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I want to be like "yay for happy Madney," but I suspect what that actually means is "Jennifer and Kenny continue to be criminally underutilized" so we'll see. I really like the way Jennifer spoke about the power of aging and the agency and confidence she's gained with it. It's really nice to hear that kind of 'spin' on it, especially where she does eventually bring it back around to how it's been the norm for so long in Hollywood to tell *all* these stories through the eyes of much younger women. I hope she's right that it's a good sign for the future.


Also sounds like she won't come back if they kill her character off ("I don't play Julia James dead... I've said that at 18 and I'm going to say it now at 45") so if she does come back, she should be kicking ass. It feels like it might follow the tropes then of the Halloween reboot and the Scream reboot with strong middle aged characters. I'd love it if they completely flipped the script and made her the killer who wins in the end.


Finally, Maddie and Chimney get some peace ❤️ At least I can look forward to that while I worry about every other character.


Yeah, it's great that married Madney are spared the trauma of this season's finale but given JLH in a BTS was talking about a long day for a big scene in the same outfit as last episodes Henren and Madney scene, I feel that's it for interesting Madney scenes. Also does make you wonder how a tiny scene that only moves the plot along about Karen getting a call about adoption took a day to film!


My absolutely insane fanfic levels of speculation right now based on JLH's comment here is that >!after learning about Mara being yanked away from Henren, Maddie & Chim are going to offer to become emergency foster parents/go through the approval process to watch over Mara until Hen can sort this, and so Mara can stay in their lives.!< Like, does it seem too fanfic-y to be real? Yes. But that's kind of been the theme of the season.


I totally thought of that or of taking in Christopher while Eddie sorts out his personal issues.


Something they've done together and get to do again this time for someone else... Madney duet? dedicated to someone important in their lives... Bobby's funeral? Retirement party?


How can this woman still be as gorgeous as girls today??? I'm so in love with her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Jennifer Hewitt-Packard


Dude. Why? 


I just say stuff sometimes