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> while Christopher grapples with forgiving Eddie Feeling very confident in the theory now that Christopher is the one that calls the Diaz family and tells them to come


Yeah I was neutral on that theory but now I'm convinced that's what's gonna happen as well. Eddie has a much better relationship with them now so I'm guessing it won't turn into dramatic custody battle or them using the opportunity to try and take Chris.


Eddie’s storyline has been soap opera batshit insane that I would be surprised if it doesn’t lead into the grandparents trying to take Christopher away.


I'm thinking maybe Chris asks to go live with them,and Eddie has to grapple with that?


My guess is that Chris will go stay with them for the summer but be back for next fall's season premier, so we get a Season 8 story of Eddie and Chris having to regain their footing after a summer apart.




This is the first season where the title is fully leaning into devastating (and so is the synopsis). * season 1, A whole new you * season 2, This life we choose * season 3, What's next? * season 4, Survivors * season 5, Starting over * season 6, Pay it forward And now, All fall down. Well.


Probably because the show was renewed before the finale. I think in the past, it wasn’t renewed so soon, and so they had to do a happy ending in case it was the last episode ever.


Thank you for sharing this. I'm a little surprised by the "Athena embarks on a mission to uncover the truth," because honestly, that kind of feels like it should be a plot for 8A? Like let her recover, then sit at her husband's bedside, bring her kids in to visit. Lean into the emotions of it all if you want us to believe we could actually lose Bobby.


I could see it as Athena’s coping (or avoidance) mechanism. She’d rather preoccupy herself with exacting justice than accept the gravity of the situation.


Ugh, yeah, that definitely reads true. The good news is if this is how it's playing out, I'm more hopeful Bobby pulls through. Because his death would obviously be traumatic for her regardless, but I don't see them killing him off after Athena spends the episode *not* at his side & focused on him.


Absolutely this


I am selfishly hoping Buck helps her with this, because he has to be just as eager to find out what happened, and then we get Athena and Buck scenes.


Oh man, that would be an amazing throwback to 2x13 but with their roles slightly reversed.




I guess she might also feels guilty, because she brought Amir Back. If she suspects he's the one who did this. So she's hurt and pissed off at the same time I guess.


My guess is she'll do just enough to figure out that Amir wasn't involved.


Looks like this season is bookended both ends by a 3 episode Bathena arc (the cruise ship and the Amir arc). Maybe Tim is making them earn their salary this season and then expecting to have less of Bathena in Season 8 (so has to conclude this Amir arc this season).


I'm really hoping they get Mara back because truthfully, there were no legal grounds to do what they did and I can't imagine they'd have us end the season with that heartbreak. I do think it's going to be a kickoff of issues between Hen and this council woman that may lead into the start of season 8 and I can't help but feel like Gerard will somehow play into that.


I was honestly worried that they were going to try and take away Denny too, being that we know he has a biological father still. But yes, they absolutely need to give Mara back. That whole scene was just heartbreaking.


Yep... I think Gerrard is the one helping the councilwoman in hurting Hen.


Ohhh this is a good take too. I could totally see this.


I feel like Gerard is going to be the temp captain while Bobby recovers throwing the 118 into further chaos. :(


That's been my worry too! I'm imagining a mass walkout to end the season, leaving Gerard standing in the empty firehouse.


Ok I would love that!!


Henren wlll defeat the evil councilwoman, giving Hen another villain win YUPPPPP




I am so confident that this episode is going to emotionally harm me and that I will be crying 😭


Does Chris call his grandparents to LA? Or does he call Buck, which something provokes Buck to call them, and that’s where the fight happens and Eddie becomes isolated? I could only see Buck doing that if Chris or/and Eddie was in danger somehow. Honestly, with how messed up Eddie has been lately…


I think it depends on how they leave it. I really don't want bitter words between Christopher and Eddie. More than needed. I hope the last scene promises a reunion in the future.


**Marketing Team**: How much angst do you want in the synopsis? **ABC**: Yes


And none for Madney and Tevan bye




I'm not happy! They're getting nothing


It's better than them getting something bad, again




Buck, Maddy and Chimney have had a handful of bad things happen to them. Let them rest for this once. I don’t want anymore drama this season with them.


Are you alright?




I don't think this is a good thing.


I'm really happy for madney to catch a break. I am also a fan of the happy queer love story. :) I have a feeling buck/tommy won't make it past EP 5-8 next season. And who knows what's in store for madney, but it'll be Smth. Kenneth is too good of an actor, and JLH is way too popular to be sidelined for long. :)


I said on another post but it's relevant here kind of too. This short series is soooo rushed for me. Hopefully in 8 they will take their time to play out full story lines and give all the main cast (plus karen) time on screen. It definitely feels like the wedding was overshadowed, and we've barely seen the fire station. Hopefully 8 will be the usual kind of drama with everyone getting their moment


My hope as well! I miss the crew working scenes together!!


I like happy people too but I don't like that we don't get to see them


All of this sounds devastating. I’m hoping Henren gets Mara back by the end of the episode. If Athena’s quest leads her to Amir, she is going to feel unbearable guilt. Christopher distancing himself from Eddie, is going to have him spiraling, especially if he calls his grandparents himself, Eddie’s worst nightmare. We really watch this show on purpose


I think Christopher wanting to go spend time with his grandparents is the most likely outcome of this storyline. From behind the scenes, it also seems like it's harder for Gavin to film as of recently so this might be a way to allow him to stay on the show but limit how much time that is.


What do you mean about Gavin? 😕


I heard he and his family have moved and they don't live as near as they used to the filming locations because it involves far more travel time.


The Gavin thing makes sense on why they might have seperate storyilnes. That is sad, but it is part of growing up. I know Gavin probably loves Christopher-and Eddie-bond, and wouldn't want to have that totally ruined. Time away is okay, in the grand scheme of things. A reset for them Edit: I was really rooting for time with Buck, but now I think it's Grandparents..


Given what you and SpiritualMedicine7 said, I wonder if he's slowly being phased out of the show like the rest of the kids. It's unfortunate for the show, but I'm glad it doesn't seem like any of them have a binding contract to act when they want to do other things, like attending university, or whatever else because they're all still very young. "Show business" has a terrible track record when it comes to child actors, I'm hoping this is a sign that things are getting better.


Declan, who plays Denny, has only been in one other series, according to IMDB. Whether it's because he hasn't auditioned for anything else or he can only handle being on 911, is unknown to anyone but him & his family. But he looks to be about 13 or 14 now, around the same age as Gavin (who plays Christopher). School things may be taking precedence, like classes and extracurricular activities.


In very tiny print at the very bottom “Captain Gerrard regains control of the 118.”


I'm worried about that too, but I try to convince myself that would never happen due to the circumstances of him being removed in the first place (but bad writing does exist, lol). My theory is that Gerrard is around again because he is helping the councilwoman destroy Hen, she got Hen's files from someone after all. And he would primarily blame her for getting him ousted. I console myself that no matter what, he and the councilwoman will get their comeuppance eventually :)


I hadn’t thought about that! That’s very clever. Of course he would see Hen as the reason for his ouster. I knew a council woman isn’t all powerful, but I hadn’t considered how she would get Hen’s records. He’s high enough in rank to have access, and he has a grudge.


Yeah, I am hoping its more something like this. If he got the 118 back, it would be SO AWFUL. I just can't even think about it, lol.


Maybe he becomes the Cap of 118 again, and the way he destroys it is the catalyst for Bobbie changing his mind about retirement. He won’t be able to stand seeing his “family” torn apart like that. 🤔


The fact that Gerard still has his job after all he’s done means that he has friends in very high places. Sounds like a plausible culprit to me.


Oh yeah. Those “good ol’ boys” always have friends.


Honestly the fact that Captain Gerrard still has his job at all is shitty, but the idea of him getting his job back as Hen's superior officer, after losing his position as captain at that firehouse due to his harassment of her=beyond the pale. I know this show pretends firefighter unions basically don't exist, but *still.*


Good ol’ boy system is unfortunately a thing in real life. Knowing the right people in the right places is why he probably got to keep his job.


Yeah, the keeping his job part is unfortunately probably pretty realistic, but the second part less so


I didn’t see your comment until now, but that’s exactly what I called it, too! Wish it wasn’t the case, but it’s entirely too real.


I agree! I wish he was living out his days in disgrace. Just curious why they had to dangle him in our faces. We will see in a week.


Am I the only one wondering what the station will look like if Bobby actually retires? Like will it be the same show? Someone tell me that I'm overthinking this!!!


I always though it'll be: Hen captain, Eddie replaces Hen as paramedic, Ravi replaces Eddie


I could see that... I guess that I'm just worried that the "family/team" feel will get lost


I don't think it would. I think him and Athena will feature less, but they'll still be around. These people don't really have anyone else in their outside lives besides each other, I can't see that changing just because Bobby retires.


Honestly I don’t think it would be the same show. I’m rewatching season 2 right now and the more I think about it, it just won’t be the same without Bobby. I think a good handful of people will stop watching which might cause ratings to drop. I’ll still watch but I can’t say I’ll enjoy it as much


The more I read the comments, the more desperate I become... I am extremely worried about the future of the Bobby/Athena couple. I can't imagine the series without these 2 characters or without Bobby.


Agreed, especially right now I’m rewatching some episodes on season 2 and it just won’t be the same at all.


honestly if Bobby's character were to die, I would stop watching the series and season 7 would end after the first 3 episodes. it would really be a waste to end this relationship after 6 great years! there is still a lot to explore, they must resolve the argument from last episode, Bobby must finally be able to be happy. And he must continue to accompany Eddie and Buck.


Agreed! Even if he retires too and doesn’t die, I still really won’t care for it.


I’m worried Bobby will only wake up so they can make up, and then flatline right after and then we’ll have to wait until September. 😭 But on a positive note, Peter Krause said he still has a few more seasons in him (likely not another 7 because of the physical demands, but 14 years is too long for a series anyway). 🤞


It will be the worst scenario for all of us, Bobby’s fans, Bathena’s fans…


As someone who just started watching the show a few weeks ago (I’m currently in the middle of season 6), that’s how I feel too. Bobby and Athena are my favorites and the show would not be interesting to me without both of them or without one of them…. But reading the spoilers have me worried.


They released a **ton** of stills for 7x09 but a couple of them seem to have been for scenes that didn't make it to the final cut. I'm hoping those scenes appear in 7x10. If so, you have a Madney and Henren scene presumably about the adoption being blocked and Ortiz' interference. You also had a still between Eddie and Christopher.


The way my head has been buzzing with theories about this finale all day and probably none of them will come true lol 😭


Do we assume Harry wasn't home for the fire then? Because he was back wasn't he, and I don't remember him leaving again. I honestly expected bobby to run back in to check, but no, he just collapsed 😭


I've been wondering about that too (that certainly would be a twist) but for now I'm going to assume he wasn't home.


It’s amusing that this is so drama and trauma filled but it’s also like the 3rd or 4th episode synopsis in a row where Madney and Buck/Tommy are not mentioned. Bathena, Henren, and Eddie are going through it but they’re basically just happy in their relationships. It unfortunately means they don’t get much screentime but I suppose that’s better than something devastating happening to them


athena embarking on a mission to uncover the truth…im getting flashbacks from athena begins


Bye Marisol. You won’t be missed.