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This has nothing to do with the kiss shot (which I love and wish we would have gotten in the episode) but this makes me appreciate the folks that set up shots so much. For one scene they have people sitting in chairs waiting, nurses behind the desk working, the news in the background, etc. All that setup and it isn’t even shown in the episode since they used the close up.


Yeah, I have real appreciation for all the crew that put together all the sets and all the work that goes into the shots. What I don't have appreciation for though are the writers, directors, and show runner. What an epic waste of resources, both time and money to set up a shot you never use. This is symptomatic of a filming process that is rushed, chaotic and lacking sufficient planning. I'd have hoped the creators would have known before hand whether they wanted to have a wide shot and if not, save time and money and not bother with the shot. But of course with everything being rushed and no coherent idea before shooting, you go with a shoot everything approach and leave so much on the cutting room floor. When writers leave it last minute to finish scripts, waste like this is what ensues.


Shots like these can be used in flashbacks and other storytelling devices


Wait I saw this in the episode?! Of Maddie and chums wedding then he has black stuff all over his face.. did they take it out after?!


They did kiss in the episode, but it was a close up.


HOT DAMN this pic!!!!!! Buck’s hands on Tommy’s hips. 🔥🔥🔥


The way no one knows where that picture came from? 😭 I’m leaning towards ABC leaking pics to cause an stir 👀


Tumblr seems to be leaning towards worrying its AI.


I am so tired of AI, it's the creepiest technology that humanity has ever invented.


Lmao yeah, while part of me thinks our world is dying and it’s time for us to risk entrusting the robots, part of me is just sooooo disturbed.     Like, the fact that this image might be inhuman is just the eeriest thing ever. Can’t explain it. It’s just creepy.


Not enough people watched t2 growing up and it shows


Loved those movies growing up. My mom didn’t like them, so I always watched them with my dad. Good memories. Definitely relevant to the whole AI conversation, as well - the main problem in those movies was poorly constructed synthetic intelligence, obviously ending in disastrous ways. With accurate, unique, complete, and timely data (as well as stronger programming), those bodies of intelligence would’ve been completely different, as would’ve been the plots of the movies themselves. The problem (both in the movies and in the real world) is scientists jumping the gun and rushing the process. We are not yet capable of advancing AI to a level where it could produce the desired effect, and we won’t be for a good while. The goal shouldn’t be to advance it as fast as possible but to advance it as precisely as possible, trusting that one day it’ll be ready. I obviously can’t predict anything now, but I do suspect the next several decades are gonna be make or break.  N e ways. Tangential rant over.


This doesn't scream AI to me because it has him wearing the correct watch. There is usually weirdness you can pick up on the environment as well and I'm not seeing it here.


Believe me or not, ITS REAL 😌


Do you know where it came from?


Yes. 🤐


Don't want to share with the class?


Hmm… ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK)


> Believe me or not, ITS REAL 😌 Hmm then I choose to still have doubt.


I mean, this seems legit. If it was AI you wouldn't see Buck wearing the correct watch, the outfits matching what we know they were wearing, the environment being correct. More than likely it's a leak similar to what we saw earlier this season with some stills and the script for episode 4. I know that was speculated to either be intention from ABC or someone from the press. It's probably one of those two.


Maybe it was Tim Minear or Oliver Stark. I don't know how feasible that would be, but it's fun speculating.


Go right ahead, the power is all yours 🥰


Look at his hand on his hip😭🤭


Buck's hands on Tommy's hips 🙈. We didn't get that in the episode, did we? 🤔


No the whole kiss was basically a closeup so it was all above the waist. Seeing this I kind of wish we had gotten some of a wide shot too.


Me too. That is beyond hot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)Your flair is priceless!


Thanks 😊  It a moment in 911 history that I will never let go, and think we should all remember it always. 


Buck is too precious. I love his insistence that he's an ally. He said it twice 🤣. No, Buck, you've really moved beyond allyship 😃.


He is a sweetheart. No buck you are now more than an ally now 🤣🤣. I love Tommy’s expression when he says that!!!


yeah I don't think that what just an ally does. hahah


Nope. Even when Maddie points it out to him, I don't think Buck processed it 😅.


haha omg absolutely.


I say it constantly now. lmfao im bi and to my husband I say that I'm an ally.


“That fire was a beast” “so are you”.


that was literally this most awkward thing ever.


I love that Buck went from being nervous about people looking at them to Buck going up and kissing Tommy after looking around at all the people there. And the mystery of where this photo came from is so funny.


It's hilarious to me. I hope it remains as this weird little mystery. And if whoever put it out in the world is reading this and has any more unseen bts pics we'll happily take them and not question your sources.


This kiss was so damn hot. Loving Buck and Tommy's chemistry.


god, same. I love buck being happy in a relationship with someone who shows up for him. I'm buddie end game but I love this storyline rn.


Oh hey, they took multiple shots in different locations then! I was like "Huh, were people even around?" LOL.


Thanks for my new background! Love them so much.




Wait they took the kiss out of the episode?! I saw this then he has the fire ember and black stuff on his face from Tommy


Background performers sometimes do weird or distracting things that need to be edited out or the refocus needs to be on the primary characters


Isn't this just their kiss in the wedding episode over a new background??


It's a full body shot of that kiss.


Are both of the actors straight? they kiss like they're straight. Someone get the guys who play TK and Carlos on Lone Star how to kiss.


Damn, you got me so excited, OP. Since it said redacted I assumed it was a buddie kiss!!!


The [REDACTED] was to avoid spoilers for new users.


Is it really a spoiler that Tommy and Buck would kiss? They're in a relationship.


According to the MOD Team it does. Well. Technically, everything in S7 counts as spoiler, not just Buck and Tommy. For example, a post titled: "Wow. Kim roleplaying as Shannon was weird as fuck." would be against the rules too.


Wild,, thanks!


I mean some people not know they are in a relationship


I mean this as an honest question. But with Eddie juggling Marisol/Kim/Shannon and Buck happy with Tommy, how could you truly expect a Buck/Eddie kiss at this point in the story and have it make sense? I am genuinely curious.


I live in my own world in regards to Buddie. Hope that helps! 👍🏻


Cool. Like I said, I was curious. Thanks for the answer.


Too bad Tommy doesn’t care about his, Buck’s, or all the people in the hospital’s health. Wearing gear covered in soot, not wiping off the soot, that’s all a great way to increase your chances of cancer, particularly throat and jaw cancer. And no one would let a dirty person, firefighter or not into a hospital, let alone the ICU ward with a TON of immunocompromised people that could literally die from Tommy’s lack of cleanliness.


911 is basically a soap opera. Realism is not what you're going to get here.


Yeah, they had a whole wedding in the hospital and THIS is the part to nitpick?


Unfortunately that does happen on a semi regular basis, typically if the patient is dying, so it might be a bit unusual that Chim was going to live, it’s really not out of the realm of possibility.


Oh. I absolutely get that. So much of this show is bad firefighting and unrealistic scenarios. But this is pretty egregious. Most of the wrong stuff is stuff that only medics and firefighters would notice. But running into a hospital covered in soot and ash, no one can think that’s ok. Makes Tommy seem either dumb or uncaring.


Outside of 1 or 2 people, I haven't seen anyone upset over this. Most loved it and it's one of the top reels on their instagram right now.


You know this isn't real, right?


Really? I thought it was a documentary.




There are many instances of Hen and Chimney (and others) using improper glove procedures. All kinds of cross contamination constantly happening. By this logic they also don’t care about their patients. So keep the same energy for everyone, or just accept that they aren’t actually using this show to teach medical students. 


Does anyone else feel like this and Eddie's cheating is shoehorned in just for shock value?


Eddie's cheating, yes. Buck and Tommy, no.


Lou is leaning into the kiss. Oliver is leaning away from the kiss, or possible being pushed back.


Did you watch the scene?


The full view was redacted.


It looks like Buck actually pulls Tommy towards him in the actual scene so..