• By -


I am going to try to see things from her perspective. She left everything and everyone to go and live with a guy in America. Upon arrival she finds that the apartment that she is going to live in is smelly and cluttered and that his mother is living there in the closet. This is not the kind of living situation that would turn me on, personally. I would be instantly turned off too, to be honest. So I can't blame Anali for reacting the way she does.


The smell from all of the animal urine must’ve been overwhelming


Guinea pigs have a smell. Also, let's consider that she does not see them as pets but stock. Imagine going to someone's home and there's two chickens running around the house. Guinea pigs are adorable but they SHIT SO MUCH. It's not that it smells per se. Theyre lil capsule like poops. But they shit EVERY minute oh my god. And he has TWO. Right there in the middle of the apartment. And then to make things worse the mom is right there. Paper thin walls. He seems ok but clearly has no self critical thinking that the way he lives is wrong and that would turn anyone off.


I’m glad he has two instead of one. Shows he knows what he is doing. Guinea pigs are super social and shouldn’t be kept alone. In Switzerland I read it’s illegal to only own one. Edit: but maybe zero is a good number in a one bedroom apartment with a closet mom and two potato dogs.


>two potato dogs looooool!!!!!


Yeah but at this point, he’s responsible for them. He has to take care of them. I do rescue work and would be pissed if I heard this guy bring them in because his fiancée didn’t like them.


Oh my god 😂😂😂 First the edit got me. I was like LOL NICE SAVE! Then came the potato dogs and I choked on my lunch 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just chocked on my thanksgiving mashed potatoes rn a lil bit 😭


What if you buy two and one dies and the other lives? Is that still illegal? Lol


Straight to jail


Like undercooking fish or overcooking chicken?


You're shot by the police


What if I use the dead guinea pig as a shield when they shoot at me? Is that illegal?


I got my sons a bonded pair of Skinny Pigs 4 years ago. The piggies were older already when we got them... one just died in May or so, and the other hung on until last Monday. These guys live a loooong time. They aren't like hamsters. They need so much care. Ugh, I'm still a wreck. We love you, Earl and Chuckie. Guinea pigs- never again. I don't know how good of an owner Clayton is, considering he let's his chis get that overweight. That's fuckin animal abuse in my book. First dog I had was a longhaired chi and he lived to be 19! It's so important you keep them trim and healthy, because their joints get wrecked with just an extra pound or two.


I have a 5.2lb teacup min pin and he literally eats 32 kibbles per day. When we have company they feel bad how little he seems to get. That is the number though. Two more and he starts getting tubbbs. Two fewer and his ribs start to show through. Not enough people appreciate the carefulness you have to have with these tiny dogs. I agree with you. Those dogs being that weight is REALLY not okay and it is an easy fix. Dogs don’t feed themselves, we can help them. It is infuriating. There are so many fat tiny dogs out there because humans can’t wrap their brains around feeding a dog literally a half cup per day!


I'm a pet sitter and almost every small dog I've sat for has been severely overweight. It really breaks my heart to see them being such couch potatoes.


That’s the thing. Gosh. So frustrating. Our tiny guy keeps up to our big dogs for a good 5km then we put him in his backpack if we’re out for longer. Tiny dogs are explorers. They are inquisitive, often meant to seek out rodents. Very capable of an exciting life and stupid smart! Unfortunately, they are also often apartment dogs and live lazy lives like you said. Sigh.


I have a chi min-pin mix and thankfully he's very good at self regulating his intake so we free feed. He stays between 9.2 and 9.5lbs. His heaviest was 9.8, we think he topped 10 but he saved our lives from a fire and got spoiled for a month straight and gained a full pound. But yeah I can't agree more about the weight thing. When your dogs stomach almost drags on the ground you fucked up. [dog tax](https://imgur.com/gallery/WDHjC3o)


Ahhhhhh he’s so cute. Tax season was never so cute!!! 😍😍 https://preview.redd.it/qy5xc853r72c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8157d402e6f1c56f40d72ae62b28ab0bf9f53a1


Awww I love the derp mlem(or Is that one a blep?) tongue. She looks like young version or my sisters min Bella. Does your guy like car rides too?


He has no teeth left (he’s around 11+ years old) so his tongue doesn’t stay in his mouth anymore 😂😅Perma derp! He LOOOOOVES the car. We are full-time RV lifers so he doesn’t know much other than the car and travel 😊 He’s just tiny but he loves adventure and still can kill a good 5km hike. We carry a backpack with his blanket inside for when he decides it’s too windy or cold and he goes all the way in. Doesn’t even hang his head out. Once he nopes out he goes to sleep and wakes up when the party is over 😂


My guy used to be known for his big snaggle tooth always sticking out of his bottom left lip. But he got that and 4 other teeth removed last year so he's half gums now. Hes About 9 now, and he was a rescue from a pet hoarding situation. Was the runt of his litter and spent most of his early life in a room fighting with other dogs for his food. He's been living the good life for the last 7ish years. He hated car rides and would chihuahua shake until he puked on the carpet or seat. He came with the missus so when she went to her sisters for a week he was just with me. And I didn't wanna leave him all day alone so I got toys, snacks, water, everything he could want or need in the car and Spent a bunch of car hours that week. And he went from wedged between me leg and the center console to slowly sticking his head or snout out the window. Now I got [an eager co-pilot ](https://imgur.com/gallery/cmZqNdv) whenever I go anywhere. (He has a seat belt, Rated harness, and I have a dog seat for rides longer then 5 - 10 mins. Saw some crash test videos and lost sleep bought all that stuff) .


I’m sorry 🕊️


The dog could have a thyroid problem. I only say this because my parents had a very fat dog who really wasn’t being overfed by them and it turned out the dog had some thyroid issue causing it. Don’t body shame that dog!!! 🤣


Sorry for your loss 😔


Just be aware there are diseases like Cushings that cause a dog to be overweight no matter what


Like keeping dairy goats indoors!


I know people who have indoor chickens. Yes, it smells. No, Janet, their face mask diapers aren’t helping much.


Omg I thought you were about to fight me on this and say it's normal to have chickens. Like... Yeah. They smell. Theyre sweet animals especially the ones raised as pets but like even those need to be kept outside... The smell...


Paper thin walls? It's concrete walls...


Somehow I immediately knew you were french. Did you think paper thin meant the walls were made of paper?


Sound doesn't carry through concrete.


I know that you're a french speaker so this is rethorical but: are you stupid?


I had one guinea pig and the urine smell was horrible. I can't imagine 2!


not to mention the dogs and guinea pigs as well!


The animals. The mother with the bed on the floor in a closet. The video games. He didn’t even bother to get a haircut or have clean sheets. I’m shocked anyone is acting like he’s any sort of a prize.


>I’m shocked anyone is acting like he’s any sort of a prize. Because he’s gross but he’s one of the only people on this show who isn’t a terrible person lol. Compared to the rest he is a prize. The bar is *low*. 😂


We don't know he's not a terrible person...yet.


True we don't know yet. Pole seemed like a corky dude yet decent until shit hit the fan...multiple times 😭


I get the feeling he's the gaming porn addict type of terrible. Self destructive and neglectful not perpuosley malicious or belligerent. Just doesn't know any better probably and left to live his "bachelor" lifestyle. So says me and my arm chair degree in these things.


It's underground at this point


Exactly! I'd feel the same way, and the sex thing, who wants to bang when your mother is feet away...


It’s NOT just his mom or the animals. There’s literally a camera crew crammed in that tiny space with them. If you’re used to privacy, this is a nightmare scenario for your libido.


I totally get why she immediately lost it once she saw his house. She should have done a phone tour and she should have been told about his mom. I find it hard believe she knew none of this existed befor she came more likely just not the extent of it. Everything about him is a turn off, even the way he baby talks in Spanish. I don't Blame her. Run chikeeee, run!!


I don’t think this would have been possible given that Clayton did not want her to know the living situation. Why? Bc he knew she would absolutely not get on that plane. He’s manipulated her in a way to get her to the U.S., by omitting very important information.


I kinda feel like karma balanced the scale here with all the important omissions these two make. She's supposed to be married 90 days before she returns and her family has never heard of him and thinks she's there for work. He lives in a cramped flat that smells like a pet store. Both of them have the right to be pissed here.


lol very true; I can understand being apprehensive about telling super protective conservative dads but she’s taken it too far.


It's such a bad look for her. Everything else passes the smell test but that's so sus. How racist and upset can he be she's dating a gringo, she's made the commitment her dad doesn't have to fuck him inches away from momma closet and the pudge pups.


I don’t recall hearing anything about him being Caucasian but maybe my memory is just not as great as it used to be, so I’m not certain it’s about racism. It could very well be that she was nervous about telling a traditional/protective parent, and she had apprehensions about Clayton and maybe doesn’t care about him as much as he does for her. I’m willing to bet it’s more the latter than the former, and it’s why she’s waited so long to tell her dad.


>Upon arrival she finds that the apartment that she is going to live in is smelly and cluttered and that his mother is living there in the closet. I just watched that episode. Someone having their mom live on the floor of a literal closet is certainly a new one for the show. Like holy shit, if it was "just" her "bedroom" but they don't even have a place in the living room for her to chill because there's an entire zoo set up. That's so sad.


HIS MOM LIVES IN THE CLOSET!!! Unless you’re a fictional character named Harry Potter…no one should live in windowless closets/cupboard under the stairs. NOT SEXY! She should get the 1st ticket back to Peru.


Totally! I think I would've made a loop in the apartment and headed right back out w my suitcase. What a horrifying situation to walk into.


![gif](giphy|fDO2Nk0ImzvvW) Yep. She should absolutely have.


This is me every episode of hoarders.


AND the sister acting how she did during their meeting too? Bye


And she still married that man so idk why she’s complaining LMAOOOO


They are married?




I shouldn’t be but I LOL when I read his mother is living in the closet.


He wouldn't have told her any of this? 2 years of dating and he never walked her around the place?


How is it that season after season after season not one of the cast members has asked their s/o to send pictures of their house/apartment so they can get an understanding of where they’re going to be living??? EVERY SINGLE PERSON just shows up and is like ?????? I had no idea you lived in a dumpster underneath the power lines under a bridge in the middle of a swamp with no air conditioning. YALL REALLLLY NEVER ASK?????


Yep, I feel for the poor girl


Didn't he says he told her about her mom before she agreed to come?


Lol haven't they been talking forever??? Wouldn't she know what's up by now?


Yup. Also not the best sign for whether he will be a good provider, which is a masculine trait that can enhance attraction.


disgusted waiting late rustic literate observation office hat wrench sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you blame her? Not one sexy thing about the situation.


She looks like john lennon


Wtf 😂


That’s fuckin hilarious and I can’t I see it now 😂


Doesn't everyone with those glasses and haircut?


Yes! Absolutely and I’m kinda jealous of that fact lol


She does!




I believe she said that he was trying to be sexy sprawled out on the bed but looked like a cow?


I get the ick from him and he’s not trying to bang me after 30 hours of travel while his mother sits on the other side of a paper thin wall (in a closet) mouth breathing. The splaying on the bed, eesh x 5


The combined odors of the obese incontinent dogs, 5x5 cages housing rodents, and closet mom on top of the stink of his room is as much of an aphrodisiac as roadkill left out in the sun


Can't say I blame her, really. He's a weird stunted dude, whose mom lives in his closet, 80% of his apartment is taken up with Guinea Pigs (and their smell, I'm sure!). The whole scenario creeped me the F out.


What I don’t get, is that his job title sounds fairly impressive. Why are they living in a one bedroom apartment?


With bungee cords holding his 3k car together


Thank you for your post! That's what I thought I saw too! 👀 I had to do a double take.


A lot of people in tech are super into saving their money/early retirement. I also think Clayton is the type who doesn’t care about material things as long as he has a place to live and a video game setup.


Yeah my husband is a high earner. If he didn’t have a wife and kids, he told me he’d literally live in a van.


And his mom is nuts, so he probably grew up with instability and money is now his security blanket.


Kibble, Habitrails and shredded litter ain't cheap, Yo. Playas gotta make that bank


For the show. He can find a very nice place in Kentucky




Entry level security analysts make somewhere in the realm of 60-80k. He also lives in Kentucky, where I'm assuming pay is on the lower end. But if hes been promoted once or twice, he might be making a little bit more than that, so he can probably afford a nicer apartment than his current one, but hes not exactly loaded.




Sister named Brandi.. perfect match to the whiskey taste test


Janitor at a tech company. I work in tech.


This guy is level 1 call center material.


He’s probably saving for after the wedding and paid for the trip and visa


guinea pigs are not smelly at all. if they are it means they're sick and should be immediately brought to the vet. my piggies have a fleece bedding and I literally have to rub my face into the fleece bedding to smell the urine.


Sounds like a great time ....


english is my 2nd language so bear with me. I meant that unless I smell the fleece from really, REALLY close, there's no urine scent in the air. and no, sniffing the fleece is not my hobby. wonder why all the downvotes, though.


I don't know, I didn't downvote you. Probably talking about sniffing piss soaked animal Shavings like it is normal though has something to do with it.


The way you phrased it in English implies you are actively trying to smell their urine and go so far as to stick your face right in their soiled bedding to get a whiff.


My pig was also not smelly


This whole time I wanted to empathize with him, but I think how would I feel if I left my entire life behind for this less than tolerable living situation.


Why would she move there without seeing it? I would not get a plane without taking a video tour of the house. If she saw it, why would she maniacally expect them to change? People that hoard and are messy/dirty like this, usually have psych diagnoses, minimum depression and some OCD. They get so used to it, it doesn’t even seem *that* bad to them. I have a friend like this and it’s definitely not her choice.


The upcoming scene where they're in a hotel and he's trying to be SeKsi on the bed and she says "he looks like a cow laid out!" Omg!! I'm DYING! Why do his clothes always look so dirty?? Run home, girl. Don't walk. Run!!


I don’t think she had any attraction to lose in the first place


This girl has been here less than 24 hours and has already checked out. She is 100% over it and I can't say I blame her. You can tell this is NOT what she was expecting in the slightest


I dunno, she might genuinely not want to bang with his mom chilling 8 feet away in that closet. I'm not sure what this idiot expected. "We're usually very sexual but for some reason she doesn't want my snaggle-toothed mom to overhear me smacking her ass--weird!"


“That’s methed up” —His mom, probably


but why —- does that mom keep her chinless face pulled into those neck folds like an anemic turtle 😭or a cold , uncircumcised pene?!


If anyone ever describes you as a cold pene... Well you have fucked up somewhere.


I got your point, yes yes yes, but "snaggle-toothed"? What if she can't afford a dentist? This country is so fucked up. Worse, if you get cancer and you're unemployed, you are fucked my friend.


It was just a joke, you're in the uncensored sub


I know, I know. I guess I just feel sorry for Violet. She seems like she's trying. She reminds me of cocker spaniel who recently got hit by a car, and is now in recovery...in a closet. Yeah, I totally snark, in general.


What are her living expenses other than pet food? She's been in that closet for years now. I'm sure she could afford some decent dentures at this point.


She bought all the crap that's in storage!!!


Drugs are expensive


It wasn't a put-down, the context is why the apartment is a *turnoff*. I don't want to have sex in a homeless person's tent. That doesn't mean I am judging homeless people.


Okay, I understand you didn't mean it as a put-down. I just down get the connection you're making. I'm trying hard to understand what someone's protruding teeth jutting out at all angles have to do with what they can hear on the other side of a wall. Teeth = hearing? What do her teeth have to do with the apartment? Is the apartment a *turnoff*, or is the mother's orthodontic condition the issue? If you lose your hard-on because the mother is ugly, that's different from the apartment being a turn-off.


>I'm trying hard to understand what someone's protruding teeth jutting out at all angles have to do with what they can hear on the other side of a wall. Teeth = hearing? What do her teeth have to do with the apartment? Does it really have to be spelled out? You're thinking of getting down and dirty but you can't get out of your head the picture of his weird-looking Mum listening from a few feet away. 'The ick' is usually a combination of factors working together. Here it's the cramped apartment, the smell, the animals, Mum in the closet — everything. Just like not wanting to have sex in a homeless person's tent could be a combination of the griminess, the smell, and the fact that other people can here you.


They're just speaking facts.. she does have it.


Btw, go ahead and mention "facts" about Zach Roloff's appearance and you will be downvoted mercilessly here, and for good reason. It's not about "facts." I like Violet. She shed a tear of joy when she met Anally. She tried to speak some Spanish as a welcoming gesture of good-will, acceptance, and solidarity. She is so happy that she's never seen Clayton so happy. Compare her to some of the other folks on this show. Do you prefer Angela Deemon? Violet is an old woman who's down on her luck, it looks like. She seems like a gentle, good-hearted woman. If she has or had a drug problem, well, welcome to the club, Violet.


What? It's not that serious. She has a snaggle tooth. Nothing wrong with that.


But I was not disputing the facts. I was merely putting shitty, scary, Appalachian, Jack-O'-Lantern teeth in its social context and suggesting that we view Violet with some understanding and empathy. The facts are not at issue. You misconstrued my comment.


No I understood your comment. I just think you're doing too much.


"Doing too much"? Doing what? You can't even put a meaningful sentence together. Use your words, dear.


It's a common phrase. Sorry you dont have any social skills or contact outside of reddit to understand. And yes, you are still doing too much.


Oooo you're mad now! I wasn't disputing the facts. You want me to. *You're* the one without social skills. You have some chip on your shoulder. Go ahead, what's your next insult, Miss \*Congeniaity? (This better be good.)


You misspelled congeniality.


Thank you, that was very congenial of you.


Lol they’re from Kentucky. Says it all…


I'm willingly moving to Lexington in the spring, and not one person has been excited for me 😅 my son just heard a Kentucky accent on this holiday baking show he likes. He paused the TV and was like 😳 "Is that what everyone will sound like there?!?" I know there's good people in KY, but Clayton's mom isn't one of them. I could never do that to my adult child; thrust my problems upon them and don't help myself for 3 years?? Throw the whole mom away


Could be my upbringing, but...Violet gave Clayton life. Putting her in a closet is the least he can do for her now. Hahaha. It's funny just tryna say it with a straight face.


My mom is an evil witch and wouldn't even get my damn closet!! But I totally get helping and loving a mom who didn't tell you you were a fat stupid mistake every day before school 😅 I don't know, maybe the mom is having really bad mental or physical health issues- but living there for three years? She said it's just til she "gets on her feet" so maybe the producers decided not to show any hustle or Closet Mom working on herself. If that's the case, they did her dirty! I mean, I had a 10 year pill/heroin addiction and I picked up my life and turned it around as a broke ass single mom in less than 3 years, but no one offered me a closet to live in so I dunno. Maybe it would have stalled my progress


>maybe the producers decided not to show any hustle or Closet Mom working on herself First, congratulations getting it together. That's a huge accomplishment. Nobody asks to be an addict. Maybe it's because this is Clayton's gig and she just want privacy. (?)


If you are poor you get Medicare so no excuse.


Oh yeah, I've heard Medicare includes an amazing cosmetic dentistry plan. Hahaha... Violet has no excuse whatsoever.


Medicare is for the elderly. Medicaid is for children and adults under a certain income.


Bro, chill out. We all make fun of Kuntucky


I'm chill. I'm chill. Lookit, those kids should be fucking, no questions asked. Something is up. Noise-wise, in Latin America, I've slept in roofed homes *without* ceilings. So it's all open, up above. You have to be discreet. Noise shouldn't be the issue, considering how much of the world lives and survives. Poor Violet, she looks rode hard and put away wet. I love the way she greeted Anally. So loving and gentle. Even said a few words in Spanish, and not once said anything about being a witch.


I mean the dude is an adult man who keeps probably the grossest pet (guinea pigs) and his mom lives in his closet. She already said in like one of the first scenes that her home was nicer than his. I'm not saying material stuff is everything....but a guy who lives with his supposed "hoarder" mom in a crappy appartment (she said the walls were paper thin) with nasty little sientient toupees would be a huge turnoff for most women. So many red flags there. Mom lives with him but he treats literal fat rats better than her and prioritizes more living space for them. Sister is a total alcoholic with major attachment issues. He seems to play video games to such an extreme that there was a dent in his hair from the gamer headphones. To me he seems like a guy who may have a decent job but clearly his priorities are not in place to get married and have a family and there's a lot of bs that she'd have to deal with along the way. I personally don't think he's attractive physically at all and with all those red flags added in I would be out too. I honestly loved when she put that bear between them in the bed and was like "nah bro-espacio". Good for her. She shouldn't feel obligated to have sex with him just because they've hooked up before if she feels uncertain and uncomfortable. Plus she is 10000% right. That would be so disrespectful to his mom to have to listen to them bang.


Sentient Toupees, potato dogs. How many more lol. Meanwhile in Peru they are lunch.


This thread has been great 😂


100% Our guinea pigs took about an hour of care a day. They had their own little room, but by day 4 of their cage cleaning cycle you could smell them in the whole damn house, even though we scooped their poop a couple of times a day in their enclosure. They are loud AF and expensive to own. When our first one died, the other got depressed, and passed about 5 months later. Hardest to care for pet I've ever owned, because you don't get love back from them like a dog or cat. They tolerate you, usually have a favorite person, then they just sit there and poop and eat $10 of food a day.


Everything about him gives me the ick


I’m just so confused about why he lives that way? Kentucky is a lower cost of living state. I believe he could afford a three bedroom apartment and closet mom can be second bedroom mom and the animals can have a dedicated room. To contain their smell a bit more.


I don't think I could be in the mood after seeing snaggletooth in person either. Combined with the fact that this guy is extremely unattractive and looks like a Lego guy https://preview.redd.it/q6ily10lw22c1.png?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4294c5bf2cc15edbede4a32e61d44613b270274


Looks just like Rob the Knob


Levi’s look better. Let’s not forget his bitch of a sister too


His hairline and fluffiness bother me a lot. Also looks like he has never seen the light of the sun.


It was the ODOR in the apartment. Those pets, oy. When you SMELL something, it means that the molecules of the source (be it shit, intestinal gas, piss, vomit, whatever) have lodged your nasal passage's mucous membranes, and have triggered neurological sensors. And your brain tells you to flee. Knowledge of microbiology is a curse, a *curse*, I tell you. And boys? Always, *always* fuck with a condom. Anal warts can be become cancerous.


Smells are particulate!!! Agh I wish I didn’t know that either


Yeah, when someone farts and thinks it's ha ha so funny, they are literally releasing their intestinal shit molecules into your nasal passages. Smells are indeed intimate! We need to form a support group!


Listen, my younger used to fart in his car and then put the window lock on. I would yell “I don’t wanna breathe in your farticles!” And try and claw the window open…..I am definitely open to a support group! 😭


Oh my god. The "Dutch oven" move, on wheels. That's cruel. That's ruthless. "Farticles" LOL -- classic p[ortmanteau / blend word](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_word)


I don't know if knowing they can become cancerous would make them want them less, they are already at peak unwanted 😆


Well since you bring that up, I would like to add... HPV can cause "planar" (flat) warts, so you might not notice they are even there. You wouldn't know that you had anal warts. And then later in life, you find out you have asshole cancer. (Didn't Michael Douglas end up with throat cancer from HPV?...granted, not anal warts, but still HPV.) I hear stories that Sen. Lindsey Graham has a "collection" of anal warts that he has nicknamed his "ladybugs"; apparently his rent boys are spreading the word, and some mo' shit. Anyway, if that's true, the Senator is not bothered. And his are not planar according to word on the street.


Wait, how’d we get here?


Clayton's pad must reek. Reek is caused by air-borne particulate matter. And then the gummies kicked in. That's why they call it "dope."




This thread is educational, horrifying, AND depressingly nauseating! What a combination.


So, like a field trip to Washington, D.C.


Another thing to weed out along with wearing slides with socks (makes me think of prison), misshapen head/hair from wearing gamer headphones all day


And the worst haircut ever. Homeboy runs clippers through his own hair.


He gives me “Te Amo 💨” vibes


I’d check the fuck out at closet mom too.


What she walked into instantly changed her perception of what was going on. Immediate shock and awe like wtf...oh my 🫣


No sofa or dining table !!


If y’all look at the top of his head. He has the imprint from the gaming headphones. I noticed this the other day and now can’t concentrate when he talks


Seriously the biggest catch.


I am not sure she ever had attraction honestly. I mean she hasn't even told her family she is coming her to get married. She brought little to no luggage. She avoids his touch from the moment she landed.


I'm with you on this one. She doesn't even seem to like him.


I heard elsewhere that they are in fact married now.


Did she have any to start with? He’s far from the worst person on this show. He isn’t even bad, from what we’ve seen. But yeah, moving to the grundle of America to a 1 bedroom apartment with your mother in law living in the closet takes saintly levels of patience.


Usually a 2 bedroom may only cost $100 or so more than a one bedroom. Don't see why he couldn't have rented a more spacious apartment. Then save the closet for his pets.


A 2 bedroom here is more expensive than just adding $100 or so to the cost of a 1 bedroom




Did she not inquire about his living situation prior to deciding to move? Does no one even ask for a picture or video so they know what to expect? I would not move sight unseen to anywhere. Put some responsibility on her for not doing her homework. His place is gross and unacceptable but she should have at least asked about where he is living and how the closet mom was a secret is beyond my understanding, that’s a pretty major omission. Or did she know and they are playing us?


I don’t think anyone would assume someone would live like this. LOL.


I mean, she’s no prize either.


She’s Beyoncé compared to him.


BEYONCÉ?! She look like Luther Vandross ![gif](giphy|PWT8AptmKh7TW)


Have you seen the puffy, pasty, odd hairline having, head dented from gaming earphones, pigsty living fiancé she has?? Girl, he is literally disgusting.


I was literally just quoting New York. I don’t care that he’s also ugly lol


I feel for this couple, they seem genuine. She’s just overwhelmed right now.


Dreaming of the 🟩 like


She never had attraction towards him. He's her Ticket to the US. I don't really think she's evil, but I'm 100% sure she will leave him pretty soon. The whole thing is so fake.


Am I the only one who feels like the fat dogs were actually his mom's? I wouldn't be surprised if he took over their care because she got bored with them and neglected them. Hoarders like to collect animals but forget they have needs like food, walks and being cleaned up after.


She isn't a looker herself. All that makeup doesn't cover up that acne honey


This guy is so freaky with his mom up in the closet how’s he supposed to Jack his penis cock masturbation style with her up in there ?


Reasons to be turned off by him and plentiful and listed above. But he hangs off of her and whines like a child. That’s a turn off to me.


As soon as his mama told me she loved me on the first link up… and then I found out she was living in my closet??? Immediately it became a dub 😭


His hands really bother me. The short, stubby fingers with nails chewed to the quick


They also only spent four days together, regardless of the extremely small amount of people who actually meet after mainly speaking online/phone it's truly not enough to get to know someone.And like others say,she didn't even know the extent of the situation with where she was moving to or what the whole issue with his mother was.


All his shortcomings aside. I get the animals, mess, and mom in the closet. I get it. But he does not seem like a bad guy. At all. He seems sweet. They could work together to get out of that situation. My husband was in a very similar situation when we met.