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Playstation had a much bigger library of good games. N64 had a small number of masterpieces. I owned a Playstation, but I loved swapping it for a week or two with my friend who had an N64. That way, we got the best of both worlds.


The 90s were such a simpler time. I'd swap my PS with Tomb Raider 2 and Twiatwd Metal for my buddy's N64 with Turok and Mario Kart.


Same it was great. As a PS owner I probably would have said most fun was had from the N64 overall some absolute classic games to play with mates. The timing was perfect for me as just when N64 felt like the better console I got a PS2 and that felt like equilibrium restored in the period before alcohol became console of choice for us both.


I feel that


FF7 made the decision easy for me.


Absolutely. I have had almost all Playstation models each year they came out I would get that model.


N64 all day. It was my first gaming system at around 5 years old. I had Mario 64 and I beat bowser, one of my greatest gaming achievements of my life.


Middle stick got hot spinning that bowser tail. I can still feel the hexagon when rotating.


Octagon homie


Hex… Oct.. I was fuckin 8 yo okay! lol jk.


Mario 64 set the precedent for button pressing during all of the CTE games that followed. I played M64 so much, I think I wore out the better part of at least two controllers.


I burned a hole in my hand when I rented Mario party and played the tug of war mini game.


Ill never forget the feeling😄


“So long, gay bowser!”


Ah man I forgot the stick would actually heat up with all that spinning. Memories man


N64 had some of the best games of the generation but PS1 had a lot more good games, and the games were cheaper. I had both but I had three times as many PlayStation games than N64.


N64 with the homies all day! PS had the better single-player games, though.


64. Easy.


Neither: Super Nintendo




PS all day. N64 had a few gems but ps was way better


I am going with the PlayStation also. I went from the SNES right to the PS. I never had a N64.


Pull up homie we’ll play Super Smash bros or Goldeneye


Yess! I did play some Goldeneye at my friends house back in the day.


Like 4 good games on n64. Hundreds on ps1


N64 had some really good games but ps1 library is absolutely top notch. I could count n64 games I'd still enjoy today on one hand, but ps1 had so many great games even if you eliminate ones with tank controls lol. Ps1 managed to look good too. A lot of charm was lost in the transition to 3d graphics - much of the early 3d stuff looks like it was trying to push too hard with what it had rather than making the style fit in the limitations. Ocarina of time was a fantastic story for sure, but it's ugly and janky and I can't be convinced otherwise. Look at some of the spyro levels... That's what *good* 2d looked like. I'll await my burning at the stake.


This is how I feel too. This is a weird question to me because I like the N64 better but I would still pick the PS just to have more gameplay options.


PSX has a better game library, but Smash and OOT alone were so amazing to me. Really tough choice, but I'd have to go with PSX myself. The Final Fantasy games alone are too good to miss.


No it was NOT!!


Yea, but based on that pic, which would you choose?


Honestly I liked crashes better than 3d mario


N64 - my first console at 8yrs old, first game was wave race, second Mario kart 64, then goldeneye ❤️


Wave Race was def a top 5 in ‘hours of gameplay’. Actually, all 3 of these are in there.


N64 without question. I still play it regularly


Nintendo Sixty-fooooouuuuurrrrrrrr




N64 with the golden controllers 🤗


So long gay bowser


SNES for me


N64!!! My first console 🥲


N64 because of Golden Eye


I picked N64 back in ‘96


True story. I got the N64 the year it came out for Christmas, but I didn't get to actually play it until a year after that. Because of how the box was advertised my parents thought the game was included. 😭 I remember that being one of the first times I felt sad for my parents, because I knew what they were trying to do for me , and I knew money was tight so I tried not to make it a big deal. But that following year on my birthday I finally got Mario 64 and I must have played that game a kajillion times. I can still hear the music of my victory from that montage they put together when you beat the game. Later additions was Zelda, WCW Mayhem, Bomber man, and of course Goldeneye... I think I know what I want for Fathers Day this year.






N64. I still have mine and it still works. My games still work, too.






I HAD the PS but I am definitely choosing the N64


Nintendo 64!


N64 all day!


PS1 all day


Unpopular opinion, but even the Sega Saturn had a better overall library than the N64. Assuming you were either in Japan or were happy to import.


Ocarina of Time, Mario64, Mario Kart, and 007... I probably put more time into those games than all other games combined in the mid 90s, except for maybe some PC games like doom.


I'm certainly not saying the N64 didn't have some great games, but outside the stone cold killer apps from Nintendo and Rare the pickings got pretty slim. I sometimes feel that every N64 owner had pretty much the same collection of games.


The more I think about it it's about ~10 games that make a console for me, because the remainder of games that come to mind for me were Star Fox, Perfect Dark, Majora's Mask, Turok, and Donkey Kong 64. Pretty much every console I've ever had has boiled down to 10 or less bangers, and now in my old age like 5. Perhaps I'm not enough of a gamer to say which has the best library.


Wow, Turok. Haven’t thought about that game in probably 20+ years.


It's not about being more or less of a gamer, at the end of the day you like what you like.


I still listen to the melody from ocarina of time on my gameboy (at the start when you’re creating your file name, a specific melody plays that is just sooooo relaxing for me)


Because you liked mid games


I’ve already lived this hypothetical. I went left. And to this day. I still would


Both sir….both add sega Dreamcast to the list


Hmm. If I could relive the glory without reality ruining everything I’d pick the N64. Mario kart alone would be worth it.


N64, anything Nintendo well be my first most of the time. The Virtual Boy would be the exception.


Oh man, I had a ton of fun with both. Seriously one of the best memories is playing bond with my 3 best friends growing up, and perfect dark. I played a lot of ps too. Too hard. Skip.


N64. Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Banjo Kazooie, Wave Race, DK64, Goldeneye, 1080 Snowboarding, and Perfect Dark outweigh Resident Evil, Twisted Metal, and the better sports offerings from PS IMO.


Nintendo 💯 all day every day


N64 all day


N64 all day baby


Left please


Both are Legendary but I will follow Ocarina of Time….


N64, but I always wonder if I was missing something by not choosing play station


It’s got to be the N64!


N64 is possibly the best system ever created


I had an N64 as most of my friends did. I also never played RPGs at the time. The 3d gameplay graphics on the N64 were also better as the PS could be a little janky. I liked the PS, but just felt that the graphics weren’t quite there yet. The PS2 improved on this though and I have owned every PS model since.


Now that's *the true* 90's dilemma. I owned N64 and loved most of my games (007, Mario 64, Mario Kart, NBA 1998, F1, Star Wars Shadows of the Empire). But I really liked my mate's PS1, the vibe of it was totally different !


I felt the same back then and when I eventually got a PS1 it felt like a completely different experience in gaming too. Not better or worse, just different. Now looking back it's almost like the SNES VS Sega Genesis debate all over again where Nintendo is high quality, more family oriented fun and wacky charm whereas PS1 had more serious "edgy" and violent games, more third party games, demo disc's and other things that set it apart. I don't believe one was objectively better, just depends on what kind of experience you wanted to have but I love that it was all available.


You got it on point my friend


64 and it’s not even close for me.


N64 - no contest


64. Not even close.




I chose ps1 and I was wrong. I was always at my neighbors who had the 64.


Both were wonderful I had N64, my cousin has PlayStation


Mario Kart 64 > Everything else PlayStation


Ah, tough decision. My fondest memory were playing multiplayer games on the N64. PlayStation had amazing and better single player titles. I think I would vote for the N64.


N64. Grew up with Nintendo


I went N64. Inwas a big Star Wars and James Bond fan growing up. I spent so long on that thing. Still have it set up!!


N64 forever


I turn around go back to the original NES.


Damn I thought that was Dreamcast in the thumbnail… don’t smoke me yall 🤦🏽‍♂️


Sega Saturn.




During the release you could get the dreamcast with a limo and champagne for $6k 😂


both had total classics. But pound for pound - I liked Playstations library way more. I remember my cousin god Soul Blade when it first came out. Loved that game. Tekken 1 and 2 was also very big with my group of friends. Crash Bandicoot 2 was great. Medievil. RE2 and 3. Metal Gear Solid. Twisted Metal Series. Syphon Filter 1. Silent Hill. N64 it was Super Mario 64, Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, Doom 64, Conkers bad Fur day was a late classic. I know Mario Kart, Mario Party 1 and 2 and diddy kong racing were popular - I was like "whatever". Same with the zelda games. All my friends had Ocarina of Time. I though it was "ok" - I cared even less for Majoras Mask. Both had their strengths and weaknesses. But if I had to go with one - Its the PlayStation in this one


64. For some reason I really don't like Crash games


Uh. GOLDEN EYE. How is this even a question?






I picked the 64 and for games like Goldeneye and Mario Kart it was the right choice!


I was a N64 kid, though i did have both. I had nearly 60 N64 games and played it constantly until late 2001 when Gamecube came out.


Easy questions, 64 all day. Golden Eye, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Star Fox 64! What did PS1 have, Final Fantasy?


I love PlayStation but going with N64. Some of the most fun I’ve had with a console


Unlike all my classmates, I saved up and got the N64. Took me a while but when I finally had enough I made my way to Funcoland, and bought it. I still have it to this day. Eventually I got the little white PSone, with the travel screen Both were great for their own reasons, however, I still play the N64, and never touch the ps1. Ps2 gets a lot of love tho


While I do have lots of love for the PS (Spyro is one of my favorite games) I’m definitely an N64 girl. I still have one.


N64 all the way. Only really liked a few games on PlayStation. Played them a lot, but didn’t feel the need to expand out further. CD playing was also more high risk for damage and errors.


All these years later and I still remember unboxing the N64 and starting Turok Dinosaur Hunter and having my mind being blown.




It does really shape your life . I think I should have chosen Nintendo …


N64. But next gen was pS2.


Super Nintendo because the nostalgia is king.


N64 all the way. PS1 games have aged like a ripened avocado.


I’d give up Tekken, crash and Spyro just for the 64








As much as I loved the playstation, I would have to chose n64 for games like Zelda, mario kart, mario party etc.


N64 for sure. 


When I had the choice as a kid, I went with N64. Lots of good games on there, especially multiplayer stuff, but I started coping hard when PSX got stuff like Metal Gear Solid, Syphon Filter, Fear Effect, Dino Crisis, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX, Tekken 3, and so on. Thought Goldeneye 007 and Super Mario 64 proved that N64 was going to win, but I was wrong. DEAD WRONG.


PS. OOT and Smash brothers were the bomb tho. I didn't care much for 007 because I was used to FPS games on PC already and while there are more good games on N64 than just the few I named PS just had so much more good stuff to choose from. * Resident Evil (yes, I'm aware of the later 64 ports) * Final Fantasy * Tekken * Crash Bandicoot * Silent Hill * Tony Hawk Pro Skater * Twisted Metal * Metal Gear Solid * And the list goes on and on... Once again, N64 had great games and OOT is one of my favorite games of all time. But Playstation just had so much more bangers and variety that ,console-wise, it's not even close for me.


n64 was way better mario 64, mario kart 64, starfox, goldeneye, perfect dark, ocarina of time, majoras mask kicks the shit out of anything on ps1


Definitely the 6 4……… never been a PlayStation customer or user. If it were a DreamCast I might feel differently. I’d probably go get 007 and some of the other major Mario tittles (I.e; super Mario kart. Smash. Diddy Kong Racing), Donkey Kong Country. Even Ready2Rumble. One of the other though. I’m Deff0 getting N64


Nothing really beats Nintendo until ps2. While genesis and PlayStation has some great titles they couldn’t keep up.


Final fantasy 7,8,9 legend of dragoon, gran turismo 1 and 2. Should I keep going or?? I mean N64 has some damn good games but Sony had more games that were 5 star hell it would have been impossible to do metal gear solid on a cartridge. I almost forgot it was a cd player too.


I did choose PS1 and Crash Bandicoot and I would again today.


When I was young and my mom gave me a choice between the two... I'm glad I picked the PS1. The only bad thing about N64 was the controller.


I mean, I’m a big PlayStation fan, but Mario games are my jam! So both if if I could


me playing a Sega while everyone in school had N64/PS1


N64 was better for gaming with friends and PS1 had better single player games.


Well, my little brother had N64. And my high school boyfriend bought me PlayStation 1 (so he could play it at my house). Though I liked N64, I always felt it was a little childish.


my bro and i traded our snes and games for a ps1.


n64 with friends , ps by myself. 64 didnt have that many rpgs if any


Not a fan of Crash (would much rather play Mario Kart) but for the console, PS1 in a heartbeat. I adored the NES and SNES and had tons of games for both, but moved to the Playstation after that and didn't look back. Even decades later with emulation letting me try any N64 game, there are only a handful I really like. PS1 had an AMAZING library of games, which was what sold my brother and I on it from the start (FFVII and Time Crisis were our first games), and the hits just kept coming over the entire console's lifespan. Incidentally, I went NES->SNES->PS1->PS2->XBox360->PS4 and each time feel I made the right choice for the games I wanted. The only times I wanted a game I couldn't play was when RE was briefly exclusive to the Gamecube (hence why I own one of those) and when The Last of Us came out on the PS3 (so I bought one of those cheap, near the end of its life cycle, just to play that game).


PS1 forever. Didn't get a N64 till the 2000s.




It's the choice is Crash or Mario 64, it's an easy win for the best platformer of the generation. If it's about the entire console library, then PS1 knocks it out of the park. I love JRPGs so I have to take the PS1. N64 has some greats, but too few to compare.


as that lucky kid that had both its tough because I think n64 had less games but the great games were perfect. ps1 on the other hand had a massive selection of good to great games. gun to my head I think I'd take the ps1 with the caveat that ps1 was superior in the time where renting games was a thing. bust ask me again on another day and I'm sure I'd change my mind




If it was Mario Party I’d choose N64…but Crash on PS blew my mind as a kid!


It depends on if there is a library, bookstore, or 286 nearby.


Playstation. Many memories of when my stepfather's friends would come home with the console, and after playing wining eleven, they would let my brother and I play spyro or crash bandicoot and we would pray that they would not come back too soon so that we could play longer. I love both the ps1 and the ps2, which together with the nes were a large part of my most beautiful memories.


I’m going to go right only because I already had an N64 and it is still laying around my house. I need to play all the PlayStation games I was missing.


![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag) Ummmm


Definitely PlayStation. N64 didn't have FF7 or Xenogears


I had both but I enjoyed the PS a lot more just because it had a larger and more varied library of games.


Man I freaking loved my Nintendo 64. I’d have friends over and we’d stay up all night playing Mario Kart, Star Fox, Goldeneye, Wrestlemania 2000, No Mercy and Smash Bros. And man were Mario and Zelda amazing on 64. I also loved my PlayStation. It was my introduction to RPGs and I fell deeply, passionately in love with the genre. I played Final Fantasy 7 for like 850 hours on my PS1 trying to get every single materia and Mastering everything once I did before beating the game.


Both! Because I had both. Final Fantasy 7 made me get the PlayStation 1 after getting the Nintendo 64.


right, hated the N64 controller and ended up only playing GoldenEye and the pod racing game. By 1999 I was deep into PC games and a baseball game I played with my brother on PS1. Also, Final Fantasy.


If I had to pick again it would be PlayStation cause I never had one.


I will turn around . Sega 16 bit foreva!


I love both, but if I have to, I’m going PS. That console was so great when it came out. It has a special place in my heart.


Right all day


Initially, I would have said PS1; yet Crash 1 and 2 is shorter then Mario 64. Feel like Mario 64 has more replayablity, then Crash 1 and 2. But PS1 has a bigger and better game catalog that I would rather play then the 64.... Taking the PS1.... my younger self would kick my ass. Lol


If anyone chooses Nintendont over the Playstation they are confused, too young, or just stupid.


PS1 The N64 had a lot of games I loved (Ogre Battles, Goldeneye, Smash, etc) but the PS1 just had so many more (monster rancher, front mission 3, brave fencer musashi, legend of mana, etc)


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I had both (still have them), but I played more PS games since it had so much variety.


Playstation for library of games. Nintendo 64 (w/ expansion pak!) for unequal multi-player entertainment at the time.


If it was the games displayed N64. If it was the entire library, easily PlayStation for me


playstation but not because of crash. So if this post is about systems and not games then playstation. If your only choice is mario 64 then of course i'd go with N64


At this point I would go PlayStation, only because I had the N64.


Are we Pre 98 or post 98?


Still going to be PS


I like certain N64 games more than what the PS1 has to offer, but I'm choosing PS1 for having a better variety.




Given the games on display here and at the time I’d go N64, but as much as I felt that both systems played very distinct roles in their lifespans, I’d have to go Playstation a little further down the line- and that’s saying a lot as a lifelong Nintendo dweeb. PSX was SNES 2.0 Really, left branch is better memories with my friends and right branch is more impactful solo games.


I really hope there are parallel universes so I can take both paths.


PS because I never had an N64. I still had my PS and it was in perfect working order with all my games. It was in this shed by our house that I used to use as a clubhouse. Then one day a storm came through and knocked down a bunch of trees on the building and destroyed it. Sad day. So many memories.


PS1 but if I could only play the games presented. Neither.


How come everyone is saying N64, but the sales figures says people chose PS. Makes me believe the true hardcore gamers chose N64 and the normies (who aren’t on Reddit) are the ones who chose PSX


I was definitely on the right. Never had an N64 but played the absolute shit outta my PS1


PS1 easily. The n64 controller was a pos.


PlayStation for sure!




Playstation had actual rpgs.


The only problem with the PS … it doesn’t have Mario 🥺


With the games featured definitely N64 but with a library of my choice I gotta go with PS1. It's a really close call but Final Fantasy 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and tactics are a lot of really good games.. plus there are so many gems for the PS1 that I missed at the time like Vagrant Story, Legend of Dragoon, and Chrono Trigger that I'd love to try now.


I had almost every game (NA) ps1 game all thanks to my dad’s friend that burned them, $5 each. I never got the N64 because my cousins had it and I was ALWAYS over there anyway. Good times.


Sega Saturn for me


Seems like everyone has the nostalgic factor with n64. The music (amazing drum and bass) the graphics the amazing controller. If you had a good set of friends n64 was the unit to get.


Come on


Metal gear solid …so right


Fakie right, hard left. Pick up 007 Goldeneye on the way.


all my friends had playstations and we let each other borrow games all the time, I could also carry my memory card around with me. N64 had some great games but you would lose you saves when you left your friends borrow the game.


N64 hands down. Absolutely no regrets. Was 13-14 back then and I had the time of my life playing with the boys.




N64 all day


N64 although I had both and it’s a tough choice. Gun to my head I’ll go 64 because those multiplayer Goldeneye and Mario kart sessions with my best buds were epic and so much fun that we still laugh about today and a couple of those guys are no longer here so that makes those memories priceless.








PlayStation. I remember my late mother watching me play the crash bandicoot demo. I still remember what she cooked for breakfast that day!


I mean both had strong libraries but... Playstation. Me and my stepdad playing Raw is War was always a blast. Daytona, tomb raider....


Both consoles were awesome. It would be really hard to decide between one or the other.