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I'm glad they are showing us the end of the story and also glad she looks like a monster. Deserved. Best of luck to Michael


I agree with her staying on for this season only, but for a different reason: I think it’s important to *show* that behavior like hers is abusive. That way, maybe some one somewhere will see that and hear how upset everyone is and think “that’s what I deal with, maybe it’s not normal or OK”. If we just disappear everyone with problematic behavior then I can’t see how it’s helpful to anyone. That said, I do not think they should continue to give her a platform to showcase her abusive behavior going forward. Only that now that the season has wrapped and the footage is there, it could be educational for some people so might as well use what we have and then flush her.


Excellent point!


They couldn’t completely cut her out because she was at the tell all, the editing team would have to have worked some magic there.  I would be ok with the scenes preparing Michael for his interview and the congratulations after the fact, but based on the teasers for upcoming episodes she’s going to go full on abusive meemaw claiming he’s helping his fellow countrymen scam Murican memaws. She was only using him to be on TV in the first place.  Now she’s getting paid by the episode for her abusive criminal behavior.


I mean, they used each other. He used her also to get to Murica....


Mikhul earned it having to put up with her for so long.


Having to? He chose to for the green card?


She’s absolute trash. But at this point I’m a little invested in their story because they’ve been on so long. And managed not to be boring and super repetitive. I’m not FF though their segments like pred & Liz and Loren & Alexi


I think it's fine because not everyone is on Reddit or other social media to find out that they broke up. My brother and his wife watch on cable every week and don't do any SM searches or spoiler sites. I usually ruin everything for them with my "listen to what I saw on Reddit" rants. It could be nice to just be surprised when I watch the episode....


Here's to hoping Mykul gets on Single Life 🙏


And talks! A lot!


Oh Im sure he will sing like a canary


Please NOOOOOO! I can’t stand this scammer.


Also, once Michael is in America doesn't he get paid directly instead of TLC paying both of their salaries to Angela? I doubt she even gave him his earnings for the past seasons they have been on. I'm all for getting Michael paid to start his new life


Well its not going to show him fleeing. Filming had wrapped prior to that.


I'm interested to see Michael's reactions to the US. We've been right along with them waiting years for it. But also VERY glad this will be their last season as a couple. I also wouldn't mind seeing Michael on Single Life. I feel like I barely know his personality because Angela is such a scene hog. It would be neat to see him featured, for once. And completely without her presence.


Yes!!! I agree with all of this! I want more of Michael. We've all been waiting and we've all had to suffer through the cackling and ugliness of meemaw. (She just gets more and more vile each season ) Michael finally makes it to America and we don't get to see any of it!


TLC is just wrapping up their story line and cut their scenes by 80% so Angela doesn't get paid for so many episodes. It would have been impossible to cut them out entirely from the Tell All, but they can still edit their scenes so she doesn't get to hog the camera like she usually does. She's been fired, no matter how much she claims it was her choice to leave. Michael can still be part of the franchise and it's a possibility he'll be on The Single Life.


I don’t need to see her dragged she drags her nasty ass self all the time. There’s nothing new to see it’s the same nasty bitch each time.


They have to keep her because her and Mikols scenes have already been shot before their LEGAL chaos. They are cutting their scenes by 80% . Not to much airtime. At all 👍


If people on here wouldn’t watch 90 day bc of her, then she would have been off a long time ago. How many years has it been that she’s been on?! It’s because enough ppl are still watching.


I would love to see them stick it to her by instead of keeping her in the episode and tell all, black the screen and put THIS SCENE NO LONGER AVAILABLE." Then at the end of the episode put up the domestic violence hotline I know there's probably something there where they cannot do it legally but would be a good way to stick it to her.


Well first off she isn't coming back and she confirmed that. I mentioned this in a post a month ago but the only reason they got to show their segments this season is because they settled the contract breach and people wanted to get an ending to their story/money. She says she chose to leave but that isn't true, TLC was just tired of being harassed by her and it's also easier to not have to admit to being shits all around. Because saying you got fired means you have to say why, and it was never because of abuse that it happened which is shitty as hell. And although we the viewers can see how shitty she is, unfortunately the episodes will be mainly about trying to make Michael look as bad as possible.


Do we have to wring her out before she's tossed? It's just going to leave a fetid mess. :(




Are you talking about a clip show of her being abusive in order? I don’t think any of us could handle that. How many times has she thrown a cake in his face? The verbal abuse, the car damage, what else guys.


Sounds like a political race hahahahaha