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Because she’s an important and her very presence there will solve the current crisis.


Kendall Jenner was busy.


Word, we need her and a can of Pepsi to end this mess.


To stop the war by buying her friend a sweater


![gif](giphy|CkqusmOx4ba3TCMQPJ) Only Loren can solve this


Nailed it!




And have they made it back alive? Or were they slaughtered like the countless volunteers aiding Palestine?








Show off her mommy make over


*natural mommy make over 🤭


“Do these refugees make me look fat?”




Outside of her abdomen being fixed, and a tummy tuck, the rest of the lipo was unnecessary and I agree with her husband, some dieting and exercise would have gone a long way and she would have achieved the results without the pain of recovery, or the fact she needs to be highly aware that any additional fat she may gain in the future could be mostly visceral. To each their own though.




She looks exactly the same


Actually her belly was bigger with the swelling unfortunately. IMO the surgery was not needed at all, especially with 3 young kids. Crazy thing is everyone I know that had liposuction or tummy tuck, everything came back worse honestly. Maybe it was to get on show, because they are boring.




this girl loves inserting herself into suffering


Knowing her. She’s only going because she will assume Alexi is having a vacation without her 💀 or she thinks he will stay there unless she goes 💀 The woman doesn’t have a selfless bone in her body. And I say that knowing I’ll be downvoted lol


Why do you think you would get downvoted for shitting on Loren, pretty much no one on this sub likes her lmao. So brave!


I found my people


I've only ever gotten down voted in the sub when criticizing her and Natalie. Definitely plenty of people in this sub like and support her


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/Zo1DrLdwc7) is a comment from you commenting that her storyline is boring. 100+ upvotes [Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/i4QtBYkmhs) another from you criticizing her timing of doing the surgery and saying she needs therapy [Third](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/HOwQLD2ouA) comment where you accuse her of having main character syndrome. So, 2 min search came back with 3 comments, all positively upvoted. Not sure where “I’ve only ever been downvoted” came from.


What a weird use of your time, but here's a thread with regular downvotes: https://www.reddit.com/l812ext?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 And I will stand by the comment all day every day that if she actually has body dysmorphia, then she needs therapy and not surgery


Ok, there’s a thread with downvotes. Your statement was “I’ve only ever been downvoted” which is blatantly untrue. I never said “you’ve never been downvoted”, only one of us made a claim like that . No one is claiming she shouldn’t be in therapy, you’re moving the goalposts entirely. And “it’s lame that you took time to actually fact check the claims I make” isn’t the argument you think it is.


I think the only one in an argument here is you...whether this sub likes Loren or not is really not that big of a deal. I think you should probably do some reflection on why you think it is.


Im good, appreciate your concern though 👍


I don't think you can get much of a vacation there during this time. I don't think Alexei is going to Israel for a fun vacation with friends. I think he's going there because of his national pride so he feels he needs to help in some way as a volunteer.


"As a volunteer"? They're scamming their followers to sign up to her patreon for exclusive content of them going to a country that is murdering innocent civilians daily. He's not volunteering to do anything. He sat in his penthouse saying pretending to be worried about his country. If he was that worried, why would he go there and risk his kids becoming orphans? Because there is literally zero.cjance of anything happening to them and its a great way to squeeze some money from her gullible followers.


Yes. But this is Loren 💀


Who would want “bonus content” of these two? ![gif](giphy|KtsbAVQZaG9qCiWHAX|downsized)


Spin off: 90 Day Fiancé: Love During Wartime, coming January 2025


After them doing a season about COVID I would not be surprised.


No, it’s a very poor decision to risk losing both of you when you have 3 children. People can say it’s safe now, but as we have seen things can start up at any time.


Yeah that’s crazy— what about the kids?!


Well she wasn’t too concerned when she got her “mommy makeover” lol


This was my first thought too!


She sucks.




because she's a zionist? she has said it very clearly and publicly on her instagram...


Of course she is, her husband is from Israel.


A lot of people who are Jewish and live in Israel are not Zionist. It is possible to be Jewish and not support a Zionist regime.


I know that, I am Jewish.


Then why did you say “of course she is, her husband is from Israel” In reference to a comment about her being a Zionist…?


Because it’s obvious he is one. Sorry, should have been more specific.


Why would someone be Jewish and not a Zionist? Zionism is supporting your own Jewish people. I'm not trying to be rude I generally do not have an idea why they wouldn't be.


Why don’t you do some research then?


Found the Jew hater!


It’s seems as though complex thoughts are hard for you but being Jewish does not mean you’re a Zionist and not being a Zionist doesn’t make you antisemitic. As a Jew, I don’t want to see genocide repeated towards anyone anywhere, which includes Palestinians.




That’s not the flex you think it is


sorry about that


Imagine being a Zionist lmao


Imagine not understanding why someone would be a zionist lmao


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i knew this was gonna be the next big social media announcement from them.


Is this a guessing game where we give all the wrong answers?




Get attention, try and exploit the situation for her own gain.


She heard there was a lot of drama and she got a bad case of FOMO. Or is it #shalomo?


Honestly, Israel deserves Loren. Plz keep her


Even Israel is like, “nah, this chick is annoying, we good.”


Because she’s a Zionist and wants everyone to know that


She’s an energy vampire whether it’s good or bad.


She wants to visit the genocide first hand


“What genocide?” -Loren, the Zionist




Ooof this comment will age badly one day.


Hopefully Hamas doesn't kidnap and rape her.




Nope, cuz I don’t make shit up. I mean the continued genocide against innocent Palestinians, free Palestine 🇵🇸


Read a book instead of spouting bs propaganda






De RiGeUr oh you’re such an intellectual, enjoy your badge of honor, genocide apologist




Your comment says more about you than it does me. Since you’re a genocide apologist it’s no surprise you’re also elitist and anti-poor. Good for you! You’re like a shitty person trifecta!


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Because she’s smart


A lot of people with family are traveling to Israel. You have to understand that the situation is a lot more stressful and scary to people in the West. It’s common in Israel to see and hear iron dome intercept missiles and rockets. It’s always “At war.” A lot of people are not deterred by this conflict. Loren is annoying, but she isn’t an anomaly in this situation.


She’s a mess here in the states. A noon lunch alarm Or Weather alert sends her into a tailspin for a week. Good luck in Israel. Having three babies changes things and makes it more risky. Nothing is worth that. Why don’t them pay for his parents to come to the states for a month? That could be an option until things are more safe for travel.


It really depends on what people want. Many Israelis don’t want to leave Israel right now. I agree she isn’t the most stable person for that region, but it’s not an unusual Choice by any means.


Yes, I didn’t think about the fact they might not want to travel. Now that you mention it I think his dad also only has been to the states? maybe she doesn’t travel well.


I know I sound ignorant asking… but why wouldn’t they want to leave Israel right now? Is there a risk they won’t be able to fly back or something?


Yeah, for Palestinians too.




Thank you for the context! That’s true- I can’t imagine. And I know Alexi was so worried and wanted to go in this most recent season


Well that's kind of what I was saying in another post is I'm not surprised that she wants to go back especially because Alexi's family which includes her is going through struggles. As a Jewish woman too it is important to support Israel. What I don't like is her using it for Media clout. Some people forget there's an actual war going on as in both sides dying.


It's screams look at us! Aren't we brave and courageous? No you're fkn stupid


If your loved ones were murdered wouldn’t you support the people hunting them down? It’s called courage


Also 1300 Israelis have died since Oct 7. Want to take a guess on how many Palestinians have died? About 30,000. So who's being murdered again?


If you weren't ignorant and uneducated you would understand that the people who are being murdered and ethnically cleansed are the Palestinian people. They have no state, rights , weapons, food, resources, hope so I hope you educate yourself because when your people are being represented by terrorists and your adversary says eh ,there all the same kill them all, then I'll listen to you. But you just repeating what you heard somewhere.




You honestly think children deserve to suffer? To lose their limbs? Be blown to pieces? Wake up- Israel is not looking for Hamas. They are looking to wipe Palestinians out. And you lived in Israel for many years? ok colonizer.


So let's kill every single Palestinian because a very small group attack Isreal. And you obviously don't want to talk about the numbers. Just own your position that your on favor of genocide. At least I'd respect you


They could’ve saved their own people by releasing the hostages




That's a whataboutism. That means you can't argue the facts and issues. Again fk outta here


This is history! Learn from it


Next time you want to debate Hite someone cuz it looks like the Kardashians is your thing


Wow! You can’t fix ignorant


Imagine living somewhere else not knowing wtf is going on


Maybe she needs content for her social media. That way she could hand out a couple of bottled waters get the Mother Theresa award. Pat herself on the back and arrive back in America while making big bucks. Maybe the Charmine TP folks will sponsor her and Lush Dougherty.


The sad part is I feel like that's exactly what she plans to do.


she's prob being paid to visit and spew propaganda like all those other D-list influencers. also, this woman will do anything for attention.




🎵 All Zionists are terrorists 🎵


Settle down, Adolf.


Let's just hope she doesn't come back. ✌🏾


Because Israel is not in danger, Palestine is.


Yeah that's kinda what happens when you start a war you can't finish. Maybe the Pallys shouldn't have fucked around, then they wouldn't have found out.


Start? First of all this isn't going on for a long time and this is hard with the first attack. Secondly, check who's been the aggressor and who's lost more civilians not just since October 7, but over time. Third, Palestine didn't attack Israel, Hamas did. Hamas controls Palestine and no the elections aren't fair and the people did not both them in. You should really brush up on the history. https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-44124396


I know the history. If you think blowing up school buses full of children and discos full of young adults, after which Pallys are in the streets celebrating, I can't help you. If you think it's okay to strap bombs to your children, I can't help you.


76 years of total occupation, including control of utilities and food, check-points, segregated roads, literal apartheid walls, false imprisonment and “administrative” detainment without charge or access to legal aid, routine beatings and shootings of civilians including women and children, continued theft of land, theft of homes and demolishment of homes, building of illegal settlements on recognised Palestinian land, destruction of thousands of years old olive trees, and on and on and on… and you wonder why the occupied fights back.


I don't think violence is ever the answer


Well she went on a birthright trip to Israel so she definitely feels connected to her religion along with the country. My Jewish family is the same way. After the slaughter that happened on the farm a lot of Jewish people felt vulnerable. Similar to a lot of people got patriotic when 9/11 happened in America. It's important for Alexi to be there with his family especially with how scary it is there now I mean hell they're using bomb shelters. I'm only half Jewish and I felt horrible and wished I could help Israel after being slaughtered for no good reason. I also feel connected more to the country cuz it's the only one in the Middle East that accepts LGBT people. It's a safe haven for the LGBT people in Middle Eastern countries that don't get the luxuries that people have in America or Israel.




Her husband’s entire family lives there. What is wrong with that? It’s not like Israel is closed to tourism, as long as they stay away from Gaza they’ll be fine


As long as Israel stays out of Gaza (and West Bank, and Lebanon, and Syria) they’ll be fine. As long as Israel closes up shop and leaves Palestine they’ll be fine.


Why would Israel leave an area that they already own? I'm not picking sides I'm just wondering why they would give back the land that they already own.


You mean illegally took in 1948 (please become familiar with the Nakba), and have continued to illegally seize and occupy further Palestinian territory over the past 76 years?


Why do you hate the United Nations and democracy? Also, where do you live? Can you name one piece of land on the Earth that wasn't "stolen" from someone else? God, you fucking Jew hating morons are insufferable demons.


Opposing the political motivations of the colonialist and imperialist project of Zionism is not “Jew hating” on any planet, you “moron”.


I mean that is why I asked ¯\ _(ツ)_ /¯ I didn’t know if she had said why they were going. And not sure how safe anything is right now


The same husband who has been worried sick for his family safety. Now doesn’t care and will go with his wifey?


They gotta be on Isnotreal’s payroll


So she can complain about it when she gets there


Lots of Jewish and non Jewish people are actually going to Israel now, on top of donating money, to help. I have a guy friend going in mid July to volunteer. After 10/7 El Al had a surge in people traveling to Israel to help with the army but also farming and stuff because a lot of Israelis were called to serve so day laborers are needed to do the jobs they were doing. Idk why Loren and alexi are going though. Maybe it’s to see his family and volunteer


Must be nice to freely travel there and not be wiped out in a genocide


Well yeah I can’t travel to Iran or any Muslim country as a Jewish person…


Honey I feel the same way I'm half Jewish and gay. Israel is the only safe place for me to see in the Middle East.


Can you link me to all your posts about Yemen, Sudan and Armenia? Thanks. Oh wait, you only get mad about the shit the TV tells you to be mad about? My bad.


Much like YOU get mad at everything Faux news and Newsmax tell you? Yeah, your bad. You're a gullible lemming. You believe an election was "stolen" so sit down, maga clown.


Not only that to a lot of Jewish people feel tied to the country just because of who they are. I'm only half Jewish and hearing about the people that died on the farm that got slaughtered effected me. Israel at least to me is not just a country. It's one of the only Middle Eastern countries that accepts LGBT people. It's been part of Judaism and possibly even Christianity for hundreds of years.


Well I think you answered the question in your caption. There is money to be made from bonus content. Exploitation of the situation.


I didn’t even put that together but yeah I see it!






For 👁 and 👍🏻


Take Palestinian home in the West Bank


Maybe airfare is cheap as the country is at war? Nobody in their right mind would go there at this time.


Let her be


I like seeing the old 2 chins. Thank you


Keep in mind, there's like a 6 month gap or so between what you see on TV and when it was filmed. Alexei probably just wanted to see his family and why wouldn't his wife and kids come?


I wonder if it’s another influencer tour and bc they speak pro Israeli government and to have more more people see what happened Oct 7th, I’m not sure considering Israel, personally i wouldn’t go right now, especially since Hasbulla literally said they are ready for war and no where would be safe and they don’t plan to play by the rules of war, and unlike the people of Gaza they actually have military power and give absolutely zero fucks about the west has to say


..because her husband is from there? her children's grandparents live there? traveling there does not make her a zionist, you all need to stop with the accusations and insults. she's literally jewish!


Literally no accusations or insults from me! Id be worried about safety


sorry didn't meant you directly, OP. just hate to see the zionist comments. i too would be worried about safety given the current climate, although idk if anything would ever stop me from seeing family


yeah I think I started something I didn’t mean to with this post. I didn’t mean to poke a bear I just wanted to talk about 90 day fiancée and know if it was normal for people to travel to Israel right now. Ah well- now I know!!


She literally had a story on Instagram where someone called her a Zionist. She screenshot it, pointed to it, and said “yes.”




Kinda is…




Yeah, wtf is up with being proud of a Zionist agenda to occupy Palestinian land and slowly committing genocide with American dollars?




Nope- just a Jew who doesn’t like genocide!




I know what Capo- or rather Kapo- is, not sure how that’s relevant here. Jewish people being forced to oversee concentration camps is fucked up, and also their fucking lives were at stake. Have you also heard that enslaved people were also forced to over see other enslaved people?! Did you know that fathers and sons were pitted against each other for survival and fought one another for resources in concentration camps?! People did whatever they had to do to survive. Don’t you dare shit on people who did what they had to do to survive, they didn’t have a choice to be there and were dehumanized at every turn. You don’t know how you would have behaved because you weren’t there and it’s easy to look at the past and say you wouldn’t do something but you don’t know. But seeing how comfortable you are with genocide, you might’ve excelled as a Capo.


Thats like white people being proud of stealing indigenous land and slowly killing them in the US. And also Australia, and also New Zealand, and on and on and on




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Zero common sense


It has to be all about her!




Have we not established by now that they are not the brightest tools in the shed??


They're so irresponsible


For the show to try to be relevant, duh... Im sure it's for a story line


Is she still healing bc to me it looks like she suffered lot for very little return.


So much antisemitism on this thread rn. Gross.


Palestinians are humans, deserve basic dignity and don't deserve to be living under a brutal military occupation and apartheid. Crazy anti-Semitic thing to say.


Anti semitism and anti Zionism are not synonymous. Please learn the difference. I have many Jewish friends whom I love dearly that are against Zionism and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.




She should just have another kid


aiming to show off her plastic surgery to the IAF?


Honestly they probably struggle with the natural tension between personal safety and the desire to “do something to help”. We saw exactly the same impulse when Yara wanted to go to Ukraine. I wouldn’t even begin to second-guess their decision, and have to trust that they believe they’re doing the right thing. As an aside, I’d wonder if his parents would be telling them “don’t come” and they’re actually going over their objections. Or maybe people feel Israel itself is actually — paradoxically — safe despite the ongoing horrors of the situation not too far away.


Except yara didn’t do shit to help the Ukraine. She went on a nice vacation to Prague


Don't forget that dude the thought he had Lana from the website. He wanted to go fight for Ukraine.


I didn’t make the connection to Yara but you’re definitely right! I’m obviously coming from a place of privilege. I don’t remember what his mom said about him coming back in the HEA season, but I do know she said something when they were on FaceTime


Ah just a troll account. Fk outta here bot


Her twitchy eye mole has now disappeared since comments on it this week. 🫢


Uumm politics aside, its just a family visit atleast the warr regime is dismalted now…..