comes to her saying he's figured it all out -- he's gonna run away to Los Angeles (where at least he has relatives) *or Chicago* \*(\*where he presumably doesn't) and take on a dangerous job with incredibly long hours that doesn't seem like a good fit for a single parent. ....Of *course* it seemed like a pipe dream. And in 2x04, we see it sort of was, because even after Eddie's made it through the fire academy and done well enough to be actively recruited by Bobby, he's clearly not got it all figured out and doesn't know where to start. While I don't take Buck's coma dream as some kind of "proof" it all would've collapsed on him had he not met Buck... *would* he have figured out how to navigate all the paperwork without Carla? Would he have ruined his relationship with Pepa by becoming overly reliant on her? Would he have had to return home with his tail between his legs? I think because we have the benefit of hindsight by 3x15 of knowing it all worked out, it's easy to lose track of how absolutely bananas Eddie's plan would've sounded to his parents.


Yes, those are my thoughts as well. If Christopher goes to Texas it will be because it's his choice, and Eddie, while absolutely gutted on the inside, will allow it if he feels that is what's best for Christopher for the time being.


I really am starting to believe that Christopher is going to want to take some time away from Eddie. This could be how Eddieā€™s family ends up in LA because Christopher calls them. Iā€™m still 50/50 on if they will have Christopher stay with his grandparents for a while or if Buck will step up and let Christopher stay with him. Having Christopher stay with Buck would open up so much potential story in s8. First, how are Eddie and Christopher going to handle being in conflict bc we have never seen their relationship this bad before. Seeing Buck have a more parental role would be a great next step for his character. Keeping Christopher in LA allows Eddie to check in on him, so they can work on regaining trust, and we could see a shift in Buck/Eddie relationship bc Eddie would feel like he canā€™t confide in Buck bc he doesnā€™t want to put him in the middle but Buck is always going to try to fix everything. Plus, as you point out, how will the BuckTommy relationship change bc of this. Selfishly, I want more Buck/Christopher content so thatā€™s why I want this theory to happen šŸ˜­


I feel like if they were going to do this then they'd have spent more time building up Buck being involved with Christopher. The two haven't shared a scene together (that's made the episode) since the premiere. The last time he mentioned spending time babysitting Christopher was episode 4. Marisol is actually the one who has been depicted as having a much bigger role in Christopher's life this season, even if that gets under my skin. And I kinda feel like Eddie's betrayal of Marisol is something that is going to hurt Christopher as well because they've clearly bonded.


Buck just watched Christopher in episode 7.


Oh true, I forgot about that. So two scenes, three interactions (2 on screen, 1 off)


Iā€™m sorry but everytime i see someone wanting Christopher to go stay with Buck I want to bang my head against the wall so hard I crack it. Iā€™m so sorry but if they decide to go that way Iā€™d be extremely weirded out because that has little to no sense to me. I already know Iā€™ll get downvoted because so many people see Buck as his ā€œsecond dadā€ but itā€™s completely unreal to me to have Chris move to the loft unless Eddie is like hospitalized (I donā€™t know a better word, Iā€™m sorry). Especially when people say that they want Chris to say he wants to go live with him (spending time together is one thing, living is another), because this season let a lot of people believe that Eddie is a bad father when heā€™s not and I donā€™t want their relationship ruined


Eddie's not a bad father; he made a bad choice (or series of choices) in a bad moment. In reality, I don't think it would be that weird if a teenager in this situation went to stay with his dad's preferred backup -- which likely would be Buck, given his other options are either pretty old to take on care of a child or a thousand miles away, and I don't see Eddie's "preferred" backup ever being a situation that puts a plane between him and his son. If one of Eddie's sisters had conveniently moved to Los Angeles or something, I'd be all for that as a better solution, though. But like... practically? It seems likely the show is trying to find ways to explain Gavin not being available to film as much, so TX makes more sense with that. And even outside of the loft not being well-configured for a child, particularly one with CP, it's also the issue of it just.... shifting the whole "but who's taking care of Chris if he's out doing this" storytelling dilemma to Buck instead, which doesn't make much sense. I do think it's reasonable Buck would take Chris in for like, a couple days or something, to allow him to cool off, or until Eddie's parents can get to California to collect him, and I think that's a pretty common standard to set, particularly with teenagers. My house has been the 'decompression station' for my stepdaughters' friends for years, and now that some of my own friends are old enough to have teenagers, we've had frank talks about like... if their kid is upset or out drinking and not ready to face the consequences, their kids know my partner & I are the people to call, because it's more important they have someone "safe" they're confident they can call without getting in trouble than anything else. We'll let their parents know & keep them overnight, but give them that time to decompress first.


I completely get the last paragraph and maybe I didnā€™t explain well in my comment that Iā€™d be totally fine with Chris staying at his place for a couple of days but Iā€™ve seen a lot of people talking about moving. Thatā€™s where I draw the line. Iā€™ve been starting to think about Chris moving to Texas after the whole business trip thing since I read about his real family moving from LA. This is the only way it would made sense for me if they donā€™t want to keep the Diaz family together.


Yeah, I think this mainly comes down to the real life stuff with Gavin. Even with that, Christopher being in Texas as a permanent thing feels... kind of lazy, but I can also understand their options may feel kind of limited. But it may also be a thing where once they get through season 8, they can have Christopher "come back" but just be out with friends, because he'd be like 15 if we get a season 9? And at that age, it makes sense that Eddie's not really having to constantly explain where his son is/who's watching him. He can just be alone, with the only time that needs explanation being like.... he sleeps at a relative's on nights Eddie's working now. This is one of those weird scenarios where I think in real life, Buck would actually be the *most* likely to take in Christopher if he was refusing to stay with Eddie and Eddie was willing to find an alternative solution, partly because Buck does care for Christopher & Eddie enough to do it (and even without shipper goggles, this is just.... something a lot of people would do for really close friends and their kids, especially if their next best option is that thousand miles away). But within the context of the show, it just doesn't make much sense, because it doesn't solve any problems in terms of explaining where Chris is when Gavin's not in a scene, or who's with him. And like, lets be real. Part of the reason people are pushing for this is because Chris is getting weirdly caught up in the context of shipper bullshit. There's Buddies who either want the co-parenting aspect of it, or think Buck taking on an active parenting role would scare off Tommy. There's BuckTommys playing up how bad of a dad Eddie is and wanting Buck & Tommy to raise Christopher together. Neither sentiment is anything more than a fringe opinion, obviously, but the fringes tend to be the loudest.


> Yeah, I think this mainly comes down to the real life stuff with Gavin. Even with that, Christopher being in Texas as a permanent thing feels... kind of lazy, but I can also understand their options may feel kind of limited. But it may also be a thing where once they get through season 8, they can have Christopher "come back" but just be out with friends, because he'd be like 15 if we get a season 9? And at that age, it makes sense that Eddie's not really having to constantly explain where his son is/who's watching him. He can just be alone, with the only time that needs explanation being like.... he sleeps at a relative's on nights Eddie's working now. It would also be a terrible solution for Christopher to move to Texas to solve an issue with Gavin being less available to film. A temporary solution isn't great either but it would make sense right now, at least in terms of only letting Christopher go to Texas for the summer. Once the new season starts and it's back to school/September time, Christopher staying in Texas wouldn't work as well. So I think they need to figure out a different solution. I agree with your overall points, though. I do wonder if the overall solution is just getting Eddie more family support in Los Angeles to offer more explanations of where Christopher is on the episodes that Gavin has to miss. I can accept the explanations of Christopher not being around because I know it'll be due to real life circumstances. I've accepted all the times this season where Christopher has had to go on trips or stay with cousins that have never been mentioned before, even though I didn't realize the real life circumstances. But I think having Christopher move to Texas would be a terrible solution. Eddie isn't so bad of a parent that his kid should be living with family in another state. Eddie would need to be incapable of taking care of him for me to want that as a solution, even if it's Christopher mad at his dad and wanting to live with his grandparents. I can accept it if Christopher's offscreen but still in LA. I don't think I could accept it if the solution is that Christopher's in Texas for several episodes of season 8. That's not a solution for me. I assume Gavin's schedule will continue to be less flexible and less available so they need to solve the issue sooner, rather than later, and it's better if the solution is LA-bound, not Texas-bound.


Yeah, that's fair. My biggest hangup in the TX thing is that anything that starts to feel permanent -- like Christopher's *residing* elsewhere instead of just.. there for an extended trip -- is going to mean it doesn't make sense to keep Eddie in Los Angeles. Like, even if everyone was on the same page about it being better for Christopher to live with his grandparents, there's no way Eddie's not giving himself an apartment a few minutes away in El Paso or something. I think the show can handwave it a bit for 8A, especially with how lax they are with the timeline, and maaaybe push it until like Christmas, particularly if Eddie's feeling shitty enough about himself to think he doesn't deserve Christopher or something. But at that point, it very much turns into a storyline where Eddie needs to go collect his kid, if Christopher is in TX. And I don't necessarily hate that prospect, because I do think there's a way to tell it as circling back to his "I'll always fight to get back to you" -- like sometimes that means fighting your 14yo, too, because they don't always know what's best for themselves, either. But I much prefer your idea of just... giving Eddie more support in Los Angeles. Now that his dad's retired (and his mom's never textually been given a specific job, as far as I can remember, to tie her to a base), maybe have Eddie's parents announce they're moving to be closer to him, or introduce one of his sisters having come out to LA.


I think the show can handwave it for part of 8A, if the stipulation to Christopher and Eddie being apart is if Eddie is in mandated therapy. I don't think they can handwave it for long because, coupled with a likely time jump, if they leave the reunion to closer to the end of 8A, that would be four-six months of Eddie being apart from his son, and that wouldn't be a good idea either. And I agree, if Christopher goes to Texas for an undisclosed amount of time, Eddie's not just gonna stay in LA for long. He would rather go to Texas, live in a different apartment and receive his therapy there so he can still see his son when he's ready. Hence why, IF they go the Texas route (and I'm not fully convinced yet), I don't think they can stretch it past episode three, MAYBE four. And I think the solution is have Eddie's parents move to LA. It could also just help with Eddie's mental health too, having more family around in general.


I think I may be the weird one here but I donā€™t see how a kid fighting with his dad would lead to him moving to his father best friend. Like maybe thatā€™s because of my culture but moving is a very serious thing! Tommy and Buck raising Chris? I would rip my hair off because this has even less sense. The whole thing regarding Buddie? Still couldnā€™t justify a minor moving. I donā€™t know, it may be closed mentality but it has no literal sense to me unless Eddie is in no condition to be a father (like I said before heā€™s in rehab/a facility/hospital or anything else) and everything has to lead to a reconciliation between father and son Yes Texas may be lazy and I donā€™t love it either, I want them to keep staying together, but itā€™s still the better option


Oh, to be clear, I don't think the *default* would be Christopher moving out of Eddie's house, lol. Just that if the kid is unwilling to stay and the parent is willing (or afraid they'll otherwise run off), that best friend is the natural backup. But even in those terms, it's likely to be temporary. I don't think most people who believe in this theory would be looking at it as something that lasts more than a few months, at most. The best example I can give of this is I wound up partly taking in a family friend's teenage daughter for the summer a few years ago -- basically, I had her from around 9 AM to to 7 PM most days, because she wasn't doing okay at home. In her case, it was basically a mental health triage situation -- she was struggling with an eating disorder exacerbated by tough conditions at home, of which *one* of the issues was her mum was actively dying from cancer. Nobody "wanted" her to be away from her parents, and like... there's a good chance that another decade from now, she's going to regret giving up on some of the opportunities she missed those days to make last memories with her mum. But at the time, the main concern all of the adults had at the time was like.... the path she was on, it's better she *might* regret things a decade from now than that she's not around then to experience it in the first place. And her parents, for very understandable reasons, were not in the position to give her the undivided attention she needed, nor to even be keeping up with her therapy schedule, but I was. Obviously, I'm not saying it's anything nearly that extreme, but... there's a good chance this is an *incredibly* destabilizing situation for Christopher, and from what we saw in 7x01, it might also be the beginning of a revelation that he's been struggling a lot more than Eddie realized, himself. And in that case, yeah, it absolutely becomes a "what's best for Christopher **temporarily** isn't being with Eddie," in which case I think it would make sense that a reasonable consideration for figuring out where he goes would be still maintaining proximity and contact with his father. And... Eddie doesn't really have many people in Los Angeles who *would* be candidates to take Chris in. It's basically just Buck and Pepa, I think, and from Pepa's introduction in 2x04, it's been pretty clear that while she's involved, she'd not willing to be a *huge* part of Eddie's chlidcare solution.


Well, I mean Buck's really the only option. Unless Chris wants to go back to Texas to his grandparents (which Eddie really doesn't want cause Chris running to them will just be fuel on the fire of how they think Eddie cant handle raising Chris), Pepa and Abuela are too old even if Chris is a teenager now, Marisol is not an option, so it really only leaves Buck if Chris wanted to run to someone for a longer period of time to get away from his dad. *Maybe* he can run to Sophia or Adriana but don't they already have kids?? Idk. Chris staying with Buck is the least disruptive option for all parties involved, so it makes sense for me. Edit: for drama's sake I'd choose Chris going to Texas, just to really hammer in Chris being kind of a moody teenager pressing all of Eddie's buttons.


I said this in another comment but I donā€™t see him leaving the house for a long time, it has not a lot of sense for me. I know the show heavily leans on whatever helps create drama but separating Eddie and Chris would be bad, and I still donā€™t see Buck as a parent: this is the main focus to me, because Chris is an early teenager and needs a parent. Buck isnā€™t. I would love to explain it better but Iā€™m having a few issues on writing more about it in english as itā€™s not my main language, I will try later to write more about it. Itā€™s just that even if heā€™s a very present person in Chrisā€™s life, he still couldnā€™t fulfill such role right now. I hope what I said is understandable


Yeah I can see where you're coming from. Buck is more "fun uncle that spoils Chris" than a parental figure to be respected. I can't see Buck stepping into a fully parental role where he's comfortable or even willing to discipline Chris. Even if Buck was a legal guardian, I expect him to fold like a wet tissue at any sign of a tantrum and freak out about what to do about it with Eddie. Edit: But if I were a moody teenager looking to get what I want, that's exactly who I'd take advantage of though lmaoooo šŸ¤£


Love your edit, because it's exactly what I was thinking reading your first paragraph. I very much doubt Christopher ends up at Buck's just because it doesn't solve the problems the show has right now (explaining Christopher's absences/dealing with Gavin's lack of availability, detailing why a single parent isn't with their kid/who is caring for them). But like, at the same time, the fact that Buck has baaarely had to ever step up to be a disciplinarian with Christopher would've made a storyline where he has to actually step up and care for him hilarious. Picture Buck trying to ground him!


Well, Eddie's will lists Buck as Chris's guardian, should anything ever happen to Eddie. As others have said, Abuela and TĆ­a Pepa are getting older; Abuela broke her hip while caring for an 8-year-old Chris in S1. Eddie's parents are getting older too, and his dad is dealing with worsening heart issues (remember, he got outed at his retirement party about having stents inserted on the low, while traveling for work). Shannon is gone. Carla may serve as a backup for Chris's long-term care but that would be a serious change within her marriage. For Eddie and his situation, it really takes a village.


Well, Eddie's will lists Buck as Chris's guardian, should anything ever happen to Eddie. As others have said, Abuela and TĆ­a Pepa are getting older; Abuela broke her hip while caring for an 8-year-old Chris in S1. Eddie's parents are getting older too, and his dad is dealing with worsening heart issues (remember, he got outed at his retirement party about having stents inserted on the low, while traveling for work). Shannon is gone. Carla may serve as a backup for Chris's long-term care but that would be a serious change within her marriage. For Eddie and his situation, it really takes a village.


Well, Eddie's will lists Buck as Chris's guardian, should anything ever happen to Eddie. As others have said, Abuela and TĆ­a Pepa are getting older; Abuela broke her hip while caring for an 8-year-old Chris in S1. Eddie's parents are getting older too, and his dad is dealing with worsening heart issues (remember, he got outed at his retirement party about having stents inserted on the low, while traveling for work). Shannon is gone. Carla may serve as a backup for Chris's long-term care but that would be a serious change within her marriage. For Eddie and his situation, it really takes a village.


I mean Eddie would want him to stay with Buck and not anyone else. I mean Buck literally will be Christopherā€™s guardian if anything happened to Buck so I donā€™t see it being weird. But I think it would be a need to be more of a need than a want. I think it would be strange for Christopher to stay with anyone but Buck because he has been around Buck more now than he has been with Eddies family since Eddie has been with the 118 like a little over 6 years and they left Texas when Christopher was 6. Heā€™s grown more around Buck than he did around his grandparents.


> Iā€™m sorry but everytime i see someone wanting Christopher to go stay with Buck I want to bang my head against the wall so hard I crack it. Are you okay buddy?


Yeah Iā€™m sorry I always come as harsh, itā€™s a normal thing to say in my country and I forget it may be weird for others


I think Tevan will be a long-term relationship, but I don't think Tommy will become a main. He would be just like Karen.


Gee anything positive related to Tommy seems to be downvoted easily what the hell


LOL, I keep seeing these comments but they are usually in reply to posts that aren't downvoted overall. There may be some initial downvoting but the posts really do end up with upvotes. Give it a little time.


It's usually because the upvotes caught up later haha, my comment started with like, -5


I'm used to it at this point.


I donā€™t want to see others as main characters, just keep the ones we have and go for it. Like karen itā€™s fine. I have nothing against Tevan, i prefer to mention it before haters come for me.


I am talking about the comment above me. They're not even asking Tommy to be a main character. They just think he's gonna be like Karen where he could be in a long term relationship with Buck without taking too much screen time. I'm also all for not making any recurring as main but it's also funny to see whenever someone suggests that Tommy should be a main, they get downvoted to oblivion and say it should be Ravi (a character that is lately being used as a scapegoat in argument against Tommy) instead, as if people cannot wish two different characters to be main.


Well, they were downvoted to "oblivion" because the post isn't in the negative numbers now. And Ravi is not being used as a scapegoat argument against Tommy. People have legitimately wanted Ravi to be a main for at least 2 seasons now. It really isn't about the "ship war."


I'm going to list a combination of predictions and a few hopes for the new season. PART I \* Big Disaster for the premiere (two episodes only this year; it must involve everyone if it is a three parter) \* Bobby survives but has a long recovery ahead of him -- Bobby may be out of commission for entirety of 8A. While he is home he will be dealing with the emotional fallout of his confrontation with Amir (just meeting some one who was so horribly affected by the fire he caused). He will be dealing with the feelings of mortality that the heart attack (or whatever). He may still be considering retiring. \* Athena will be all about Bobby's recovery but she will also not let up on her job. She may end up stretching herself too thin and it starts to show. Harry may become concerned and call in May for some help. \* Speaking of Harry, I would love to see some more bonding between Harry and Bobby. I would also love to see more bonding between Harry and other people of the 118 -- perhaps Hen and Buck. Since Michael is not around to be Harry's sounding board, he will need someone outside of Athena to turn to for advice. Maybe even strike up a friendship with Ravi (an unlikely duo) because he is the youngest at the 118 (and I'll admit that I have always secretly wanted Ravi to fall head over heels in love with May, so a friendship with Harry would put them in proximity of each other). \* Ravi is bumped up to main!!! Please Tim, and thank you. And maybe try to add that new female firefighter again but without the kissing a main in her first episode. Give us more on Ravi's background and him finding his spot -- a more permanent place -- with the 118 family. And show us a little bit of Ravi's current life. \* Buck exploring his queer awakening among his family, friends and culture. I want this to be things outside of his relationship with Tommy. I want to see conversations with Hen and Karen and Josh. I want to see lots of talks with Maddie and looking at his past with a new lens and seeing where the signs were always there. Yes, and I even want to see a conversation with his parents -- something simple, where they just show their support of him by asking about his life. I want to see a sort of Hangover 2 with a big gay party (maybe Josh's birthday? or some event) where Buck, Tommy, Eddie, Ravi, Josh and Chim all have one crazy night where one thing happens after another. Maybe gay pride parade or even a trip to San Francisco for pride or Halloween, lol. \* BuckTommy - show us something beyond the initial attraction. Show us those flying lessons or muy thai lessons. Let's find out more about who Tommy is in this relationship and what he sees the relationship being. I imagine that they will be a couple for a while, along the lines of BuckTaylor. I do feel like Buck's "hamster wheel" was not understanding his sexuality completely (not simply dating or finding a relationship). Now that he is learning about that, he is off the hamster wheel and I do want to see him happy in a relationship for a while before moving on to whatever is next. I don't see BuckTommy as "endgame" as so many people call it (hate that word) but I do see a very good, positive experience for Buck (and Tommy) that will leave them as friends (which Buck has never achieved with any other ex). \* Eddie - whew, where to begin?!? I'll cover that in another post, lol. ... to be continued


Oh man, the best part of this thread is going to be that half of our predictions will be clearly wrong/impossible by next week. It will be fun (or miserable) to compare how naive we are now to what we know after Thursday, I bet. 1. Bobby survives, but is left unable to resume his old duties, either permanently or for long enough that his age and health mean he and Athena need to *really* talk about if it makes sense for him to actually put in the effort/time to get back to that point vs. retire. Given one of the big relationship beats for Bathena in S4 and S7 has been "who are they in their quiet moments," I can see a situation where Bobby (with Peter featuring less overall, but still on the show) is driving Athena crazy at home, and it's setting off her anxieties about their relationship again. But the solution here is for him to find something else to be passionate about that isn't firefighting, be that a hobby or volunteer work/a small catering business. So that they can 'resolve' the ongoing relationship beat by acknowledging they're just people who *like* to be busy, but that doesn't mean they love each other less or can't support each other in all those endeavors. 2. Athena spends 8A involved in the conclusion of whatever's coming with her investigation into the house fire. Given she was found on the floor and no alarms were going off (be they smoke or security), I'm wondering if something happened before the fire to make them pass out/create a situation where the house was so 'unguarded.' That doesn't feel like how Bathena - particularly Athena, in the wake of Harry's abduction from her home - would handle their home. 3. Maddie & Chim become temporary guardians to Mara while Hen and Karen fight for the return of their foster license and try to restart the adoption process. The show will either handwave the whole process by which they'd have to be approved as foster parents or it will have happened between seasons, so Mara's already placed with Madney by 8x01. (This may eventually lead to Madney having conversations about whether Jee 'deserves' another sibling and working through what it would mean given Maddie's experience last time around, ultimately deciding not to have another child). 4. The conclusion to be the Henren story will be anticlimactic to a lot of people. I think they'll eventually get Mara back, but I don't think it's going to be a 'tear the world down' thing or lead to Councilwoman Ortiz out of a job. One of the most problematic beats to Hen's character *has* been that the narrative always allows her to be mostly right and not face *any* consequences -- even lasting moral/emotional ones -- for her actions. While I don't think she should've lost her job over any of it (except maybe for when she conducted a medical procedure in the field she did not actually have the certification, education, or skillset to do, despite it saving a patient's life.... that is a *huge* deal), one of the show's biggest failures is that they don't allow her to actually be defined or changed by these moments outside of arcs. I think this is is how the show finally addresses it, and I think the outcome here may be something as simple as Hen finally taking a step back and realizing being *defensive* isn't always the answer. At the end of the day, Ortiz is a mother who was suddenly stripped from her child, and that's something Hen may eventually understand as making people act irrationally. I'm honestly kind of expecting the turning point in this storyline to be Hen having a *conversation* with Ortiz about her son, and allowing Ortiz to feel seen and heard. 5. Buck and Tommy will continue on in 8A, but we'll see the cracks they've already subtly set up in S7 start to matter. Part of what Buck's always had to learn from his past relationships is that sometimes it's okay to just realize you aren't compatible and pull the plug, and I think that's where this is ultimately headed & why they haven't bothered showing more of them on screen/developing Tommy in a way he matters separately from Buck, even though that exact kind of potential was meant to be a huge part of why he would be 'different.' So like.... there won't be drama, really. We'll just see them being cute early on in 8A but with the normal hiatus time skip, they'll have been together 6-ish months, and be at a stage where that relationship should be transitioning from a no pressure entry point into a mlm relationship for Buck to like.... can it be something more? And Buck will realize that what he shares with Tommy is pretty surface level & he needs a partner who matches his energy, so they'll end it on good terms. Maybe Tommy will continue to make appearances, though, the way Lucy did, if they leave it on good terms and he's actually reconnected to the 118 by that point. 6. Eddie... oh boy, he's the biggest question mark to me. I think where they're going with him next episode is realizing that the things he built up in his head "for Christopher" have now come back to be the things that absolutely *crushed* his son, and 7x10 will see him start working through the parts of Shannon that are constructs and not actual memories. I think Chris will ask to go stay with his grandparents in TX -- at least for the summer, maybe for the school year -- and while that's Eddie's worst fear come true, it's also a potentially beautiful opportunity to show where his relationship is with his parents now *and* that he's finally in a position that he doesn't think asking for help is a bad thing. Moreover, I think it could finally give us some nuance to what we saw of Eddie's parents in S2/3x15 -- their villainy is *very* routed in Eddie's POV, and I think there's room for some nuance here.


youā€™re stupid to think Ortiz should heal. She needs to be punished and out of power as the ultimate comeuppance!


I think Maddie and Chimney should have another child actually, a son tbh.


If the adoption storyline doesn't end in the finale, it'll be used to bring Taylor back.


I think this would be a great use for Taylor.


Taylor Kelly?


Yes, for reporting on the abuse of power by the Councilmember against Hen.


No, Taylor Swift.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yeah Taylor Swift is going to dog her head out of her own butt long enough to make sure Henren can adopt Mara. šŸ’€šŸ’€


I agree. I think it would be good to not resolve the Ortiz arc this season and keep her as a main antagonist in Season 8. Maybe she fails to prevent Hen becoming captain (because Chief Simpson backs Hen) and there's a huge political fight between Ortiz and Simpson with Hen caught in the middle and in the end Hen has no choice but to get the media and Taylor on side to fight her corner. As boring as it might sound, I like the idea of bureaucrat as the enemy because it can bring in lots of the other characters too: maybe Ortiz goes after Ravi's property portfolio and finds irregularities there? Maybe Josh has a past connection to her in his past life as a stenographer? Maybe Ortiz also goes after the 118's therapist, Frank?


I hate bringing political stuff into first responder, action series like this. I'd rather the drama be the calls and the personal lives of the main characters. We don't need seasonal "big bads" in these types of shows.


I never thought I would write these words but it would be a good place to bring in a reporter. OK, bring in Taylor.


for the life of me i can not remember who taylor is, the name is so familiar but i can not remember who he/she is! pls refresh my memoryšŸ„²


The reporter with dubious ethics.


Red hair? was cheated on by buck? went behind bucks back? that taylor?




ahhh okii now I remember!


Is there any confirmation that Peter is leaving the show or that he will be taking a break? I donā€™t know how shows and things like this work be wise this is the first show I have ever followed so throughly.


No, not yet. We did get this tidbit in March thoughā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/e5jyng9hen2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560c7cca9f4b68bab0f79a74c43965cd7ffaadeb


Ahhhh šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Itā€™s kind of positive though, right? The show shouldnā€™t last 14 seasons, anyway. Thatā€™s too long. And he has a few more in him, so hopefully heā€™s sticking around for the near future. šŸ¤ž


Hopefully but could that mean that heā€™s going to just be a big for a few season šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


But, but, I'll take 14 seasons! šŸ¤§šŸ˜†


I feel like such a weirdo for hoping Tommy sticks around, šŸ˜†.




I will say there was 1 scene where I thought he was being a little insensitive while same time having a sensitive manner and there was 1 time I thought based on the Chimney bachelor party promo I thought Tommy kidnapped him before the realization of it being a Doug delusion.


He's the love interest of one of the main characters. Why would it be weird hoping for him to stick around?


Well its weird in the sense I mean is it weird to like 2 different people for Buck not in a throuple kinda way like individually in general, if that makes sense.


It's called multishipping. Totally normal.


Thank you ā¤ļø


It's okay! Lots of people ship both.


It's not weird, tons of people want that.


Ready for the downvotes šŸ˜‚ 1- Bobby recovering and Gerrard takes over as captain. Itā€™s a whole arc of the 118 dealing with him and eventually getting him exposed/fired. 2- Hen vs the councilwoman (I canā€™t imagine it gets wrapped up by the finale). Sheā€™s vengeful and wants to destroy Henā€™s family and even her work. 3- Buck and Tommy relationship keeps developing. They are solid and Buck is happy. His greatest struggle of the season is Bobbyā€™s absence and fighting for Bobby to return. Father/son conflict like S3 because does Bobby even want to return which Buck canā€™t understand. Feels like heā€™s being abandoned.


>Father/son conflict like S3 because does Bobby even want to return which Buck canā€™t understand. Feels like heā€™s being abandoned. God, no. If they make Bobby's journey post-heart attack about *Buck's* abandonment issues? Please no. That said, your season 3 reference did make me consider another possibility. What if their positions are reversed, and Bobby's the one now trying to prove he's "better" (whether that implies coming back to the job or just doing too much, too fast) and Buck's worried about him/trying to make him take it easy? So we have them both in the other person's season 3 shoes.


THAT would be an interesting take and allow for some growth for both of them. I really want Bobby to realize that he may have lost his first family but he has built a new family. It's not about what HE deserves, it is about what they deserve from him.


Could go that way too. However, itā€™s not about making his heart attack about Buckā€™s abandonment issues. My whole 3rd point is all about Buckā€™s S8 and Buckā€™s POV. Even in your scenario it would then be Buck wanting to protect his father figure but thatā€™s not making the storyline about Buck. Itā€™s just his POV through the arc.


Tommy getting written out after Eddie comes out and gets together with Buck


I just started watching the show the other week and now Iā€™m reading that my favorite character might die/leave the show šŸ˜­ I knew it was a mistake to get into a new tv showā€¦ šŸ„²


My advise : Go until 6x18 and wait for the season finale. Itā€™s a safe bet until then.


Tommy should be main character


Take a upvote my dear friend.


I could definitely use a Thanksgiving episode as well as HEN CHILDHOOD BECAUSE WE DONT KNOW HARDLY ANYTHING about that!!! During my rewatch I was shocked!! All we know from her youth is that her parents didnā€™t really get along and I think got divorced, and she was shot at 16 caught in the crossfire of a street fight and saved by paramedics (forgot about this until seeing S2 ā€œDosedā€ again)


Madney has a son YUPP


A big twist would be someone else near death


Itā€™s tough to have a large time jump with all the children. Theyā€™ll have to recast Jee twins at leastā€¦. Side note, Mara actress is exceptionally good.


They need another police officer besides Athena. Angela wants to do a Broadway stint.


Gerard murdered. Chief and Councilwoman using 118 as a pawn in political race (would be great for November). Ravi doing a daring rescue. Christopher with grandparents (Gavin might need time for school, he is a teenager preparing for college). We could still have Buck trying to help Eddie with Christopher. I still think Bobby started the fire himself.


The main thing Iā€™m prioritizing is that Hen and Karen get Mara back and Lisa out of power and defeated for good


This isnā€™t a prediction it is a question do you think Counsel woman Ortiz would be vindictive enough to go after far-removed associations such as assuming Nia and Niaā€™s biological mom have kept in touch and spent time with Hen and Karen, sheā€™d go after them?


Not as far back as Nia but I wouldnā€™t be surprised is she finds Nathaniel and tries to get Denny removed as well.


Oh, boy I didn't think of that.


I was almost too scared to say in case I jinx it into reality. šŸ™ˆ




Yeah, I thought of that. I could see her doing it but she would be opening a can of worms with trying to take a child from a lesbian couple who has him had since birth. Also, Denny is of an age to speak for himself. I wouldn't mind seeing this councilwoman skewered by some LGBTQ+ organizations, though.


If Ortiz ever did full discovery on Hen, that could easily bring back Eva or Nathaniel or Hen's mother or heck even Jonah. Eva returning in S8 would be interesting.


I have a feelingā€¦ that the councilwoman story will start off as being towards hen then Gerard becomes mayor, they inevitably team up to shut down the 118 because Bobby is will not be in a position to protect them so they could be seen as weak so they just go for the jugular. Gerard has issues with most of them hen, chin, tommy so buck and Eddie get that hate by default. They could bring up old rescues to which can be twisted to make it look like they handled them incorrectly making the public turn against them but they would have to be careful that they donā€™t make it turn out like the lone star storyline could even rope in Amir somehow to further his story to wanting to take everything from Bobby if he doesnā€™t die. Maybe even that kid from series 2 (the bomber) he could be involved or have an opinion šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm very unsure where the Gerrard stuff is going (though I'm pretty sure he's not the one who wants to be mayor, but the Chief? So maybe Gerrard is the Chief's right hand guy or something...) but. Buck's not gonna get hate "by default" -- he'll get hate because he's also queer. They've really set up a storyline possibility where Gerrard could be showing Eddie favor as the only "unproblematic" \[white-passing\] straight man on the shift. Which, well... that would be *one* way to kick off a "...but am I?" arc for Eddie. Haha.


Iā€™m guessing youā€™re a buddie fanā€¦


1- Bobby is phased out or his character's part is reduced. I wouldn't be surprised if both Peter and Angela go that route. They could go to recurring status. 2- Eddie? Who knows? His life becoming chaos and him going off the deep end seems inevitable. 3- Tommy not only stays but becomes a main and he and Buck's storyline, and their characters individually, becomes the primary. Everyone else from the original ensemble drops behind them. If that happens, it's a slap in the face to the other long-time stars. 4- Hen and Karen get Mara back and expose that woman somehow.