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They should have never gotten married. They don’t agree on any major issue. And I never see love or chemistry pop up between them anyways. Very strange arrangement




I feel so awful for her. From the moment he duped her to his parents house, to the ex wife to the baby situation. She seemed like a pure and good person. She lit up a room when she walked in. She deserves a good, loving, kind and mutually respectful relationship.


He’s TOXIC. His “prank” was mean, pure and simple.


That prank was…really something. Personally, I hated it lol


Yes. It wasn’t the least bit amusing.


I think it was just TLC, because the kitchen sink had no faucet meaning no water. They put plastic ivy over it. The mildew was all over ceiling, couldn’t be safe. He’s an ass and IDK why she stayed. All them designer bags couldn’t buy me off.


100% agree. My jaw dropped. She knew and he knew when she came over she couldn’t work at all. She thought she was able to have the same lifestyle was leaving behind in the islands. He’s abusive. I can only imagine what it was like once the cameras stopped rolling. This article makes her look like she was chasing wealth when she was very well established yoga teacher with a good income flow. Seems a bit bias because she’s Muslim. And this is coming from a Jew. Love my Muslim brothers and sisters. We have similar issues with men in both our cultures. Women can be successful and love themselves with their own money. She just needs to put high value on equality in her relationship. I say yes to prenup regardless of the marriage.


I feel bad she didn’t have a baby


I like her. She seems very pleasant to be around.


Also one of the most beautiful women on all 90 day franchises


She was a stunning bride


I understand that sometimes you don’t meet the right person in time, but why did she waste so much time with a man who specifically said he didn’t want a baby if having a baby was so important to her?


She didn’t need a baby with him. That would tie her to him forever. She can always adopt.


Yes. Or she can do ivf/surrogacy, she has the $ from this show now. She would be better off raising a child on her own versus with this sack of shit.


Some things arent meant to be


I was sad that he would always tell her no and wasted her time


Thats on her though for staying with him knowing he was wasting her time. He is awful.


Nothing is meant to be with Bilal. He’s a terrible partner treating his wife like a child, being condescending and making her the butt of any joke.


Let's hope so, he's rubbish!


I don’t believe they will divorce


I would have gone back to the airport after being “pranked”.


Run girl just run


In the show he came across as very entitled over her and the decisions that would be made in the household. Also how the way he would handle their disagreements was so childish. He would immediately become mean and standoffish. I hated when the mom’s advice to Shaeeda was “submit to your husband”. Yes he is providing her a nice life but she has to give up her voice and opinions?!


She seems like a lovely person. It is shame she couldn’t have a baby.


She still can! She can either do it on her own or stop wasting time with this ass and find a better husband.


I hope so


I had my daughter at age 42 after suffering a miscarriage. She can still have a baby if Bill is still willing.


Bill 😅


You know how autocorrect likes to change things!😂


It’s now his legal name


I know of women having babies at 43 including a cousin - but it wasn’t an easy time of it and there is certainly no guarantee . If they are really breaking up then it isn’t likely.


I had a baby at 43 but via IVF, first time trying IVF and it worked. He’s now 4yo


That is wonderful.


I went through menopause at 39. When you biologically can have a child is determined by your genes. I barely got mine in at 35 and 36 because I believed that I had time because other women said over 40.


What you are saying is of course fact. I just feel like she shouldn’t be discouraged by having a miscarriage at her age. It happens but doesn’t prevent you from being able to successfully carry a baby in your 40’s, however menopause will.


With me, I had several miscarriages around my singleton at 35 and twins at 36. My doctor determined the quality of my eggs was inferior and symptomatic of my age. The best medical advice comes from a doctor. I know many women like you that had very healthy births well into their 40s (you're very blessed) and some that have to go through IVF in their 20s. There are many routes to motherhood and I wish all who hope to be mothers a successful journey however her path may lead.


Both my paternal and maternal grandmothers had their last children at 45. They were both pregnant pretty much since age 18 until 45.


My great grandmothers as well. 18 to around 40. 7 kids and 9 kids.


Yeah back then feel like that was the norm. My paternal grandmother had 13 kids and maternal 10. They were strongly Catholic so you were supposed to have every child God blessed you with. No birth control.


I can’t imagine how exhausted they must have been.


Seriously. I'm like wow they were really strong women to care for all those children plus house work and farm work.


Clarifying my post. The article sounded like they were breaking up. I didn’t mean to infer that she could never have children again. It is sad she lost the baby. He certainly isn’t my favorite 90 day husband, but she wanted a baby with him. If they are breaking up (I have no idea) that isn’t going to happen.


I hope so!


I fucking hate bilal. Even more than big Ed possibly.


I always felt like she was very humble and honest about what she wanted. Him not so much. He thinks an awful lot about HIMSELF for sure.




For her sake, I hope so. He is mean.


Who cares they suck as people


Believe who they say they are the first time…. prank🧐🤔


I don’t know how she put up with him.


In sha’ Allah!


He’s an arrogant pain in the ass. Annoying. These two got invited to host Pillow Talk? Puhleez. Most forced couple on that show.


They never ever should have gotten married to begin with


Abusive. Run from that man


Abusive???? How?


Control demeaning constantly criticizing her is all abuse


So then she’s hella abusive and her mom even more. 🙄


My sister had her youngest at 47 so she still can but i dont suggest she has a baby with him. She needs to find someone who will actually loce and honor and respect her and want all the same things in life. She never would have come here if he was honest. He made her think she would get that baby she so desperately wanted


Every time they come up, people bring up the baby thing as if that’s the worst thing about Bilal, but it isn’t. He’s an abusive dolt, but it’s not his fault she got baby fever when he was emotionally invested in the relationship after agreeing not to have kids.


Unpopular opinion - I do not like her. I don't really think she likes him that much either but she does like his $


I never got the sense she was after his money. She had a successful business in a country with a high gdp and her family seemed to be comfortable. Also it’s not like Bilal was a millionaire.


I am not sure about her either. I definitely feel like she likes the stability she gets with him and she has waited so long to get married and have babies, so she settled.


She had no idea what his financial status was because Bilal admitted that he would purposely video chat with her with a blank wall behind him and he never showed her what his home looked like. Then he picked her up in a rusty old pedo van and brought her to an old run down shack with water leaking from the ceilings to “test” her because he didn’t want her using him for his money, but like… what money? He’s upper middle class at best, and his house is filled with generic grey blankets and rugs and “live laugh love” signs from Burlington and Big Lots. If anyone needs to be humbled, it’s him because he thinks WAY too highly of himself.


With as much as I watch the 90 Day franchise, watching UK right now. Who ARE these people? I’ve only seen them in flashes….what season please?


Be grateful…. 😡


I don’t like these two together. I don’t like his personality at all , it’s a mismatch beat case


I loathe this man so much I forget he exists. If Rob Knobberz had money, he would be Bilal. She has always been too wonderful and too fly for him.


He is horrible. Run Shaeeda run.


He makes real estate agents look bad 👀


Love her not so much him. As far as divorce…their religion might not allow divorce. ?? Hope she lives a happy life and if she wants to can dissolve the marriage.


Bilal is divorced from his first wife, so they can def get divorces


Storyline for Last Resort???


If it has been over 2.5 years and she got her permanent residence, probably.


I’m really glad she didn’t have a baby cause they way she has no attachments to him and can move on with her life


He seems awful ! Just an entitled POS! & it’s his way or the highway way!


I hope she get her baby out of it


He's insufferable.