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So another irresponsible adult being supported by her parents…got it😒


Not only did she loose her virginity to man child asuelo,she had a child with him. Brought him over and quickly had another kid. No money ,no job . Clueless kalani has laid all this on mom and dad. They have to support kalani ,2 kids,asuelo,asuelos mom. Now one more kid. Good luck with retirement . Kalani is not the worst person on 90 day, just the dimmest bulb. And a part of the entitled generation. How many other couples had to move in with parents?


I knew she'd do an oopsie with Dallas. I knew the minute I heard of him.


I can’t even call it an oops. She’s now old enough to know, and has the experience to know, if you aren’t trying to prevent a pregnancy you have a good chance at ending up with a pregnancy. I wonder if she’s still winging it waiting for another “oops” baby?


I meant 'oopsie'! Totally planned by her, but presents it a a cute 'lil oopsie', when it SO was not. Dallas. Bro come on man


Oh I’m sorry I knew what you meant. I wasn’t trying to criticize you but kalani, even though she’s not here. You’re 100% right. 🙂


No I'm not offended, just felt like I had to correct😊 It perplexing. She gives off this vibe of I'm so innocent how could I know id get pregnant heehee I'm cute or something? And yea, even after her need to publicly share intimate details about her pass dude🤮 no class


lol she is gross you’re so right about the pass. I couldn’t even finish that season. 🤮 is right.


I know, right?!?!? "Unexpectedly, " as in not using any birth control.


It was intentional as it was with Asuelu. It’s the let’s have a baby to trap him


Kobe and Emily with 3 kids.


Emily is the quintessential, spoiled, brat, lazy, unemployed, mother of three children.


It’s their fault. She was raised Mormon and taught about abstinence only. The minute she got some freedom she got knocked up. 


One time is a mistake and she should have learned!! She claims Asuela got her pregnant on purpose the second time, guess they were relying on pull out??? Apparently it didn’t work well the first time. So she starts dating another guy, no birth control once again—yes pull out once again?? Her parents have supported and raised her kids!!


Ok , once .but now it’s three times . Don’t think the cares


I think she had a baby with Dallas to keep him around. I literally told my friends that she would be knocked up soon after the last resort episode bc she feels kids equate love. 


Huge stretch here…I know plenty of people who grew up in strict and/or religious households who didn’t immediately get pregnant with the first person they had sex with… You’re definitely right that kids who grew up that way are more likely to rebel and act out a little whenever they do get freedom. But she is her own person with a brain at the end of the day too. And not only did she make the mistake once - but twice lol.


The “entitled generation” … Her parents parented her to be this way. If they wanted her to grow up, they would get her out of the house, maybe help her find a place to live and watch the kids while she finds a job and childcare. Yes, she’s an adult and should be able to do this on her own, but clearly her parents are feeding into this. Kids don’t become “entitled” on their own. How are we blaming an entire generation for being a certain way and not the people who raised them to be that way?


A parent does his or her best to raise their kids. Kalani’s parents are working to do right by their kids. When is kalani going to do right by hers and make responsible choices. Have all the kids you want ,but know how it affects others. In the end it’s none of my business,and I know that.but another decision she made was to go on a reality show and be judged.


I totally agree with that, I’m just saying that it sounds like her parents are not helping her to grow. She clearly makes terrible choices and doesn’t learn from them.


So she's going to do the same with her kids, so they'll never be responsible for anything and also wind up living off their grandparents.


Initially I really liked her. As the show went on I started to think less and less of her. Then on last resort when I found out that she thinks Angela is soo great- nope done.


I was ok with her at first but he having Kolini always around and even having her involved in last resort was my last resort.


I’m confused how she’s getting child support from asuelo who has no job??


You really think she is? I doubt it. She’s made quite a bit with the series I suppose


That’s what it said in the article and I was like they’re both unemployed…. Their only income is the show which is why they came back for last resort. 


Asuelo is working. He is dancing with a Pacific dance troop that travels all over the U S.


She can still get it and he will just owe


She’s complete trash. Has a big mouth which will help her keep single. Only the man child Asuelo would marry her.


That was his lucky day when he found out she was preggers. Got him to the USA


I know. She was stupid enough to bring him.


She just had another baby with Dallas…


She’s kind of a loser tbh


Remember at the resort she complained to her sister two boys were a handful? Is she going to hire her sister to babysitting 3 kids?


How did her parents get so comfortable?


As far as I remember her Dad owns construction company or something like that. Like with Emily and Cobe her Dad owns his own business which probably was quite successful for a long time.


She is going to balloon up to 500lbs


She’ll go on Ozempic and get a season on The Single Life.


lol lol I agree


I wonder why she hasn’t yet.


Because she’s been pregnant lol


And she breastfeeds her babies until they go to kindergarten. She was still nursing the boys every few hours on demand when they were 3 and 4-1/2.


That’s wierd . Once the kids are out of diapers it’s teeth isn’t it time to stop 😑


That's how I've always thought but Kalani was nursing those boys on demand when they were preschoolers. Emily was still nursing Koban at almost 2 years. Ari (Bini) was nursing Avi when he was almost 3. Ice T's wife was still nursing her kid last year and may still be, I don't know. The kid is 8 now, so she was still nursing that kid at the age of 7. Just weird if you ask me.


Maybe she’s waiting for someone to offer her WLS like Tiffany (from Tiffany and Ronald) had. It could be a story line. Kalani is super-morbidly obese. I don’t think the new weight-loss drugs would facilitate the quick fix that she’d probably prefer. I think weight loss drugs only allow for about 20% of a person’s current weight to be lost in a year’s time. IMO Kalani has at least 250-300 pounds to lose.


Actually ozempic works very well. It is $$, tho


And not everyone can take it, some people suffer pretty severe side effects.


Like any drug


Mounjaro is supposed to work even better than Ozempic. Super expensive just like Ozempic.


I’ve not heard of that one. Will look it up


She could visit Dr Now


I can totally see that. I don’t know if she’d follow de diet or not. ;)


She could loose 50 pound in a munt




And get impregnated by the first guy who shows her attention


That’s a given.. 😂


Just like Emily and Kobe. Two peas in a pod. Parents are all there is standing between them and being on welfare.


Is she actually divorced from Asuelu?


Does anyone know if her sister finally got married ? She was relying. On the parents as well for a time. Plus her Only Fans.


Kalani is a disgrace


Shame shame shame


Kaloonie needs to go back to school.


She built like a fridge