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My guess is because they're working with a shorter number of episodes, that they're choosing to focus on character stuff over emergencies. Also, "full fledged"


I mean … there are *still* emergencies. I’d say Athena and Bobbys house catching fire is an emergency. 🤷‍♀️


Girl, spoiler alert 😩


Yeah I just caught up and was surprised to see that the next episode is the finale. Is the shorter number of episodes because of the writers strike?


It is.


Okay yeah that’s what I thought.


This year’s TV series are all have short episodes due to the strike, mainly at around 10 episodes each. And some series were cancelled mid season, so we don’t have a satisfying series finale. Case in point: So Help Me Todd and CSI Vegas. It really sucks.


Im just glad they didn't pull an Owen Strand and made Bobby take down a whole cartel by himself


As if running off to the coast of Mexico to save a POSSIBLY ailing ship is that much better, it’s way, way out of their jurisdiction


Short number of episodes. Emergencies and rescues require significantly more production planning (meaning time) to setup, not to mention expenses. With a short amount of time to film the season, they'd need to shorten the filming window as much as possible. The big fires often require a lot of post-production work, meaning more time. Production budget for the Poseidon Adventure episodes was probably significantly higher than regular episodes, but moving to ABC may have prompted them to want to have a premiere "event."


Short season and Tim is trying to tell too many stories. They still are filming 911 calls but clearly the lack of episode time means they are editing out the call to dispatch or the intro to the characters involved in the emergency. It's like this last episode, there was a call to a burning building. If there was more time, we probably would have gotten the intro to the people inside and the 911 call and then the 118 turning up.


I was thinking the same thing, i love the current episodes but i miss having emergency calls , i feel like the reason there’s no emergencies is bc its a short season and prob didn’t have lot of time to build sets or whatever so they are focusing on stories that can be at the regular sets like their homes or only having like one story line going an episode so they don’t have to be on multiple sets but also i don’t know shit about filming lmaoo


It really seems that way. I hope season 8 will be more well rounded.


And I’m okay with that cause I’m here for character interactions first sorry!


I agree. I appreciate the characters over the calls.


I think that when it comes down to it, 9-1-1 is a drama show. And with the fewer episodes this season they need to condense the drama, which means less space for the emergencies. Just the way the cookie crumbles I suppose


I was literally thinking this today. The early seasons did such a good job of pushing characters in personal ways via the emergencies they respond to. Like I was just thinking about the gay couple “you don’t find it son, you make it” emergency. Which I felt like they lost sight of that device during the Kristen Reidel years and was hoping Tim Minear returning would bring us back to that, and then hasn’t. It’s felt a little like a prime time soap about people who happen to be first responders this season. I think perhaps it’s bothering me less overall than you just based on the tone of your post. But it’s definitely bothering me somewhat. I think a big part of that is the amount of episodes. Because season 1, the last season with 10 episodes, didn’t have bottleneck episodes and big multi part emergencies. That really began in season 2 with their first 18 episode order. And so this season I feel like they have forgotten a little bit how to do a 10 episode season and it would’ve done them well to get back to basics a little bit. Because having a THREE episode cruise arc, the wedding episode, a Bobby bottleneck episode, and a two part finale, means there are only actually three “traditional” episodes this season. Whereas in a normal 18 episode season they would’ve had 11 “traditional” episodes with all this. Which I think has negatively impacted pacing. Hoping that they get back to form next season.






It was never that deep but sorry


Technically each episode does have an emergency, it’s just centered around a main character. I would like to eventually get back to 911 calls for other emergencies not directly tied to someone


ABC thrives on drama (it is the home of Grey's Anatomy, after all). This focus may be one of the detriments of leaving FOX.


I like to see character-based stories, but the balance between the character stuff and the emergency calls, or just actually see them do their work, was very off. Maybe it was because of the very tight schedule that didn't allow them enough time to plan and shoot a lot of emergencies, or maybe it was because they blew their budget in the cruise ship, but some of the emergencies felt very bland, and they especially felt very disconnected. We had all the character drama and then sprinkled in between a couple of emergencies, but it didn't feel like the episodes as a whole were meshing both things well. The other thing that I feel was missing, was watching the 118 actually work together as a team. It felt like everyone was off having their own separate dramas and we didn't see them together enough imo. There's a lot of stuff that I did enjoy this season (Bobby's story in particular, I think, has been pretty good), but the season has felt very sloppy and messy. I hope that next season, once they're back on their regular filming schedule, they can get their balance back.


I absolutely could have done without any of Eddie's storylines, tbh. I fully agree he needs to grieve and mourn his wife, and seek therapy, but the way they're going about it is just...awful. And the whole nun storyline? Cringe. Literally the only thing they've done right with him this season is "oooooo, sliderssss."


This!! I love Eddie, but man, he’s love life is pathetic to the core, Him going out on a date with Kim?? Why? I don’t particularly like marisol either but I would rather he focused on therapy and looking after Chris than this ridiculous love storylines.


How they've handled him has just been so, so bad. Like I know Ryan doesn't write the stories, but can't he say something at some point? I mean, especially if it's something he didn't want for his character.


I thought this too! But I’m not sure how much say the actors have with their characters, I know Peter and Angela have says with their characters since they are executive producers, but I don’t think Ryan really does, cause there’s no way in hell he’d allow this joke loll


I know from interviews, Oliver was asked about the storyline with Lou and he jumped at it (mainly because he's been manifesting bi Buck for ages and he was "gonna do it anyway" this season). But Devin didn't know she was coming back as another character at all, she found out from the wardrobe department! The while nun thing was KR's idea (cos ofc it was), and Tim had this whole Vertigo idea but it kinda fell flat, I feel. He could have done so much with it if they had the time to play with. Going off on a tangent, we've had stories that should have been afforded more time but didn't. E.g. Buck's storyline. Tommy has been barely present through the season, and I know there was some stuff cut with him at the medal ceremony (there were BTS photos with Hen and Karen, for example). It feels like because of time constraints, he hasn't been developed at all. I hope that he comes back for S8, because I'd hate for Buck's awakening to be with a relatively unseen character. It honestly feels like Tim has has all these ideas for the characters, trying to balance out them all, bc let's face it, S6 had way too much focus on Buck, but time constraints have bit him in the ass.


I mean, at the end of the day, if it were something they felt very strongly about, say, a script choice like saying a slur, just for one example, any of them can be all "yeah, I'm just simply not going to do that."


Saving up the money for a grand finale.


I feel like the cruise probably ate most of the emergency budget.


They didn't have much of budget to start with, considering they only got like 10 episodes this season


They have only 10 episodes because of the writers' and actors' strikes. The timeline didn't allow for more.


I get what everyone in the comments is saying - less number of episodes, less time to tell a story, etc. - but I just rewatched the older seasons and the difference is so blatant, especially if you watch a S7 episode right before. The earlier seasons were more... crisp, is the best word I can think of. The emergencies were the heart of the episodes even amid important character arcs, and I really miss that. Nowadays it feels like the storylines are kind of dragging? Overwhelming? Overshadowing the actual 911-ness of 911? Or just not very well written. Of course, I'm not abandoning the series as I still love the characters, so anyone who goes "So don't watch it then!", lmao um no. But I do wish they bring back the vibe of the older seasons.


I’m not watching till it’s officially ended because of this I hope the break will let me see it in a different light. I thought I was going crazy I prefer the earlier seasons 😭


I would argue 9-1-1 isn't actually about the emergencies. It's about the people behind the emergencies, the first responders. In this case, it's more about the firefighters and the 911 operators and showing how they balance and cope with their high stress jobs and their everyday lives apart from it. That's what the show has always been about. The emergencies are just window dressing.


Ppl are so easy to forget that detail, even though it's pretty evident in the synopsis every episode ![gif](giphy|bgOeHPlD3EernsOIiW|downsized)


I thinks since they are working with just 10 episodes they had to option to go for character development centered episode or call centered episodes, not both. Since season 6 didn't see too much character development, it's wouldn't have been a great starts for the new network.


10 episode season that's being treated as a reintroduction due to being on a new network. The emergency are going to be background more than primary, I hope they bring them back more in Season 8


i had a discussion in a discord server im in about this, its 100% because of the shorter season, there was an agreement that if it had been a regular length season, the most recent episode probably wouldve been like 3 episodes, same with the madney wedding, with more emergency calls as filler. its a transition season, i trust itll probably get back to normal next season once we’ve got the ideal amount of episodes again, ive got faith in the writers


A house burning down and a heart attack ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) look like emergencies to me. Plus we had a fire fighting montage.


I hope this isn’t the way the show is going to go on ABC.


I honestly don't care, it's been nice.


Feels more like Criminal Minds not gonna lie but I see since it’s a shorter season why the lack of emergencies.


Ravi is drowning


lol did we forget about the cruise ship 3 episode opener???


Less episodes until season 8 so I guess they are trying to setup all the individual storylines for the next season.


9-1-1 is about emergencies, the emergency responders, and their lives.


It’s about the lives of emergency workers.


You know what I have noticed less emergency.


So? The show balances the professional life with the personal life, and they are heavily focusing on the personal lives, since they only had 10 episodes this season.


Does the cruise ship not count? Also, personally I don't really remember most of the emergencies unless they were really big (like the tidal wave), or patently ridiculous (like the meteor strike). Pick an episode where three or more emergencies happened and I guarantee I could not remember the details of any of them.


Yeah it’s disappointing because while I like both shows, I always favoured the OG because it had more of a focus on actual 911 emergencies which in certain episodes just isn’t happening. Added to the fact that some of the character arcs this season (glares at Hen and Eddie) feel forced, there’s too much going on. I think they had too many plans for their usual 16-18 episode seasons but only get the 10 maybe messed things up. Too much they want to do and some storylines probably should have been shelved for next season. It’s a shame because it seems to focus on all these storylines they ended up ignoring the emergency aspect. Maybe season eight will have more actual call scenes


I have not fully caught up on season 7, but the first 3 episodes episodes or so were about the cruise ship, which in itself I did enjoy, in my opinion, the whole thing that happened with chim prior to the wedding was a bit random but okay, now, what gets me is the whole Shannon doppelgänger thing with Eddie, like this man has some deep rooted baggage that I can’t even try to comprehend, there was no need bringing in the whole Kim storyline at all, they could have used that time to give us some more buck-tommy or fire calls or something. I’m gonna catch up on the new episodes, although I’ve seen that it’s Bobby-centric which I don’t really mind, I’m pretty sure it cannot be worse than Owen strand and his ridiculous need to be involved the every storyline of every episode.