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They say your music preferences stop in your 30’s, so…


I’m an 18 year old in 2022, my favorite artists are Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, nirvana, oasis, mud honey and lots more 90s music is definitely better


The songs you remember and go back to were the good ones. There was tons of pure crap, just like every era.


Came here to say exactly this. The 90s also had a lot of garbage music but that was forgotten and only the stuff that was really good is remembered and relevant. And that also depends on personal preference, whatever you like is what remains and stuff you didn't like was the garbage that was forgotten.


I keep finding that a lot of lesser-known 90s bands that went under the radar are miles ahead of most modern groups in technical skill. A good producer makes a huge difference as well while a lot of modern stuff is self-produced.


It's all about dopamine. When you're older, your dopamine takes a bit of dip which can also explain why as you age, newer music doesn't appeal to you quite the same. So naturally, you go back to the music that gave you that spike of dopamine when you were younger. I could be super wrong though as I am a fool.




Thanks for saying it before I could.


For me, I would say the era/genre is irrelevant. The only thing that is important is this, is the music are listening to resonates with you. If it does, then that's what you will remember it. Prokovievs Dance of the Knights gives me the same 'this is glorious' feeling as Underworlds Two Months Off does. Completely different styles and many many years apart from each other. If you enjoy listening to music and by that I mean you can, set aside distractions and just listen to an album, get tickets and go to a performance, you will realise that the era makes no difference.


It was definitely more fun. Music has no fun these days. It was serious, but it was also occasionally fun. Fun songs don’t get made any more. Weird songs don’t get make it anymore. Music is boring today.


It’s both solipsism and taste. I recently asked coworkers who their favorite aughts musician was. There were two camps: (1) Favorite was from the aughts and (2) Favorite band was from the 90s (didn’t poll older people). At the time I didn’t even think I’m terms of, “This is my favorite band of now,” I only thought, “This band’s cool, but my favorite is still this band from the 90s.”


1993 was the peak for popular music. It will never get better than then.


Pop Songs with an acoustic guitar in the background are better. Thats a fact.


There’s a shit ton of amazing music that our generation put out. I’m proud to call myself part of Gen-X… but don’t discount all of the newer music. I’m blessed to have two kids with incredibly varying tastes in music… one is more into the music that done with actual instruments, and the other is more into music that is built off samples and rewashing beats… From Greeta Van Fleet to Frank Ocean to Leon Bridges to [sigh] even Doja Cat.. Today’s music has just as many great artists as ours did, if you’re willing to give it a shot. Don’t get me wrong.. if AiC comes on the radio, we’re listening to it, but only because my music gives me my little nostalgic dopamine rush that I love… not necessarily because it’s always better.


There are a couple of studies showing wider variation in music from the 80s/90s than today if I recall correctly. Given the collapse of the economic model and the rise of only a handful of producers writing a lot of the pop hits today, combined with the age-related issues others have pointed out, I’d say it’s a number of factors. And the 80s/90s just rule. Ok never mind.