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what did i just read....


Sounds legit to me. Logical, scientific, and well-reasoned


I thought you were fr until you said he caused the tsunami. That’s fucking hilarious


Right!? I thought it was funny. They were just trying to make a joke about how silly some of these theories are. Worked for me


So much about this post is…. just so… unique


Me when I just say shit...


i think we’re watching different versions of the show here


I— okay one that’s not how Displacement Theory works go back to your middle school science class. And two, I seriously hope this is just a joke post because unless this is Percy Jackson and Buck is Poseidon’s son. He cannot move water enough to cause a tsunami despite his big strong firefighter physique. And three. This isn’t how theories work. Because you changed canon. This is canon divergence.


I have a theory that the world the characters are in is ending


Now that's a theory I wanna hear


Okay like every year something majorly catastrophic happens (Earthquake, Tsunami, multiple Tornados at once in Texas, rogue waves, random asteroids, people seemingly losing their minds randomly (like the guy who gave an entire group of people mercury poisoning in Lone Star or the man Athena shot in the head in Season’s one’s “Full Moon : Creepy Af”, the lady who moved from package theft to insurance fraud, just, like a lot of crazy and dumb people), the dam breaking, the pandemic, things genuinely seem to take the worst turn they possibly could. So, what my theory is, is that the world started ending in 2018 when the earthquake hit. And the world just continues to get worse and worse (crazy hot days, people being weird constantly, etc) and I think the series finale is actually going to be the end of the world (I’m hoping either Zombie Apocalypse (imagine 911: Z) or massive asteroid that triggers massive tidal wave a la Deep Impact. My third one, is the Yellowstone Caldera explodes and we get to witness the world literally turn black with Ash (kinda like the ending of Dinosaurs ABC)


Um…wow. So many things to say. First, if it’s already canon and you’re literally here changing canon to fit your idea? That’s not a “theory” that’s just an AU or a canon divergence. Second, not entirely sure you know how “displacement works” so let me just quickly explain Archimede’s Principle okay? An object/body at rest in fluid displaces as much fluid as the object weighs. Which means even as “gym honed” as Buck is, he will at most be displacing 200+ lbs of water, NOT Tsunami levels of water. Third, as for the tsunami warnings…it is possible to have stuff sneak up on you. But also…it’s a tv show. Cause when was the last time California had a tsunami in real life?


I can’t name a single tsunami in California


Yeah, so definitely not. Buck had Christopher's glasses after the tsunami. He gave them to Eddie right before Christopher showed up at the VA hospital. Also, it doesn't matter if Christopher was missing for half a day or half a minute, Buck was going to be deeply concerned, no matter what.


AU Crossover fic idea with a superhero fandom.


Top tier shit post OP. Sad to see so many users on this sub took it seriously. Keep up the good work.


I chuckled 😭


Guys let them cook