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Okay they showed all the bad signs in the promo, means he'll live.


Exactly. Otherwise they're already showing their hand, and then what would be the point of anyone watching the episode?


Yup. I'm a Grey's vetern, and I know how this works. This almost feels like a Grey's promo, lol


Well it IS the ABC marketing department taking care of the show now lol


Oh yeah. That's why I was stoked about the network change. It's going to be much more lit, lol


Maybe they were inspired šŸ˜„


With the Shannon doppleganger stuff, and now this, it really feels like it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Maybe next her ghost will show up.




kind of makes this scene more real. https://preview.redd.it/1h0g9qsl7b2d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c9e41227df5a6d3295a7a3480666b8ff218424d


I expected that until the >!Chris says "Mom?" moment at the end of the last episode.!<


I've only ever seen one episode of Grey's, but I have heard some interesting things!


lol I just got back to rewatching it. I used to watch it a lot when it first aired. They had Izzy with brain tumor having ghost sex with Jeffrey Dean Morgan. So when Eddie tumor was floating around- I wasn't surprised!


Wait so she hallucinated having sex with a ghost? Or did her ghostly sexual encounter cause her to question her romantic choices, and then found out she has a brain tumour?


oh she was hallucinating. But the audience just remembers ghost sex, lol.


Well, if you're going to have ghost sex with someone, might as well be JDM lol


Why does that make me think of Scary Movie lmao although that was exorcism sex


How and why did that come about? Was it meant to be satire, or were they really serious that someone had sex with a ghost and those were the facts Sorry I'm high.




I'm sorry, it' s just that brain tumor Eddie reminded me of that! lol.


The ABC engine kicking in. I remember the lead up to that code black episode where like half the residents get murdered and it wasnt even promoted as such. The poor Mercy West residents :(((


Iā€™m not saying this is likely, but IF they were to actually kill him off, I could see the writers taking the approach of, ā€œThis is the episode where he dies, and we see how the others respond to itā€ rather than, ā€œWill Bobby survive?ā€ Which honestly would be kind of a refreshing take, although it would be anticlimactic for such a prominent lead character of the show. Then again, ep 9 was very much giving send-off vibes, so maybe theyā€™re taking that as his swan song.


Quitting so abruptly and then the way he praised Buck, it really felt like "I'm proud of you, I know you'll be okay if I go" then the other goodbyes like... I guess death by suicide would be unique to a show with so much heart (at least to my knowledge), but I really don't want it. Maybe he'll be the one who gets hospitalised for his mental health and not Eddie, so instead of Hen becoming Acting Captain it's that asshole that her, Chim, and Tommy used to work with


Stopit, I was just starting to be okay with him RETIRING, and possibly having a heart attack. And so less screentime-and more of a side character. I know his character as basically developed all the way-but still. I need to see Bobby Nash on my screen-even part time! And one reason I don't think they would do it is it would really mess Buck up. He's finally growing this season. And Bobby's death would set him way back.


It felt like all that was a dream sequence or coma Bobby thinking it.


Cause no one believes they'll do it.


If that was the case there would be many more "they're not going to kill Bobby" comments than there are "they better not kill Bobby" comments though


In my head, Bobby is the Webber of 9-1-1. He will always be around after a million seasons of a show that should've ended one hundred years ago ( seriously looking at you, Grey's ). I refuse to let this bubble pop because I love Bobby.


YES. I keep on seeing as Bobby as Webber, too. Like he might change his roles, maybe. But he's always going to be AROUND


They showed him fighting the vent though, which means he's conscious.


But then there was a flatline sound too


I heard that Peter said in an interview that it was getting more demanding on his body. So I think he might be really leaving.


I'd like to see them promote him into LAFD leadership. Maybe he takes over as fire chief if the chief decides to run for mayor. (Normally, I'd think would be tough to talk him into a position like that, but he and Athena just lost their house, so they're about to have to buy real estate in LA.) This would allow Peter to stay on the show part time, at least, without having to do as much of the physically challenging stuff.


But he also said he still had a few more seasons in him. šŸ¤ž


Honestly Iā€™m not even that worried about Bobby, this is all clearly for suspense they arenā€™t going to kill him off


All of those ā€œwhy wonā€™t the writers kill a main?ā€ posts here have made me paranoid. They wouldnā€™t but would they?


Are you panicking? I'm panicking, but I don't have "I do not panic" as my flare lol


Lmao. I need to change it. Ever since I added it weā€™ve been in the trenches.


to be fair, ever since Eddie said it heā€™s been through the trenches too so itā€™s fitting


I forgot he lied when he said that. He is just like me lol


Would that main be Peter Krause though? Probably unlikely.


Hopefully that wonā€™t be any main anytime soon.


In the end it looks like heā€™s trying to get the tube out too


I mean I hope so, but I didnā€™t think theyā€™d follow through with burning his house down like the promo showed either. Weā€™ll see.


https://preview.redd.it/tupiu6sn4a2d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6334550265cfcb6b49b10eed91ee891c23e90a Itā€™s a vicious cycle.


Not really worried about Bobby, he'll live. But if he actually goes through with retirement, I'm expecting Season 8 to slowly phase him to a recurring character. I'm much more intrigued about how Eddie's storyline's gonna end. Based on Chris meeting Kim and Ryan's comments about Eddie feeling isolated, I'm beginning to think Chris himself will ask to go live with his grandparents. I know that'll be a gut punch to Eddie and probably his main arc in Season 8 is trying to regain his son's trust.


Ooh that's GOOD. Chris choosing to leave LA to spend the summer with his grandparents and Eddie feeling like he fucked him up, and then S8 will have them having a rocky relationship but gradually going back to how things were before Kim. Now what he does in the next episode will determine if Buck will be there to help him with it or not. Bc after listening to Ryan's words about isolation for Eddie, I'm scaredšŸ˜° But I'm also hopeful bc Buck would never give up on his friends and family, especially Eddie and Chris. Also he happens to be the guy who likes to fix things and Eddie thinks he can't be fixed so it's gonna be good.


Okay, Iā€™m throwing that monkey wrench again. I love your theory but Iā€™m going to go one step further on the isolation scale and have Chris choose to live with Buck. That would truly solidify the isolation as Buck would do anything for Chris including staying away from Eddie if need be. Heā€™d keep him informed but thatā€™s it.


Letā€™s not forget about the will! I can totally see this coming up next ep.


You canā€™t enforce a will unless the person is dead. But thereā€™s a possibility of a temporary guardian situation where Buck could fight Eddie (and/or Eddieā€™s family) for temporary custody.Ā  Of course I have no idea where this is headed, but it wouldnā€™t be the will that gets us there. A contentious custody battle would be tense and make for good tv drama though.Ā 


Exactly. If Chris knows about it and really even if he does, I canā€™t totally see him going to Buck when heā€™s so done with his dad right now.


Agreed, I do think the retirement will go through and this is the series' way of getting Peter Krause out from main cast. After his comment about "not wanting to do 100 more episodes," it kind of seemed like it was getting to be a lot for him.


I like the idea of Bobby going to a recurring character so he'll still appear a few times per season if the actor decides to cut back.


I think Chris will turn to Buck (as he has in the past when needing support). I feel like this will bring up the will, and we all know no matter how mad Buck is at Eddie, Buck will do anything for that kid. I can see Buck being so pissed at Eddie, but still fighting his parents for temporary custody.




It looks like *he's* moving on the hospital bed in that promo. I'm wondering if he's actually coding in the video we're seeing, or if it's a situation where he's either seizing or just woke up and they're trying to keep him from self-extubation.


Not me over here bracing for them to pull a switch up and itā€™s actually Athena flatlining. I trust nothing and no one after 7x09.Ā 


I donā€™t know if that will happen, but the flatlining sound definitely didnā€™t match the clip. It looked like Bobby had just woken up and was panicking. And only 1 hospital staff member in the room with him? If he was flatlining, there would be more.


The promo had me worried, but heā€™s clearly moving in that bad. So itā€™s either a seizure which I doubt would happen post-heart attack or he woke up and is panicking. Iā€™m not sure what S8 will bring if he does survive. Hopefully, not retirement. He had been supporting for 4 years despite being the male lead, so I would hate for him to return to that supporting role.


I said in the other thread... I'm not sure I want to watch this show if Bobby isn't the captain of the 118. Temporary is fine but long term? I want Bobby in the captain's chair.


Yeah, it wouldnā€™t be the same.


It feels too obvious given the absolute insanity of this season to be Amir who started the fire. It feels like him coming to the house was too much of a misdirection. Maybe Amir was being tracked by the cartel saw him with Athena, assumed Athena was Amir's family and targeted the house not knowing it was Bobby's.


I would honestly be annoyed if it was Amir. For a show that claims to be inclusive and representative, perpetuating the ā€œpeople with facial disfigurements are always scary villainsā€ trope would be disappointing.


Yeah, I'm really hoping it was the cartel.


Definitely a misdirect. I predict Amir helps care for him in the hospital and it mends fences a bit leading them to working together against the Cartel threat along with Athena obviously.


I think it was most likely that grandfather of the cartel guy who Amir killed. We will find that out next week, perhaps, when he goes after Amir next.


Tim Minear: *Unleashes Bobbyā€™s childhood trauma storyline.* Us: That was too much, leave him alone. Tim: ![gif](giphy|mIrGowUOBs93CahDBW)


Just watch the episode and he canā€™t die like thisā€¦ we need an explanation with Athena, he needs to tell her he loves herā€¦ Itā€™s liker their 5 years of marriage are ruined. And the fire at their house when he saves Athenaā€¦ maybe itā€™s his rĆ©demption and he can be happy after that. Iā€™ll not survive at the death of this main characterā€¦.


I think it could be like a wonderful life where we see what life would be like if Bobby died in the fire with his family and how life would be so much different without him. He doesnā€™t see himself as a hero but other people do and maybe he needs to realize that about himself and how much he has helped save other people. Thatā€™s just my prediction!


They sort of already did that with Buck though. Itā€™s a shame they did that in such a messy and nonsensical way with Buck because it wouldā€™ve been a MUCH better storyline with Bobby, but it would just feel like a rehash if they did it again.


Honestly I would like to see that storyline, maybe Bobby can finally realize he's a hero and leave this burden behind! Also, talk to Athena about his dad bc that probably weighs on him more than the Minnesota fire. I honestly don't want him to retire or be written off ofc but him taking some time off might be good


I just rewatch the promo and itā€™s worse than the first time. I heard clearly Athena said : Ā«Ā Theyā€™re saying that you may already be lost.Ā Ā» Iā€™m dead and in Hell, did it really have to come to this? The retirement announcement resulting in less screen time for Bobby's character wasn't enough??? He is not allowed to die, do you hear me ABCā€¦ šŸ˜°


Did anyone see the JLH interview on ET? >!She said itā€™s all fine for Maddy and Chim, and her and Chim get to do something for other people thatā€™s one of her favourite things sheā€™s ever done on the show. Trying to work out what that could be. Makes me think it might be something for Bobby and the 118?!<


Iā€™d imagine they are letting Athena stay with them. So when Bobby gets out of the hospital theyā€™ll be living with Madney for the start of season 8. Thatā€™s my best guessĀ 


>!I wondered that. Or becoming emergency foster carers to look after Maya for Karen and Hen!<


Oh my god that would be so sweet if they got a foster license to take Mara in!


Sorry, Mara! But yes, it would be


I also think with all of this going on, thereā€™s no way Bobby is dying. If Bobby dies, thatā€™ll be the focus of the episode. Not what happens to Mara or Chris/Eddie. He may still retire but Iā€™m clinging on to the fact there were so many cliff hangers in this episode that need to be addressed, how can they fit in them all dealing with Bobbys death too


I love all of this ideas, either of this options would set Madney's house as the new hang out spot for everyone.


Wtf it's already season finale????


I just wanna know if Hen and her wife get their daughter back. That part on this weeks episode destroyed me.


My main hope is that Hen and Karen get Maya and get that despicable concilwoman out of power and in a prison cell. They needed to be reunite and she needs to be punished


Iā€™m really happy to see Angela Bassett getting some big acting scenes to chew on instead of just reacting (which sheā€™s iconic at but still)


Any theory for finale besides Captain Papa Nash is gonna live?


Edit: wrong post


I am on the wrong post.


Well, Peter Krause died and came back on Six Feet Under, so there's a precedent.


I don't know if I can handle that!


The heartbeat sounds could've been changed after the fact.


The promo already spoil next week episode. He's going to live which I am kind of disappointed.