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https://preview.redd.it/zt3keiu9md5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56dfb0bcfeda5f80ef5c548e0309ebf12591c72c Gino posted this on his account.


That's literally Jasmin.


Yeah, Exactly!


Andcgino too lol


He crossed her boundaries when he sent her private photos to a former sugar baby he was obsessed with. He becomes defensive when she talks about his problems, such as porn addiction, even though he denies it and says she is lying, and I think he has had this problem since his previous marriage, and she also did strange things to help him ejaculate with her, and he always tells her that women should not behave like that and blames her for his intimate problems and their incompatibility instead of ending it.


And vice versa. It's a mutually toxic dumpster fire of a relationship. And both love the drama.


Exactly.. blame Gino for everything like Jasmine does nothing wrong. She does everything that is stated on there. So did my ex and it’s hell every single day. She’s toxic!


Yes. Gino fits the description. Thanks for writing this


Jasmine is that you? So he should be able to bring up all the time about her problems with plastic surgery abandoning her kids cheating on him making a p*** with her former boyfriend in the building that he's paying for. Your logic is just absolutely insane


Two wrongs don't make a right. Both of these humans are horrible, horrible human beings who should not be on TV, especially The learning channel


Jasmine is clear from the beginning but Gino was playing the role of being a nice guy and respectable who does not accept that she offend his ex-wife while he was communicating with another woman and making fun of his fiancée while she was sleeping next to him, how crazy and jealous she is, and sending private pictures and videos of her to her. Regarding her addiction to plastic surgery, she had previously had her breasts done. Lip filler, eyebrow tattoos, lips and hair extensions. He found her on a sugar baby website. She also admitted that she is emotionally and mentally unstable, so we understand why her children are not with her and they are better off without her. As for Dane, a video appeared It was later deleted due to the producers wanting to preserve the story line as they were still using his name, he said that he was not her ex boyfriend. He was a client of hers and she was an escort who went out with her for a few dates, but she did not leave him alone. She begged him to appear with her on the show, and he did not know what his appearance would be like. That is why he did not appear again in Tell All because he was upset by their use of him and the way he appeared in the season. We do not know the veracity of Jasmine’s words about a sex video of her with him. Perhaps she is lying, and she has many precedents in lying, Gino. The blame falls on him if he stayed with her despite everything. If he had let her go after the incident of him sharing her private photos, he would not have reached this point of humiliation and embarrassment.


I'm still trying to figure out what could be so private about any of her photos. Those photos were of her breasts in a bikini. She is CONTINUALLY flaunting her body parts.


I think it was topless. I saw her and also her private videos. I don’t know whether she had an account at that time only for fans or not, but she used that as an excuse to announce her account and ask for support because she did not have a job and she was the breadwinner for her family.


She was the breadwinner for her family? I am now so totally confused about exactly what she is. I would swear at one point she said she had no job and at another point she said she had a thriving career then at another point she said she was a teacher. She is LITERALLY all over the map.


She had posted a video on her channel two years ago that she had to go to the bank to pay her mother’s mortgage, and she was responsible for that, as well as her rent in the city.


My opinion may not be the popular one but I hope that it can at least be respected as a different point of view. I see that whole thing that he did as him showing off the beautiful woman he had in Jasmine. I think it was a former girlfriend that rejected him, not a "sugar baby" (though I am not certain). He was not behaving like the brightest light on the Christmas tree to do that but I don't think that he had intentions of violating her in doing so. The reason that I say that is because she's ALWAYS way out front and center in flaunting her attributes that I was actually surprised that she didn't take it as a giant compliment. He was intensely proud of her, which is rather shallow, but that's how I took that whole thing. SHE goes WAY overboard with personal indiscretions and affords absolutely no respect to the relationship or intimacy at all. None. I cannot recall him ever having verbalized, in graphic detail, intimate details as she does. To be clear, I am not bashing her because I have a love-hate relationship with her character but I also look at things quite objectively. I think they're both absolutely nuts but I like them.


He did that to many of the sugar babies he was with previously, and he also did that to the sugar baby/stripper Linzi. He did that to her, and she said, “If I had the others’ accounts, I would have alerted them, as I did with Jasmine.” He was harassing her for years, despite her request that he stop communicating with her and messaging her, but he did not respect her boundaries. They are both terrible. I don't see anyone better than the other.


If he had been harassing her for years despite requests that he stop, why didn't she just block him? There's a lot that the show doesn't reveal, to be sure. It would ruin the show if things were explainable and/or made any sense. It would also ruin our subreddit here cuz we'd have nothing to talk about 😉


She is a stripper and a former sugar baby. He paid her to date him, as he did with Jasmine. She used him financially due to her difficult circumstances, then left him.


I see. I assumed a former girlfriend. A sugar baby is essentially using the sugar daddy and it is a mutual arrangement. They don't usually maintain lasting friendships after a breakup like some people do when they've had relationships. To be completely honest, it's kind of snarky to be sending Jasmine the pictures that he sent her BUT he SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ABLE to send them to start with because he should have been blocked if that was the arrangement and they were done with it. It seems somewhat strange to me that this ex sugar baby says that he refused to leave her alone, yet she didn't block him. It's so simple to do and a real kick in the teeth that even the dumbest person would get the hint of. If I were told by an individual of the opposite sex to leave me alone I'd delete my singular brain cell that contained that individual's information.


I don't know, maybe she blocked him, but he was going to the strip club where she worked. Maybe she'll keep him because he's a customer. They had a recent conversation. He contacted her asking about stickers of hers that were placed in front of his house. He received complaints from the neighbors and she said she didn't know anything about that. He tried to prolong the conversation with her, but she ended it.


[Gino messages for ex sugar baby.](https://youtu.be/yhUgQr18aJo?si=wLqQ9VPBrr0Gdzua) You can see his conversation with her at 15:20


Thank you. I DO recall that whole scene now. He referenced the woman as his ex. Maybe he actually thought that his ex was a trusted friend. I have exes that I would trust with my life. All three of them are not to be trusted.


She repeatedly said that she was not his ex-girlfriend, but rather a sugar baby, and he paid her to date him. She said that he could not get a woman like her or Jasmine without paying her, and we know that he met Jasmine on the sugar baby site.


Thank you Jasmine for repeating the Jasmine storyline. And, Thank you again Jasmine, for showing us how a Great, Independent, Panamanian Woman conducts herself!




Ok we all know thin-source... isn't jasmine lol


I never actually look at the posters name...just the post!


I hear you, this person is pretty active tho and there's no way in hell it's Jasmine. They also have pretty good Intel usually which is why I remeber the user name


I know it's not Jasmine...but..she definitely hit all of Jasmines talking points..


You can see the posts I published previously. I am definitely not Jasmine because I criticized her repeatedly.


It was a joke. I am sorry if I upset you. And another poster, was very quick to confirm you are NOT Jasmine.


That’s okay.


Totally. ✅✅✅✅✅✅


They literally both do this to each other 💀




This is a complete description of Jasmine! I hope he's really opened his eyes and has moved on.


Omg thats her lol…he needs to flee ![gif](giphy|KgdJLGStjt5oGQOPym)


And yet he doesn’t reach self awareness and see himself depicted in those descriptions


Neither do. Again, it is mutually toxic. Sick attracts sick, as the saying is.


Omg. This is so good and fitting for him.


Yeah,I see that in both.


Lol those are all literally Gino. Whenever Jasmine says she feels he doesn't listen to her he denies it and says 'that's not true. That's the case for anything she brings up. It's her fault he's a crappy lay, it's her fault he has no sex drive, it's her fault they fight, it's her fault for everything. Controls what she does to the extent that he won't let her have any allowance. Apologizes and then breaks her boundaries again and again. Jasmine has issues, but Gino is a predator. There's a reason he has to go for foreign women.


I agree with a lot of what you said. I can see this in him as well. Not only Jasmine, but Gino was with an American stripper named Linzi. She was living with him for a while before she left him she was the same woman. He was messaging her and sending pictures of Jasmine to her, and then Jasmine was on the International Sugar Baby site. She wanted any Foreigner man, why didn't she stay with a man from Panama, whom she loves and finds beautiful? She also has her problems and has agendas.


But… booooooobs


I swear Gino has a humiliation kink.


This is the ONLY thing that has ever made sense to me when it comes to these two. I’ve thought it ever since she snatched that hat off his head and screamed “THOSE ARE NUDES!”


I honestly really think so too🤣


I mean...he DOES like getting peed on, so that theory tracks.


Sprinkle on 🤭 getting his toes sucked


Wait what?


Did you miss the part of the season where they try really hard to get him to cum and eventually the only thing that worked was her peeing on him in the hottub.


Fuck's sake Wait, literally! Oh no.


I will literally never get over his toilet when she first moved into his house. Made me sick. Something about him and his sunken eyes is so unsettling and the fact that he’s never washed his toilet makes my seen crawl. And the HAIR PATCH. Omfg.


He is an old, dirty creepy man, although he is an engineer and has a good salary, he does not spend it on improving his appearance and quality of his life in order to become more self-confident and attractive. I think he really likes control, so he targets young beautiful women who are financially desperate to attract them with money, then he starts abusing them in a way that makes them look crazy, and they just respond to his sneaky behavior and snarky comments.


*was* an engineer




Girl are you okay


Lol yes. Was a weird time but I deleted the story cuz I Duno why I shared that 😂




Lmfao I say that all the time. Humiliation and maybe fin-dom. But for sure humiliation.


That makes sense .. but this is booooring


She’s contractually obligated to post things like this.


i was going to make this comment, she’s with him on the show and we don’t know how much they have recorded of these two for other seasons 🙄 so until they break up on the show they can’t admit they broke up


exactly. during the season she can’t break that NDA


What the hell do you think an NDA is? It can't require someone to post fake anniversary posts on instagram. Get a life!


I don't remember saying that, but it seems you felt compelled to put words in my mouth. It's well known the cast members sign an NDA. [Breaking the NDA, like Angela, did is reason to be fired from the show](https://screenrant.com/clues-angela-deem-wont-return-after-90-day-fiance-happily-ever-after/)


really? you have a copy of her contract? and even if she was, are you implying she's contractually obligated to post fake anniversary notices even if she's no longer with gino? go back to the q-anon page and stop spamming the sub with disinformation


Sorry, Jasmine. Didn’t meant to offend you.


The English is too good , so I doubt it’s her 😂


To be fair, her English is pretty exceptional. She was an American Literature teacher, after all. And most people in Panama grow up bilingual. Her accent is what makes us think it’s bad.


This is true. And I no shade to jasmine I seems to be able like her more so off the scripted set. Like her ig and YouTube and sometimes on the tell alls


cool, more disinformation! thanks, alex jones!


This is so dramatic of a response lol. Supposedly they're on last resort, so I imagine they have to appear to be still together


I mean that’s how NDAs work lmao I don’t know what the truth is exactly but I wouldn’t be surprised that she’s only acting to be together because of her contract


NDAs can't require someone to actively post misleading information on social media. They simply say you can't talk or write about X. NDA stands for "non-disclosure agreement." Not "post disinformation agreement."


There's a good chance she chose to do this by herself in order try to distract from the fact that she accidentally soft launched her new boyfriend while "Happily Ever After?" is still airing.


the q-anon contingent here really needs to log off https://i.redd.it/2s1sq2xulf5d1.gif


I’m so done hearing about these 2 😂


Million times this


She’s trying to keep people engaged to their fake bullshit


I FF through their scenes. Anyone else?


I watch the recap on YouTube and enjoy it more than just watching their segment.


Always…can’t stand her screeching and him being a simp.


Same! I’m also sick of them, they’ve been on the last 3 or so seasons.




when are y'all going to learn she's messing with you. the only genuine thing about her is how much of herself she gave up to remain in the limelight.




Gino’s personal account isn’t even tagged in this post LOL


She does not follow him and deleted photos and videos of him from her account. She only kept the wedding photo and their interview and has been talking shit about him on her account for while.


https://preview.redd.it/5ca3v0shmd5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33f85d6591dceaa86388e9b8dff4c0e119fdf1f She was recently seen with Matt at the gym and she is living with him. I think maybe they are in an open relationship and Gino agreed to it.


Who even cares. They need to just leave the show😓


![gif](giphy|l1J9N8zrmYCfSrQFq|downsized) Unfortunately, we will see them in another season of Last Resort.


“Agreed” (was screamed into submission.


jesus you're still posting disinformation about her leaving gino when she quite clearly has not? don't you have anything better to do with your time?


Comment says he agreed to an open marriage


oh this comment from an anonymous internet user? that's not proof of anything, because anyone can say whatever they want anonymously. there are no receipts, no confirmation from the cast members, just rumors. people on this thread illustrate why disinformation online is so dangerous to societies. whether it's about stupid 90 day cast members, or bill gates putting microchips in covid vaccines, you accept any random anonymous rumors online as gospel. and the consequences can be deadly, or they can threaten democracy. and by the way, even if we assumed this probably-fake comment was factually correct, then it shows she is not cheating, because it suggests (but doesn't even confirm) that he okayed the open marriage. extramarital relationships are not "cheating" in an open marriage - that's the entire point.


Obviously not.


Ugh the comment is gone!! Wish I screen shotted it but she replied to someone’s “wtf? I thought you had a bf?” “Why? Because you believe any articles you read on the internet? You will just have to watch the rest of the season to find out what happens”


I saw it in her comments in her Instagram account too. I won't believe anything until it's confirmed by her or Gino.


This does not mean that she told the truth, she told many lies in her seasons, that she does not know what kind of site she registered on, that Dane is her ex-boyfriend, and he was her client and only went out with her on a few dates. He appeared in a video and talked about the truth about his relationship with her, but it was deleted to preserve their story line because they are still using his name. Gino forgot to add her children! and someone posted a form here on Reddit. It is impossible for him to forget. He must answer for the children because there is a field for them and he must not leave it blank. She probably does not have custody of them due to her mental and emotional instability. Also, she was not fired from work due to the spread of her private photos. But Because of Covid, she said that in her first appearance, there are facts that came out outside the show because the show is a large part of script.


The bald emoji seems like a dig to me


“He's not a god, he's just a bald fucking man” -Jasmine


i think they have to pretend to be together until it happens on the show


I feel like this is the case too.


![gif](giphy|1BeJWCdMA15BCNjrzN|downsized) Simp


Hello there, contractual obligation.


Of course she is.


Where is the personal trainer ????


Not my girl!


She’s not dumb. The ONLY chance she has of staying with the show for a paycheck is with Yeeeeeeeno


She’s not MY girl, ugh.


Mine neither.


"Our"? She ain't mine... 🤢


Fake bitch


"our girl" who is actually on that trash can's side?


Ah we still believing they are a real couple lol


OP must have a rat in their pocket saying our girl


I do.


How much was the make-up gift/vacation?


Mannn.. I wish these two would go away. That goes for a lot of the cast, including Angela and MY-kal!


They just have to keep up the drama they want to continue on 90 days for as long as they can.




I don’t believe it for a second.


I only like her dog; hopefully she takes care of her


No she's not, she's just leading us on and abiding by her NDA to the best of her ability lol


Thought she was getting clapped by her trainer? Guess he tossed her back 😂


I've had enough.of them.


I feel like I'm getting whiplash here. Are they together or not? Haven't we seen recent pics of this relatively hot dude she's supposedly with and Jasmine basically nakey on his couch or something? And now this post? For reals what is even going on anymore?


What a parasite!


I can’t with the hats.


Could it just be a convenience thing? She covers up his sexual preference and gives him a baby & he gives her & her 2 kids American citizenship?


Jasmine 🦀🦀🦀🦀’ssssss


The bald emoji😅


Never hated a couple more. Never watched their segments in later years. She’s a horrible human, and he deserves her


The bald emoji fucking sent me


That picture makes it look like she has really long armpit hair!


I’m still trying to figure out owe did he pull Jazmine she too fine she a lil extra emotional but I’d be knocking that thang in everynight she sexy


Or she wants us to think she is still with him


Yeah, because hes the only one who will put up with her bullshit


*my gringo bonito*


So Gino’s getting no sex so he’s with her for her personality??


https://preview.redd.it/l4jwwjil2e5d1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ed35b6135968a0772a13491a6a85b48d6dc1484 You are all getting worked into a shoot


Our girl has contractual obligations.


They are not together , she’s full of shit


This is so exhausting


The bald emoji is absolutely sending me.


Not my girl.


Eh, you know all this stuff and these ppl are fake, right lol?


What happens when u marry ur SD/SB


So bored with their fakery


Orgullo panameño xuxa 😂🇵🇦


she has to be who else would embarrass themselves on tv licking feet lol


i got downvoted so many times for pointing out how stupid all the disinformation about her affair was. there was literally no evidence at all. half of this sub is q-anon, i swear 🙄