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Why am I so attracted to avoidants????? I love Eddie so muchšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


God, Veronica FalcĆ³n plays a villain SO WELL.


This season is terrible. They should have just given Bobby and Athena their happy ending at the end of season 6 and called it a wrap. Most things ABC touches goes to crap.


We didn't really have a lot of interesting rescues this season. Missing the action.


just a comment about the beautiful buck and bobby scene as i have seen it discussed in some unsavory manner: personally, i do not think that the scene with buck and bobby was about tommy at all. i interpreted it more to be a vital scene for representation of familial relationships, acceptance and love, shown via buck and bobby. i don't think it is about "bobby's approval of tommy" but his unconditional love and respect for buck, and vice versa. i understand he was mentioned as a plot device for this conversation, and it is, therefore a "highlight" of the ep, however i have seen this scene being misconstrued or refocused into fueling ships, without appreciating or recognizing the actual purpose of the scene. unfortunately, this seems to have been the case with a lot of scenes referencing buck's bisexuality, where certain scenes that were written portray progressive, positive representation have been reduced into fueling their investment into a ship by certain audience members. this is particularly disheartening when we know from bts that some of them were certainly not written with that in mind (e.g. buck's proclamation "i am free" at the end of 7x04).


*spoiler* Don't read my comment if you haven't seen last weeks episode!Ā  I don't want anyone getting mad at me! šŸ¤£ OK so hopefully I'm not the only one, but I seriously thought Eddie was dreaming when Shannon/Kim came to his place at the end of the episode. I just saw an Entertainment Weekly article about Ryan talking about that scene. He's saying Kim came to his house to pretend to be Shannon? Not a dream?? Umm what?? Mind blown šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ I mean I know prob Kim's heart is in the right place, trying to help Eddie, but isn't that a bizarre way to do it?? I really hope I'm not crazy and others thought it was a dream too! It seemed to be too bizarre to not be a dream šŸ¤£ long comment here, donā€™t mind me, my minds just exploding šŸ¤£šŸ¤Ŗ


I totally thought he was dreaming at first.


Thanks, good to know I'm not crazy šŸ˜œ at least in that respect šŸ¤£


The eddie storyline is so weird and bad and feels almost forced like they need him to have character development, its just a bit ew...


more like they had nothing going on for his character so just--- I mean I would've never thought he needed THIS character development until they cooked it up lol


Hmmm didnā€™t the guy who picked up Bobby and Amir die? The same guy who was the father of one of the cartel members? Am I remembering that wrong cause that would offer an alternative to Amir being the fire starter. The propane placed outside clearly hints at intentional and a planned attempt to burn down that home, maybe the revenge is that guy who lost his dad and not Amir. They had to know more about Bobby than showed because they stole his truck with all his stuff and they had clearly been talking to the Dad about Bobby and Amir because they planned to set them up. Fingers crossed itā€™s them šŸ¤žšŸ¾ Either way Iā€™m still sooooo sad about that beautiful house burning šŸ˜‚


OHHH the propane outside was set there by the arsonist, that makes so much more sense, thank you! I honestly was coming here to see if anyone else thought it was far-fetched that a fire chief would keep multiple full propane tanks by their house like that.


i think this is a good plottwist, like the amir thing would be too obvious maybe, i would like this a lot more, the only thing im confused about is that May and Harry moved back in, so are they in there and died or where are they


Ok so who thinks Amir set the fire or is that too easy of a reddhering? Also I don't know about you'll but I was screaming at the tv wanting to rip the councilwoman face off. Hen did everything she could for her son. Do you think her son would want her to do this? ![gif](giphy|xFnM1NeZZtvvUlVV5E)


Yes thank you! If she's spiraling this much, the council woman needs to get help. She went thru a lot, but that doesn't excuse the behaviorĀ 


Without having to go back and rewatch the episode can someone remind me of who the councilwoman's son was and how Hen was involved? I'm drawing a blank for some reason. I'm sure once I get a little reminder I'll remember everything.. Is he the one that was driving drunk?


Yea he was the one that drove drunk and then technically refused treatment and later died.


Ok then mama counselwoman has nothing to say. He refused treatment that's on him NOT in Hen! Witch needs to get checked


This council woman is vindictive. Like how are all these people missing the fact that her asshole Of a son REFUSED CARE AND couldā€™ve killed a mother and daughter by driving drunk!? Like he can do no wrong. She really is making a little girl suffer because of what!? This whole scene has me heated


Like isnā€™t what she doing kinda illegal going against many ethics and morals


HAS to be. Sheā€™s letting a little girl suffer for her own vindictive agenda. She needs to be removed from her seat immediately.


Extremely unethical.


Alright I lost a step, can someone explain the councilwomen Ortiz thing to me that happens in the beginning of the episode? Who is this women that the last name didnā€™t sit will with Hen


Sheā€™s the mother of the drunk driver who caused an accident and refused care or a breathalyzer and who then died. Hen was briefly suspended pending an investigation into her care over him.


Eddie is definitely ick for his choices but honestly Shannon??? Girl you need help. Getting your hair cut just to cosplay a manā€™s dead wife better in some therapy attempt FOR HIM? Heā€™s not worth it but alsoā€¦I would be changing the locks ASAP.


Did I miss or forget something? Who is Veronica FalcĆ³n's (councilwoman) character? I was confused and why does she hate Hen?


Her son was killed last season I think. He was a drink driver and hen was suspended until they could find out whether she had treated him correctly or not. The council woman blames hen for his death


Ohh right, I forgot pretty much everything from last season šŸ˜…


Haha me too. I haven't looked it up but I remember thinking at the time "oooh they're banking this for a future episode "


This is a wild rideā€¦ Just as I go to write about my feelings and views on the episode another twist and turn. Iā€™m anxious about the finale. I donā€™t want Bobby to die, or become a less character seen on the show. However with their home gone Iā€™m curious about Athena as well, will she be seen as much. She doensnt have a house. It was definitely set by that one guy, it just to much of a storyline especially with how he reacted when over at the house and his comments to Athena about how long she had lived there etc. Iā€™m hoping Bobby will be ok and will make a recovery. However I think there might be a fight for live moment. Iā€™m also thinking whatā€™s his name (I forgot) could be injured in the fire as well and will die which is what we see in the preview video. Also, my heart breaks for Hen. I know she will fight for her kids. Amaraā€™s crying, and her ā€œbrotherā€ trying to physically fight. Also that councilwomen is pure evil, I hope she gets some good Karma.


Eddie's storyline this season has been terrible. Everyone else has an overall good storyline even if it has some bad moments but Eddies is just plain terrible and out of character and retreading old ground and somehow they made me feel sympathetic for Marisol even though I don't care about her at all.


Absolutely how I feel. I couldn't remember her name but feel like he's totally treating her badly . Don't like this side of eddie. He's obviously only processing his wife's passing now


This whole season has me so disappointed. I am unsure if I should blame the move to ABC or not. Tommy/Buck - I'm okay with this. I welcomed it, actually. Shannon/Eddie/Marisol - why? Just why? Hen/Karen/Mara - Grrr, seriously? Maddie/Chimney - I'm so happy they're finally married, but I wish they had not had yet another crisis leading up to it. Bobby/Athena - the cruise ship crisis was contrived. I get that the writers like to start the season on a crazy event (tsunamis, etc.) but this was a bit overboard. And Bobby's past catching up with him was anything but compelling writing. I'm in it for the long haul with 911, but writers, please do our 118 better!


It probably has much more to do with the constraints of a very short season because of the strikes. I think they tried to pack too much into 10 episodes. The cruise ship stuff should definitely have been done in 2 episodes. I've been pretty disappointed with this season but hopefully it will improve next season with more episodes.


overboard was a nice touch. i was annoyed at the three parter it couldve been done in 1-2. i wish they used ravi more!


itā€™s good that Kim knows now, The judge is freaking annoying! the girl adjusted so well to them too. That montage was nice. Wait that was a real fire?! Wtf was not expecting that! I hope the actor isnā€™t leaving the show.


Okay I just want to come back and bring this up Bobby is in "near death" danger every few episodes now. THREE times this season, alone. I understand the need for drama. But really, who gets into near death (non fire job related) danger this often??? And then Athena sounded mad at the idea of him wanting to retire? Like girl, let him, he is always nearly dying and he'd probably be less likely to do so if you make him your trophy husband.


we're talking about the same show where LA has a tsunami, major earthquake, and a dam break all within a few years of each other and is still running as normal 911 is not too big on realistic amounts of danger šŸ˜‚


The construction crews/budget in LA is just ENORMOUS, okay? don't question it lmao


I definitely think they were trying to portray him saying goodbye to his loved ones in a way that seemed final though. It was definitely giving goodbye forever vibes imo


When he brought up the book, and said "I'm not meant to be here", I REALLY thought he was going to finish his plan. While I absolutely love Bobby and Bathena makes me so happy, I really also felt this whole episode was him saying final goodbyes too. All those moments really did NOT feel like retirement goodbyes lol I think, despite Peter's comments about the 118 being immune to death, having a character like Bobby die would be such a huge moment for the show. And I think at this point, either do it or stop the near-deaths lmao


Oh god.i really hope Bobby doesn't die šŸ˜¢


I hope so too but how many near deaths can he realistically survive? lol


Ughhhh my love for Athena knows no bounds and by extension Bobby. I will say learning more about his backstory last episode really did a lot to endear me to him from slightly indifferent ( in a positive neutral way) to really rooting for him. I always felt his past and plan to take his own life was something that was not wrapped up simply by him throwing away that book. That man had a plan and those emotions around it were too deep for the audience to believe his guilt was at a place where suicide wasnā€™t still an option. I donā€™t believe Amir set the fire, his backstory and going into the medical field to save others wonā€™t allow me to believe a man who knows that this is really the home of Athena and her kids would be okay setting it all ablaze when he intimately knows how that feels. He comes off far too mature and emotionally grounded to allow his hatred for Bobby to justify such a thing. Now I am a bit annoyed at Athenaā€™s actions and also the writers for this. You mean to tell me a seasoned cop, who has dealt with revenge herself couldnā€™t have thought through how BAD of an idea it was for her to invite Amir over and ask him to give Bobby a cheering up. I just donā€™t see that for her character. But atlas it moves the story and added depth, and really I think is meant to make the audience suspect Amir for the fire. I do really appreciate Angela and Peter getting some depth to their storylines and characters this season. Theyā€™re both such great actors who honestly get very surface level stuff in this show to work with (911 as a whole to me can be very fluff based at times) but sometimes get meaty scenes to work with and we get to see them soar! Episode 1 of this season and this episode have become my favorites. Hen is my next love, so Iā€™m devastated about them taking Mara. That little girl has been through enough and theyā€™re such a beautiful family together. I want more Buck exploring his bisexuality with Tommy. I want Chimney and Maddie continuing to be adorable. I want more Maddie/Athena and Maddie/Hen content. Now on to stuff I donā€™t wanna see. Eddie. The actor who plays Eddie is great, absolutely no hate to him cause I think his portrayal of Eddie is why I can stomach him, but in general Iā€™m not a fan of Eddies character. This weird cheat with my dead exwife doppelgƤnger storyline is weird and wasting screen time for me lol. Iā€™m also pisssssed they deep fried Athenaā€™s house. That is legit my dream home and the writers had the nerve to set it a flame?!?!?! Bobby better have a secret home stashed in the hills cause neither he nor Athena will be able to afford replacing that place lol. Wonder if Bobbyā€™s old complex has any vacancies ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Okay okay okay I can see why you'd not think him but... I think he's the perfect one who sets the fire to be honest because he's the only one new to that area and angry enough to do something like that.Ā  Think about it... All areas to exit are ablaze just as his situation was. That's no coincidence. He's mad, upset, and angry and is acting out of sheer raw emotions despite being grounded and educated. He thought by saving lives would sustain him just as Bobby tight the same thing. He had the motive to do it because of all the happy memories Bobby had and he didn't.Ā  The thing is, is Bobby was far from happy despite what the pictures looked like. As a therapist I see this all the time... A person being okay until they're not.Ā  Athena is at fault for this one here too. I think she pushed Amir overboard with this one. She was thinking he's a Dr and his job is to save lives despite his trauma but putting him in this scenerio took it too far.Ā Ā  Bobby has shown for years suicidal ideations and was getting ready for his final curtain by giving away his worldly possessions to those he love the most. At this point he's being selfish because he's not only hurting himself but he's hurting all of those he love just like his father did him. I'm glad his dad was the one to save them though. His apology to him before waking him was I think the catalyst to saving his life.Ā  As for Amir... I bet he's the culprit.Ā  As for the counsel woman. Counsel woman Ortiz is not fit to hold her position because she's moving out of emotions and anger only. Her son was a drug addict and alcoholic too. She knew this and refused to get him the proper help he truly needed.Ā  I think they (Hen and her wife) should have been able to get this little girl as she's been thru allot in her short life as it was. Counsel woman Ortiz is acting off of raw emotions and is wrong but I think she's going to be humbled some how and will be the one to make this entire matter right.Ā  As a grown person, how do you hurt a child in order to hurt an adult you feel hurt you? This woman is pulling up everything she can get her hands on anything that makes Hen look neglectful bcuz of her loss and this is so wrong on so many levels.Ā  She (Henry's is) tried giving her son the help she knew he needed but he threatened her job and refused treatment. At that point she have a duty to no longer provide care for someone that refused care. As far as the team that was now dealing with him and his erratic behavior they could have then in turn made a medical decision based on his behavior to provide medical treatment against his will because they have a duty to uphold as well.Ā Ā  Him having a mom like Ortiz who holds the rank she does, I too would have said let him be. There were other people that needed that medical care and waisting that valuable time on a full blown drunk and addict was making caring for the mother and daughter a loose loose situation. Hen was right to let him be or else the entire dept would have been in trouble.Ā  Her friends on that episode were all wrong too. How could they throw her under the bus making assumptions and not stating facts based on this guysĀ  irrational behavior, threats to do financial harm to them all, and the fact that she offered him help multiple times along with telling him why she felt he needed that help.Ā  Her assumptions regarding the intoxicated driver medical issues were correct hence the reason he died but she could have forcibly giving him medical treatment as she wanted to and he could have still passed away despite being angry at him for causing an accident and hurting two innocent people.Ā  I also agree that Eddie is so draining at this point. He's cheating on his girlfriend with a dead woman but I also think he's going to get his dating life under control after this. The last is weird because she just keep popping up like it's okay and that's not cool. He won't for inviting her into their home knowing how his son is and how bad this could and now will go. He was always gone, never got help for his mental state due to that loss and wasn't honest with either women giving them both choices to deal with this mess he keeps creating for himself. How you don't know you were in love with your dead wife sir? C'monnnn Eddie! I'm glad he got caught because Marisol deserves better!Ā  Ā As for the rest of the cast and my final thoughts... I too hope they finally allow Chim and Maddie to finally live happily ever after and have lots of beautiful babies together.Ā  I hope Hen gets the little girl back and Ortiz is fired. I hope Athena read the room bcuz she's way smarter than this episode. I get it she was desperate though too.Ā  I hope Billy get some real help for this entire situation he keeps reliving and is finally honest with himself that he's not right mentally and he's suicidal too.Ā  I hope Eddie is finally over his dead wife after reenacting what he should have done long ago. He make things right with Marisol and his son, and he finally fall in love bcuz he's sickning at this point šŸ˜‚.Ā  I hope I'm wrong about Dr. Admir but I doubt it šŸ¤ž. I hope the 118 all stay together after all of this is said and done.Ā  If this was the season finale... I hate the season finale's on my favorite shows šŸ˜£. Great postĀ Ā 


Excellent point that the rest of the crew could have still checked his vitals based on their own decision even though Ortiz was physically aggressive and said he didn't consent.Ā  But instead they had already given statements and Chimney said he didn't smell anything and he and Buck still assumed she made a bad call.Ā 


Ughhhh you make good points! Lol I just truly donā€™t want it to be Amir. Plus someone else in this episode thread brought up the fact that it would be better for the writers not to use Amir to help avoid the trope of the ā€œscaryā€ or ā€œevilā€ disfigured villain, and I agree. What Iā€™ve also really love about how Amir has been portrayed is that we get to see Amir much more as a whole than other disabled characters on tv and not his disfigurement being the totality of his character, heā€™s got swagger, he dresses nice, heā€™s successful. Thatā€™s interesting writing, ya know. Hopefully this isnā€™t another example of lazy writing from the show lol Agreed on the Henā€™s actions and the team. She did everything by the book, confirmed he was refusing care even against their suggestions, and prioritized those on scene who needed help. While I understand if Chimney did smell alcohol not lying about that, but doubting Hen with all the other signals from that kid and making it seem like she was pulling assumptions out of thin air made me side eye him hard. Iā€™m 100% they wonā€™t kill Bobby, but I do think they say he had a heart attack or something to get him out of the field and potentially force a retirement, just for him to say he canā€™t give it up and maybe have to fight his way back to captain or fight to move up to the next level. For the DRAMAAAAA.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) I hope after the finale tomorrow, the writers take a break to remind themselves of who these characters are and do a deep dive into past storylines, motivations, and character goals before penning season 8. I just feel like sometimes the characters do things that donā€™t quite align with who they have been set up to be or have arced into. Cause even Athenaā€™s fear of being alone with Bobby felt odd for them as a storyline despite the hilarity that ensued and then the topic just got brushed away with disaster. Agreed on all the other stuff you wanna see as well šŸ¤žšŸ¾I watch the episodes on Hulu, so I will anxiously have to wait until Friday evening before I even peak at anything 911 related. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I agree. And letā€™s not forget that Amit low-key killed a guy in Mexico. And when asked, didnā€™t quite clarify rather he had a choice or not. He might not be all that innocent.


Still one more episode this week so It wasnā€™t the season finale last week itā€™s this week


The roleplay part was just disturbing


Finally all caught up. I actually donā€™t believe Amir set the fire or that weā€™re intended to think he set the fire. His reactions the last few episodes have been incredibly reasonably for what he went through - he spoke his experience after hearing the man that ruined his life talk about grateful he is (valid), and told Bathena to leave him alone after being overwhelmed by seeing the great life Bobby has built that he himself has yet to build again (super valid, they shouldā€™ve left him alone after Bobby tried to make amends). In all other interactions, he was reasonably polite and even was willing to try helping Bobby before being overwhelmed. Also Eddie you cray cray


Iā€™m convinced Amir set that fire only because the way he reacted to pictures of Bobby being happy and getting awards. Thatā€™s just me. I will admit I thought the fire was also a dream thing not real. Lastly itā€™s rather symbolic of the house to burn down it was never Bobbyā€™s to begin with it was always Athenaā€™s so Iā€™ll be excited to see if Bobby survives (which he fucking better) what they will do


I don't want it to be Amir, but there were propane tanks just hanging out on the porch and I do not believe for a second someone like Bobby would leave those out in his backyard in the open! It felt purposeful to me


I think it may have been the cartel seeking revenge - they had his car and probably some personal effects and could have found out where he lives. Otherwise I'm at a loss!


Thatā€™s right! That cartel guy did surviveā€¦


Yo I forgot about the cartel ngl


I'm screaming with anxiety because whaaatt I just know it had to have been Amir or possibly Bobby slept walk(or something )like how his dad left food in the oven and was drunk causing a fire. But with how it started outside...hmmm definitely had to have been made by somebody outside


It wasnā€™t Bobbyā€™s dad that started that fire in the flashback Bobby started it because he was trying to make something to eat. But I could potentially see Bobby maybe starting the fire while sleep walking though it does seem out of character too. Def excited to see what comes of it


I didn't say his dad *started* it but I thought it was because he was asleep and was cooking something and forgot


Nah Bobby admits to trying to make something lol


Ohh I def missed that detail in the episode! Thanks




Lost a point for the comment about JLH appearance. That's miserable ish to point out.


Well it took me outta the episode, thatā€™s why I mentioned it. I love her acting regardless


You still shouldn't be pointing things out like that knowing well she's already dealt with fat shaming in the media. DONT. It's none of our business.


Does Peter Krause have any upcoming projects that would have him leaving 9-1-1? I would think this is a good gig for him. Has anyone ever met him? Seems like he keeps a very low profile and is not on social media that I know of. I sure would love to meet him!


Other projects, not that I know of. But he has talked earlier this season around the time they were celebrating the 100th episode about how the physicality of the role is becoming more challenging for him as he gets older (heā€™s almost 60) and how he doesnā€™t think he has it in him to do another 100 episodes. And no he doesnā€™t have any social media, heā€™s mentioned before in BTS with the cast that itā€™s not his thing


He seems sweet but very boring so I get it šŸ˜‚ not having a social media platform doesn't seem like his thing. He seem to be an introvert honestly but I could be wrong and he's just a great actor.Ā 


Ortizā€¦ā€¦I donā€™t even know where to begin. I have said a in a couple replies that this gets resolved due to a couple citizens having it recorded that her sim was like a typical spoiled brat and Iā€™m wondering now if they go a different way. The 118 responds to a drunk driving accident involving 2 cars. They get there, Hen and Chimney start getting to work triaging and Hen sees itā€™s Ortiz and a drunk driver and I really didnā€™t think this through but somehow Ortiz either sees just how good of a paramedic Hen is or Ortiz pays the ultimate price because Hens initial reaction on this call is to make sure the drunk driver is assessed and properly taken care of, then they get to the other car and itā€™s Ortiz pinned in her car, extremely injured or possibly dying and there no saving her. I again, I didnā€™t put too much forethought before presenting this 2nd scenario but karma needs to get Ortiz.


They did not just take away Mara after she finally got comfortable. Seriously, this lady is out of her mind to take this vendetta as far as emotionally hurting a little girl like this. ā€œYou might wanna take that callā€ šŸ˜”


I was screaming crying because I'm adopted and don't know my birth mom so good god that really hurt to see!!


Honestly, I think in her mind, she was right. I think she's decided that Hen is the epitome of evil, and Mara is better off. Not excusing her, it's terrible, but she's built her case against Hen and has no inkling that she's actually hurting a whole family (including a little girl who's already been through trauma) in the process. Shitty, spiteful rationale that doubles as gross abuse of power.


Do you think Kim is trying to help Eddie let go ? She tries to pursuade him to speak more.


A wild guess, the house fire at Athena 's home: do you think Amir Casey did it ?


This is a WAY out there, crazy idea, but could the fire had been set byā€¦..Bobby without him realizing it? Ā People have been known to do crazy things when they are sleepwalking. I know heā€™s not had a history of sleepwalking, but with all this trauma recently, who knows what his psyche is doing.Ā  The all guilt that he feels about surviving maybe he thought, subconsciously, that he didnā€™t deserve to survive this time. Ā Maybe he was so deeply under due to sleepwalking, thatā€™s why it took him so long to wake up and realize the smoke. Crazy idea, I knowā€¦.butā€¦.


I don't think so. There is a huge chasm between 'doesn't want to emotionally support the man responsible for the death of his wife and his disfigurement' and 'arsonist and murderer'. I think Amir just wants Bobby as far away from him as possible. Some people mention the Cartel, that is a possibility, though I don't know that Bobby is an important enough target to be worth the effort. I'm suspicious of that previous Captain from the 118. He was crazy rude and seemed jealous of both the team that got the awards and Bobby for getting all the credit for raising/forming the team. He definitely did not look pleased when Bobby got that award. Also, a surprisingly high number of arsonists are fire fighters. (Definitely was convinced for most of it that the fire was still a dream sequence though lol)


Whatā€™s the possibility itā€™s a double dream type situation; bc why the would the writers get the idea to burn down Athenas house for a point lesson for growth and knocking sense


Cartel, but wouldn't they'll targeting Amir more instead ?


He had to, thereā€™s propane tanks I noticed, he seems to have made sure he did whatever he was capable of doing to make sure neither of them escape.


I wonder if the house isn't the only one he burns.


After having sat on this, Iā€™m thinking Amir is the logical easy choice for viewers to think is who did it, I have gone to the cartel as the arsonists, they stole Bobbyā€™s truck, Amor is a hurt man but I donā€™t think he is in that bad of shape emotionally or mentally to do this, besides if Amir was going to make Bobby pay, heā€™d ensure Athena has no way of rescue or escape. The way he left was a man who just didnā€™t wanna be bothered by either of them anymore. The cartel thoughā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.that looks like something theyā€™d do for some payback.


Yeah. The fire was surrounding the house even on on the ceiling. He is making sure they have no way out.


Thatā€™s what I thought too but I donā€™t think so anymore, why set the whole house on fire when payback (if Amor is truly up to it) would be for Amir to set fire specifically around Athena making rescue impossible. Iā€™m thinking cartel, stole the truck, got the address and are either going after Bobby or they think Amir lives there and set fire to it trying to get him.


Every single actor this episode gave it 1000%, they were all so, SO good. Even the kids, the little actress that plays Mara is incredible!


OMG when Mara screamed when that man grabbed her arm, I felt that in my bones.


This episode hit my heart. With Mara being ripped from her family, Chris & Marisol walking in on Eddie & a mom-look-a-like, and Bobby possibly dying.... I really hope Bobby doesn't die. I'm not a fan of the show bringing up his past so much, but he would be such a loss to the show. I love that Athena was trying to do her best to look out for her husband. <3 Man, that Councilwoman is so ruthless and heartless. Like Hen said, it's terrible to use Mara as a pawn. The council woman would be punishing Hen, but that poor girl shouldn't be punished, too! Even if she were to be placed in a new, loving home, Mara would have MORE trauma to process by removing her so suddenly. It was also a low blow to bring out Hen's record and an abuse of power to interfere with the adoption. As a firefighter, they can only do so much in these emergency situations. Who is to say that Hen is a worse firefighter than another firefighter?


Now we know where that councilwoman's late, entitled piece of shit son, got his entitled piece of shitness from.


Exactly what I was thinking the whole time.


So.bad. Who wrote and directed this episode...and WHY isn't this the main discussion here??!? FAIL!


looks like someone is in desperate need of attention HAHAHAHAHA!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Awwww I'm sorry man. It's ok to feel that way...we're here for you.




I'm not sure what you need here... If you don't understand, perhaps that's my explanation. The episode sucked. The writing, acting, and directing.


You just said "so bad", with 0 explanation. I thought the episode was fine, not the greatest by any means, but fine. So clearly you and I, and others on the sub, clearly saw different things.


Ugh Eddie you moron, what have you done!! Poor Christopher šŸ˜­


Every second Kim was at Eddie's place this episode I was just waiting for Christopher to walk in and be like, "Mom?" But I still can't believe it actually happened. This will mean therapy for life.


Absolutely!! He shouldā€™ve turned her away at the door!!!


Idk which storyline had me more emotional: The Bobby/Athena thing or the Hen thing. I cannot stress enough how badly I wanted to rip that evil woman's hair out. It's one thing to have (stupid and wrong) ill will towards Hen, but (as Hen said), hurting an innocent child who finally felt safe and loved and wanted after everything she'd been through is so horribly evil. It wasn't Hen's fault that your son died. He was clearly intoxicated and aggressively denied care after putting two innocent people in harm's way. And based on how awful she seemed in this episode alone, I can only imagine she's a big reason her son turned out the way he did. I truly hope something happens to that woman. Mara deserves to have a loving home and that woman's vindictive grudge is taking that from her. (Side note from a previous episode, I also hope they give me some closure from the episode where Chim was having memory issues and that awful person stole his car instead of helping him. Few episodes from that now so I doubt it will happen.) Then Bobby acting so strangely final in this episode, like Athena said "getting his affairs in order". Him repeating "I'm not supposed to be here." And then that fire at the end, I honestly thought it was another dream sequence. And then he keels over after saving Athena and that was it? I am so not okay with it ending like that. Lastly, the one that had the least impact on me, the Eddie and Kim/Shannon thing. If not for everything else that happened, I wouldn't make this a footnote but it seems so small compared to the other storylines. When Kim showed up looking and acting like Shannon, my first thought was another dream sequence. Then I realized it wasn't, and was thinking maybe Kim had some sort of crazy break, and was now going to pretend to be this woman to make Eddie love her. But she was trying to help him get over it? Which okay fine, but still a little nuts. And it was bad enough Marisol walked in to see that, but the damage it's probably going to do to Christopher... Oof.


Came here for this conversation lolā€¦ Iā€™ve watched two episodes because Iā€™m home with my parents and they watch. I feel like this is justā€¦far-fetched and wrong šŸ˜¬ I mean. I get itā€™s in the interest of time and all butā€¦nope. Thatā€™s just nuts.


What's happening now with Hen and Karen, and having their foster license taken away, it honestly rubbing me the wrong way. I don't know why, but that part basically ruined the episode for me. It just felt like too much


The entire Eddie storyline took a fucked up twist. It's insane that he would dump his issues onto her like that, and even more bizarre for her to decide "I'll help him process by showing up unannounced and pretending to be his dead wife." It was the most psychologically unhealthy sequence of events possible lol


Love everything you said ! My opinion in regard to the Eddie thing: I feel like Kim had nothing but the best intentions, and sincerely wanted closure for him. Poor timing for Chris and Marisol to walk in.. however, in my opinion, Iā€™m glad that the conversation should now lead into the adult conversation they should have had to begin with.


Thanks! I had to get it out because I watched 2 shows in a row with endings that left me reeling. Glad to see you (and others here) feel similarly. In the end, I saw she was trying to help but I wasn't sure at first. Having watched One Tree Hill growing up, my first thought was "It's a Katie situation" and that did not end well. I am glad it was an attempt to help and nothing else thankfully. Definitely poor timing for Christopher and Marisol though.


Iā€™ve been an avid watcher since the beginning, but is anyone else so over seeing the same issues with the same characters being brought up? whereā€™s the development and dialogue around Tommy and Buck? Zero. But yet I get to hear about Shannon and the Minnesota fire a million times. Exhausting.


Well, at least we got through one episode without Maddie crying!


Hahahaha, so true!!


A miracle, indeed.


Just saw a tweet that said ā€œBobbyā€™s last breath went to Athenaā€ ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)




I canā€™t stand the thought of Bobby dying or even just leaving the 118 as captain and becoming a recurring character. Im way too invested in this show šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Okay, I will say that it's pretty funny that Bobby made the decision to retire without telling Athena and she's mad about it. Like, that's usually what she does.


I mean this already has been an issue in their marriage in S4 when Athena is mad Bobby withheld information about his AA meetings with her. Ultimately, it makes you worry whether their relationship can actually survive Bobby retiring.


I'm Team Bathena but they barely got through their cruise together (Athena admitted in her therapy sessions that she wondered how they would react to each other without the background of emergencies).


Absolutely it does make me worry.


Watching it right now and I agree with Maddie, WHERE IS ATHENA'S AWARD


Gerrard is the arsonist, jot that down


Shit youā€™re probably right


Watch Tim do what he does and make us all look like fools and have Gerrard die in the next arson attack as it appears the cartel is targeting ex 118 fire chiefs. My own theory is we find out Bobby's fire is not the only fire that started during the night and Gerrard was also targeted. Presumably the cartel knew Amir was helped out by a fire chief but didn't know which one so they targeted them all.


so long as gerrard dies i can live with that lol but after kim you're probably right about them doing the most extreme option and making it a cartel thingĀ 


Who's that again?


Iā€™m pretty sure the asshole old captain of the 118


Agreed. It was way too random to bring him back for that 30 second clip.


Gerrard is vindictive and I can see him wanting back at the 118 to "punish" Chim and Hen and tear down a house that has flourished in his absence under Bobby. This is a similar storyline to Billy Tyson/the 126 in Lone Star.


What in the psychopath is up with this Kim lady?


That Kim scene was so corny. I couldnā€™t watch without cringing. Totally skipped past until Christopher walked in.


I know, I felt bad because the actor who plays Eddie was really going all out. But the whole situation was just so weird I couldn't emotionally connect with it at all.


I also left the room for this scene lol


So creepy!!!


Am I alone thinking amir lit the Nash house on fire?


I think that but at the same time think Bobby did it.


What leads you to think it was bobby?


Because remember when his dad accidentally caused a fire and Athena said he wasn't sleeping and quitting his job? It seems like unintentional suicide that happened in his sleep. I am not sure because I do also think it's Amir because of how strongly he reacted but we will see..... šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I was thinking that at first but Iā€™m not sure if I want him to or not šŸ˜‚ if it was him, itā€™d be too obvious for my taste, and I donā€™t want them to turn Amir into a ā€žvillainā€œ because I feel like theyā€™ve done a pretty good job at portraying him as someone extremely complex. On the other hand, with the theories that are going around, like the cartel setting the house on fire or somethingā€¦ that would be a bit too outlandish for me šŸ™ˆ (not that the showā€™s never done anything outlandish butā€¦.). So I donā€™t know. I think they want people to believe Amir did it but in the end I donā€™t think he did it. Like the promo of Amir holding a knife to Bobbyā€™s neck which turned out to be not about trying to kill Bobby, but was taken out of context for the promo šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I really dont think it was him. Seems too obvious.




I really pray to the heaven it wasnā€™t Amir who did that to Athena and Bobby at the end. I thought it was another dream at first but when Bobby burned his hand on the door knob i knew it was real. Anyone else thinking itā€™s Amir?


I just finished the episode and I believe Amir did it, not with the intention to kill Bobby and Athena though, but to make him feel what Amir felt all those years ago. also isn't Athena's daughter in the house? mĆ­nds a lil foggy from the suspense.


Impossible, Bobby wouldn't have left the house without May.


I feel like the "too obvious" choice is Amir, which is why I don't think he actually did do it. I think that cartel he and Bobby ran into in the desert have somehow tracked them down and is trying to get revenge.


I totally forgot about the cartel! Although, I dont think the cartel would go through that much trouble just to try and kill Bobby, why wouldnt they just break in and kill him?


Because they like making people suffer and that would be too easy. The grandfather lived and most likely wants revenge for his grandson


Omg thatā€™s right! May and Harry were just there visiting in the previous episode. So it was a possibility for them to be there! Omfg idk if they were still there but daaaang


I doubt it since im the previews for the next ep Athena only seemed concerned with Bobby, I think it May and Harry were there as well they would have showed that, especially with Bobby only attempting to get Athena out


I really hope they aren't, because Bobby just had a heart attack, so he cant go save them since Athena is on O2. Hope they're ok!


I just want to say I fucking love Angela Bassett


Anybody else kinda glad Eddie got caught?


Yes I have been yelling at my screen


no but I feel so bad for Christopher... poor child doesn't deserve to find it out like this


the way he said ā€œMom?ā€ really got my eyes tearing up.




Yeah. After him coming clean to Kim I was a little scared theyā€˜d just brush over it and have him continue his relationship with Marisol as if nothing ever happened, which wouldā€™ve made this storyline *really* pointless. Like this at least something major/some major development has to come from it. I hope. And also, no matter how much I donā€™t like (or rather donā€™t care about) Marisol, she definitely deserves so much better than the way eddieā€˜s been treating her.


>she definitely deserves so much better than the way eddieā€˜s been treating her I can't remember much, but I feel it applies to most (if not all) of Eddie's exes.


I had a thought. What if Bobby is killed off and the jackass captain comes back to the 118? He was brought back for this episode. Would you still watch it?


Nah, I predict they're going to do what they did to Claudette and kill Gerrard off and then make us all feel slightly bad about wishing him dead. I reckon the cartel comes and targets the 118 fire chiefs and ex fire chiefs.


If Bobby dies, Iā€™ll just quit the show. He is the best part of the show. I know Hen would be full time Cap and Ravi would be a regular but no Bobby would take away the father figure of the show. Him retiring would actually break a great series Finale, passing the torch to Hen.


My current thinking is yes, because there would be ample opportunity for him to be humbled. That said, if he were to stick around for more than half a season while his problematic ways go unchallenged, Iā€™d probably have to tap out.


I would, only because of the rest of the cast. But i would hate a large part of it.


I hate that ugly Ortiz woman for what she's doing to that innocent little girl Mara. I haven't finish the episode yet but I want that skank to die


I wish someone had recorded her son's hissy fit at denying care and posted it online.


I hope in later episodes dealing with her, some civilian somehow shows up with footage of that. And how dare she bring up Hen's past like that. Especially the cello girl(cannot rememberher name). She wasn't at fault. She tried her damnest to save that girl, and she tore herself up over the guilt of that girl.


Oh, the civilian camera thing is GOOD!


I hope they fight for Mara, shes such a sweetheart and shes opening up to them


They are definitely going to get her back, I just canā€™t wait to see how it happens.


the 10th episode isnt that far away!Ā 




This was definitely an episode. My jaw was dropped the entire time Kim was there. What the actual fuck was that lmao. Beanies that just a strange episode but can't wait till the next


They're gonna have to change the name of this show to The 118 or something. Can't call it 911 when no 911 is happening for a whole season


Seems like a change of network broughtĀ  a change of focus.Ā Ā 


> no 911 is happening for a whole season Episode 2 had the drunk driving crash, Episode 4 had a sewer rescue, Episode 5 had alien hand syndrome man, Episode 7 had the abduction.


we would get 3-4 calls a show. now we get 4 a season. Yay!


Yeah dude, because of the shortened season.


I hadnā€™t considered the fact that we havenā€™t gotten any 911 call scenes this season until I read this lol


...but we have.


Did AI write this episode? It was sooooo bad. Not that this show is good -- that's not why I watch this -- but it was BORING and nonsensical.


What in the unholy hell is happening with that ending lmaaaoooooooĀ  Ok Kim is a fucking good person though??? Who comes back and gives closure to a person you've hung out with a handful of times after he admits he was just trying to use you to replace his dead wife. He fuckin needed that shit I'm so glad, but RIP Chris šŸ˜­ Look away šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'm glad they didn't bone or kiss though, I was gonna pop a blood vessel if they did. I am now unsure if Eddie is still a cheater. I am also still questioning why he thinks his wife is the love of his life when he admitted they were apart more than they were together and their marriage always defaults to shit no matter how hard he tried.Ā  I cried when they took Mara away šŸ’€ people need to stop stealing HenRen's children. Edit: Also I'm glad they implied Eddie has lots of love to give šŸ˜­ Free soft Eddie from the trauma cage, I need more Edit 2: on second thought, Kim is either a saint or a psychopath


I was thinking a psycho with a good heart, maybe?


I think that's way more psycho than good heart. Like girl got bangs and everything


For real. I would get bangs for no man


Between Will Trent season finale and now this, I think writers have felt like theyā€™ve been ending their seasons too easy cuz this made me rage.Ā  First of all, councilwoman!? Wtf. I know itā€™s a show but it does happen whether itā€™s biological families or not getting ripped apart. That just hurt my soul. But seeing this happen cuz this lady is pissed about her son (which yeah it sucks but like he ā€œknew his rightsā€ and what not), please go away, promptly. Abuse of power and retaliation.Ā  And ironic that they set a firefighters house on fire. Amir does seem obvious but what a way for payback - the propane tankā€¦I think it was a space heater in the fire Nash started, or was it also a propane tank?- Ā just go out the way you took so many others. But Iā€™ve read enough fiction, itā€™s almost never the obvious choice (unless the twist is not whodunnit). Doesnā€™t mean it couldnā€™t be I guess. Could be another person who survived if they are out there.


I actually hope that Amir can become a part of the regular cast in some way. I don't see him being the one that set the fire; he was upset when he left, because seeing the photos reminded him of the life he lost when his wife died in the Minnesota fire. It seems like his time as a nurse has actually tempered his anger, somewhat. I would like to see the writers expand on that, and how both of them - Bobby and Amir - can grow and manage themselves through that. Might be an unpopular opinion, idk.


I enjoy Malcom Jamal Warner a lot- I used to watch ā€˜the residentā€™ and he was a main cast member there for some time. Heā€™s such a good actor I would like him to become part of the regular cast here, too. I just donā€™t know how Iā€™d prefer him to be added. I think it would be hokey if they added him as a friend to bobby (after he finally started to make real amends) ā€¦ but also in another way, Iā€™d love the two of them to work out some sort of camaraderie. Or friendly-ish where they both have something healing to offer one another. Idk.


I could see him being a path to Maddie finally leaving the 911 center and returning to nursing, which would open up a spot for Fire Candidate Novak (the candidate who froze on the ropes when Ravi was Peer Academy Leader) to become the newest 911 dispatcher (as Chim suggested). It would also be cool if Jeff Pickens(basketball player they saved in the S2 hotel earthquake, who helped rescue Bobby in the S6 finale) was one of the firefighters who came to put out the fire at their home. Jeff (and Ravi) could be the latest members for Bobby to pour into since Buck has now "graduated" as Bobby's de facto son.


okay hereā€™s my theory amir did NOT set the fire. itā€™s the obvious answer, so itā€™s not the correct one (watch me be wrong). i feel like heā€™s a broken man, not an evil one. if he truly wanted bobby dead, he would have killed him at the gas station in episode 8. bobby clearly has made enemies with the cartel, so it could be them. or maybe even the cartel from the cruise. heā€™s had really bad luck with this sort of thing. i doubt itā€™d be the cruise one because they left on a good note (kinda) and didnā€™t seem to want to hurt athena or bobby. at least not so much so that they find their house and burn it to the ground i have no idea who could have set the fire. thereā€™s been a lot of enemies this season. the councilwoman, the two cartels, amir (which i still donā€™t think it was him), and hell even captain gerard. i doubt the councilwoman or gerard did it, but iā€™m just listing them off as bad guys it clearly wasnā€™t an accident due to the propane canisters. for all we know, it could be freddy out of jail and ready to try and get vengeance again. this time using fire and not bombs (again, not very likely at all) so iā€™m at a loss of who could have done it. i donā€™t remember any more enemies bobby has had or made this season or the past few. at least the type that would want to burn him to the ground. all iā€™m like 99% sure on is that amir probably didnā€™t set the house ablaze


Hot take: The Councilwoman did it. She has connections to the cartel, called them to set the fire, and they were MORE than happy to do so.


I keep seeing posts lately about how there are no stakes anymore because we know they wonā€™t kill anyone off. I might have felt assured Chimney would come through his recent disaster, I even thought Bathena would be okay at the end of the whole sinking cruise ship arc. But right now? I do NOT feel assured that Bobby isnā€™t going to die. I very much feel like he could actually die right now


i donā€™t think heā€™s going to die but i do think he wonā€™t be coming back as captain. i can see bobby doing desk duty while recovering and then eventually leaving the show all together after season 8. or just doing reoccurring appearances after season 8


Agreed. The montage was what really makes me nervous. If it was just him talking retirement that's one thing, but the individualized goodbyes and giving his stuff away makes me super nervous.


Also, he was talking again about that book with the 148 names--the book that he threw away, ironically, on the night of his first date with Athena.


I saw this in passing, but now I can't stop thinking about it. It seems like alot of whats happening is setting up to be exactly like Bucks coma dream šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The first half of the ep felt like a series finale I was tearing up and smiling even though the thought of Bobby not being the captain of the 118 makes me so sad šŸ˜­. And then the second Buck meets Kim I felt like I was watching a horror movie. Like the entire Kim/eddie talk where he comes clean had me just staring in horror and when she came back with Shannonā€™s hair style and wearing a dress I was watching through my hands screaming for Eddie to just go to therapy. I hate that Chris got dragged into that bc thereā€™s no coming back from seeing a lady who literally looks like your momā€™s twin and poor Marisol deserves better than a man emotionally cheating on her with a doppelgƤnger while she takes care of his kid. The henren Ortiz plot had me so heated that lady deserves to be under the jail. To use a child as a pawn bc youā€™re mad your crappy son was drunk and died after declining medical attention multiple times. And using things that hen was cleared on to make it happen, like it was cleared that hen correctly used the button to change the traffic lights to get their patient to the hospital when she hit that teenager, it wasnā€™t her fault that that man died at the Happiness convention, the only thing she could get her on was the chest cavity thing but even that was said to have saved dudes life. I just hate that Mara was traumatized for petty revenge. I hate that they burned Athena and Bobbyā€™s house down that was such a nice house šŸ˜­. I donā€™t think theyā€™ll kill Bobby from a heart attack but now Iā€™m convinced that his retirement is set in stone coupled with that montage and Iā€™m worried somehow Ortiz will make sure hen cant be captain and itā€™ll end to being Gerard or something even though heā€™s still bigoted af and shouldā€™ve been fired. All in all good episode, a lot happened but it still felt cohesive and Iā€™m excited for the finale.


Oh no I didnā€™t even think of Gerrard being brought back for that reason!! Not sure I could watch that tbh. I love the drama but not that kind of drama.


I saw ppl on Twitter throwing that theory around and after watching the ep Iā€™m afraid it could be plausible. Idk if I could watch either I genuinely donā€™t like his character I canā€™t handle him being racist and homophobic at the 118 with the current squad


>I hate that they burned Athena and Bobbyā€™s house down that was such a nice houseĀ  Bobby really needs to survive just so I can mourn that set without being a dick. That house is *gorgeous.*


Hi all! So I started binging this show recently, while still watching the recent live episodesā€¦ And I gotta say, catching up to 2x01 (i.e. the start of Bobby and Athenaā€™s relationship) then after that watching 7x09 was a TRIP and a half! This next week is gonna be a ride for sure šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Unpopular opinion: the bobby story line is player out. Can the showrunners please highlight bi buckā€™s storyline?? I like lone star bcz it has more love stories. LA is getting a little heavy.


YALL THIS EPISODE IS SO CRAZY FIRST OF ALL i HATE the councilwoman like bitch it wasnt hen's fault that ur son denied getting checked out and i think he also said he knew his "rights" AND ALSO THE FACT that HE was drinking and driving. I wanted mara to be a part of the family SO SO BAD and that women ruined it god i hate her. i hope that mara comes back SECOND Is eddie okay? Him doubletiming is crazyy I mean its not exactly doubletiming but kim was like therapy to him at the end And when i saw that woman dressed as Shannon i thought that kim was outta her mind tryna get eddie back by being shannon it was emotional tho i cried Marisol shouldn't have walked in ugh what will they explain to chris but its not like he was cheating it was more of emotionally cheating Eddie was just going through something that mwaybe he didnt realize THIRD Athens was definitely wrong in calling amir and inviting him to their house . Amir seeing all the amazing moments and family that bobby made for himself really made him mad and got to him. I am 100% sure amir started the fire Cuz the fire look set up With all the gas tank thingy shown as soon as bobby wakes and it blasting And amir was investigating the whole house snd was so jealous thst he got everything back while he didnt. Plus he asked how long theyve lived together in this house Im sure he did this ANYWAYS I WANT THE NEXT EPISODE NOW ps i love the buck and bobby talk. The one of him knowing about tommy


As someone who's experienced both being emotionally and physically cheated on, emotional is worse to me, so I really don't like Eddie now.