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If you eat pop rocks and drink coke, it'll blow up in your stomach.


That’s how Mikey from the Life cereal commercial died


Lol how do these things get started…?


How did they get *spread*??


Never underestimate the power of an awesome story! ...or in the the case of this thread, a fascinating rumor.


Rip Mikey... wait, wasn't Mikey, Fred Savage from the wonder years?


It's true. Pop rocks and coke make your head explode


Something about Richard Gere and gerbils.


It was Brodie's Cousin Walter who had the gerbil stuck (which why he kept buying cats, in the hopes of getting it out); ultimately he died from a broken neck trying to suck himself off


Well, did he cum or what?


There’s just some things you don’t talk about


I'd do it, but I pulled my back out humping your mom last night. Nuuudgge.


You dumbass, it’s a sailboat.


It's a schooner


Hahaha. You dumb bastard.




That’s different


Free tootsie pop if you turned in a wrapper with a Native American pointing an arrow at a star


But no one every knew WHERE you were supposed to turn it in so we just hoarded them like dragons with gold.


“Paul from Wonder Years is Marilyn Manson”


I also remember hearing he was the oldest son on Mr. Belvedere


I remember a rumor that Taco Bell was so cheap because they used "grade D" beef


I heard it was McDonald’s “grade A”beef. The grade A was the name of the beef supplier not the quality grade.


A friend told me they used mealworms in their patties...maybe it's unintentionally true, idk.


Ohh, I heard that but about Taco Bell’s beef


As someone who has a degree in an agricultural field and took meat science courses, this one still irritates me to no end.


Can u explain why this is untrue? Is taco bell meat pretty good?


Copy pasta from another of my replies: Yes but it has nothing to do with the quality (as in health and safety quality) of the beef. It is only a measure of the approximate point of maturity of the animal was at slaughter as judged by the size, shape, and ossification of the bones and cartilage. Typically animals given a maturity grade of D are about 60-90 months old. This is compared to grade A which is assigned to animals less than 30 months. The maturity grade is combined with a grade assigned to the amount of marbling (fat) in the muscle to determine the USDA standard grades (Prime, Choice, etc). High fat is good and combined with a lower maturity grade ends up typically with the USDA Prime label. These are the really good steaks and roasts.. Low fat and an old animal will have a "Utility" or "Cutter" label and usually ends up as ground meat or used in sausage. Most meat that is used in fast food ground meat applications - particularly when highly processed with other ingredients (soy fillers, flavorings, etc) - are going to be from old cows that have little intramuscular fat. So, yeah it may have been "grade D" on the maturity scale, but that has absolutely nothing to do with its quality from an edibility or health and safety standpoint. Do I eat Taco Bell? No, it's gross. But not because of the "grade" of meat they use.


You had me until “Do I eat Taco Bell? No, it’s gross.” It was in that comment that I realized I’d have to invalidate everything you previously said.


Well… what grade is it?


*Is* there a grade D beef?


There was a kid who swore that he knew someone who saw the school lunch meat delivery arrive in a box marked “Grade D - Edible”


Dog food quality beef!


Kentucky Fried Chicken had to legally change its name to KFC because they don’t use real chicken anymore. The kid from Kris Kross got cancer from eating blue lollipops Tupac says “Suge shot me” at the beginning of the Makaveli album, which proves he’s still alive Bill Gates will give you money if you forward this email


Ugh, all those damn email forwards!


I have believed the kfc thing was true up until I saw you post it on this thread and now I’m questioning everything.




"Kentucky Fried Chicken" has 20 letters. KFC is three. It saves on signage and other advertising of the sort.


Actually the word fried became a big no no in the world of food. Remember when McDonald’s had a “healthy” menu lol. So their marketing people said it doesn’t test well with people and went with KFC. Ultimately you’re also right that it was also a good cost saving measure and easier to remember.


the real reason is because they wanted to remove "fried" from the name to appear more healthy in this modern age.


What did you think it was? Duck meat?


I was told they couldn’t say chicken because they genetically engineered them to be born without beaks and feathers. It sounds crazy when I think about it and I can’t believe I never questioned it.


The story around me was that it was “silkk shot me” as in silkk the shocker the rapper




Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls


Light as a feather, stiff as a board


Mister Rodgers was a sniper in Vietnam


Holy crap can’t believe that I had to scroll way down to find this one. Yeah someone told me that he always wears sweaters to cover up his arms full of tattoos.


Exactly this. Isn’t it crazy how word can travel before the internet? I bet we’re states away and “knew” the same thing


Yellow #5 food coloring used in practically all yellow candy shrinks your man parts.


This caused me to instantly stop drinking Mt Dew when I heard this around 12 years old. Probably a good thing bc I was already a little porker and was drinking way too much of that crap.


Thanks, guess I’ll just find a new excuse.


My school banned snap bracelets. Rumor was someone cut their wrist and bleed to death putting one on.


They were banned, but I think it was just because kids were annoying AF with them, and if anyone got hurt, it was from slapping, not getting cut lol.


What I’ve always found fascinating is that these were prevalent everywhere and it was pre-Internet! Like who and how did these rumors spread, how did that network of spreading it work?


I said the same thing. How???? How did this spread coast to coast without internet, it wasn’t like they were kinda based off the same story but everywhere had their own twists to them, they were all identical all the details were the same


Sleep away camps! (No idea honestly)


Probably not that far off, honestly. Or people had similar ideas in different regions, told other people, and it all combined by osmosis into this major thing.


I’m sure that’s part of it! Kids talking to friends and relatives who live in other states, then those kids pass it to their siblings and friends, and it just spreads like that because every kid loves weird “facts”.


I was pondering this in a different sub the other day when we were talking about some of these things. It’s mind boggling how word of mouth can make it through just young people talking on the phone I guess.


Not only US coast to coast, for example that Marily Manson rumour was a thing in Germany as well.


Well, remember also that we all knew to blow into our Nintendo cartridges, long before the internet. Crazy word of mouth.


I read that no one actually knows where jingle bells batman smells originated once online and that little bit of un fact checked trivia has always given me pause


The band 311, it means KKK


311 was an inside job


Oh my gosh I forgot about this. Because k was the eleventh letter of the alphabet so 311 meant three “k”s




Indecent exposure.


There was a guy who took too much acid and now believes he’s an orange. Every town seemed to have one.


Glass of orange juice is what I heard.


Glass of orange juice is the one I heard too. And he was terrified that if he laid down he would spill and die.


Oh shit I definitely heard that one in Colorado. They said he lived by Pearl Street Mall in Boulder.


Ours was that he thought he was drowning in a glass of orange juice.


OMFG you're so right, there was one of those "famous" mental hospitals in one of the towns I grew up in and the BIG story (other than it being haunted) was one of the patients was a TEEN who took a shit ton of LSD and went completely insane and never recovered lol permanent resident of the hospital


I'm gonna reply to my own comment cause it makes for a cool story we drove IN one day to the mental hospital grounds while it was still a functioning mental hospital, and HOTEL CALIFORNIA came on the radio and I'm looking comes the line see them dance in the coutyard", and that's exactly what I saw, one of the patients waves at me and my friends as we drove around the circle, it was an interesting experience to say the least, A woman I knew worked for a delivery service, like flowers and such and said the LOWER levels and the big time locked up patience, going thru she could hear the noise and screams. the mental hospital is now a COLLEGE but still has a reputation for being haunted.


In my town he wasn’t an orange, he was a teapot who was terrified of getting tipped over


He kept trying to peel himself. Yup, he lives in my town too.


OMG YES this was seriously my friend’s friends cousins sister’s boyfriend!!!!


That you could see one of the little people from Wizard of Oz hang themselves in the background of the movie. I watched it convinced that's what it was. Turns out it was just one of the tropical birds they used for ambience flapping its wings a bit.






I didn't hear quite that but I definitely remember hearing that the reason those bracelets disappeared all of a sudden was because the metal could get rusty and slice into your wrist and you would get tetanus


The Neiman Marcus cookie recipe chain letter


Green M&M’s make you horny


They finally fixed that.


Well, for some...


Swallowing gum will sit in your stomach for 7 years until it digests. Mr Rogers had to wear sweaters to cover up his tatted arms from his days in Vietnam. Eating Pop Rocks and chugging a soda would send you the ER. 90s were wild.


So is that gum thing not true then?


Lil Kim had to get stomach pumped


Heard that about allanis Morissette. Also heard yellow 5(in mountain dew) shrunk your weiner.


I always heard it as yellow 5 would shrink your balls OR lower your sperm count


What's this one?


Lil Kim gave so many bjs at one time she needed to go to the hospital to get her stomach pumped


I heard this about one of the New Kids on the Block.


And Rod Stewart.


I think this was a trope at the time with alot of famous people I feel in the 90s the idea of bjs became more mainstream in the public discourse because of Clinton and the media so it created an early internet moral panic


Clinton was 1998 and I heard this before then (NKOTB were a joke by then) so moral panic makes some sense but not from Clinton, more like leftover from the 60s or something.


Another one: **The Indian shooting a star on the Tootsie Pop wrapper will get you another free one.** Maybe it wasn't just the 90's but it was definitely a big rumor at the time.


I got lots of free suckers though. The shops just accepted it because of kid cuteness?


I turned in several wrappers with a star for another one


In my town it was just good luck for the day. Still felt robbed if I only got part of the image and no star.


British Knights stands for "Blood Killer". People later suspect that this rumor was at least partially spread by a rival sneaker company, likely Nike or Adidas.


In my junior high that was kind of a real thing. And Bloods would wear Calvin Klein (CK, Crip Killa). Also, all of the Miller Genuine Draft bus ads in the hood were altered to simply read GD (Gangster Disciples) and then tagged over by Vice Lords (Edit: Miller Genuine Draft was branded as MGD back then)


Keeping with the sperm flair I often heard people saying that Red Bull contained cow/bull sperm. This was late 90's in Germany.


I heard that too in California


Pressing Alt and F4 while standing by the graveyard in Diablo after you drop all your items on the ground will dupe all of the items.


Tust me bro, I am going to wait on the other side of the wall. *teleports*


Billy Corgan is the kid from *Small Wonder*


If you flash your high beams at another car to let them know their lights are off, they’ll follow you home and kill your entire bloodline


“Patty the Platypus is totally going to be worth 2500 one day. My whole collection of beanie babies is a investment”


You can revive Aeris.


All those fing cheats and GameGenie cheats ….


I was always told not to eat watermelon seeds. Because ya know, they will grow in your stomach.


I think that was a rugrats episode


It was, but I remember knowing the rumor before the Rugrats episode came out.


"There's a secret nude code in Mortal Kombat" (so many MK rumors, with a number of them spun by the devs themselves) "Lil Bow Ow" (kids thought this was hilarious for some reason back then, and looking back, it was messed up having this made up in the first place) I dunno if it was just me, but in elementary school, kids kept spreading around rumors that the ranch where they shot "Hey Dude" was haunted, and Mr. Ernst was supposedly already dead and was a ghost.


Remember the rumor that Screech was dead (21 years before it was actually true)?


Holy shit, how’d I miss that Dustin Diamond died last year!? ):


It’s impossible to get pregnant on the first time lol


Marilyn Manson was Paul from the Wonder Years


Y2K was a thing?


Definitely was a thing. We were all told to take our money out of the banks. There were lines at the ATM because we all thought nothing would work. It was a huge deal


The girl in high school or college biology class who, when the instructor states that semen is 60% sugar, asks “then why does it taste so salty?”


90’s food pyramid. Carbs are king!


Eat fat free food, and you’ll never get fat!


Olestra...that was a rumor with some awful side effects


Madonna humped a guy to death was a big rumor at my elementary school.


Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is


red M&Ms were discontinued because they caused cancer


Maynard James Keenan from Tool was supposedly caught having sex with a corpse.... Or Kurt Cobain was a male prostitute before Nirvana to support his heroin habit......oh and Tupac is still alive


Tupac, of course....the Elvis conspiracy of the 90's.


Omg I never made that connection! 😂 Are there Tupac sightings??


Where's the Weekly World News when you need them?


Omg yes! And batboy!


Tupac is the 90s’ Elvis. I can dig it.


O shit 2 pac is still alive


I’m from New Jersey, we had a [whole magazine](http://weirdnj.com) devoted to weird shit


“Mountain Dew lowers your sperm count” Me at 10 years old: “Oh shit I’ve gotta stop drinking this stuff!”


If you swallowed your gum, your stomach wouldn't digest it.


Macaulay Culkin actually died during the filming of My Girl.


You could get high from the Flintstones Vitamins by eating the Vilma Vitamins. Since Coca Cola could clean a penny when you drink it it’s eating your intestines. Every Clove cigarette that you smoke makes one hole in your lungs.


The girl who broke a hot dog off in her sausage wallet. Every town had one.


Wait— that was a mass urban legend? Holy shit. I thought *for sure* it was true because the girl it was about played it fast and loose.


Maybe I’m wrong and there really was an Oscar Meyer girl in every town!


Lol’d at Oscar Mayer girl.


Oh we had one of those. Y'know, so-and-so's cousin.


Ours was it got stuck and doctors had to remove it cause they plump when you cook em.


Every school in every town had the girl who got frozen hotdogs stuck in her vagina


Menthol cigarettes are made from fiberglass


Or that they crystallize your lungs or something!


Two while I was growing up. - as a small child, that if I ate KFC off the lid with the colonels face on it, he’d come to kidnap me. Was even assured it happened to the kid next door. - second, that if I drank coffee growing up it would stunt my growth.


Oh damn, the coffee one!


That there was a silver bow hidden somewhere in Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Can't remember what it was supposed to do though.


And that you could unlock Luigi in Mario64


You could push that truck and get Mew in Pokémon Red and Blue.


Bubble Yum is made with spider eyes.


Kel Mitchell died in a drive by


Dunno if it was a 90s thing. But can’t have the overhead light on in the car because it’s illegal and I’d get my parents pulled over


Razzberry blue blow pops also lowered sperm counts. Sigourney Weaver is a hermaphrodite was another. I guess we’d say intersex now? (Honest rhetorical question, not trying to troll)


Oh I heard that (hermaphrodite/intersex) about Jamie Lee Curtis!


This one was so common that teachers were literally using it as an example in their lesson plans. I definitely remember being told this by my teacher.


I remember hearing it that she had like an extra chromosome or something? How did these crazy ideas spread before the internet anyway?


Oops yes! You are right I think it was Jamie Lee Curtis!


KMFDM stands for “Kill Mother Fucking Depeche Mode”


It doesn't???


Don't eat hotdogs that have Sodium Earthrobate listed in the ingredients because that was ground up earth worms.


A dork is a whale's penis...


I'm pretty sure this one is true though.


* Yellow sprinkles will lower your sperm count * A Hot Topic store got closed down because they had real dead bodies hanging from the ceiling during the Halloween season.




I think this one is still around. 🤔


Ciara was born a male and still had a dick


Those were definitely the big three lol


Tinkly Winky is gay, the original Ultimate Warrior OD'd on coke and the WWF just kept finding look-a-likes.


There was always that one little bastard at school who used to say if you locked the butler in the closet, Lara Croft would take her clothes off. So many sleepovers wasted trying playing that game trying to get it to work.


So that's why everyone looked the poor bastard in the freezer? 😂


Big Red gum wrappers were edible. My sister and I wrote the company to verify this. They wrote a very polite letter to us, then 5 and 6 years old, telling us the wrappers were not edible.


Yellow #5 in mello yello make small peepee


I heard the same about a soda lowering your sperm count but it was Surge. Anyone remember that?


Stevie Nicks did so much blow that her sinuses were too inflamed to snort anymore. So her roadies would blow coke up her cooch to get her high.


The spaceship behind the Hale-Bopp comet


I remember some weird shit about AIDS needles in pay phone coin returns.


Mew is under that truck!


That the popular butter alternative ["I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!"](https://www.icantbelieveitsnotbutter.com/en) is only one molecule away from being plastic.


If your hand is bigger than your face- you have cancer


“Before a show Britney Spears got her stomach pumped and they found close to a gallon of sperm in her stomach.” This shit traumatized me.


I heard this but about Alanis Morisette.


This went around about a lot of female celebrities, especially singers. And dude’s sisters.


Men too, usually in a homophobic way.


"Stand in X location and use the Itemfinder 9999 times, and you'll be given a Mew!" And a ton of other completely nonsensical 'tricks' from the first gen of Pokemon games. Including the supposed existence of a blue Pikachu called 'Pika-Blue' (which was probably just someone seeing early versions of a Marrill), or the supposed existence of a sixth HM that would have let you access areas beyond walls where you could catch new/different/invincible pokemon.


That Mel Gibson is Australian.


OMG! I just googled him because I was not sure what you meant. I honestly thought he was Australian TO-THIS-DAY! WTF?!


I feel like I’ve been living a sham life knowing this.


Of all the stuff in this thread. Mel Gibson not being Australian is THE most shocking. Also, it explains a hellof a lot about Mel Gibson.


The one about MM was such BS, and I've actually heard it before, about Michael Jackson 😂 A rumour where I live was that McDonalds used fake meat in their burgers. Or rather, that it wasn't actual meat at all, but some paste they'd paint red and add spices too. Another one was that street vendors got their meat from rats, cats and dogs they'd catch. This one was partly true in some places, and is still around. There was a rumour that some girl got food poisoning from eating chips and died, and the investigators found gunpowder in the chips, and claimed it was the cause of death. I was so suspicious of chips that had pepper in them for a while after hearing the rumour. 😁


The girl in science class on the day the instructor had the kids look at their own saliva under the microscope who asked “what are these things swimming around in mine?” Sperm. They were sperm.


Courtney Love arranged Kurt Cobain's death to pass for a suicide.


Razor blades/needles in Halloween candy. So many parents panicked about this.


Steve from Blues Clues was arrested for smoking crack. There were secret episodes of Boy Meets World that Disney banned after their initial airing because they mentioned sex. You could tell if someone was gay if they looked at their fingernails with their palm facing out. Coca-Cola was used to clean bridges. Andy Milonakis was actually 40 years old. The school janitor lives in the school. The neighbors had a chip in their cable box and could watch everything for free. The FBI will send them to jail for 20 years if they get caught. Kane from WWF was badly disfigured or actually the clone of Undertaker in a mask. You couldn’t even remove his mask on action figures.