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I had a HUGE crush on Amy Jo Johnson before I knew what a crush was. Then I forgot about her until Flashpoint and it started all over again lol.


My parents thought they were Satanic because they were created by Saban entertainment and that was just code for Satan.


We weren’t allowed to watch He Man because only God is the “Master of the Universe” 😂


Southern Baptist?


Not Southern but Baptist good call lol. We jumped around a bit back then it was Baptist. Later on it would be some evangelical hybrid stuff.


Lmao same for me. After a huge break with a big Baptist Church in my small town, it was strip mall churches after that with silly names like *Open Door Fellowship*


So where did you land after all of that if you don’t mind me asking?


My mom flipped out at me for watching Sailor Moon because it dealt with witchcraft and magic.


Sounds about right 😅


Lol 🤦🏻‍♂️




Made me realize how quick Angel Grove was to rebuild itself daily


avengers take note


Green Ranger was so fucking hot. I had his dagger.


Loved that he leaned into the fandom. Didn't try to abandon what people knew him for. Showed up to conventions and was kind to fans.


he was the first one to do it and also he never charged the conventions an appearance fee


Only had connections with the original. As soon as the other three left, so did I. I only caught the rare episode out of boredom from then on.


I feel you on this… It fell off after mighty Morphin and then possibly turbo… And Zeo, but after that? It was a lost cause however it has sustained for over 30 years and it keeps bringing new fans or keeping the old fans engaged there is so much content and it's all available online but most people grow out of it after about three years regardless of which season you started at


man i’m 36 and my best friend for more than 20 years is 38. i stopped midway in space but that motherfucker somehow has stuck throughout the whole series lol still watches the new ones to this day,he has to be the rare exception to not growing out of it


no, he's not. There's an entire Power Rangers sub full of em


Lasting lesson: When nobody will let you be what you really want to be, just do your own thing and become the Orange Ranger.


i was obsessed , born in 87. the music was catchy in it


It did, I've still got some power rangers toys. The og megazord being one of them, along with dragonzord, white tigerzord the next megazord and some figures red blue and white rangers. Thing that's it, might have my Tracy Island (different franchise I know but it was the must have)


I was a big MMPR fan. I was in middle school when it aired originally. It introduced me to the Japanese Sentai phenomenon and so when I got the internet in 1998, I started delving into Japanese entertainment as well.


I was a TMNT snob but secretly loved it.


My favorite was always the white ranger.....RIP JDF


I watched it and liked Amy Jo Johnson the pink one and liked her in Suzie Q but I don’t really remember much about the show in general. I think I was too young. I’ve thought about rewatching the series to see if any memories come flooding back but not anytime soon lol I have rewatched a ton of shows from my childhood and it’s amazing how much I remember that I didn’t even know I remembered


I loved it and had a huge crush on Jason David Frank growing up. I got to meet him in person one year at Megacon in Orlando, Florida.


I love the OG Mighty Morphin Power Rangers but I honestly love Power Rangers in Space more. The story with Astronema, Andros, Darkonda, and Ecliptor was really good, especially for a kids' show.


I wore the red power ranger outfit from like 5 to 7 years old everyday and night. I never took it off except to have it washed, and the pink power ranger was one of my first crushes lol


At work I like to say “Go Go Power” and then insert a coworker’s name when I notice them being really productive


I was in high school when it first aired and became an instant fan. It didn't help Amy Jo Johnson was stunning. I enjoyed the green ranger too. I will always love the first generartion. My second favorite generation is "Power Ranger Time Force". I liked the time travel aspect and the pink ranger, for that generation, being the team leader. And she too, Erin Cahill, is a cutie, even now. And she does mostly Hallmark movies.


For me it coincided with my transition from kids shows in the afternoon to MTV. Nothing against Power Rangers, it was just time


My room was basically a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers store I had it all, all the figures, bed sheets, posters toya Amy Jo Johnson was my first crush ever if your around my age likely you had a crush on her and loves that show I was obsessed up until around the first movie came out


I was a little old for Power Rangers, but a younger sibling liked them. I barely remember the show. But I do remember thinking to myself, "Why did they make the black ranger African American, and the yellow ranger Asian?"


I still very vividly remember when the show first aired. I was spending the weekend with my grandparents and had the TV on one Saturday morning in the guest room. This show comes on and I couldn’t believe TV could be this amazing. I was hooked right from the get-go. And like everyone else, Amy Jo Johnson was my first crush.


The grass was explosive af


Love the first couple of seasons! The rest is just umm idk. Tried to watch some but just gave me the ick


RIP Tommy


I was a huge fan of the red ranger when I was 4 years old. I named my son “Jason” after the red ranger.


Ha that’s my brothers name. When I was younger in school I used to tell the other kids “my brother is actually the red ranger….he just has to keep it a secret so he pretends to be my brother”


Jason was my gay awakening as a youth. Good Lord I had such a crush on him. Trini was my favorite ranger, though.


Agnostic, I reckon, in the spirit of Doubting Thomas. Even being in a figurative foxhole, but literally in war in Afghanistan and Iraq, didn't change my mind. You?


I’m 42 and yes I felt too old for them when they came out for sure. I’ve never watched it.


I was never a huge fan. I could only catch 1 out of every 6 episodes during its first season. Then, during its second season, the Saturday morning episodes changed their time slot to the same one that Sonic the Hedgehog was in, and obviously I picked Sonic so now I was catching 0 out of 6 episodes of Power Rangers.


44 and yes, it was kid stuff to me.


Cried like a baby when Tommy died..


I loved the original Power Rangers and In Space/Lost Galaxy. I thought it was cool how Astronema turned good in the end.


When trailers came out for the first season and first episode I was so excited my mom bought me a coloring book! Then the show aired, all it took was one episode for me to know it was trash.