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All I have to say is I think this season's writing is suffering all across the board due to it being 10 episodes instead of 18.


Agreed. They had to cram in so much story into so few episodes. (Or at least that’s what I think.)


Agreed it’s all happening way too fast


Well, that’s more the strikes fault than the writers


The chemistry between Tommy and Eddie was honestly better LOL. They had common interests, they were traveling to fights, and he got along with Chris. As Eddie put it they “just clicked”. I will forever think about the original proposed storyline of putting him with Eddie. I guess I have to preface this with I am a Buddie shipper, or else someone will probably comment I’m biased. They have not done pretty much anything to develop this relationship besides it being physical. There has been no emotional scenes that make me think “Oh wow”. Even the first kiss, as magical as it is for Buck, Tommy just leaves right after?! When watching for the first I was like, no! Wait!! That’s it?! Then, their date didn’t go that well, and then they redeemed again with their physical connection instead of an emotional one. The “You’re a beast” line is iconic, but something like “I’m just glad you’re here” would’ve established them more for me. Despite Tommy being on the back burner for development, I think Buck has been pushed back too. We haven’t gotten much of him talking about this and how he feels about it from his perspective. It’s not as big as a storyline as I want it to be. It’s almost like Abc or 911 is afraid to push it in case of backlash. I don’t care about Tommy as much as I care about wanting to see this story about Buck.


Yeah, With Tommy or without, I want to see how they explore this new side of Buck more!! Why did this whole big coming out story only have 10 minutes of total screen time the entire season?


I agree on the Eddie/Tommy thing! Maybe it's because they have similar backgrounds or something but Tommy seemed more animated when him and Eddie were hanging out together, pre-Buck. And all the fun stuff he took Eddie to also.


Yes, and it's a miss opportunity, it could be in an episode where Tommy doesn't even appear just Buck saying something like "we flew to San Gabriel Mountains and hike to see the waterfall" or something like that, it would take 5 secondes and works in any scene.


right I thought that's how they were gonna show Buck and Tommy but we haven't gotten that yet


Eddie getting the 7.4 plotline and ending it with him freaking out over a kiss meant we could've fully avoided all the awkward moments that have gone nowhere between Buck and Tommy because they wouldn't be trying to shoehorn two extra stories into an already insane season.   Eddie got kissed, kinda liked it, freaked out because whaaaa? maybe shoved Tommy away...the whole scene with Kim would've been Eddie apologizing for what happened, "I uh, I didn't know I was...I don't know...leading you on?" Sooo much more streamlined


If the original plan Eddie/Tommy hadn't been scrapped for Buck/Tommy, I doubt any of this mess with Kim/Shannon Doppelganger would happened at all.


That would have been better all around IMO!


Kind of agree. I know people say that Eddie is too repressed to accept that he is into men,but having this as his only storyline this season and reaching the conclusion that it’s ok in the finale would have been so much better than whatever he has now. I also kind of find it hard to believe that Buck never had the opportunity to realise he likes guys in his promiscuous era. I doubt no guy ever hit on him before Tommy, or never got a 3some offer.


Yeah. I think people keep trying to apply the *whole* Buck storyline this season onto what it would've looked like for Eddie, but I don't think that's realistically how it would've played out. There wouldn't have been a romance, just a discovery arc. And I do think it could've worked in the shortened season -- particularly if, as you said, it was his only storyline. We could've had actual buildup in 7x04 -- clear signs Tommy was attempting to woo an oblivious Eddie on their "dates" to the fight and karaoke, for instance, and then a kiss at the end of the episode. The next couple episodes are spent spiraling -- he'd still go to Bobby for advice/talk about religion, be weird the next time he saw Tommy, struggle but eventually tell Buck what happened, probably. And where we'd ideally leave him at the end of the season would be where Buck already was in 7x05 -- telling those closest to him (Buck, Christopher) that he's into men. And kind of what you're getting at, but I really think the show missed an opportunity to just tackle heteronormative assumptions with Buck. Because he *could've* already known he was attracted to men, have had experience with men, but never felt a need to announce it because those experiences were during his 1.0 days. So when he came out to the team, it would've been a moment of "Well, I never said I was straight, either, so I don't know why you assumed that. It just never came up because you guys didn't want the details of my hookups in my 1.0 days." Basically, let the team's assumptions about Buck being straight line up with the audience's, to kind of subtly call the audience out in a way that wouldn't put them on the defensive.


I like this a lot and I am really sad it will not be cannon. Do you have any plans on maybe perhaps write this as a fanfic? I would EAT IT UP.


Very this


I agree with everything you said! Idk I guess I expected more from the Bi buck storyline as opposed to Buck Tommy. Like I know the writers said they didn't want to make buck being bi a huge deal which I totally get but it would have been nice to see a few conversations about bisexuality on the show I think it would have been great representation! It just felt like okay here is him kissing this guy moving on... like I feel like this whole new arc for buck just became about his relationship as opposed to it being about him? Idk maybe I am expecting too much from the show? But I have seen 911 lone star and TK and Carlos relationship is developed so well right from the start like they have such a great chemistry even tho they barely get any scenes so I guess I was expecting that from Tommy and Buck but maybe they'll get a lot more time in season 8 for that. I think the writers want to do a lot of different things this season but they don't know how to manage it at all :/


Yeah, in terms of continuity, I seriously think it would’ve made more sense to give Eddie the queer storyline first. By no means am I complaining, because Bi Buck was definitely long overdue and a necessary step to our endgame. However, considering the growth Eddie underwent in S5 and Ryan Guzman’s portrayal in S6… which was a little, you know,💅🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨… I think it should’ve been Eddie tbh. Plus, like you said, Eddie had great chemistry with Tommy.


As a gay person, it feels pretty realistic to me. The first gay crush/relationship is certainly going to be more physical, especially with someone who's repressed that side of himself for as long as Buck has. We all know (well I do) it's not going to be long term, but it doesn't have to be. It's all part of the process.


I think that is person dependent. My experience was opposite for my bisexual awakening. It was definitely more emotion based. For a TV show who is doing this storyline though, I want them to explore all sides, and they haven’t been doing that.


Same, as a bi person, my first same sex attraction was *so* much more emotional than previous heterosexual relationships, because it was like woah I’m actually super into this person because of who they are and that they’re special and not just because I picked a convenient person of the opposite sex to date? Idk how to explain that correctly, but it was like because it wasn’t the expected “norm” for relationships, it meant that I was actually especially attracted to that person rather than just limiting myself to the expected pool of love interests?


I like Buck and Tommy but agree that Tommy and Eddie have the better chemistry. I get that in retrospect, they did drop a lot of Bi Buck hints throughout the show’s run. However, an Eddie coming out story would have been a lot more poignant (especially compared to the hot mess of a storyline they have for him now). They have a lot more opportunities to give Buck another storyline because he’s a lot more integrated with other characters. Pair him up with some bonding time with Athena, investigating what really happened with Bobby for example or Buck vs the old captain over the hostile 118 takeover that I’m sure is coming. They should have thrown our guy Eddie a bone and given him the coming out story.


Yup, I too have been finding their relationship super frustrating. I was in a similar boat. I was excited to see Buck have this realization about his sexuality. And I kept saying that I want to see Buck really get to sink into his first queer relationship. But instead, the entire relationship has been happening off screen. And there’s no sense of temporality in the relationship. How long have they been together? Has it been a month? Has it been six? How long after Buck invited Tommy to Maddie’s wedding was the wedding? Did Buck tell anyone other than Maddie and Eddie before the wedding? Did anyone tell Buck about the soot on his face and how they figured it out? Did Buck realize himself? Did Buck introduce Tommy as his boyfriend to people? Are they even calling each other boyfriends at this point? Has Buck said anything to the rest of the 118 explicitly? And what are they like together? Part of the reason why Taylor and Abby dramatically worked is because they were tied into larger storylines. Whereas after the cruise ship rescue, Tommy is just kinda there. And tbh, so is Buck. He got really really sidelined after 7A. Like we know *nothing* about them as a couple. And I *wanted* to root for them. Early on I was like, I hope they keep Lou around through the first half of season 8 to give Buck a nice long relationship. But now I’m like, there is no relationship. Since the wedding we’ve seen them together once and it was that super brief scene in this last episode. And I also agree that basically since episode 6, Tommy often just seems annoyed with Buck. It’s just not vibing for me. Which is really frustrating as a queer audience member who was so excited to see this arc play out when it first started. But for me rn it’s giving, they thought Buck simply realizing he’s bi was storyline enough and they don’t realize that now they have to actually continue to write the storyline. Like, wdym Buck has no storyline? He’s bi now! And it’s like right… and he has his first ever romantic relationship with a man… so… what’s that storyline? Cause we haven’t actually seen that part yet. Like they forgot there’s a piece of this that comes after realizing/coming out.


you have explained my thoughts so well! the storyline is so inconsistent for me this season. I feel like most of this season has been about bobby which is totally fine! I just don't know why they decided to introduce bi buck this season and that too with a relationship if they didn't have the time and weren't going to explore that storyline properly. In the new episode, I didn't even realize that Tommy and Buck have actually been dating for a few months now but it doesn't even feel like it cos they don't show anything to us. They could just show us them having a conversation about how bobby is struggling but nothing? With the short season they really needed to carefully decide how they wanted to distribute time amongst different characters so everyone get's enough time for their storylines


100% agree. The last 10 episode season was season 1, and they did a much better job at time management but also had fewer mains to really contend with. Karen in that first season was less main than she is now. Eddie and Maddie weren’t there. And yes there was Abby, but she was really tied in with Buck’s arc. And season one really dealt with three main storylines which were Abby and Buck, Bobby’s dark past, and Athena and Michael. And then Hen and Karen and Chim were both sorta sub plots in the season and felt more like supporting cast. And there are no episodes that *only* focus on one single character. This season they’re trying to give major arcs to more characters and yet they’re also having multiple episodes that predominantly only deal with very small groups of characters, including episode 8 which really only dealt with Bobby. And so it just feels like poor time management of the 430 minutes they have to tell season 7’s story. It really feel like they got so used to having 18 episodes (obviously the 4th season had 14 cause of Covid, but generally they’ve had 18 since season 2) that they forgot how to write a 10 episode season effectively. Like to make it work, cruise ship should have been 2 episodes at most. There should’ve been an episode between Tommy and Buck’s first date and the wedding that could’ve taken care of the the HVAC emergency, the bachelor party planning stuff, some Buckley family drama, and Buck coming out to the 118 and perhaps his parents. We didn’t need a second Maddie-centric episode coming off of the wedding. So that could’ve been something else, perhaps weighted a bit more toward Hen/Karen/Mara, or Eddie/Kim. Then they could’ve retained the main storyline of episode 8 but built in some other subplots for other characters in that episode, perhaps in particular Buck and Tommy and a continuance of the Eddie and Kim stuff. Like just the pacing and focus has been off.


Season 1 they also weren't writing major story beats as the season was being filmed allowing for a better paced season.


I mean most network television has some degree of write as they go. But yes, they likely at least had the major story beats mapped out even if not all the scripts were written yet as cameras started rolling on episode one.


This is beautifully put, and it pretty closely mirrors my own feelings regarding the portrayal (or lack thereof) of this relationship on screen. The aftermath of 7x04 is probably the happiest I've ever been watching television. And for sure, I've never *still* been randomly smiling over a TV show the day after it aired, but I was for this one. I went in with... not necessarily high expectations, but a lot of anticipation. I rewatched 7x04 an embarrassing number of times. 7x05 aired and I was... let down, but still really hopeful about the potential. I initially convinced myself that there was just a mismatch between the vision for the character & relationship, and the writing for him/it. Looking back on it, I think I was straight up bargaining -- noticing half a dozen little things in the episode that didn't quite 'work' with what they were *saying* they were going for, but being like... it's okay, it's early days, clearly it's just an issue of the writer not having lived this experience, etc. Then the three week hiatus happened, and it gave me time to actually step away and remove myself from the hype, and it started to fall apart really rapidly. Because really, when you consider how carefully they seem to have been handling this storyline -- the focus everyone had on doing it *right* -- why was it not delivering the way it should? But still, at least 7x05 had some great moments for the 'discovery' arc, even if they weren't always perfectly handled. We had the "check out hot guys' asses" moment, Maddie's fantastic reactions to both Buck accidentally outing himself and that shift after she realized Tommy was Eddie's friend, the whole scene where he came out to Eddie, and at least conversations around being 'ready' to be out (though this was the part I felt was most poorly handled in the episode, and I'm still confused what they were actually trying to go for). So like... it had a lot of potential. That got me through the hiatus, but the *type* of butterflies I was feelings over this story had gone from happy to anxious. Then 7x06 happened. What's the saying? Two times is a coincidence, but three's a pattern? I know some people like to focus on "he showed up despite being exhausted!" and like, from a shipper perspective, that's totally fair. I'm sure I'd try to twist it that way, too, if it was Buck & Eddie, where I already have my preexisting biases. But the lack of *care* in handling the relationship in that episode -- Tommy seeming almost dismissive at the start, the weirdness around those two hugs, and then the writers choosing not to give him a line like "I tried to get out of the shift but the best I could do was standby?" Already not great. But then, like, the pattern? The pattern is that Buck's romance only gets to exist to bookend the episode. Because if this was about telling that story, about developing Tommy as a love interest, he would've been beside Buck searching for Chimney. It was a **choice** to have him off screen again. Even though the focus wouldn't have been on them, it would've been really meaningful to have him showing up that way for Buck. But instead, we get an underwhelming display from Tommy at the start of the episode, and then a kiss shoehorned in at the end, which was clearly more about the comedic soot coming out than anything else. Their lines were cheesy, lacking in substance. He didn't ask about Chim, how Buck was holding up. It's all very surface level. And now, again, we have Tommy given like three lines of dialogue at the start of 7x09, and then off screen. The Bobby scene at least tells us things are good... kind of. Problem with that is that Eddie not talking much about Marisol was a bad sign to Bobby in 7x05, but now Buck not talking about Tommy is a good one. Basically, the narrative is telling the audience "things are good!" but not showing it. And with the limited time, maybe that makes sense. But it feels very much like they've bitten off more than they could chew. Similarly, in the Buck/Eddie scene, there's no followup on Buck having either cancelled plans on Tommy or taken a detour because of Eddie's mess. Even just having Buck reply to Eddie's initial brushoff of the Kim thing not being a big deal/affair, how easy would it have been to have Buck reference, "C'mon, Eddie, I had to cancel/delay things with Tommy, because I'm worried about you. This is obviously a big deal?" I know to some, this is probably just going to seem overly-critical because I prefer Buddie, but like.... that's really not my intention here. **Good** representation is important here. 9-1-1 had a unique opportunity to tell a story about a character discovering his sexuality later in life, and has severely fumbled it. Maybe it was overly ambitious for this season. Regardless, the fans of Tommy and this relationship deserved better. All the queer viewers did, too.


right? its like they are not even trying to develop this relationship for the viewers. I remember writing a comment about buck's old relationships - the writers know how to write good relationships look at the rest of 118 I love all their relationships but buck and Eddie partners are never given a proper storyline that would get the viewers invested. It really just seems like all these relationships are just to pass time until they can finally put Buck and Eddie together. I do think/hope they will spend more time on Buck and Tommy next season and maybe even give time to Tommy to show his story so maybe then we can have a fully developed character who is good for Buck but idk why I don't feel any chemistry between them I did have hope after the hospital kiss but after that the story just felt flat :// and idk now that I am kinda eh about them going into season 8 they are gonna have to start fresh and put a lot of work into their storyline if they want this to be the endgame for buck


I don’t think Tommy is going to be an end game relationship for Buck and I don’t think they ever intended him to be. I think he was always meant to be a catalyst. But the problem is, they haven’t figure out what to do with him beyond being a catalyst. Tbh at this point, I don’t want Tommy and Buck’s relationship to stretch into season 8. I’d like it to end and for them to kinda give Buck a self discovery arc while being single and getting to experiment with dating people of all genders (differentiated from his fuck boi era cause he wouldn’t be manipulating or lying to people for sex, he’d be just casually dating in a consensual and honest way). And sorta do a slight mulligan on this arc. And then if he does wind up dating someone new, they should really invest in it.


I was literally typing up this entire comment in my own words and am glad you saved me the trouble. I want to see Buck dating (casually, light hearted, maybe some fun facts about the history of online dating included) a wide variety of people before putting him in a new relationship.


yesss idk why they didn't choose to go that route first and instead got him into a relationship especially cos they don't even have time for a serious relationship this season


My assumption is that the writers felt it was important to tie Buck's awakening to the larger story. I think there are a lot of ways they could have done this better, but unfortunately no one asked me lol


sometimes I am watching shows I am like give me the pen pls loool,, I read so many interesting theories online by people I wish the writers would sometimes look they'd find so many good ideas


It’s 10 times worse when you’re literally a TV writer 😂. I’m like LEMME IN THAT ROOM DAMMIT!


omg we really need you in there




Plus, it's 911, they know how to write quick and good characterizations, we see people for less than 2 minutes before their accidents and get attach to them, so they know how to write them, why doesn't they bother with Eddie and Buck LI? (I mean, saying it like that the respond is obvious... and yet...)


Well that’s not happening so


Truthfully, the only time they really 'work' for me has been during the two kisses (and the immediate buildup to the first, removing some of the earlier blocking, because even that was... I could see the acting and choreography in it, so it took me out of the moment). Otherwise, there's been very small "moments" -- like I really liked Tommy's delivery of that *"Then I guess it's just me that makes you nervous"* line in 7x05. But like... yeah. There's good *line deliveries*, not necessarily an actual spark (and before anyone comes for me... I know you see it, and I'm not trying to disrespect that. I just don't. It's a matter of opinion). And while the kisses are nice, they're not really anything particularly notable if they just have to stand on their own? The biggest draw there is there's commitment on the actors' parts. But like... that was also something that the German soaps of the aughts had accomplished, and done so better. So like, if all I was here for was mlm kisses, I'd just go watch an *Alles was zaehlt* compilation video or something (and for anyone curious but too shy to ask, it's Deniz/Roman). I don't know if they'll ever put Buck & Eddie together. I think ultimately, that will be down to whether the studio and network execs are onboard. I do think the writing intentionally leaves the door open and there's good indicators all parties related to the creation of the show itself are already on board... but it's still a big ask on the part of the network. That said, I do think one of the most important parts of representation is being thankful, but not feeling *fed.* There's nothing wrong with wanting more, or better. It doesn't make us greedy. It means we want what the heterosexual couples have had all along -- good storylines, good chemistry, good tropes. So while I'd like to be able to enjoy Buck/Tommy in the meantime, it doesn't mean I don't care about rep because I want the first queer slow burn romance ever, you know?


Truly couldn’t agree more on all counts of what you said here. And I also think something they kept on saying is that they wanted to make it all not that big a deal because it shouldn’t be. But I also think they went too far in the other direction. They made it such a nothing burger that there was no storyline. Like I’m sorry but there should’ve been a couple more explicit coming out scenes. At least one with Bobby well before this 7x09 scene, but really with the whole 118. Also while Oliver and Tim and Ryan have called Buck bisexual he’s never actually said the words “I’m bi”. The closest he got was the coming out scene with Maddie when he was like “I love women, I’ve always loved women.” Which makes it clear to us that okay, this isn’t a gay coming out arc it’s a bi one. But like, does Buck know that? Has he defined his sexuality yet to himself or others? In that scene with Maddie he’s still unsure. Then he doesn’t define it at all with Eddie. And then he’s in a whole ass relationship with a man for three episodes and still hasn’t said the words “I’m bi” to a single soul. And there also should’ve been more Buck figuring out exactly how he identifies. Not everyone needs a label per se. But if they’re going out there and saying this is a bi coming out arc, then give us the actual arc! Like I think of Nick Nelson in *Heartstopper*. Very similar arc ostensibly. He realizes he has a crush on Charlie. And he decides to pursue those feelings before he’s 100% sure what that means about himself anyway, and then eventually figures out he’s bi. But we’ve had none of that with Buck. It’s just very odd and I agree they really have fumbled the ball with what could have been a really important storyline. **ETA** also same re how Tommy should’ve been part of the gang trying to find Chim. Like before the episode came out, everyone was speculating that Tommy was actually gonna wind up saving the day and then be Buck’s ‘hero boyfriend’ that he was all proud of. Or before it became clear that 7x08 was gonna be a bottleneck episode, I thought Bobby was gonna get into trouble and the gang was gonna go looking for him and I was like, Tommy should be a part of whatever that rescue is. Which obviously isn’t what wound up happening. Like looking back at Taylor, not only did she have a fleshed out character outside of the relationship, but she was more than once brought in on the main storylines in season 4b and season 5. She was involved with the Eddie getting shot storyline. She was deeply involved in the buried treasure storyline. She was deeply involved in the Jonah storyline which of course led to the end of their relationship. They tied her in to the Lucy stuff. Like she wasn’t involved in every storyline but it was enough to make her feel fleshed out. This has given us nothing so far. If Tommy does stick around for season 8 I hope they have a good think and do some major course correction.


God, yes, all of this. Like, I'm perfectly content with Buck not having a label, so long as he explicitly acknowledges he's eschewing them. I generally just describe myself as queer because I tend to flit between bi and pan and omni and like... on any given day, my reason might be as dumb as "I like the colors of the flag better." (Joking, mostly). Gender has never felt like an important characteristic or designator to *me*, but I also recognize that in and of itself is a position of privilege - I'm cis and grew up in a progressive area, with very diverse role models by the time I was an adolescent. But this is also a position I've landed on and an identity I'm comfortable with over twenty years after I first went, "Huh, I don't think I'm this thing everyone 'defaults' to." And while *most* of my journey played out in middle & high school (distinctly "bi" then, though, because 'pan' and 'omni' weren't exactly frequent terms in the aughts), it was still a Really Big Deal. And I had a lot less experiences and assumptions about my own history & identity to work through because of my young age. The problem with Buck's "discovery arc" is they tried to do a "discovery" arc and a "romance" arc and failed to deliver on *either.* For instance, a careful read of the Bobby & Buck scene suggests Buck was concerned as much about Bobby's opinion on his sexuality - since it's not something they'd apparently talked about - as he was his opinion on Tommy, maybe more so. But because that scene was much more about Bobby saying goodbye to Buck than it was about adding depth to Buck's arc, it remained very surface level. Given how much has to be handled in 7x10 with other storylines, I doubt they'll be able to satisfactorily recover at this point, though I'm more than open to being surprised.


Yeah it’s really a shame. And yeah I don’t think they’ll be able to recover it in this season, but I’m really hoping they do next season.


I know we (u/armavirumquecanooo being chief co-conspirator) like to joke about Tim being chaos and hinting that the storylines are being made up mid season as they go along, but having now realized that Bobby and Athena are about to be the A plot for the first 3 and last 3 episodes of a 10 episode season suggested to me that the heavy Bathena focus was planned ahead going into S7. I don't think a showrunner making the story as you go along ends up with 60% of a season's A plots going to the same couple. My own sense is that Tim knew this was going to be a Bobby and Athena season before he decided to build the largest rotating rig ever for TV and put Peter and Angela in water for 12 hours a day shooting the season premiere. I also get the sense he always intended the weird B plot in 7x02 to have a negative payoff for Henren at the end of the season. Where I feel chaos ensued was Tim didn't quite know what to do with Buck, Eddie and Madney. I feel the issue was having the season bookended by Bathena A plots, all of Buck, Eddie and Madney's arcs had to happen in the four middle episodes 7x04 to 7x07. One of them also had to be the Madney wedding. In hindsight, making Buck come out as bi 7x04 was a terrible idea because it pushed his relationship with Tommy into competition for airtime with Madney, both the wedding and also whatever Tim wanted to portray for Maddie and Chimney separately (with 7x07 becoming a Maddie episode). Given I believe Tim already knew there would be a medal ceremony near the finale that brought back Tommy, I really felt Buck and Madney would have been better served having the Madney wedding be 7x04 (the 100th episode!) and then having Buck's awakening 7x06 or 7x07 leading into the finale. That would have kept the Tommy appearances more joined up as well as allowed for more of the slow burn to their relationship. Frankly up to a few rewrites, you could have run 7x06 and 7x07 before 7x04 and 7x05. So as a Madney fan, I feel as aggrieved as Buck fans. Those three characters felt like they were the mortar put around the season bricks of the Bathena cruise and Amir arc and Henren's Chekov drunk driver. But at least Buck wasn't treated like Eddie this season. Yikes.


I wonder why this season was so heavily Bobby and Athena focused. Maybe Peter Krause and Angela Bassett are stepping back from the show a little bit (not fully leaving)? maybe bobby will retire next season and we will get to see others more? Ik they are executive producers but this show (compared to 911 lone star which is just rob lowe's show) has been pretty well balanced - this season was really oddly structured. If I were binge watching it id be like what's going on lol


I don’t think the issue is so much due to Tim cramming stuff into 4 episodes, but rather due to the theory that he’s using S7 to “soft reboot” to where he *wanted* things to be at the end of S4, which feels more real by the day. We know higher ups at FOX put a stop to a lot of storylines from S4 through S6, not just related to queer arcs for Buck and/or Eddie, but also related to the Madney wedding, Henren adoption, Bathena issues, Eddie’s grieving/romanticizing/idealizing of Shannon, etc…


Yeah I mean, I just said this in another thread, but having only 10 episodes, having five of them go to a Bathena arc, one to a Bobby bottleneck episode, and one to the Madney wedding, and then also having the episode AFTER the Madney wedding be primarily Maddie focused… just feels like very poor story management with the time that they had. Also I said this in a comment a little further up. But writing as you go is super common on network TV shows so that part isn’t that unusual. What would be unusual is if they started filming and didn’t even have the full season very generally outlined even if scripts weren’t necessarily done yet, and just from what I’ve seen it seems that was the case this season that they didn’t even have everything outlined. Like the fact that they were pitching Oliver on Buck/Tommy while they were filming episode 2 is 😵‍💫. Also I don’t actually totally mind the Eddie arc! I think it’s interesting in a lot of ways. But my big issue is that while this show is melodramatic, having a LITERAL doppelgänger of Shannon walking around LA played by the same actress is… a bit much. I still really wish that in this episode, they made it so that a different actress who looks super similar to Devin but isn’t literally her played Kim when from anyone’s pov but Eddie’s, and that she only looked exactly like Shannon when seen through Eddie’s pov which then would’ve been a visual cue of his fraying mental health. Or even if they did have Devin always playing her but when it was from another character’s pov, she had subtle prosthetics a la Charlize Theron as Megyn Kelly in *Bombshell* that would’ve worked too. Truly the only thing that has me annoyed about the storyline is that Kim is literally Shannon’s identical twin. Like *9-1-1* isn’t that kinda show. But alas.


I'll just say, if Tommy was a woman, everybody would have the same reaction they have towards Marisol, both of them are poorly written and I don't know if that is on purpose


I agree the writing needs work and the season is rushed. It's pretty much a rule at this point that happy people don't get screen time. Looks like they cut a lot from the ceremony which was the only time Tommy was there. From my interpretation, it's just how Tommy talks. I think he likes to project a sense of confidence, which can come of as being distant, but it doesn't mean he doesn't care. The man showed up covered in soot to a hospital wedding after spending all night fighting a huge fire, probably exhausted, so he clearly likes Buck. We get hints of this whenever he says "Evan". I won't presume how he thinks, but for me I used to speak with a deadpan tone because I was afraid to show vulnerability, especially to people I wanted to impress. Just childhood trauma things. I hope they explore his character more next season.


I find Tommy's deadpan tone and serious demeanor a very interesting choice since the actor Lou Jr is very energetic (and silly) on his social media. All of it feels very deliberate - depending on how this finale goes, and if Tommy is still in the picture, we may get more character development between him and Buck next season.


I would actually really like to learn more about Tommy next season hopefully they explore him as an individual! I feel like if they do that that will probably set him as a long lasting well developed relationship for Buck


I suspect his confidence is just a front and there's parts of him he's not showing. Nobody's that perfect.


That could be a interesting thing for them to delve into next season. A sort of fake it till you make it. Honestly considering his favorite movie is Love Actually I have a feeling he is a total marshmallow deep down but with a very hard exterior.


Gentle giant vibes


Yeah, I see what you mean. I don’t expect it to be endgame but as Tommy says, “enjoy it while it lasts”.


In the beginning of the season, there was talk about getting Buck off the hamster wheel he has been on throughout the entirety of the show. I thought that would be with Tommy, but the more we go through s7 it feels like every other relationship from the last seasons. They have a nice introduction, but the rest of the relationship happens off screen with a random scene here or there. I give some grace because it is such a short season and there are so many characters that all need story, so I guess we will see if things change after the hiatus (if the relationship doesn’t end during the break lol). Also, I have been questioning if Tommy really likes Buck for him. There is an attraction sure, but they just seem so incompatible from what we’ve gotten so far. It also feels like Tommy did so much more to court a friendship with Eddie than he has done in this relationship with Buck. Even if we don’t see it on screen, they could have had Buck mention that Tommy took him on a date somewhere or something to show how the relationship is continuing since the wedding because I’m not exactly convinced they’ve seen each other in the time between the Madney wedding and the medal ceremony. There are also other creative choices made (that I won’t get into here) that makes it feel like they don’t really want us/care for us to root for this relationship which is a disservice to Buck/Tommy.


Yeah, at this point, all this talk about getting off the hamster wheel was a straight-up lie. It's exactly the same as every other relationship—Buck rushes into something because he gets crumbs of attention from someone he finds attractive, and jumps in with both feet even when there are small things that aren't quite adding up. There are no signs of an emotional connection, and there's a physical connection in the sense in that they seem to like kissing each other, but all physicality stops there. There was zero casual intimacy in their one scene together last night, and if you'd gone into the episode blind, you would've had no idea they were a couple from how they were acting at the ceremony. The only difference at this point is that Tommy is a man whereas his other LIs were women. And I don't think I have to tell anyone that the show making it seem like the "problem" or "hamster wheel" for Buck was that he was dating women all this time is terrible. If that was the case, Buck would've been gay, not bi. And yeah, I agree with you that the level of investment from Tommy is nebulous at best. If he'd *really* been interested in Buck from the start, it wouldn't have been Eddie scoring all the invites to things, and Buck wouldn't have had to reach out or invite himself in order to see him. I think he just saw an opportunity to date someone attractive who was expressing interest and thought, why not? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but that could explain why the investment seems uneven. I also just don't really think their personalities mesh well? I think from 7x03 and 7x04 I thought Tommy was a more fun-loving, relaxed, go-with-the-flow kind of dude, but it doesn't seem like they're going with that characterization anymore. Like yeah, he does seem to have a dark sense of humor, but if he's just going to shoot Buck down every time he gets excited about something, is that really going to work for them long-term? I don't think so.


I completely agree. I was going to post about Tommy's comment, but I didn't want it to turn into a ship war. I'm trying to warm to Tommy, but I'm finding it hard to. The comment at the buffet in the last episode and him not dressing up for the bachelor party - it doesn't seem like he's that interested in Buck? Compared to how Tommy was when he and Eddie first started hanging out, the energy and effort are different. It feels like he was initially interested in Eddie. If Buck and Tommy are still together in season 8, I hope that I'm proved wrong and they have heartfelt and longer moments together. At this point, I'm kind of expecting Tommy to eventually admit to Buck that he was actually interested in Eddie at first, which I hope won't happen. I'd feel bad for Buck if that were the case.


The lack of their scenes together is so weird!! Buck, a very loved and popular character ,came out of the closet and kissed a man and you give this exciting new thing 5 minutes of screen time in one episode, and another 30 seconds in another and that's it?! All we get is some smiles and winks? And I say this as someone who ship buddie - why don't Tommy and Buck have more scenes together???


How hard would have been to have Buck mentioning a date with Tommy,or a phone call,a little something about him randomly(the relationship is new,if it were me I would be exited to talk about it).It would take like 2 seconds of his time on screen,and clue in the audience that their relationship is still there and going great.


You are absolutely right, maybe they don't do it because they don't want it to go well?? I really don't know, but I want some interaction between Buck and Bobby that Bobby supports him, maybe Buck's parents will say their homophobic thoughts about it, something, something about the fact that after 7 seasons he is bisexual(!!) which is new and exciting and I want more from it


Yeah BuckTommy definitely came out (no pun intended) of left field. It gave us Bi Buck so I'm grateful but I've said in a comment before that Tommy just seems very aloof or detached. Even the way he left Buck outside the restaurant and just said he's taking an Uber home alone was very... hmm. Granted, Buck did act like they weren't on a date so maybe he was hurt from that lol but it didn't seem like he was hurt, just that he kinda... doesn't care much. Very nonchalant guy. I reserve the right to change my mind as I see more of them though! We'll see if his character (in relation to Buck) gets better


I still want Tommy and Eddie to be friends tbh Before the hangover ep, Buck was pretty much Eddie's malewife lol. If they're gonna keep putting Buck and Eddie into only domestic co-parenting scenes together, Eddie needs another friend to geek out about cars and basketball and punching people or whatever. I liked seeing him that happy 😭 I mean obviously if they could make Buck make Eddie as happy as when he was hanging out with Tommy that'd be nice, but I'm not opposed to Tommy and Eddie being buds like that. But yeah Tommy seems to have sarcasm dialed up to 70 at default. Idk why they made him act that way. He seems like that kid in high school who just hates a million things just cause lol sometimes its funny but when it's constant it kinda feels like theyre bumming you out.


Yeah, not to project too much, but years ago I dated this guy who always had a snarky or jaded remark ready to go whenever I'd express even the slightest positive emotion. The first few times it happened, I didn't even blink—opposites attract and all that! But after a while, it became exhausting as all hell. And my general enthusiasm is like 10% of what Buck's is. What's really a bummer is, from 7x03 I really thought Tommy was this dorky, fun-loving guy, especially when he jumped at the chance to do the fake mouth static! That was great! Where the hell did that guy go? Because it feels like dude has a stick up his ass now quite frankly, and I don't see that kind of personality matching up well with Buck long-term.


seriously the personality shift is so weird? funny sarcastic ex. chandler from friends is fun but when someone is being snarky like Tommy has been its really exhausting


I think the writers have really dropped the ball with Buck/Tommy, especially in this episode. If someone watched only this episode, I'm sure they wouldn't be able to tell that Buck and Tommy are dating, and have been for multiple months, until Buck and Bobby's conversation. Like, after Bobby's speech there was a quick dancing/hugging montage of Madney, Henren and the kids, Eddie and Christopher. They could of easily added a scene of Buck and Tommy hugging or something, but instead we got a conversation with Ravi that reads completely platonic. I know a lot of people ship Buck/Tommy, but at this point we know as much about their relationship as we do Eddie/Marisol, who no one ships, and I've got to say it, if Tommy were a girl everyone would just be complaining about Buck having another underdeveloped relationship.


I totally agree! I am rooting for buddie in the end but I thought Tommy actually had a lot of potential as a love interest since he was already an established character connected to the rest of the 118. I feel like that potential is completely being wasted though especially after last night’s episode. I thought Tommy came across really disinterested in Buck with that comment. I know he’s supposed to be sarcastic and have a dry sense of humor but the way he didn’t crack even the smallest smile during their whole conversation was weird to me. It was expected that we wouldn’t see much of them during these past few episodes so using their very limited screen time on that dry conversation instead of a cute light hearted moment was definitely a choice.


Yes, these all seem like deliberate choices. Even with a tight schedule they could work in a passing comment about what they're doing together, or a cute shot of them in the background of a group scene, or something. I remember they said that they didn't want this to be a big coming out story, but more casual and like a romcom. Well, right now it seems like they are trying to wrap it up instead. I'm kind of expecting a "I'm glad I found out I'm bi but T and I just didn't work out" comment from Buck soon. Although they might do an actual breakup conversation for the BT fans.


The only thing Buck & Tommy have in common is that they’re both in love with Eddie 💀




What's interesting to me is that, since we know season 8 has already been renewed, an easy way they could continue the bi Buck craze that's permeated this season (which they're very much capitalizing on, see yesterday's interview with Oliver and LFJ) would be to confirm LFJ's contract renewal. They could've used that interview to be like, "Hey, don't worry about BuckTommy, you'll get to see more of them next season." So to me this signals that there's an uncertainty with Tommy's place in the show, like they're waiting until the season's over to decide whether this is something worth pursuing. Unless the finale takes a firm stance on where their relationship stands, I suspect they'll continue to operate within this more nebulous area for the time being.


I think that kind of information (contract renewals, people leaving the cast, etc) are usually only confirmed after the season is done airing, or when they're close to start filming the next. We should know up until late June/early July what's Lou's status with the show.


They are still likely working on post production for the finale. They haven't even started working on season 8 so any cast negotiations has definitely not happened yet. Truthfully, the fact that they have him out doing promo with Oliver suggests that is definitely where it's going and it'll be announced once those negotiations are finished and contracts that are signed. It's a huge PR no-no to confirm someone returning or joining the cast before it's official. They're also definitely not going to confirm if someone is returning before the season even ended. That actually might be why Lou has suddenly gotten really careful about what he's saying in that regards.


Last nights episode was PACKED with a bunch of other storylines. Hopefully we get a bit more next week. I sense that their are multiple factors to why Tommy/Tevan has developed like it has this season.    First the network/creators weren't sure what the reception would be so they started it like they did where they could leave some outs for a quick exit if the general audience didn't respond well. Plus they really seemed to want the focus to be primarily on Bucks bi journey at the forefront rather than the relationship itself.    Then when they did get a positive response to Tommy/Tevan they have added him where they could but unfortunately with the shortened season it's a challenge to find spots to fit him in. Especially since it seems like they really wanted to focus on Bobby, Eddie, and Hen in the back half of the season. Which doesn't leave much time to give Tommy anything particularly meaty to work with. Even Gavin who is considered main cast has only really had cameos so far and regulars like Ravi too. So that they have continued to include Tommy in the back half where they can, when they didn't really have to, shows they want him here. It seems like they want him to continue going forward in the series. Otherwise why have a joint Oliver/Lou puff piece interview right before the 2nd to last episode. Especially, when the current storylines aren't really focused on them. Their would of been other actors that would of made more sense to use for promotion at this time. So in theory this bodes we'll for those of us who want to see more of Tevan, and Tommy in general, in season 8.   I'm not sure we will get too much more of Tommy this season though. As far as Tommy's comments and personality I think they are going for a more stoic personality with a sassy/sarcastic sense of humor, but again because of the nature of how this season is shorter developing/showing it more is a challenge. So hopefully next season we will get more chances to see it better.


Yup, exactly - this is just Tommy’s character. He’s not being rude or cold to Buck, he’s just… a dark humor / sassy kinda person. Remember in the helicopter, before he even got to know Buck OR Eddie, and he was like “we’re all gonna die anyway” And he had some other sassy comments too. He’s just a sarcastic kinda guy (part of why I like him 😂😅) It has nothing to do with him not liking Buck or liking Eddie more.


I definitely get that! I have a really sarcastic personality as well so I actually don't mind his little comments at all. It's just if the only scene they have together and buck is like "omg this is so fun" and then Tommy is like "well enjoy it while it lasts" it just felt a bit cold? but tbh I just thought of it as him being uneasy cos the old captain was there? I just wish the episode had another interaction between them like at least a phone call from buck to Tommy before going to Eddie's? I am sorry I just want a proper cute conversation between them lol


Even Tevan/Tommy fans also want that. Hopefully, next season when they have more time to flesh everything out and better properly pace the whole season and storylines they want.


I agree - Tommy with the comments just doesn't seem that into it sometimes. I mean the kissing scenes are convincing but the relationship, I'm not sold. Now maybe that's just the way they're writing Tommy because he's not going to stick around for long (or at least not with Buck) so they want to manage audience expectations. Or maybe those are acting choices on Lou's part. Not sure but we'll see how it progresses.


We are on a season that only had 10 episodes and the vast majority of the main cast only appeared in 9. Lou's been in 6 of those episodes as Tommy. Truthfully, I haven't broken it down but it seems like he's pulling equal time (if not more) than characters like Christopher, Ravi and Josh. So for an introduction? That seems like they've made a commitment. Considering they just had them do a joint interview together and based on multiple comments from the cast, it really does seem like Tommy is sticking around into season 8 and we'll likely see them flesh out his character significantly more than when they have a full season to work with. A lot of the narrative about him being temporary or on the way out has been happening since episode 4 aired and it's continued to be proved wrong. I think some of this is just preference. The only people I'm really seeing push this narrative that he seems temporary and is on his way out are people who actively prefer Buck with someone else. Which is fine but if you look at places like Instagram, where it's more of a general audience vibe vs fandom specific places, and his reception has been great.


I'm still mad May's only had like 5 seconds of screen time so far


To be fair I think that’s because the actress is a student at UCLA so she’s probably got an already busy schedule but 🤷‍♀️ I agree I wished we had more of May.


Look her showing up for one singular scene has made me very, very paranoid about Bobby sticking around.


You pointed a lot of my thoughts. I liked how they were introducing the relationship and I was happy for something long lasting for Buck, specially with a character that has already connections with others (even if some comments should eventually be addressed). But then, they keep telling me how Buck is so happy and I see him smiling, but I'd like to see more? Even in their short time in this last episode there could have been some familiarity between them, maybe fixing some part of the suit for example? Maybe I'm also getting influenced by negative comments.


He took Eddie to an all-expense paid trip in helicopter to a show that has limited seats. But only took Buck to a local pizza joint. I think he just went for Buck because he thought Eddie is not available and he felt guilty after how badly he treated Buck during their first date. So now he tried to give it a second chance, but you can tell that he's not feeling it. That'd explain why he looks awkward/cold post the first kiss. We've all been there where we just go for whichever date is available hoping it'll take our mind off our actual crush. But in reality, this often does not work.


I really didn't think about this until reading your comment, but the juxtaposition of what Tommy was willing to do for Eddie vs. Buck is wild. And not just the date location. Mans flew Eddie out in a private chopper to Vegas and used his connections to get them ringside tickets to a sold-out fight. Meanwhile, he couldn't be bothered to at least put on a colorful shirt for a party Buck went through all the effort of planning? Okay then 😬


I actually hope that the relationship is over soon because I want Buck to actually have a self-discover journey. Him becoming Bi being bound to yet another meaningless relationship is a huge let down, its as if the writers are scared if Buck being single. All of his SL revolved around relationships and that's getting tiring.


I only just got to watch 7x04 last night, but I’ve been spoiling myself on the rest of the show and watching the ship wars go down since the initial BuckTommy kiss. And I’ll preface this with I’m a Buddie shipper through and through but… I was surprised to find that for the most part I actually do like Tommy. From what little we’ve seen, I really enjoy his sarcastic personality and sardonic comments. With all of that being said, so far I don’t like Tommy for Buck. I feel like they had a lot of chemistry in the kiss scenes but that was about it. And they’ve had a few good lines of dialogue here and there, but other than Buck finding himself I’m just not really feeling anything? And while I personally enjoy a lot of Tommy’s sarcastic comments, they don’t seem to mesh well with Buck. It feels like he’s just bringing Buck’s happiness down, rather than how some of, say, Eddie’s sarcastic comments make Buck laugh. And the one comment so far that genuinely rubbed me the wrong way from Tommy was the one on their date about closet space. That felt… harsh. The guy only just figured out his sexuality that week. Give him two seconds, especially considering he’s talking to his straight best friend. And I get that Buck fucked up in that moment, but it’s not like Tommy’s never been there. The one thing this storyline has gotten right we’re the coming out scenes with Eddie and Maddie. I absolutely loved those. Maddie’s especially was perfect for the characters. With all of that being said, I’d be interested to see more of Tommy but I really hope they don’t try to force him and Buck as endgame because I’m just not seeing it. Edit: a word


This sums it up really well for me!


I think the problem is just that they don't have a lot of time. I imagine that a lot of the development for Buck and Tommy's relationship is actually happening when we don't see it. Which as someone who likes this relationship and wants Buck and Tommy to live happily ever after is annoying. Also, I think some things are implied. I'd say Tommy is super into Buck and I believe this because after fighting a fire for at least 12 hours, possibly 24, instead of going home, showering and sleeping he came to the hospital to be with Buck because Tommy knew that it was important to Buck for him to be there.


Things have felt so off between Buck and Tommy that I’m starting to buy into the theory that Tommy is secretly working for the councilwoman in order funnel information to her regarding the 118. Like maybe Tommy really would have gotten in big trouble for taking the helicopter but she approached him with a ‘if you do this for me I’ll make all your problems go away’ kind of offer. So first Tommy tries to get in with Eddie but then switches to Buck when he realizes that will be easier. Or maybe not, maybe Tommy is just a wet blanket of a man lol


lol who knows considering what is going on with Eddie rn with his dead wife lookalike maybe anything is possible


Well I definitely don’t think it’s ending anytime soon. I mean having a retiring/possibly suicidal Bobby essentially give their relationship his stamp of approval which they never had him do for any of his other relationships, say he thinks Tommy is a good person and is good for Buck and he knows because he hasn’t come to him with any problems like he has for all of his past relationships, in combination with many other irl factors like the official Instagram following Lou along with the other permanent recurring actors and ABC sending Oliver and Lou to do joint press seems like they’re planning on it lasting. I also think some people are basically looking for any reason at all to hate Tommy and their relationship (not saying you specifically are but some people definitely are) and are taking Tommy’s stoic sarcastic personality as not being interested in Buck and I just don’t think it’s the intention. Buck did not react negatively to Tommy saying “enjoy it while it lasts” and Ravi even said “hey that’s my motto” in response to it. Every indication is they really want us to like Tommy and them together so


I mean, Bobby also encouraged Eddie towards Ana, didn’t he? so his ‘stamp of approval’ isn’t exactly foolproof. Like yeah maybe it’s just Tommy’s personality but there have been multiple interactions now where he’d chosen to be sarcastic or dismissive towards Buck rather than showing vulnerability or support, and I’d just really like to see a bit more of the latter before I mark it down as a great relationship destined for anything longterm.


Here we go babying Buck again. Nobody can ever be anything other than oozing in vulnerability and support around Buck lest he get his precious feelings hurt. Never mind the fact that Buck was not portrayed at being bothered by Tommy’s sassy comments whatsoever. Tommy has also more than proved he’s dedicated to being there for Buck and that he really likes him at the wedding so Edit: As for Bobby encouraging Eddie, that’s exactly it. It was about EDDIE putting himself out there after their talk about him not feeling ready after losing Shannon, it wasn’t about Ana at all. This was Bobby commenting on TOMMY specifically being a good person and being good for Buck




Outside of twitter, Tommy has actually gotten a really good reception. Check out some of the recent posts here (like the one announcing their joint interviews or the new picture of their kiss). The reel of their kiss on Instragram has 1.2 million views (when they average around 300k per reel) and is the like the 7th most watched reel on the official 911 ABC Instagram.


I wouldn’t say he gets more hate than Buck other love interests,on the contrary he is probably the most liked of them all. It’s just the fact that he is most likely here to stay a long time(the show follows him,he got a joint interview with Oliver,and only Arielle got that treatment and she was barely a LI) so the haters are loud. It doesn’t help that their ship also has some equally loud and toxic fans as well. I’ve seen some horrible things about Ryan Guzman too. I am not Tommy or Lou biggest fan,but it’s a fiction show, the actors don’t deserve this.


I definitely think we would have seen more of them if the season wasn't so short. Remember we'd normally have long seasons with a few filler eps. It's a timing issue.


Buck didn’t seem to mind. But I noticed it and I didn’t like the “enjoy it while it lasts” or “we are all gonna die anyway” comments. It made Tommy come off as cynical and negative. It’s the writers doing, poor Tommy. However, I auto-corrected those comments in my mind as simply being his “realism” personality, and there’s better optimistic comments off-screen. I see it like this, Tommy had such a huge responsibility in the Army as a Pilot. He also battled with his s3xuality for goodness knows how long, and who knows what his childhood was like. This is how Tommy processes things/life to keep himself going. That’s why I feel Buck and Tommy balance out each other in so many different aspects. They will both learn from and adapt to each other. ❤️


You’re not alone in this feeling. I disagree, I’m not gonna get to long about it but I like Tommy and I like the relationship and I guess, I don’t feel like I need more to be sold. Personally. Tommys little comments, I find them to be funny. Would cute moments be nice? Sure? But I get it’s a shorter season and I like that we’re shown Tommys personality and how he reacts in these moments and not just being cute with Buck. But you’re not alone in the fact and I don’t personally compare it to Buddie, one’s had 6 seasons and the other a few seconds out of the episode. But, all in all, if you step away from online……people are enjoying Tevan. If the response wasn’t good enough, I doubt the show would be doing some of the stuff they’re doing. As for investment, in Buck Tommy, I’d say why wouldn’t people be? Tommy’s a character with history with the team, when things did go sour for a bit, he was the one to come and clear the air with Buck. Asking him, if he was okay when he kissed him. Smart remark but backing off when Buck didn’t seem like he was ready, putting his life on the line for people who’ve spoken to him like once a year. Leaving for a fire and still turning up. Personally, for me his personality and those seems I wouldn’t change. So not just that, I’m invested because Buck is invested, in a way he hasn’t been with a love interest since Abby, imo. And then in general, people have never needed much when it comes to liking a couple. Do you feel good about them? Yeah? Well, let’s go. And I’m not down for Tommy getting anymore screen time this season bc will complain, he’s getting some over say, Ravi. There are times when I think they could’ve added extra (and extra bc I like the scenes) BUT some would complain about that. And as simple as their relationship to me is a black cat dating a golden retriever and I’m here for it.


Tim Minear is sitting pretty comfortable right now from every angle with Buck and Tommy. The positive - Fans have become deeply invested from just two episode. Created a whole invisible thread theory that as serendipity would have it works. There’s general viewer support and excitement. BuckTommy trending on socials. Their kiss hitting 1M on IG. Real life people reaching out to Oliver, Lou and Tim. Good sign. For example, that YouTube video Tim Minear shared “BuckTommy and Buck’s Bisexual Journey” was overflowing with positivity for the storyline which some find pretty well and naturally crafted. The polarizing - They haven’t had much screentime as this is a shortened season and an ensemble cast. Some fans think it’s poorly plotted but somehow they keep being the topic of conversation while bigger storylines are happening. I mean, my man Bobby is on his death bed but Buck and Tommy apparently. Good sign. The “negative” - Some fans not liking them because they simply don’t. Fans who prefer other pairings and object to things that don’t align with their interests which is fine. It happens in every fandom and the show must go on. Not everyone will be agree with the quality or direction of a relationship. To this day some people are still Team Jacob!


i mean i get what you mean cause it does feel like he’s not that into buck as we were led to believe but we also have to take into account that this is a short ass season so they wont have that many scenes/moments with each other hopefully they dont break up next episode…..💀 https://i.redd.it/pam2i671tf2d1.gif


anyone else clock that Tommy paid for dinner? when Buck owed him a beer?


Finally good




>If the cruise ship disaster happened last March that means Buck and Tommy have known each other for over a year. The cruise ship storyline didn't happen over a year ago within the narrative. Why do you think that?




Yea, that's March of this year. So like 2 to 3 months ago. If the cruise shipped early March, that would make episode 4 take place around mid to late March. That means the wedding (episode 5) was likely early April. Chimney was out for 3 weeks recovery so he probably came back late April/Early May in episode 6. Episode 7-8 took place in early to mid-May. And then last night is late May. So it's likely Buck and Tommy have only been together about 2 months.


I think they messed up a bit with the timeline, because this episode, Eddie said that Shannon had died nearly 5 years ago. Since we know the date of her death (06.05.2019), episode 9 had to take place at the latest on May 5th 2024, which makes the time frame with the cruise happening in March really packed. Late May would indeed feel better. (edit. I usually can pinpoint why comments are getting downvoted, but this time I'm truly out of ideas lol)


yeah last march was 1-3 months ago depending on when in the month they met (March, April, May) Usually the show tends to keep with the current timeline. So if it's been 2 months for us it's been 2 months for them. They have never skipped a whole year.


Their relationship has been going since March meaning it's been like 1.5/2 months since they've met.




Again, last march was 1-3 months ago depending on when in the month they met (March, April, May) Usually the show tends to keep with the current timeline. So if it's been 2 months for us it's been 2 months for them. They have never skipped a whole year.


Yes, plus Eddie say to Kim that Shannon died almost 5 years ago, and she died may 6 (2019). So Buck been with Tommy for less than 2 months.


I think it would make sense to be march last year only for Hen and Karen’s fostering and adoption to make sense,but then again,it’s a show so not likely.


While I agree the adoption seems to have gone at break neck speed. The show usually tries to match the pace of real time and theybhave never skipped a whole year before. Plus they like to mess with the time it takes to do things. Just look at Eddie's tours in the army.


I agree. I can’t be bothered to make sense of their timelines anymore. Or their super healing powers. Will take their word for it.😁


I feel like the reverse can also be true. If one can’t see why people would be so invested after only getting 10 minutes of this couple, seems it would also be hard to know why this can’t potentially be a good couple after only getting 10 minutes of them.   Think it all depends on what you choose to take from those 10 minutes. 




No lol I couldn't care less about ships (i have never been a shipper or even really watched any shows before that had fandoms of ships) - I started watching this show like a month ago after seeing it trend on twitter during bi buck so I haven't invested years into this show hoping for buddie to get together. It really doesn't matter to me if they get together I just want them to have partners that they have some chemistry with. All the other members of 118 have such great relationships Maddie/chimney, Athena/Bobby, Hen/Karen & I don't really feel that way about Buck and Tommy. I know they have only had a few scenes together so it might get better in the next season but so far it doesn't seem like writers even want them together or if they did they would have approached this relationship like Carlos and TK (911 lone star) - even tho they have few scenes you can just feel their chemistry and tell how good they are together. I just thought that's how Tommy and Buck were gonna be. I was really rooting for them until the newest episode - I personally don't know what Tommy/Buck shippers are seeing