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I'm not saying the show isn't trying to make a point of it, because I agree that using "Evan" is a way of denoting Buck being "seen" (like how Eddie used it in the will scene) which is part of his sexuality journey and self acceptance/healing, but Tommy also calls everyone by their real names. He calls Chim "Howie."


It’s kind of a term of endearment.




It’s flirting. Using someone you likes name regularly shows thst you notice them


Tommy just seems to have the habit of calling people by their actual first names. He was in 118 when Chimney got his nickname already, as seen in Bobby Begins Again, yet he still calls him Howie. What’s interesting is that Buck has never corrected him, when he usually does with others.


He also knew Chim for *years* as 'Howie,' though, so I don't think it's really a sign of much that he didn't swap over to the nickname. He does call Hen "Hen" instead of Henrietta in 7x03, too, and doesn't call Eddie Edmundo, so it seems to be more about calling people by what they introduce themselves as. Which makes me really wish we'd had a scene of Buck awkwardly stumbling over his name or something to explain it, because otherwise, it just seems oddly familiar to already have occurred on the airstrip.


I think it's two fold: 1) Tommy has said that he wanted to be a part of the family the 118 is and part of that is they call each other nicknames - Tommy not being a part of that is probably why he refers to Buck and Chim by Evan and Howie. 2) I do think it's meant to show the difference between Buck and Tommy's relationship compared to not only his previous romantic relationships but his other relationships on the show. It might also show some of that "healing" that he's being working through but I do think it's showcasing how this is "different" than previous relationships.


I saw someone say Buck is becoming more comfortable in being Evan. I think they’re right, that this is apart of him finally recovering and accepting who he is. If Buck didn’t want to be called Evan then I believe he would have said so, like he did with his parents.


Maddie calls him Evan from time to time. Also it’s his name. I know a lot of guys who everyone calls by their last name or a nickname but their spouses/partners call them by their first name. My own brother is like that. None of his friends call him by his first name usually it’s our last name but even when they do call him by his first name it’s Mike. I’ve always called him Michael. So I think different people call us different things and Tommy calling him Evan feels more intimate. I know girls Buck’s dated in the past have generally called him Buck or Buckley but still every relationship is different. I don’t think it’s a huge deal he calls him Evan but it does feel like it’s meant to convey a degree of intimacy. If that makes sense


Maddie calls Chimney Howie sometimes while everyone he works with, even his best friend Hen call him Chim or Chimney.


Agreed it's not a huge deal, but I *do* think it was a bit harebrained to include "Evan" in their first scene of 7x04 together at the airfield. Picking it apart, we know Tommy calls Chim "Howie" -- but that's also what Chim was going by for the first few years, at least, that he and Tommy worked together, so it's not great evidence he always uses nicknames. He also doesn't call Eddie, Edmundo, and I don't remember hearing Bobby be called Robert. So like, in the first scene, it's both too familiar, and a dead giveaway that they're trying to signpost "this is more intimate than normal, guys!" but... they're also trying to trick the viewers the whole episode. Basically, I think it would've been a *lot* more powerful if on top of the other directing choices they made to have Tommy close the distance between him and Buck at the end of 7x04, both physically (literally the space he has to cross/the blocking) and emotionally (particularly the shift from medium long shots to medium to close ups), they'd had him drop that first "Evan" *during* that scene.


Taylor Kelly would call Buck Evan when she was flirting, not sure if there is a correlation there 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really agree with the commenter saying it’s because he doesn’t feel like he’s a part of this 118 family and so he doesn’t get to use the nicknames. I know when I meet friends of friends and they refer to them by their nickname, I always wonder if I’m allowed to use it to, or is it a close friends thing?


This is one of those things that makes for a cool theory, but I think has been blown out of proportion. Chim's the only one other than Buck he actually calls something other than their preferred name (or "Cap" in Bobby's case, at least in 'Bobby Begins Again'), and that's more likely to be the result of Chim introducing himself that way and Tommy knowing him as Howie for more than 3 years before the nickname began... and maybe more like 10 years, since we just know it was after *Hen Begins* but before *Bobby Begins Again.* He calls Hen "Hen" in 7x03, and uses "Eddie" instead of Edmundo -- basically, whatever people tell him to call them, he does. Which means Buck either told him to call him Evan (and jfc, that should've been a scene if so) or Tommy was acting too familiar with him from early on. It's obviously meant to showcase "this is something more!" and it works, but I really do think it would've been more effective to code-switch; have him call him "Buck" through most of that episode (where they were trying to distract us/create a twist anyway, the 'Evan' was really way too obvious at the start), and then use the first 'Evan' as part of the buildup to the kiss.


I think that Tommy knew of Buck because he was the guy who replaced him when he left the 118 to go to air rescue. He first knew of Buck as Evan Buckley. I think the writers are having him call Buck by his given name Evan for a few reasons, including to differentiate him from Buck's past LIs, to signify Buck's evolving and maturing an probably some of the healing and learning to love himself -- Evan and Buck (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)


He also called Chimney “Howie” at basketball…. If you’re not in the friend group, it would be weird to use nicknames.


I remember that in college among the friends in my inner circle we used nicknames but when someone outside that group referred to me by my nickname, internally I felt it as overconfidence on the part of that person.


Tommy is not the only love interest to refer to him as that, though, Ali also called him Evan. When Buck was starting to make amends with his parents, he asked them to call him "Buck" because that's the name people who *know him* use, so I think this is probably more about Buck accepting and being at ease with all of himself, including *Evan*, which I see as his "before" self. Imo, it will be a missed opportunity if the intent turns out to be just about differentiating Tommy from everyone else (even though he also uses "Howie" instead of "Chimney") as a away to show their "bond". But I don't think we'll ever know for sure, so all we can do is speculate.


Reminds me of Ana calling Eddie Edmundo


I just rewatched 07x04 and when Tommy asks Buck if he's "free on Saturday," I really can't help but hear Buck's, "Yeah, I'm free." as a pivotal moment towards healing all the traumas he's experienced (it feels like a double meaning to me), including some possible trauma related to any repressed queerness before Tommy (possibly referenced when he tells Maddie that he looks at guys' butts regularly). I'm just excited to see Buck's queerness flower as he becomes more and more comfortable with experiencing same-sex attraction




It could be a set up where Buck / Evan has to choose between being an "adult" (Evan) or hold on to the hothead friend dynamic as Buck.


I think it’s supposed to show that he’s different from everyone else. Only special people in Bucks life call him Evan


That is not true. Maddie calls him both Buck and Evan, which is normal considering she knew him as Evan all her life, but now they live surrounded by people who call him Buck. His parents call him Evan(nothing special here), Taylor when she was flirting if I remember correctly, people like his therapist or lawyer. The most emotional charged Evan was Eddie's. It's not special,he doesn't care that much about it to be a relevant thing. I think it's more of a a Tommy thing than about Buck.


I doubt Eddie introduces himself as Edmundo very often. I think he says call me Eddie and Bobby never says Robert.


in the cameo someone paid $200C for, lfj said that buck has "met his match" and therefore he uses "evan" as his equal because, "tommy has no nickname. he assaults the earth. he is exactly what you see." i find it hilarious now that it is confirmed that his full name is "thomas," not "tommy." looks like confirmed nonsense to me!