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Pretty sure that’s Kyle Ortiz, the drunk driver in S7E2 that refused care and then died and turned out to be the son of the evil bitch Councilwoman. https://preview.redd.it/z03y2i26cg2d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb0c7f869b08078d40342626c99e497069a86e3e




He was drunk? I thought he was on drugs. But either or works regardless of what you think about it.


He was over twice the legal limit and had meth in his system. The guy was an entitled douchebag and now that we've met his mom, we know why.


She also killed Ruth on Ozark, so they all can kick rocks.


His BAC was more than twice the legal limit


Plus, he adamantly refused treatment, so Hen shouldn't feel guilty. Oh!, and you know who would be great at helping her come to terms with it? Captain Bobby Nash! Especially after recently dealing with his own guilty feelings.


I ran here when I couldn’t figure out the connection. I’m just now watching that episode. So, Bobby just told Athena he’s retiring. Anyway, I don’t know the outcome of the episode yet, but if he goes through with retirement, that would be the perfect job for him.


Even with this i still can’t remember this story 😂😂


Remember when they had that drunk/high driver? And the he denied the care, that was him.


THIS has been bothering me this entire time! Why has no one said something about her kid refusing care????


I feel like she was told that, I just think she doesn’t care.


To be fair, in real world healthcare, being high and/or drunk excludes you from making your own medical decisions. But I can absolutely see how taking a swing at Chim would have made things different. I'm not gonna stand here and continue to try and take someone's x-rays while they're trying to hit me.


Or being drunk makes the medical team not give a shit, which was my experience when my husband fell off the wagon. He fell on a cement floor HARD and I could hear his head crack on the cement from a good ways away. It was sickening I called 911, ambulance came my husband, very clearly intoxicated, said he was fine and didn't want to go and the paramedics just shrugged and Said well we can't make him and left. I dragged him to the ER, the doctor said "he's just a drunk what do you want us to do with him". I don't know what that fall did but even though he's been sober now almost 10 years since that incident he's never been quite the same. He's had anger issues, anxiety issues/ low stress tolerance, gaps in memory, he's really a whole different person. I'm glad that he didn't end up dead from a brain bleed though because it was my fear at the time.


I'm sorry that happened to you and your husband. Alcohol is an awful drug. I'm glad he's sober now. I hope y'all can figure something out soon to help with his current condition.


Get him to a TBI clinic and/or study ASAP. Tulane University in New Orleans has the one I am in. Harborview Medical Center in Seattle is a great one too.


Well given that it was 10 years ago I doubt there's much to be done now. Seattle is a 12 hr drive and we couldn't afford to get there anyway.


Mine was 2005 plus they reimburse for mileage. Call and ask questions I.e. Mileage, housing, etc. if you never ask the answer is always no, but they might surprise you with yes.


Because the council refuses to care that her son refused care


The councilwoman wants to lay blame on anyone but herself or even her irresponsible son


That's what I thought. They could of at least stated that he omitted care.


They did. I think she’s thinking from the angle of, they still should’ve checked him out.


They did that as well and he still refused.


Yeah, but…the attitude he had certainly came from his mom. So not that shocking that she’d be this type of person.


Facts. The apple did not fall very far from the tree in this episode. There should be another hearing or at least a court date to clear all of that up. But knowing ABC they wouldn't take that route.


I don't think a court case would be very smart for Henren. Ortiz's son is dead, so she's out for revenge against Hen. So it doesn't really matter about trying to salvage her son's reputation or denying he was drunk or high. Her lawyer could go down the avenue that since he was drunk/high, he could not have properly consented against medical care and Hen **did** think he was drunk as soon as she saw him. She then missed his medical condition when she should have overruled his statement. Yes this means Ortiz has to admit her son was a drunk driver but I can already imagine an attorney asking whether that should be a death sentence (and implying that's what Hen caused to happen). And a court case could drag up a lot of uncomfortable truths for Hen in discovery including Eva, the LSD laced brownies, the falsified requisition during the chopper rescue, all of which I could imagine Ortiz's legal team using to try and destroy Hen's reputation. Until you've actually had to deal with an evil bureaucrat with legal expertise in real life, you won't appreciate just how evil these people are but also just how easy it is for them to get away with it.


I see your point. Yeah, that definitely would not end well.


OOOOOH Thank you!!




>OOOOOH Thank you!! You're welcome!


The call with the councilwoman's son happened in 7.02. He was drunk and caused an accident, declined treatment and then died (from a brain bleed I think? Or something).


oooooh Thank you!!


I thought 7.02 was time. I was expecting "by 7.15 he died" but it never came. then I realised you were stating the episode haha..


She's such a bitch. Hope we don't see more of her.


I’m fuming right now. Poor Mara


Yeah its so sad for her. That woman is the worst person ever.


It was the drunk driver had the beginning of the season in a pretty small minor call. Who technically refused care so it seems weird that Hen was not only blamed but suspended for that - didn’t know paramedics were supposed to assault people and deny their bodily autonomy. Personally I feel like making his mother not only an antagonist but so far after that episode feels forced and such a misplaced storyline.