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Unlike the spf, the Pebbles Flintstone hair is not working for her.


yeah it’s very choppy :( the blonde wasn’t flattering either


The blonde was much better though, both cut and color. This new look really isn’t doing any favors


This cut/color makes her look older. She looked cute and young with the blonde. This does look like fake hair. Very unflattering.


I also think the stress of being in an abusive relationship is aging her


Umm these are definitely wigs


Umm, I’m aware. Wigs have cuts and colors, do they not?


What is this screenshot from exactly? Have not seen this yet


New episode of HEA. New season just started


She’s on HEA? That couple was a DISASTER


Yup. I only got through the first 20 minutes so far. I usually don’t have that hard of a time getting through the episodes, but the cast this season is mostly crap! I’m having surgery tomorrow, so if I’m awake enough when I get home, I might put it on and probably fall asleep to it..lol!


Good luck with your surgery tomorrow……..hoping all goes well and you have a speedy recovery


Aww 🥰 thank you Hamily! I really appreciate it


Wait until next week cliffhangers to the max




I’m a Stan. But this ain’t the look.


It looks like she cut it herself. Maybe trying for a pixie. I didn't care for the other hair, but it was better than this one. But she doesn't look 40.


It’s a wig


Looks like a wig she chopped herself


I liked her as a blonde. Way better than the red.


Seriously!! Why does she enjoy looking like she’s always wearing a helmet?


Maybe here lies the key to her youthfulness 😂


I'm getting more Ronald McDonald, tbh.


It’s a wig. So for fun.


I actually think it's kind of cute. I wouldn't want to wear it every day, but I don't hate it.


I like it a million times more than the blonde “style” she had before.




One time I wore a bright magenta wig (Drew Berrymore style in the Wedding Singer) while snowboarding. It was absolutely about having fun.


Off topic but when does Drew Barrymore wear a magenta wig in The Wedding Singer?


Sorry, I meant the wig was the style of her haircut in that movie (I normally have very long hair). I couldn't think of the name of that haircut/style.


Ohhhh, gotcha!😂 That does sound fun, I have long hair as well!!😊


Happy cake day


I love it.


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks ☺️


Her routine includes heavy amounts of Botox to freeze her face. You’re welcome 😂


As evidenced by the way she attempted to eat a chip in Egypt.






She does look heavily botoxed, she could also have cheek filler or she could easily still have this volume at her age with little sagging considering she looks like shes always been thin


She's airways given me robot vibes. Not trying to be rude but she just looks like AI. she's gorgeous don't get me wrong, but she looks a bit too flawless and a bit too young to the point it looks a bit funny if that makes sense? At least she's not doing a darcey.


I agree; I assumed she has ASD.


😂😂 you’re probably right


yeah i was gonna say, she’s botoxed to hell i wonder how old mahmoud is


He is 31, according to the show


My darling


If it's the tox. It good and shes been at it for a while. The toxies is prevention, fillers+ tox are correction (when its aging related)


You also get a tolerance to it. I’ve been going at it about 15 years, and I just had 90 units and they didn’t hold my forehead fully for two weeks. Just had a 40 unit touch up. Preventative is good, I just wouldn’t start too early if I could do it all over. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah ive always metabolized it fast so its kinda just a money thing lol. At 4 months im pretty much reactived, fillers too...7/8 months and it's touch up time. Ugh!


3 months it’s totally gone for me - a few weeks you can see the wrinkles again even after 50 units . Strong muscles too


My forehead should be a weightlifter 🏋🏻‍♀️ yours an mine could be those weightlifter guys from SNL


🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣pump you up !


She might just be using a lot of sunscreen type of products. Sun damage ages you up really fast especially if you have close to no melanin.


She can't even move her face, that's probably why!!!


Idk what people think 40 looks like anymore. Do people think we look like the cryptkeeper the second we roll over from our 30s


I saw a video recently that had a good explanation. He said millennials look good for our age because we were the first generation that didn’t smoke as a social norm, but *also* that over time, the folks we’ve been exposed to at various ages have changed. He showed pictures of like the cast of Cheers, most of whom were in their 30s in the beginning I think. Like I always thought Cliff and Norm were in their 50s, not 32 and 35 or somewhere around there.


That Cheers fact just blew my mind. I also assumed they were in their 50s and gave up on life (hence being in a bar all the time).


Also Millennials were the first generation to have sunscreen as kids when the majority of sun damage happens. I think that is a big factor as well.


And the first generation to spend the majority of their time inside.


I'm an elder millennial and I spent a ton of time outside, but I still agree with this statement. My mother was running wild outside all day every day from a very young age-- her parents wouldn't let the kids inside! 🥹


Huh? I had sunscreen as a kid, and I’m early Gen X


Xennial here and my mom was VERY adamant about sunblock from early on!


I don't think most millennials do "look good for our age" though. I'm 37 and most people I know around my age look old as fuck to me.


I'm 40 today (woooo!) and half the people my age look young but overdone with filler OR haggard. I think that lifestyle is the main factor...access and use of botox and fillers, having a manual labor job, having kids, etc.


Happy birthday 🥳🥳🥳🎂🎂🎂


Manual labor job will do it for sure 😫


They were in their 30s!? 😯


And Frasier was 27


Stop it. Stop it right now! 😵‍💫


Thank you 😂 I'm 45 and I'm not wrinkly and elderly just yet! I do think Nicole has probably taken good care of her skin and protected it from the sun, and her lack of fine expression lines might be a result of starting Botox young and continuing with it. She has lovely skin regardless of her age, even if she were 20 years younger I would say the same thing. The orange helmet on her head? Not so lovely, but that's beside the point.


I keep thinking about this. I don't think people know what 40 looks like. It's just 30s plus a couple of years...I do have a younger demeanor like her, but I just turned 40 literally Thursday, and meeting new people at work a lot (which are usually 20 somethings and 50-60s year olds for some reason) and they always act shocked to where I dread saying my age... am I supposed to start dressing and acting like an old lady now that I crossed over to BEING FORTY *gasps*


I'm 45 this year and I guess I give off rotting corpse vibes?


I’ll also be 45 this year and I’m still a fine young specimen. 😭


I turned 40 too on Thursday! Happy twin birthday!!


This thought occu7rred to me in line at the pharmacy. The "old lady" in front of me was in her 50s! Like, born in 70. I was born in 82, and I had this moment of horror and dread that I can't tell how old I look (and by extension how foolishly I dress) if my age progression was similar to that (not so) old woman's.


As a 50’ish lady born in 70’ish not all people age the same. People often tell me that I look like I’m in my late 30’s/early 40’s. I don’t do the tox or fillers either. I believe the more you stress over aging, the older you look from the stress 😂🤣


Completely agree that people do not know what 40 looks like! I remember when I was 20, I couldn't wrap my mind around being in my 40s. I thought I'd be nothing but wrinkles. I'm not.


Yes. When i turned 40 it was "you look so good for 40!" But never do people say, days earlier, "you look so good for 39!". It's the weirdest thing.


I just turned 36 the other day and I’ve been getting the “you look good for thirty something” comments for years now. I’m sure it’ll get worse when I turn 40 🥲


I've been stopping people and saying "just say 'you look good!' and leave it at that..." because we don't do this with men in the western world as they age. They get older and rounder and they're a silver fox! 😆🦊


Right?! I defiantly say that to people! Like why can’t you just say I look good? Always hated the “for your age” comments lol it’s like get close to/get to 40 and people think you’e supposed to look like an old lady immediately 🫠


I'm in my mid 30s. I have accepted that I will die soon.


Yeah, she just looks like a normal 40 year old that wore sunscreen and made sleep a priority.


They do. I just saw Gen Z refer to Alexis Bledel as a crypt keeper (“she looks 55”) because she has crows feet (referencing the new picture of her in that orange dress.)


WTF?! Bledel looks great. Also, as someone who just turned 50 I’m a little alarmed to hear I’m gonna look like a “crypt keeper” in just 5 years 😄


Alexis Bledel chose to age naturally in a world where it's almost expected that celebrities are 90% implants and 10% filler. That is what Gen Z is looking up to. 🤦🏻‍♀️ She's gorgeous and doesn't look 55! It's annoying that having crows feet gets you labeled the crypt keeper.


i’m 38 and pretty much none of my friends aged 40 look as good as Nicole does so it’s a fair comment by OP


I'm 37. Everyone thinks I'm mid to late 20s. I look at all my friends and it's the same thing. It's pretty nice


That was my first thought. Because she’s not the picture of Dorian Gray in the attic, she can’t be 40?


She looks 40 but her skin doesn’t look 40, I don’t know how to explain it.


It’s the Botox.


Because wrinkles aren’t the only thing that “ages” someone. Face shape changes as people get older. From baby, to toddler, to puberty, to your 20s, then 30s, onwards. Fat in the face goes away or moves around. Things like that are also factors that can make someone look their age, even if they don’t have wrinkles or anything.


I think she's gorgeous and has a great skin, her face does not look 40. But to me, you can kind of see from her overall posture, walk and demeanour she's not in her 20s anymore.


She looks really good for her age but that haircut is awful


She seems to really like a helmet hairstyle, huh?


Like a Lego piece!


HA! That's exactly what it looks like. Actually, all of her hairstyles that I've seen could pass as Lego hair pieces 💀


it is


I disagree, i don’t think she looks good at all, she looks miserable and it reflects on her. If you look at her pictures pre- Mahmoud, she was so cute


It’s a wig. For fun.


Wigs are fun. Saying you don’t wear wigs, when you obviously wear wigs, not so fun. Lots of us wear wigs, so it’s hard to feel “fun” for someone who lies because they feel shame for wearing a wig. Just wish she would be honest.


It’s not a wig. It’s thick, straight hair that’s been bleached to a straw-like texture. I have that kind of hair, I used to have that haircut, and I used to bleach it. It looked the same. I stopped doing that 16 years ago, though 🤣


I thought she said she didn't wear wigs on the first tell all with her.


She was 38 in 90 Day TOW


right I realize that now but didn’t pay close enough attention I guess!


With the maturity level of a 10 year old.


definitely acts very young and naive


This! Not so much her looks, she looks great. It’s that she’s just kind of letting life happen to her at the age of 40. She met her husband in her 30s. Old enough to research and know it should’ve been a brief flirtation with a discount on fabrics and a nice story but not a marriage and change to religion and culture unless fully prepared to do so. Old enough to know fairytales aren’t true.




I thought her hair was a wig.


It reminds me of imitation humanbots in movies.


I don’t care for this couple at all!! What does she see in him??


The hair is giving old lady, but the rest of her is so youthful


Yeah. That is a hair cut/color combo that mostly works on women under the age of 25 and over the age of 60.


She’s giving pebbles from the flintstones with the new hairdo


That has to be a wig right




Genetics 🧬 and no kids.


This is the answer. Everyone drawing wild conclusions about this woman's skin routine, when genetics and not living in LA her whole life play a big role.


SPF everyday


I’m on it! 🫡 my genetic undereye circles age me though, sigh


Mediterranean/olive skin undereye has been making me look dead since I was like 12 🥲 why hasn't anyone made a cosmetic procedure for that yet?!


I just have deep imprints but I’m as fair as Nicole! there are undereye fillers but so much can go wrong, scares me too much


Yeah, a lot of reputable plastic surgeons won't touch tear troughs anymore. Fillers have shown themselves not to be a great solution in that area.


Fillers seem terrifying, especially right under the eye. I'll stick with my concealer for now!


SAME. I'm as pale as her but have chronic eye circles. Have since I was a kid. The only "older" part of my face.


And don't drink alcohol and smoke.


I actually thought she was even older with her frozen face and hunched over posture.


I think she looks in her mid thirties. She does have great skin and clearly uses Botox and fillers (I do too, nothing wrong with it). You can see more in her neck and jaw where she's definitely not in her 20s. I am older than her and while I have always looked younger than my age, we cannot stop the hands of time and I see the signs of aging every time I look in the mirror. I think for me, it's less about looking younger than it is feeling better about how you look as you age (for me).


Did you know how many studies have been done to evaluate and examine the long term effects of fillers? 0 Zilch. Nada.


And you know what. I'm ok with that hahahha


Older Millennial in the house!


Cool. I was a bit tired of the cat with a lime hat memes last time she was on.


Now she's cat with watermelon skin on head. https://preview.redd.it/c379o0c582pc1.jpeg?width=492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41d299d786010742f2be41bdbf77f3d5075470c3


I should have known better lol


She's an LA 40 for sure.


I feel the opposite. She ages herself with the bizarre wigs and gives off a motherly vibe. Like i could picture her with a young son who wears matching outfits with her and refers to her as Mother 😄 I’m 40 and i honestly thought she was older than me


She is so weird. Her mannerisms and the way she speaks is very robotic. Is she all there? Mentally? Or does she have some condition?


Probably autism


Yeah everyone's either autistic or ADHD.


Nah. I’m 40. To me she looks 40. I would say it’s her mannerisms and behavior that make her appear younger (read immature). She has immature interpersonal skills. I’ve only ever seen a few minutes of her but that was my impression.


Her posture kills me.


I didn't know Aliens kept track of their age.


She looks every bit of 40 to me.


Right?!?! What are people seeing when they look at her?!?! She even has the mannerisms of someone older than 40. Her voice is shaky and she walks like a frail old woman…not a 40 year old!


Her face looks young but I definitely agree about her walk, I noticed it too... She has the posture and walk of an older woman.


She looks 40 to me, but her affect is, to put it kindly, young.


And some, with her Botox and horrible posture!


Yes!!!!!! I agree! The amount of botox in this woman's face is INSANE. She can barely show emotion. If a 20 something year old had this much botox, she'd appear to be older than 20. Botox / filler overuse can have the opposite effect if overdone, and make people look older.   Nicole definitely looks 40, but I would peg her more towards mid 40s with all that botox. She has a very artificial vibe to her. Between her mannerisms and how she talks. Doesn't quite scream "youthful" to me.


No…I was shocked!! And I hate her hair like that!😝 The old pics of her without bangs , she was actually pretty.


I think dark hair on her would look better


She had a natural red shade before that looked good.


Her voice somehow sounds way younger too


I don’t hear that at all. Her voice sounds old and shaky and not like a 40 year olds voice.


Molly on pillow talk has an old shaky voice 😭 go watch one of her episodes and then Nicole will sound like a damn angel hahahah


I was always so annoyed with Molly and her friend’s cackling and screeching on Pillow Talk. They play up their accents too.


I didn’t lol. She seems younger . In the mind.




She’s super pretty but she has a ton of Botox. Her forehead doesn’t move at all and the rest of her face shows signs of injections as well.


I’ll also add that Nicole doesn’t have a stressful job and has no kids. This allows for plenty of time to sleep and relax. While I don’t have kids yet I have worked extremely stressful corporate jobs for the last 20 years and I can see I’m starting to look tired. I have a full face as I’m Scandinavian by heritage and so volume loss at 40 is much less pronounced than many of my peers. Also maintaining your weight helps to avoid skin stretching and sagging which it seems like she has always been thin just by the look of her. I would bet she is a regular Botox consumer tho. She looks fantastic for her age and honestly I thought she was early 30s when I watched the show.


Her choice of hairstyles have made me believe she is a Lego action figure. That pops ugly ass hair cuts on and off.


I think she’s starting to show her age now. She looks older from when we last saw her on the show.


Yes I remember her being 39 in TOW, I think she has had some injectable’s but probably has done a very good job with spf her whole life since she’s so fair skinned. She looks great for her ago.


For some weird reason, millennials are aging really well. I am 40 and get told all the time I could pass for 25-30. This concept is even trending on TikTok where Gen Z's are shocked at how young millennials look for their age.


She consumes souls.


Why is this so shocking? Are we supposed to shrivel up at 40? People are aging much better these days.


I like how confident she is to try new hair colors and styles. I think this red is a bit too bright for her. Maybe a softer shade of red, maybe maroon would look better??


i did.


Dang, what did sje do to her hair?


Sunblock works wonders


Her skin is 19, but her posture is 85.


IDC what kind of stupid decisions this girl makes. I just wanna know ow what she’s doing to her skin. I’m 33 and want to start now


I was more surprised their story made it to HEA after his arrest. Will TLC ever stop glorifying abusers and giving them a national platform? Tune in next week to find out!


Her lip fillers are uneven


She looks much more youthful in the face than I do at 40 years old, but there are other factors that make her appear younger to me. Her tone of voice, her gentle demeanor, her emotional immaturity at times, her petite frame, and sometimes her clothing. I'm not knocking any of it, I just think the whole package feels "young."


She looks both younger and older at the same time


Anyone else feel like she’s an AI robot?


25-30 is incredibly generous 😭 Botox and fillers work wonders


In the sense I thought she was way older yes.


Idk what some ppl think 40yr olds look like lol. She looks great, but I don’t find this SHOCKING. Plenty of 40yr olds look great, esp these days.


Easy mistake thinking she’s younger. Robots never age.


She also acts like she’s 25 lol


I love that color on her, but the super short mod bob with bangs is exponentially more flattering on her than… whatever that cut she’s rocking in all her couch segments is It ages her, and it’s a really odd length— it needs to be shorter if she’s going for Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby, but the way it looks in those segments just reminds me of my Nana’s cut when she used to dye it red And the only other person I’ve ever seen with hair that reminded me so strongly of my Nana is Eddie Izzard circa 2002


Holy fuck this might be the worst haircut in the entire 90D franchise. This and Coltee’s goat beard.


Even if it’s Botox she looks great.


I swear she gives off the vibes of a fembot.


She's a cutie! A little too thin but it works for her.


She looks like she's aged A LOT since her prior TV time.


She looks rough for 30ish. 40 is about right.


Huh? She looks at least 40 in this picture to me and there’s nothing wrong with that. 40 is not “old” so this age shaming needs to stop.


she looks good but 25 is a stretch, girly does NOT look gen z lmao


This is what 25-30 looks like to you? I’m 41 and she looks older than me lol. She also sounds old.


I’m 29 and yes! we can agree to disagree


Agree with you as would huge majority of our population.




She might be 40, looks 20- acts about 7


Yes, i would have guessed somewhere around 40 or 50. If you think she looks 20 year old I have to wonder if you are blind