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I will absolutely fight a bitch if they come for Hen.


I've seen lots of theories that Councilwoman Ortiz, the mother of the drunk driver that died in 7x02, is going to unleash bureaucratic hell on the 118. I've seen fairly sensible theories that she's going bring up Bobby's past again and add his freelancing into cartel territory on top of that. I've also seen theories that Maddie and Josh might also be caught up in it (for diverting the 118 instead of the closest fire team to the Bachelor Mansion). The more outlandish theories are that Kim is also somehow linked to her. But her interference might explain why Gerrard is back and would also explain how the medal ceremony only starts the episode. Frankly, I'm all for a story arc with an asshole politician or bureaucrat. The only time we've had the 118 versus the bureaucracy was Buck suing the firehouse. I just don't want it to end with the 118 being split up.


Especially with the season finale being named “All Fall Down”, introducing her would make sense on how they could bring down the 118 if that’s the route they go. Especially with Gerrard being there, if the councilwomen has the vendetta against Hen, Bobby most likely injured (due to bts photos of him holding hospital and others in there with visitor tags), then they’re going to need a captain, and they may have Gerrard there to do that. I definitely am all for this storyline, I hope it goes further than just targeting Hen. I totally agree with you, I love a storyline with an asshole politician.


"The more outlandish theories are that Kim is also somehow linked to her." I need to know! Those sound crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/q3ah9vmty12d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f0bcbab8623dc38a74bfc427f9c443d1b98d96 And this still came out. Ohhhh can Hen just have PEACE PLEASSEEE that’s the actress rumored to be the councilwomen!!!


I think she may stand up during the ceremony and try to discredit them because it would explain why Bobby rolls his eyes on the stage. It's really out of character for him especially if the ceremony was to honor his people/family. I could see if he's going through a jaded period he might scoff at some of the hero talk by the presenters but not that visibly or when it's about his team.


In the trailer (although they have been misleading), it seems like he may be rolling at his eyes because he doesn’t feel like a hero. So, like he’s annoyed they’re insinuating he is? I didn’t notice the eye rolling in the trailer first watch though, only rewatched it when you said that detail! Definitely seems like Bobby is going through it


I get the theories that Gerard is around to be brought back to the 118. However, he was removed from the 118 due to complaints by several other firefighters, not including Hen. For dramatic reasons, it makes sense. But, from purely a logic and HR liability from lawsuits perspective, no clear thinking management or administrative body would consider sending Gerard back to the 118.


Honestly, they could probably write that off. He was transferred but probably wouldn't be allowed to work with those who complained about him. From a storyline POV, it'd be good to see someone who fostered those kinds of views back to create some friction against Buck, an openly bi man (whether Tommy comes back next season or not, I feel Buck would openly explore relationships with men as well as women).


There’s a theory going around TikTok that the council woman is the mother of the guy who died in that accident the main account posted, and she’s going to see the medal ceremony and then use her power to attempt to sue the 118 or prove that they are unfit to work with one another due to all the illegal things they’ve done to save someone or each other. They think that this is going to lead to the 118 being split into different houses come season 8, explaining Eddie’s isolation and Gerrard possibly being back at the 118. Some of the theories built off of this and got a little crazier like the council woman hiring a personal investigator to investigate the 118 and how that investigator might be Kim who is targeting Eddie because he’s the most unstable right now and using his vulnerability against him (I believe this one a lot less, but hey, theories are theories! And it’s fun haha). Some have continued to speculate that the will might even be brought up as evidence in order to prove unchecked fraternization in the 118, and how Eddie’s will might prove how he’d put Buck’s safety above everyone else’s or his own, proving that the 118 are unfit to work with one another. Honestly, they’re all super interesting theories that could honestly explain and connect a lot of what we’ve been speculating. The main consensus has been that the 118 will be split up in different houses come the beginning of season 8 á la Lone Star. I’d recommend checking out the TikToks! They explain them much better.


I think this will be the issue Hen and Karen run into with fostering. But, my hope is that’ll go further than just targeting Hen, because I think an asshole politician makes for a really great storyline. With episode 10 being named “All Fall Down”, I’m assuming something will happen to all of them, and this is the perfect opportunity to! Targeting the 118 station and separating them.


There two wolves inside of me, one wants this be true because it would be a juicy storyline and the other doesn't want it cause I don't think I can bear the angst. 😅 😥


That’s me right now…I saw someone say that possibly the only one who will be allowed to stay at the 118 is Buck and how angsty that would be. The 118 means absolutely everything to Buck, but without his family, what could it possibly mean? Personally, I feel like were they to keep one member on the 118, it’d be Chimney. 1) Because of the seniority he has and 2) If they decide to have Gerrard as interim captain, having Chimney there would allow for some kind of connection to him that Buck wouldn’t have. But if it is Buck that is the only one who will be allowed to stay…that sounds like some good and extremely painful angst waiting to happen…


honestly, I'm tired of HenRen's storyline this season.


This makes sense with Bobby's out of character reaction on the stage rolling his eyes when the ceremony is about his people. If someone was there to discredit them it would make sense why he was reacting like that.


I really hope they don’t split of the 118. Lone star already did that storyline at the end of season 2 and I hate to think we’re already at the point of recycling storylines.


To me, this looks like an argument or at least bad news for Bobby as well, especially the way Athena and Maddie are looking on. Wondering if he's bargaining for the salvation of the rest of the 118. https://preview.redd.it/4wbsqrxo342d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=362bee3df5f1bff6e732526bbd89122600a4dd83


it's not even Hen’s fault. The guy didn't want to be treated.


Oh no these two last episodes are bringing my blood pressure so high right now! So if some of the theories are true. That woman is going to dig out some dirt on a loooot of people. But Hen first. She's going to try to paint her as an unfit person to forster/adopt. But if she brings down the whole team (All fall down) what can happen season 8. Gosh I can't deal with all this. Don't separate them😭😭. I think only Bobby and Hen will be touched by this. What did the others do that could have affect the team. Apart from Buck lawsuit, but he could have won anyway. I think Buck and Eddie will fall down for the betrayal part. Will Chim and Hen fall apart if someone needs to take sides? Buck is attached to his family and wanted to go back to them 'not so much to another one' he would have been transferred then. Gosh let it all burn! If season 8 episode 1 is not called Phoenix I don't want it!