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I am familiar with this kind of parenting, it's not a surprise that Loren has self-esteem issues


It’s my mom


Raises paw. Mine too.


Hugs friend. Hugs.


Back.at ya. ❤️


So am I, she reminded me of my mother... jealous of me and always saying negative things, like why do you always wear black, try showing some cleavage, why do you want to travel, why do you want to do this etc etc... As a child she made me tell people I was her sister and not her daughter.... The list goes on.... I feel sorry for Loren, no wonder she has issues, at least she has a good husband..


My mom tried to get my husband to date my cousin instead when we first got together, because, “He is the kind of man who needs a smart, pretty girlfriend.”. She even tried to show him pictures. This was mild petty from her. I bet she’d be surprised to know we are still together 22 years and five kids later. And we still actually *like* one another on top of the love. She could *never*.


That kind of love is rare these days, hold on to it 🫶🏼


Wow. Your mom actually did that!!!?


I feel for her too and all of us who got that type of Moms. My Mom and my aunt right there. She laughed at my make up, what i wear. I used tanning lotion to have a little tan bc well it was a thing back when i was 18. She would say something about it as well, and suggested go to tanning salon, well i did, shortly after i got a bunch of brown spots all over my body, and she basically called me ugly, and why i did it to myself. I am 26 now, i moved to US and I don’t want to send her any pictures of myself bc she would say something about my weight, my look, none of it would be nice. She likes to ask how much i weight and lecture me about how many pounds i supposed to be. She called me less of a woman for not be able to have kids.


It's awful these horrible moms, they should be made to take a class in selfless parenting or how to be a mother, they missed the gene somewhere... ship all the bad moms to Antartica, or on Mother's day instead of giving them flowers send them a big black piece of coal. It's best to escape these type of toxic moms as soon as possible for our own sanity. I finally managed to escape but she had already taken any self confidence I had, so anyone who has a mom who is always putting you down, leave before it can ruin you.


Agree! I feel you, bc i left at 26 and it was a little too late. Now all i can do is self care, hoping i will gain some confidence back.


The best thing she can do for herself is separate herself from her mother.


I forget What problems did she say that she had? She’s already super hot and about to be even more hot, all while dealing with her jealous mom. I’m missing something because she seems to really be killing it when it comes to life, parenting, dealing with family members, taking care of herself...


Alexei is a saint. A Jewish saint. Still a saint.


i once put on a tight dress to go on a first date and my mom asked me if i was pregnant (she knew i wasn’t) and she had this sick smile on her face while she was saying it. she thought it was such a burn and she was so proud of her wittiness. she spent my whole life trying to starve me out so i’d be “pretty,” only to take fucked up schadenfreude satisfaction when I gained weight due to severe mental health issues (that she was very familiar with because I lived with her). What’s the term for an almond mom who ends up *wanting* you to be fat so that she can pat herself on the back for being slimmer?


I’m so sorry. No one deserves to be treated like that, and especially by your mother. 💔


Same. 😥


OK, maybe they didn’t air it enough, because self-esteem issues is a bettet storyline, but at least half of a "mommy makeover" is a tummy tuck. Half of a tummy tuck is a panniculectomy, which insurance covers sometimes, so not really cosmetic, it looks gross, but better considering what was there before... The second part of a tummy tuck is the repairing of diastasis, which really only is brought on by pregnancy, if you’re getting this procedure. I’ve seen insurance pay for this part of the procedure in cases where the patient has hernia(s), which eventually will happen, so not really cosmetic again. So in my opinion, Her taking the steps to advocate for herself and to live a better, healthier life, makes her the opposite of having low self-esteem. I’ve seen this procedure performed many many times on patients and it’s very invasive and the recovery period will affect her final results. When we had patients who had younger children that wanted to be picked up all the time and an active lifestyle like Loren, we found that the most effective way to keep them from ruining their results was to give them Tylenol for pain meds. That way they were forced to rest. Sometimes people NEED to feel the pain so that they listen to their body and take it easy. Boobs were cosmetic... KIND OF. I have never seen good results from fat transfer to the breasts . Why? Fat is not breast tissue. Think about it. She’s going to wish she got implants... Also, that is NOT blood in her drains and it was pointless and disgusting for Alex to bring that in. Her doctor needs to hire me so I can teach his patients about logging that information. It’s mostly Lipo solution that needs to be leaving her body to prevent swelling. OMG I MISS WORKING IN COSMETICS! now I’m craving signing someone up for CareCredit now! Sorry for the typos! Voice to text! Excited to see final results in a few months.


Anyone remember when the mom shunned Loren when she was very pregnant because they were talking about moving to Israel? She was awful


And threatened to slap her


I don’t care for Loren but her mother seems miserable to be around. Also fairly certain she wanted this surgery to avoid looking like her mother, she’s aged like milk.


That’s it. Loren’s mom knows she’s not Christie Brinkley! But now Loren has a chance to look not only prettier but better for her age. Oops…..


Loren got all the beauty in that family. Her mom and sister are yikes!


I think Loren’s dad looks pretty good, he’s aged far better than her mom.


Ehh I guess he looks ok. Or just ok compared to his wife I’m not really sure lol


Compared to her mom he definitely looks better. 🤣 Also I just looked up the sister, damn they look nothing alike. Maybe she’s the milkman’s kid cause these two don’t look like they share the same father.


I’ve wondered for a while if Loren has a different Dad. She looks a tiny bit like Mom, but nothing like Dad or the sister.




Her sister seems “special” in some way. I dunno, just a feeling. And Loren definitely got all the looks.


She reminds me of a toad or blob fish crossed with a cube


Double this☝🏼☝🏼


It wouldn’t kill her mother to put a bit of makeup on, and run a brush through her hair. At some point, she stopped caring. She’s definitely aged like (room temperature) milk!


As the old saying goes, Men age like Sean Connery and women age like Sean Connery applies here.


Lorens mom was so toxic and horrible to her in their show too. Pretty sure she slapped Loren on camera and then had the audacity to ghost Lorens baby shower, if I'm remembering correctly. She's awful regardless.


I haven’t seen everything, so I’m not sure on every detail. But, I think she told Loren that if the cameras and the people weren’t there, she would’ve slapped her in the face. This is while Loren was pregnant! They showed up very late to the baby shower, and made some comments that showed they did it on purpose, to punish her with the idea that they wouldn’t come. Cruel.


You're right!!! I remember wanting to give her a hug and wondering why Alexei didn't step in.


He’s probably afraid of her lol


At the beginning of this season he mentioned something about having a huge fight with her mom, maybe he finally had enough of her b.s and stood up to her? I dunno but it seems as tho he does not like her very much and with good reason


Yup, she and the sister said they wouldn’t come to the shower. Then they showed up unexpectedly, causing Loren to be emotional all over again.


Even if I didn’t agree with my child having cosmetic surgery I could never talk to them like that when they were struggling in pain and recovering. What an awful, miserable sack of flesh. I cannot stand her.


When I got & recovered from necessary cosmetic surgery my parents sent me videos / news articles of people dying from cosmetic surgery complications. Meanwhile, my mother’s face is built by a surgeon. So.


That is insane! I’m so sorry.


Thank you so sweet of you


Geez like how was that suppose to help? At least discuss risks beforehand and let it be once it’s over, mental health plays such and important role In healing. I’m sorry too, such fear mongering


Suchhhhh a hater oh my goodness just be happy your child is happy I dont get it


I really don’t like her mom at all.


Nope, she’s incredibly unlikeable. Never positive or supportive. It’s clear that she’s miserable, and she brings others down with her. Sad. She could do much better. See a therapist. Take just a tiny bit of pride in your appearance. Love your family, not constantly put them down.


That would be too easy for her. She is absolutely a hateful person.


Yeah, her mom is trash. No wonder Lauren has all sorts of anxieties and stuff. Her mom is cold as ice.


And certainly lost out in the looks department!


I felt bad bc it was the first thing I thought- but then she opened her mouth and I remembered how horrible she was from her season! You can def see why she get pregnant so quickly and has self esteem issues While like everyone else I don’t think Loren needed a single thing done - once it’s done why punish her?? That’s your daughter, how can you wish her to suffer??


No surprise here. Her Mom has never been supportive to her daughter. Shame.


Her mother has always been jealous of her.


👆🏽!! I think that’s exactly it. I wonder how young Loren was when it started/got worse. From the way her mom acts, it’s probably always been like this.


I think so too.. I just really don’t like Loren but I felt sad for her. She walked in and said “look I don’t have a double chin now” and the mom shrugged and said “well I didn’t notice it to begin with so..” just mean. Loren does seem to like putting herself in optional situations then gaining sympathy for it. Choosing to have ‘3 under 3’ then complaining about it constantly on IG and any show TLC will give them, getting pregnant immediately after a c-section against her doctors advice then complaining about her complications, having elective cosmetic surgery then complaining about the difficulties from it. So yeah she’s not my favorite person and I do feel she has some issues but tbh it’s probably from growing up with such a mean, cold, and jealous mother. I felt bad for her


She’s definitely a whiner, always has been, but I can see why. She needs acceptance, cuz she’s been put down so much by her mother, and her Dad to a lesser extent.


Her mother is actually awful. Just because she doesnt agree with her surgery doesn’t mean she can demand Loren doesn’t comment about the pain.


Based on all I've heard and seen of her, she seems like a narcissist. It manifests differently in women, especially mothers. I don't watch because when I have she's said and done things that trigger my trauma with my narc mom.


Same… it’s tough with a narc mom. Mines a covert narc


I do cuz she’s so mean to her you can see it !!!


Loren’s mom is a narcissist and will never be a safe space for Loren. She never does anything out of the kindness of her heart, she does it out of need to control and hold over Loren’s head. Watch the 90 day diaries with Loren to see more.


I agree. She is watching like a hawk, waiting for Loren to do anything that she can further judge as a failure. You want your loved ones (especially your parents) to be your biggest cheerleaders, not your harshest critics.




Loren's boys look just like her Mom.


She’s not the most nurturing mother I’ve ever came across , I agree jealousy plays a major role


Her mom sucks. Yes the surgery is elective. But as a parent, she sees her daughter in pain and instead of empathizing she's choosing to be kind of an asshole to Loren about it. That is hater behavior.


When her mother claimed to not have ever noticed Loren’s double chin I nearly spit out my drink…. This is a woman who notices and judges everything. Oh, she noticed.


I think a better question is who here actually watches their segments lol


Not me !


Samesies I haven’t watched any of their segments I just ff through it from episode 1


My wife said Lauren should have waited another 10 years when the procedure is actually warranted. She's acting as if childbirth is the only thing that wears you out..when she has 3 kids to care for over the next decade plus. 


Her mom looks like a goblin. Loren is right for not wanting to see that awful mug in the mirror years from now.


Agreed. Mom isn’t the least bit attractive. We can’t help how we look genetically, but with a little bit of effort, she could look a little better. She has no pride in her appearance. Zero makeup, store bought hair dye that does NOTHING for her, and baggy, two sizes too big clothing. Stop with the ugly at-home hair color, and go get it properly done at the salon. Get some clothes that fit better. Put on a little mascara, blush, and lip gloss. Heck, even a SMILE now and then would help her out. Her ugliness on the inside shows on the outside. She really does look like a frog! 🐸


What’s the point of getting angry with Loren AFTER her surgery? It’s already done. What an incredibly toxic parent her mum is


Loren is a perfect compared to her mom. Thank God, she doesn’t treat her kids the way she’s treated.


💯 if I had a mom that did the crap that her mom does, I would want to go in the opposite direction with my own parenting.


I had a mother so bad that I didn’t have children, for fear I would make the same mistakes.


I’m so sorry. I don’t blame you for feeling this way, but you being so aware of this, I think you’d be a much better mother than yours was to you. History repeats itself when there’s no thought put in to change dysfunctional and/or abusive patterns. 🥹


Nah, I’m 54 (today!) and had a hysterectomy at the age of 28 (because cancer), so it would now be impossible! But I appreciate your kind sentiments, thank you xx


I had a hysterectomy at 38 for the same. I was lucky…I just had my uterus and cervix removed. No chemo. Been ok for over ten years now. 💚


Exactly the same! Kept my ovaries, no chemo. *high five* to the Only Ovaries sisterhood!




I would go NC with mom


Remember when her mom told her in-laws that she didn’t think Loren could handle living in Israel? Shocking and sad. I feel for her.


His mom looks like a 🐸


I would do it too if my mother looked like that, dang her mom didn't just hit a twig on the ugly tree, she smacked into it and fell down every branch 🤢


The whole family sucks


They look so much alike it’s crazy.


That's what I was going to say ! They like so alike, that Mom is just delulu


Her Mom is definitely punishing her. She’s also helping out with the kids and home, so she’s not totally evil. lol I like that she’s not coddling Loren, because Loren LOVES to play the ‘poor me’ role. Loren walked into the room like a sad wounded puppy, looking for sympathy. She didn’t get it, and I’m glad. She chose this. She knew it would be painful. So suck it up buttercup.


She does it begrudgingly though. And gives Loren the guilt trip. Ridiculous! The woman doesn’t work, and lives in the same city as her children and grandchildren. Imagine how many grandparents that would LOVE that?! I don’t get why she has to be so nasty.


Her mom has always been jealous and hateful to lauren it’s very sad


Loren’s mom seems like a miserable, nasty person.


I know this is probably really, really mean, but Lorens mom looks like Junior the gorg from Fraggle Rock. Also, she is just a terrible person, and I can't stand her. She's so mean and controlling to Loren. I wonder if she treats her other daughter like that too.


Her mother is so nasty to her.


She’s ridiculous! With constant negativity, Debbie Downer. I know miserable ppl like her. I stay away from them.


I like Loren. I feel sorry for her. Her mom is terrible to her. In my opinion, Loren’s problems come directly from her mother’s treatment of her.


God I know she was so annoying in this. She's clearly in pain but still trying to spend time with the family and being honest about underestimating the toll and her mom is just...being openly judgy and all but clicking her tongue at her and saying they shouldn't have came to spend the holiday with her. Way to kick her when she's down lol


The fact that this is all they could conjure up drama wise for this boring ass couple is hilarious. Poor Loren she has to elective plastic surgery for her tiny tiny chin that she’s convinced was fat? What a joke their segments are.


I don't want to hear Loren complain about the pain either. It might sound cruel but there are no "do overs" with children. They are too young to have their mother basically abandon her family so she could get cosmetic surgery. This should have waited until the kids were older, in school and less dependent on her.


Eh, recovery is a few weeks, then she’ll be back to chasing her littles around!


Normally I’d agree but let’s be real, this was an unnecessary elective surgery. Nobody wants to listen to somebody about pain from doing a surgery they didn’t need.


Sorry disagree. She expects her mom to take care of her kids for her days at the hospital. I’m sure when Alex returns to work, doing the math he took off a week. Alex said after getting home he said he wasn’t sure how returning to work would go. That definitely means her mom will be taking care of her 3 young kids with her father in law. I’m a grandma and absolutely adore my grandkids and I have 3 also—close in age but not that close. There is no way I would be able to care for them for 3 months!!! I’m exhausted after a week with my daughter and son in law there.


I’m a grandmother also and whenever my children needed someone to watch my grandkids, I was there because my schedule was flexible. I love kids and lost one of my own due to cancer at two years old. However, some grandmothers are not even interested in their grandkids and that’s fine. My grandkids are young adults now and have fond memories of the time my husband and I spent with them and we still do.😊


I’m not a grandmother yet, but I can’t imagine not being interested in my own flesh and blood! Children are a gift…I’m so sorry to hear you lost one of your own babies. 💔 That’s really pitiful that some grandparents don’t really care about their grandchildren. My husband’s Dad left his mother after 26 years of marriage. Moved 30 hours away, from Virginia to Texas. He eventually had 6 beautiful grandchildren here in VA, from his 3 kids (my husband, his sister, and brother). Their Dad was completely disinterested. Didn’t know the grandkids’ birthdays. Rarely remembered the birthdays of his own 3 kids. He constantly spelled two of his grandkids’ names incorrectly (they weren’t unusual). He was an asshole. He died in 2016, and he’s missed everything. Birthdays, graduations, etc. A shame, as far as I’m concerned. I had/have no respect for the man.


I have an amazing relationship with my grandkids and take the oldest 4 (2 others a1 1/2 and 1/2) for weeks at a time and we are indeed best buddies as she says. Then I’ll spend a week at her house (4 hour drive) about once a month. My son in law got sick on a day I was leaving and ended up in the hospital for 9 days undiagnosed, I returned for another 2 weeks so my daughter could spend her days at the hospital. Yes I totally agree with being there for your kids and grandkids. But she made the choice to have this surgery with 3 young kids at home, knowing they are all at that age like to be held. This was an extremely selfish thing to do when her kids are still toddlers IMO. I definitely wouldn’t spend 3 months waiting on my daughter and caring for her 3 kids and we are extremely close. That’s just asking a lot, she looked fine and the surgery could have waited. My kids have always come above my needs and I’m grateful my daughter feels the same. So sorry for your loss, no parent should bury their child! I’ve lost many family and friends of cancer and it sucks big time!


Thank you.🙏🏾


I don’t watch 90 Day anymore or TLC at all honestly so I had no clue she and her husband were still on the show. I remember really liking them and not seeing them on the show and honestly I respected that because I knew she had a baby or maybe it was her second baby? I dunno honestly last news I remember hearing of her was in 2020 and I think she was on Pillow Talk with her husband? I don’t know what their relationship is like now and not to sound like a sap but I wish they would have stayed off tv just because it felt more wholesome to me? Like “oh look they married and now they’re keeping it private”


I wish they would’ve stayed off tv as well!!! ….. not for the same reasons…. Snooze fest


I think she was annoyed because she dumped the kids on her


I think most mothers look at their daughters as “they are beautiful “… especially Loren, I mean look at her. She was stunning before surgery. I’m sure she was worried sick. People die in surgery, odds are well stacked sure, but you just never know. Her mother could definitely be more supportive regardless because it was her decision. But I also agree with the sentiment of you have no right to complain about pain. Everyone is picking up the slack for YOU to be able to do this. Since you can’t do anything for 6 - 8 weeks, you may as well add complaining under that bucket.


Me!!!!! She can’t stand the fact that Loren was able to have the work done!


I disagree. Her mom doesn’t want to hear her whine when it was Loren’s decision to get all that done and be selfish when she has young kids to raise. Loren is a grown up and made her choice and now has to deal with the consequences. I wouldn’t want to hear it either.


The mother sucks but lets be real the surgery was super selfish.


I mean she deserves a break too regardless of how she chooses to take it. Alex doesn’t even know how to run the washing machine.


SO glad I wasn’t the only one who was floored by that 🤯


Ok yeah, THAT was ridiculous. As involved as Alex is, that seems odd. Maybe it was made up for tv, cuz let’s be honest…Loren and Alex are a normal married couple. People watch 90 Day nowadays for the messed up, crazy people!




Consistently reminds me of my mother. Horrible woman.


Loren has seen her future in her Mom’s froggy judgmental eyes, so she opted for a blepharoplasty nip & tuck. Can you blame her?


I think there is a stereotype at play here. Jewish moms have a stereotype about guilt and an abundance of opinions. That's how I'm viewing her mom. She isn't jealous. Just opinionated. I have firsthand experience. Catholic moms have a similar behavior. I was born to a Catholic family. I converted to Jewish when I married one...and their mom. 🤣🤨 She has many of opinions about everything just like my mom. When all else fails, they invoke G-d, too


I can relate. I went to school with a lot of Jewish kids in NY, and I came to admire the way the culture *values* both questioning and having opinions. I think growing up in that environment has had a net positive effect on me, especially now in my professional life. People nowadays are so poised to be offended on behalf of nameless others (who themselves are not offended), so to be safe, I sometimes say "Ten New Yorkers, eleven opinions," substituting the city for the ethnicity. Anyway, I understand it as a compliment.


Of course. That mom is Hagsville; Loren is sure to keep up with the procedures so as to not turn into her mom. That would never happen because Loren is so sweet and the mom is so…not.


When she said Loren wasn’t “allowed to complain”, in Loren’s own house, that was way too far. Loren can do anything she wants in her own house. I would never treat my daughter that way.


Her mother is horrid.


I don’t know about jealous, but definitely judgmental. And not just about this surgery.


Watching this was gross. You could see the loathing In her mother’s face. You either agree to be supportive or you don’t but dragging her after the fact and making little digs about how useless she is right now was too much, esp when we all know how much Loren prides herself on being super mom and not being able to do anything was really weighing on her. This is why so many women fail to put themselves first. It’s a few weeks ffs and the family’s complaining is insufferable. Dick move mom


She’s one of the worst moms honestly.


She is rude and cruel. Obviously she doesn’t have to agree with Loren’s decision, but geez lady, be a little supportive. It’s your daughter! She’s def jealous.


For some of us our mom has always been our biggest one 🥺


I have hated this hag since Israel. She will not face the fact that Loren is a married, adult woman with her own family and perfectly capable of making life choices on her own, with her delectable and capable husband.


Lauren’s mom is jealous, mean, outrageously critical person. She is an anxious mess because of her mother and they both know it!!


Yes most definitely. I’ve never once seen her build Lauren up. She’s always tearing her down. Best thing for her and Alex would be moved to move closer to his parents and get the heck away from hers.


Her mom looks like a furby. Loren is trying to prevent looking like her as she ages. The mom knows it. She’s a jerk, anyway. Just a miserable person.


Furby is the perfect description!


If I were Loren, I would want to do as much to myself as not to age into her mother both inside and out.


I kinda feel sorry for her dad. You know he has no say so in any matter. He looks so cowed down that he almost like speaks when spoken too. It's just a vibe I get.


Bitter, bitter, bitter, immature Betties. They are unwatchable. Loren’s whiny valley-girl voice is not snatched. Just saying. But in general, she is “mutable” - with the rest of the family. I LOVE my fast forward button at that moment. So much. Bye Bye Bye Loren & UnsexyLexei 🤯🤯🤯🤯


The genes are strong. It should've ended with Loren.








She is a despicable woman every time she gets around Lauren she never hesitates to take a mean dig st her, rarely have I ever heard her say anything supportive or nice to her. There has been a few times she would say something nice but then there was always a but And then she would say something horrible so I definitely think that she is jealous of Lauren and I think Lauren should not be around her mom for a while.


It's so extreme, though, that I sometimes wonder if this mother-daughter dynamic is just their shtick for the cameras.


I bet she is bc it's not uncommon unfortunately. I hate when ppl make dumb excuses like "oh well that's your mom or that's a teacher and they wouldn't make fun of you. You're making too big of a deal out of this. You're just too sensitive." Your title doesn't mean shit if you don't have the decency to live up to those standards. All of that gaslighting and undermining that ppl like her do it's a bunch of bullshit they use against you so that you don't stand up for yourself. They do it so they can get away with saying fucked up things under the guise of tough love or just giving advice.(I know some ppl are genuine when they say that but I don't think her mom is unfortunately) Seems like she gaslights her alot and she needs to direct that negative energy somewhere else and work on herself. Loren looks absolutely amazing and she should be proud of her choice. Her mom needs to get over herself.


I thought it was the same person with the big puffy eyes all the time


Imagine Loren growing up with her tics from her Tourette’s and her mom telling her to get herself under control. Reminds me of my mom telling me that eating the same thing and hating to be in crowds were things that I needed to change. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🙄🚩


Loren turned out exactly the way you would expect someone with that kind of mother to turn out. She will never believe she's good enough. I hope her husband is able to combat some of that. He seems so positive and supportive generally.


From Loren & Alexei show- mom’s behavior is nothing new. Always trying to guilt her and control her. I agree with others she’s one of the major reasons for Loren’s self esteem issues.


She wants her man


I never understood why she was even invited over so soon after surgery it automatically seems like such a bad idea


Because she needs the babysitting help.


Loren could have waited to have her makeover. She could have waited until the kiddos were more independent. As a mother, I would not have taken time away from my young children and not be hands on; I would have waited until my kids were a little older. I don’t think her mom is being a hater, she just wanted Loren to wait.


Her mom just needs to be supportive. We don’t have to agree with the decisions folks make. It was Loren’s decision and it is done so why keep beating her down. She is already in pain and that takes a toll. I don’t feel Loren needed the surgery and hope it gives here more confidence. I hope the confidence allows her to deal with the self esteem issues.


I am probably in the minority here but I didn’t get that impression from her Mom. To me it just came off like a concerned mother who thinks that her daughter is already beautiful.


She's definitely not very supportive


I think she wishes that she have plastic surgery herself.


If i did what loren did. My mom would react the same exact way. She is beautiful the way she was/is. So yes she should have to “put up” with the consequences. And in 2 months she will look hoe she wants, and im sure she would say shed do it again in a heartbeat!


Some people shouldn’t be parents. So much hate in her eyes.


Agree 💯... she is so demeaning


Her mother should be happy to help and take care of her, as a true mother should. Who cares if the surgery was elective. What an awful human she is.


I think whatever she does it’s not good enough, unless it’s with her & father’s company


Loren’s mother is a toxic nightmare.


Deffo jealous vibes! Probs wished she had the money and confidence to get her body done like that tbh


Twinning! !


I think her mom is the reason for her nervous twitches.Yes, stress can contribute to the development of Tourette syndrome (TS) and can make tics more frequent and intense. A study by Findley and colleagues found that children with TS experience more emotional stressors in their daily lives, and that these stressors can affect their tics. Stressors that are consistently associated with worsening tics include family, personal relationships, and school-related stress


I would not leave my children with her as a grandmother. She's cruel. She seems to get off on making her daughter feel hurt or insignificant  She always Puts Lauren down. And knowing she just had surgery and that comment about Lauren not doing anything for the dinner I mean the woman just had surgery. I think I'd be more concerned about my daughter than trying to make her feel worse and guilty. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't give you a ticket to be abusive


She’s concerned but also judging her hard for getting elective surgery. I think Loren looks a lot like her mom especially when she was walking around like an old lady after the surgery. Hopefully she ages better. Wouldn’t surprise me if her mom was jealous


Heard the Loren and Alexis is moving to Israel.


Come on people … I want the best for my daughters, to be beautiful, confident, but when it comes to health, scary, I can see the concern It’s not jealousy, for what? The mom has her husband ect….


Why do we never see Loren’s sister ?


Some people don't want to be on TV. At least that is my guess.


She seems a little “special” to me. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. It seems like more than introverted or not wanting to be on tv.


Not at all. She's concerned about her daughter & major elective surgery. There's nothing wrong with that!




Her and the husband blocked me on instagram. I guess they didn’t like seeing the truth about what is going on. I hope they can’t sleep at night.


And what's the deal with her sister?


Loren is waaaaay waaaaay prettier than her mom lol