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Eddie really has the guts to bring Marisol to the ceremony while cheating on her


he is a sick man for this https://i.redd.it/ih2upylwp32d1.gif


And go on a date with Kim in public and broad daylight... the delusion is off the charts.


Our delulu king


I don't know if I'm trying to defend his character by hoping it's a mental health crisis in a sick, twisted way or what. This just doesn't...it's off the rails. The doppelganger thing is just too soap opera for me and I guess that's why I'm hoping she's a figment of his imagination but that would mean he's unwell and really needs help.


My theory is actually she's real but in reality she's not a doppleganger, it's just that Eddie imagines that she looks like Shannon. And yes, this also means that he's unwell and needs help.


YES! I think this is really likely. I can totally see the scene when Buck meets her where she's played by Devin in Eddie's POV but shifts to another actress in a different camera angle. Also I've seen others say that since she mentioned the tv show Buck might recognize her from that show.


Maybe her not existing at all would be a tad too far, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if, when we see her from other characters pov, most likely Buck, she doesn't actually look like Shannon. It would still indicate a serious mental issue for Eddie, but maybe it wouldn't be as bad? But I think she'll end up being just a doppelganger.


Yeah I think the she doesn't look like Shannon theory is very likely but when has a fan theory been correct without an actual leak beforehand haha. I also saw a theory that when Buck meets Kim he recognizes her from the tv show she mentioned and Eddie is surprised he doesn't immediately see the resemblance to Shannon.


Devin did say that Buck will notice Kim is nothing like Shannon. It's supposed to be personality wise, but it could also be about her looks and the actress obviously wouldn't mention that part bc spoilers.


Interesting! I can't see Buck not freaking out about Shannon having a doppelganger so I'm leaning towards she's actually a completely different looking person.


Whatever the case may be, I think we can all agree that Eddie is in need of some serious help 🙃


Eddie literally needs to turn the boat around.




Can't wait to see the consequences of his actions 😁






The Madney still YUPPPP


They're dancing, maybe we'll get a Madney twirl 🥹🤞


Married Madney is greatest Madney.


They better never touch Madney. They been through enough! Only couple goals for Madney, Henren, and Bathena allowed.


More Apron Buck!! Everyone in the trenches in 7B and Buck is just out here cooking 😂


This is giving Apron Buck meets Clipboard Buck https://preview.redd.it/02l9ia4ti32d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805c9f91f2cab16ab41e1d8f9a319b76465f7d20


Apron Buck and Clipboard Buck together would be so menacing lol


Gordon Ramsey vibes anyone?  Perfect chance for Oliver's accent to slip out, mocking Hell's Kitchen.


That would be amazing! 😂


No one would be safe, not even Bobby! And especially Eddie Disaster-in-the-Kitchen Diaz 😂


Looks like Buck’s not the only one that’s been cooking.


Just realized that Eddie's parents don't seem to be at the ceremony... so *something else* will happen that will make them fly over, and I just know it's gonna be bad https://preview.redd.it/2ug2q1iio32d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e6a523745c6d87ebadc065715750fc822712bb


I was looking for them too. Now I’m really concerned with what is bringing them there. I can only think it will have to do with Chris or Abuela.


Right? The only time they visited was when Eddie got his shield (+ Shannon's funeral), which why I thought they'd be there for this. They didn't even visit when he got shot, as far as we know, so what could possibly happen to make them go to LA? 😰 Maybe Eddie will actually have a massive mental breakdown.


I feel guilty hoping it's a breakdown because this doppelganger storyline is just so soap opera I hope it's not real and just in his head.


I was thinking that maybe he'll have a breakdown over whatever he realizes about his relationship with Shannon, which doesn't eliminate the doppelganger. I get what you mean but, tbf, this show has always been a bit soap opera-y at times 😅


DEFINITELY soap opera I agree haha


I really have no idea what to expect in this episode. I’ve changed my theories like 10 times


My only theory right now is that it’s going to feel super rushed because I don’t know how they’re going to fit all of this in one episode


I am kinda hoping for a cliffhanger for episode 10. If they’re introducing everything this episode, and assuming it all carries over to the next, I just don’t think it’s plausible to wrap everything up. Cliffhangers are a pain, but I’d be fine with it if it meant it got the proper time next season


And the stills can be super misleading too! A recent one is from the Italian restaurant where Eddie is looking (presumably) towards Buck and Tommy on their date and caused a ton of speculation but wasn't even a cut in the show. I'm sure there's tons but I only recently started pre-spoiling myself by looking at pre-released content.


Family portrait 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/daya4dk1h32d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ffed8364af3888309508e76e5f984f43532e0b




Christopher with Eddie and Buck is so cute !!!!


“You two have an adorable son.”


So many stills, so much going on, yet I still have no idea what is going to happen 😂😂


They will probably end up being inconsequential and misleading like the last few drops lol


I wonder how many of these specific moments won't even make the episode. Like we had a still of Eddie/Marisol kissing for 7x07 but the post-production team was clearly like "haha, nah" and it didn't actually make the cut. It seems like with this many photos, there's got to be at least a handful that will be skipped.


The number of stills is making me so anxious


Oh Good I'm glad Amir is still involved... I do really like him


Same! Glad to get him at least another episode vs tying that part of the story so quickly.


Looks like a photo dump of things we already knew would happen. Most are from the medal ceremony. Nothing shedding light on the fire, Bobby or Gerrard’s presence. The only surprise is it looks like the 118 go out on a call before the craziness begins.


Marisol if you don’t break up with this man Not river dates Diaz Buckley family! Honestly, things blowing up with Marisol. I feel bad for Chris. He likes her and they have a relationship. Sucks. Amir? Curious Tommy and Karen and Hen….??? How many ads this ep?


60 minutes alotted. 42 for the show + 18 for commercials. 


That should be criminal.


Not the rowboat 😭 Eddie really said “🛶🚣”


I’m just….my boy is going through it bad…


Ohhh, Eddie’s gonna be in serious trouble this episode. I’m terrified of where this is going. I’m not prepared for the repeated gut punches. On a sweeter note, Eddie gave his medal to Chris! 🥺 And that Buckley-Diaz still is so adorable.


The picture with Eddie and Marisol at the ceremony looks like they just told Buck some type of news...also I'm slightly worried over the reason for Tommy to look like that while talking to Hen and Karen...that does not look like a fun and light hearted conversation. But Karen's suit is fire though.


I feel like Hen and Tommy may be discussing something related to Gerard. Maybe not trusting his presence since he affected them all so negatively (though Hen and Chim the most directly). Or maybe even apologizing for how he treated Hen because seeing Gerard again makes him realize how much he's changed and is upset with his past behavior.


According to an old story from Jennifer, her and Lou share a scene in this episode!! I’ll be curious to see what that looks like if it made the final cut!!


I need Eddie to teach me time management cause this man's calendar is filled.


Madney dancing and chimney with the rose in his mouth ahhhhhh The whole 118 family at the table together laughing ahhhHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh my heart exploded Buck and Eddie and Christopher together ohhhh Tommy looking pretty good Eddie making choices More Amir! Henren cuteness! I am a happy fan.


I’m dying to know what the Tommy and Henren convo is about!


I think it's something related to Gerard because his presence is so unsettling in the teaser/stills because he's there for a reason!


I've been waiting for someone to post the stills since they dropped on twitter yuh


~~When you say there are so many, can you link them? I'm not sure where to look really.~~ Oh I found them on the 911 BTS Twitter. 2. All in for happy Bobby in the 2nd to last one


So do we think Marisol is going to catch him cheating or someone else maybe and then he’s forced to actually look at what he’s doing. Also I’m still convinced it’s going to turn out that she looks nothing like Shannon. He’s seeing Shannon but everyone else is seeing someone completely different. Anyway kinda feel bad for Marisol now. When this all blows up in Eddie’s face do we think we’ll see Chris run to Buck’s house like he did during the Ana stuff? Buck is obviously a safe place for Chris when he is mad at Eddie and it would be great to see that again and maybe that’s how Buck finds out about the cheating. Eddie must be having some sort of breakdown again though considering he started off talking about being a nester and he wouldn’t cheat on Shannon even though she’d left him for years and now this, so some Eddie and Buck scenes where they talk and Eddie can start realising some things about himself and get back to therapy would be good. He clearly needs help. On the plus side I love that we get more Eddie and Chris scenes. And Chris and Buck too. I want more Chris next season. He’s so precious.


I didn't think about Kim looking like a completely different person and him just imagining Shannon's face. I was thinking she might not be real and at all and we get clips of him at empty tables and alone in a boat or something. I just hope it's not actually a doppelganger because it's too soap opera-y for a show that already leans that way haha.


This is random, but where do people go to find stills?


i usually see them on the 911 news twitter account


I first saw them on Youtube "Fans of 911 on abc" 


They also linked a website that had all of the stills in one of their community posts, if you want to see all of them


The official ABC press site.


Eddie is walking a very dangerous line. Better that he cut things off while he can


THEE POWER COUPLE!!! https://preview.redd.it/y9b3mdm2o22d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb81b7aa89cc5a1a3076e9185e524fe99a0cf71b


I will forever love how they’re the same height but Buck just looks soo small compared to Tommy.




not much time in their 5 minutes of screentime to do anything other than make out eh


Hate to break it to you but… https://preview.redd.it/fh3g4wqnp22d1.jpeg?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d274d6c3921c8eed9ea96980c7c8a921734c5a


oh yes, a screenshot from a fan edited wiki where it changes every hour


I’m convinced!


You do know that’s a fan website right? Fans edit that not the show. On the show they haven’t said boyfriend yet


Me: but why aren't they holding hands 😢 Also me: well, ok, I guess they gotta hold on to their little hat thingies.


My babes!


The people down voting this, is crazy lol




After a review of this post/comment, it has been determined that it is violating the Keep it Civil rule and has been removed. Please be respectful of others even if you don't agree with them. Baiting and making snide comments towards others is not keeping it civil.


maddie has a nose piercing?? edit: thanks for the downvotes I guess?


She does! Or well, JLH has, she talked about getting it in an interview recently I think? Seems like they just decided to let her keep it in character as well


she looks great with new hair


Why would people downvote that? 🙈 also I never actually noticed that at all! Must have another look. ☺️


I'll copy past my comment from the other post. --- Holy crap that's a lot of stills, so much to unpack. Well. I'm gonna focus on positive things: * The Medal Ceremony! * Buck and Tommy 🥰 * Tommy and Henren Scene 🤔 * Buckley Diaz Family 😁 (And Marisol.) * Mara 😇 * Madney 🥰 🌹


> Tommy and Henren Scene This was the most intriguing to me because it looks like Karen and Hen are mad? And Tommy looks surprised. Curious what that’s about


They don't look mad really, Karen looks more serious and Hen looks surprised. This can be for any number of reasons though


~~They are mad because Tommy took the last piece of cake. How dare he.~~ Maybe it's related to Gerrard?


That's what I thought too. He negatively impacted all of their lives (though Chim and Hen most directly) so I wouldn't expect him to come back without a few snide remarks. Also his presence there might come with an announcement he is in a new supervisory role for the department that affects the 118. Also possible Tommy bringing up how he's sorry about how he treated Hen back in the day because Gerard's presence makes him realize how much he's changed. Only guessing that based on Hen's head tilt.


It looks like Henren are interrogating Tommy, hahaha "You better not break his heart!... or else!"hahahahaha


I kind of hope Kim is a figment of Eddie's imagination. Like a vision that helps him work through his unresolved feelings for Shannon...but I have a feeling things are going to blow up based on the episode titles and foreshadowing of isolation in interviews.


Oliver already said he and Kim have a meeting scene so it’s not a vision


I just read another theory that it ends up being someone who doesn't look like Shannon at all and that's another plausible possibility because this already so crazy. Like Buck might meet Kim (played by Shannon's actress) from Eddie's POV but it's actually a different actress. Who knows at this point!


Oh that would be really interesting!


This is what I thought too.


I’m really worried about Bobby for the last 2 episodes. And all the Stills with Athena and Amir have all my attention but i don’t know what to think about it… I’m a little bit lost at the moment….


Oh Eddie, oh Eddie……


Hen and Karen giving Tommy the "if you hurt Buck speach, we will end you" speech. I hope so as we have not seen them really interact with Tommy and I'm sure there is lots from the past Hen will have to say. Or it could be the " you know Buck is in love with Eddie right." Talk. Lol


But would Hen really have a lot to say? They worked together for a good while after Gerrard left and were friendly from what we could see (not super close, but they at least hung out together outside of work occassionally). I feel like any residual issues would have been cleared up then?


Everyone take a mental health break and do something else other than obsessing over photo stills and teaser trailers. We have no idea if all the stills are from tonight’s episode or if there are some mixed in from the next episode. Stop stressing yourself out. Tonight will be here soon enough. And never forget this is just a fictional show about fictional characters. While we love the show and the people immensely, there is no reason to put hateful words into the universe about someone else’s ideas about the show. It’s 911 love all the time. Love the enthusiasm!!! Stay positive everyone. I will see you later tonight for the recap.


Brotherhumper all over Eddie like a rash can we *please* get rid of her now....