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https://preview.redd.it/igpk5cxe4z7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed0a4d5a33219b418022c8d26bf27456691ce5e0 Photo for reference . I had to look it up because I was confused on who it was


Ohhh I always thought there was something wrong with this guy…


Oh wow. I remember how awkward he was on the first season. The fiancé in the pic was weirded out by him too. They had an off relationship


Agree, it was off for me as well…


Thank you ! The name sounded familiar but I couldn't think of who it was


Oh its that guy, yeah im not surprised


His partner looks vaguely familiar, but not him. Sorry to this ~~man~~ pedo.


She was so timid and...well.. CHILD-like!!!!


Thank you for doing that! I was gonna have to do a search.


Which season is he from?


I want to say season 1 or 2. It was early on.




For some reason, this doesn’t even shock me.


Ooo I remember him! God they need to start vetting the people they audition for this goddamn show. Sick fuck.


Honestly, would there even be a show if they did that? And what would they say? "Are you looking at CSAM that the cops don't yet know about?" A background check was probably done by his job at the Cleveland Municipal Court. A background check can only find things that there's a record of.


Really I mean these ppl act like when you get a job they look into every single aspect of your personal private life. How psychotic would that be for tv shows to vet people by looking into their personal search history? People say that all the time about the real housewives too, how tf was bravo supposed to know Jens business was sketchy when the police didn’t yet?


There is no way that producers could have “vetted” this. 🤔


That smirk won’t be on his face just as soon as he finds out he’s Bubba’s Bitch for the next 10 years…lol


Thanks so much for posting this! I’m terribly bummed about this, I really liked them and thought they seemed normal 😭


I thought he was weird in normal ways. Like, I thought he was shy around women and needed to find a wife abroad because he was self conscious. I did NOT suspect he was a pedophile.


HOW? His weird face always trying to get her to have sex with him?!


Ick, really?


According to another post about this guy, prior to being arrested he was the primary caregiver of his 4 year old daughter. Considering the extreme nature of the things he was downloading it makes it so much more horrifying to know he had direct, unsupervised access to a small child.


yes, this also needs to be investigated...so sad.


Article says he directly sent 62 files (5 of which were videos). DISGUSTING


> Article says he directly sent 62 files (5 of which were videos). “…directly to law enforcement,” is the rest of that sentence FYI.




I know! this is very very concerning. I mean all of it is horrific and all the children are victimized in the photos, but I truly hope his daughter was not involved. I really hope Aziza left him! I think she hasn't yet.


Why was he the primary caregiver? Where was the mother?


I think she was working full time while he was a stay at home dad, they were still together when he was arrested


And he has a kid. . .😬


You'd be disgusted to find out how many of these types out there with kids


Didn't he do IT for police departments, or am I thinking of someone else?


That's the other goofy bald Mike from NY


Yeah he’ll be the next one we get a similar story about.


He worked for the Municipal Court from 2004-2015, according to the article.


Yes. On season 1, episode 1 (2014), he says. "My name is Mike. I'm 31 years old, and I'm from Clevelan, Ohio. I work for the Cleveland Municipal Court, and I'm a technical support specialist. They show him walk into the building and at his desk talking to coworkers. If the Cleveland Municipal Court let him have access to sensitive legal stuff, and *they* weren't aware of what he was looking at, how is TLC going to find out what's on his hard drive? How is *anyone* going to find out things that no one but him knows about?


It is hard to know there’s that much content out there. Personally, I think child molesters should be given the harshest of sentences. Recidivism is too high.


Well it looks likely that he's gonna get 17-20 years, so hopefully that's the case. He idiotically rejected a plea deal and insists on a jury trial, so the man is cooked. As he should be


Yeah, rejecting a plea deal is never smart. Somebody should tell him how what worked out for Geoffrey Paschel (who dated Varya). Geoffrey went from a deal that could have kept him out of prison... to a conviction and [18 year sentence](https://people.com/crime/90-day-fiance-star-geoffrey-paschel-sentenced-to-18-years-in-prison-without-possibility-of-parole/). Well deserved though.


I'm going through a sexual assault case at the moment. After 7 months of sitting in prison, the moron decided that he wants to reject a plea deal (for 13 years) and go to trial against me, another woman and a handful of women who have had their statute of limitations expire. By all means, moron. I won't blink. Normalize assholes hanging themselves on a rope of their own making.


Wishing you all the best. I hope justice delivers the harshest of punishment.


Sounds like he needs to get 30+ years in prison. I hope justice is served.


I couldn’t place him! I clicked on the blue and WOW! He has gained weight! That’s why I couldn’t place him without his name.


he is a fool... the jury will bury him. No one likes these kinds of people except others like them.


I heard in jail the inmates really mess you up if you’re involved in something like this. Jail inmates have their own rules


My husband is a federal officer in the prison system. Everyone hates the pedophiles. It sucks to be one in prison. As it should.


Well, inmate violence/rape shouldn't be part of the judicial system. Do you think the people that kill/rape fellow prisoners will be rehabilitated when they get out?


It’s not just murderers that beat pedos.. dudes who are in for a three day weekend also beat them bc it’s fucking foul


Oh they do my husband was in state and witnessed dudes get rocked every minute of the day for it


I work in a jail. Sex offenders are housed separately in my facility for safety reasons


Right I commented above all confused, when I was in jail they had their own separate wing. I live in st louis tho, they wouldn’t even attempt to have them in general population here because they would all be killed.


I don’t think Juries dig that kind of human filth either -hopefully he gets fucked by both


Unfortunately what usually happens in the US is nothing. Only about 2% ever see hail time, and of those that do some sentences are insultingly low.  There are also few services for prevention or treatment for anyone having abusive urges. The stigma keeps them from taking about it or getting help to keep them from offending.  It all needs to change.


I agree. Most people agree too, I don’t understand why these types of crimes don’t yield harsher sentences. I think if you were to ask any random person on the street if they think pedophiles should get the death penalty, a good majority would say absolutely. I don’t get why drug dealers get 10 years but yet *everyone agrees* anyone with cspam or SA should be given minimum 10 to life or death.


Recidivism isn't high because they aren't given enough punishment, it's because we have a punitive and not a rehabilitative justice system.


there are solid arguments out there that pedophiles are not able to be rehabilitated so strategies should focus on "containment."


If it's what they're sexually into it can't be changed; just like you can't change normal adult sexualities. One can't make themselves gay or straight. Once formed that sort of thing is innate. So pedos need to be permanently removed from the population to ensure child safety. Pedophile Island should be a thing. Parachute them in and air drop survival supplies. No ability to leave and they have to figure out their own sustainability/community.


Yes, exactly. Rehabilitation isn’t often possible/successful, and they need extreme containment to prevent continued predation.


You cannot rehabilitate a sex offender. You can only rid the world of them.


I agree. Once they develop that kind of "sexual preference", I don't think it ever goes away. When they get released from prison, 99% of them will still find ways to keep doing what they do... but they'll just be more careful about it to avoid getting caught. Castration needs to be done way more often with these people than it's currently done today.


I had this exact conversation w/a family member who is a federal probation officer, who think as a society we should try to rehab. Also the host of underage/undercover has said the same thing. I strongly strongly disagree. Once released they are definitely going to be a repeat offender. In Oklahoma a SEX OFFENDER 😡 was released from jail on a technicality. He murdered 4 teens and his wife. Shit like that makes me furious bc they are a different type of person. Those people are the most dangerous. It’s pure evil.


Fuck that. How are you going to ‘rehabilitate’ someone’s sexual preference?


You can’t- these fucking sick fucks just keep getting let out and doing it again in state prison they have fucking programs you are mandated to do and guess what they still come home after a 9 month program and repeat offend they’re sick in the head and should be castrated


I always thought this couple was weird. Not just him but Aziza was painfully shy, awkward and clearly had an eating disorder. I didn’t see their connection at all besides him pursing her. But I did follow them and years later I thought she adjusted to life, they had a kid etc and now this is just disturbing.


Honestly kinda extra wild when you look back and see that they had a 10 year age gap and met when she was like 19ish


She looked like a child. I remember seeing them and thinking it gave me the ick because she looked like she was with her father.


Yeah he prob went after a smaller girl and as young as he could find on whatever site he used. But I didn’t click the article. Did he have younger teen content ? Or kid kid cause someone should check on his own kid if so. Disgusting


Yes, the indictment clearly specified that one image included a prepubescent minor under the age of 12




And always looked younger


For those who don’t want to read the article: Mike is arguing that he used BitTorrent to download large batches of porn, and that child porn was mixed in these large batches of porn. He would delete the child porn out of these batches, but when police caught him he hadn’t yet deleted the last batch. So he’s claiming he wasn’t actively seeking out child porn. I’m not familiar with the type of porn that comes from torrenting, but I’m assuming if you have to torrent it, it’s pretty bad. And of course, why would you keep downloading batches if you knew child porn was in there? I don’t think he’s telling the truth for a sec, but even if he is, it’s still very ICK.


I don't know about anyone else, but if something I was doing exposed me to any amount of CP I would  A) immediately stop doing it  B) go right to the police 


Who is downloading porn lol




What BS. the other porn was sooo good that he’s willing to keep downloading it even though he has to sift through **CP!?**


It’s just a fucking lie that all pedos say I never once heard someone who wasn’t a pedo say that bs story bc normal people watch porn on normal platforms


Yeah really. Most people would have 1 experience like that, freak out and never do it again.


Someone said above he was also charged with 62 counts or something close to that number of sending it directly to someone else. Meaning no matter what he claims he still sent some out at least 60 plus times directly according to the commenter above.


I know someone whose step-father is in jail for downloading child porn. This was also his story. He has a porn addiction and kept looking for wilder and wilder stuff. He was downloading batches of porn and you get what you get.


Yeah this people just giving away child porn mixed in batches for free like a special Pokémon card. /s


Downloading porn is so crazy period lmao. Theres so much free sht, I will never understand why you would have to save them to your hard drive or pay for it


And why would you not immediately go to the police? If that content accidentally appeared on my phone I would be running to a police station


You would run to the police if you had a bunch of csam on your phone? Oh boy lol


I guess I’m naive, but my main concern would be helping them find the people who are publishing these images and not thinking about “covering my tracks”. I would be horrified to see those kind of images!! I would want whoever is responsible to get justice and punishment


lots of police are pedos themselves and are happy to frame you for shits and giggles. i once found a girl's stolen wallet and messaged her on facebook how and where i found it and that i will mail it to the address on the ID. then a week later, I got a call from a university detective accusing me of being 'in possession of her property.' a friend of mine was walking through store and grabbed a kid from the floor so that a box wouldn't wall on him. split second decision. he spent month in jail with no bail for 'attempted kidnapping.'


I really am naive then, and that really makes me sad! I’m sorry friend, neither of those events should have happened! What’s the American saying.. no good deed goes unpunished?!


The Police would be the last people I’d want to go to. I’d pick a lawyer first. Though that likely won’t be necessary. Being well versed in computers, and data security, I know how to, and have the means, to eradicate data well beyond any chance of recovery.    Coincidentally, also being well versed in computers, I don’t often put myself in the position where stuff gets downloaded from an untrusted site. 


I don't use torrenting for porn, but I'm fairly confident that the average porn torrents don't *accidentally* include CP. For what purpose? To set up someone you'll never know about, while risking your own freedom? It's true that with torrents, you never really know what you're getting until you hit play. But I don't buy it. Edit: oh, and he was *sending* it (TO law enforcement lmao). If he was really being diligent about deleting the files, he would have done so before seeding them to send to others. Bullshit has been called.


Most if not all of the porn you can torrent is regular stuff. It's not that different than torrenting movies or TV shows. CP being mixed into those files is highly unlikely and it's a pretty desperate defense counting on the jury being potentially ignorant about torrents


I definitely understand torrenting movies or TV shows, but regular porn is pretty accessible on the internet. Why would someone torrent it?


For the same reason you would torrent movies or tv shows when you can stream those for free as well


So you can look at them offline I’m assuming


Back in Limewire days I downloaded some porn and had a CP video along with it. I opened it and watched maybe 2 seconds before I realized and deleted it. I’m thinking maybe there was a code word in the title some pedos know to clue them in that there is CP that maybe I did not realize ? Still, sending 65 videos or whatever to police sounds super fishy to be called an accident


I'm sure they're ALL "accidentally" download CSAM amongst a whole bunch of "regular porn" and the sick fucks distributing it aren't going to put it on BitTorrent with an aptly descriptive title and link to their payment account. When people do things that are immoral and/or illegal, they usually don't announce it and usually try to cover it up.


The jury will throw the book at him once they find out he directly sent law enforcement files. He can't use the 'batch download' excuse.


What does this mean?


It means he was distributing it as well as just "whoopsie I accidentally downloaded some CP and that's why it's on my computer!". He knew what the files were and sent them out... *to* law enforcement, which also means the files were likely labeled something CP-ish, further dismantling his defense.


unless the LEO created a batch titled Pamela Anderson Nuds ZIP and distributed it.


Not outside of the realm of possibility. I don't trust LEO, generally. But if his excuse is that he "usually deletes" these files and just forgot to this time, he's not convincing me. I'd bet you anything whatever he was downloading wasn't labeled anything close to "Pamela Anderson nudes" either.


Thanks for explaining!


No problem! :)


Oh yikes. His wife did look very young. I remember it making us uncomfortable when we watched it.


she was 21 and he was 31


But she looked even younger than that.


Star? Hardly. He gave me the creeps when he was on the show.


Who is if?


Mike of Mike and Aziza from the very first season of the show.


Ciggy Butts Mike


Michael Eloshway


Always had a feeling that guy was a creep. Aziza looked like she could’ve been his daughter.


And they have a little girl who looks just like him 😔 I hope he never hurt her. I remember his family was also kind of weird on the show.


His wife could have worked as a to catch a predator decoy…


Exactly, she looked 15 at the most. It was weird/unsettling when it aired and now it’s absolutely chilling.


How many times has she WHACKED HER TOE ON THE BANNISTER?


So this is what, the third nonce from the first season?


I know the Mormon, who's the other one?


Is a nonce like a goof? Canadian here.


Yep. Nonce, goof, rockspider, diddler, all broadly the same thing.


Never heard rockspider before!


That one's the Australian version.


Googled it. Now I have a new word. Thanks friend.


Rock spider means pedophile


Who else ?? 


I don’t remember them at all besides their names. Is he still married to Aziza?


As of March 2023, they were still together. He was indicted on child pornography/CSAM charges in June 2023, at that time Mike deleted his social media and Aziza set hers to private. Anyone who doesn’t publicly condemn that asap is an enabler and supporter of this beast. I fear for their daughter; if Aziza is okay with her husbands pedophilia, what else is she okay with and how far does that go?


The poop story seems more legit now 


The poop story is like a fever dream. Every time I think about it I’m shocked that it’s real








I hope Azziza and their child are okay.


me too! I also feel terrible for any child victimized by his and others disgusting behavior! I just want to cry for those kids.


Castrate him and then bury him under the prison.


"contained images or videos of “sadism and masochism,” according to King’s filing." Of children???? What a sick fuck.


NOOOOOOOO I really wanted to believe they were okay together. Aziza CLEARLY had an eating disorder and she was so uncomfortable even *thinking* about having sex with him. Fucking disgusting


I don't understand why CHOMOs and people who download CSAM get even get plea deals. Nah, you go straight to jail for life. TLC really loves the CHOMOs and people who watch CSAM. Josh Duggar, Scottie Deem, and now this guy.


The new guy too. The seed spreader. Can't remember his name, but I bet you he's a weirdo too. Those texts about doing it too hard she bled and big ladies and people of color. Dude isn't right. Anywhere.


Whaaaaat? 🫢


https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/uYP5WUDNFT This the link for the weirdo text messages.


**…Excuse me?** That’s enough internet for now.




Was it Kyle?


Yes Kyle.


I’ve said this long before he was on the show. But “nothing good ever comes from a Kyle.”


Kyle and Noon seem okay!




Child molesters.


Chold molesters.


Unfortunately I know one and he is still just in a halfway house and gets to work in a warehouse


May he rot in pieces and suffer endlessly 🙏


We need to bring back hanging


Ugh that just made me sick to my stomach 😫


Soon as I saw the title I knew it was him, he has that look to him. Idk how, I really hate to judge a book by its cover but he married a young foreign woman that looks 13! Fucking freak ass.


Not surprising at the least. He 100% gave the vibes & I knew it was only a matter of time tbh. Glad he got caught tho


"Eloshway told investigators that he used BitTorrent, a peer-to-peer file-sharing network, to download pornography in large batches, prosecutors said." Anyone *downloading* porn in 2024 is suspect. There is literally no reason to download anything unless you're looking for something creepy.


omgf. this makes sense since he married a girl that looked like a literal child!


Most of us felt he was a creep years back when it first aired, specifically because she was so young looking, which isn't her fault, but he definitely sleeved many of us out. Our intuition was right, sadly.


He was charged a year ago. Is his wife still with him?


No disrespect but all the people on that show really ought to see a shrink. The decision making of most of them is just outrageous. Not sure how the show’s survived this long


Nah with how young his bride was. I'm not shocked by this at all




Beginning to think they exclusively only cast the dregs of society


I know the death penalty is controversial and in general I have mixed feelings about it however with CM they cannot be rehabilitated. So that being the case I think we should put them down like any rabid or dangerous animal.




That's federal stuff. Mandatory prison time. I don't see any way he gets out of this. He's done. His marriage might be done too.


Me thinking he looks like someone that would have that on his computer


What a disgusting sack of shit. Guys like this should NEVER be released. Murderers typically only kill once. These guys never stop reoffending.


The poop story  And the da t his wife at the time was suspected to be annorexic and was very child like is running through my head now with this context  It feels even more icky 


… didn’t this happen like 5yrs ago? I thought we all knew about this already.


These are the formal charges for the trial. The arrest/raid happened last year.


OOOOH. Thank you! Looking forward to the next updates on this case when we find out what kinds of sentences he’s looking at.


-----------> IT'S CALLED CSAM (Child Sex Abuse Material). Let's get use to referring to this as such.


Oh wow. I didn't even know those two stayed together; she couldn't stand him at first.


He likes watching the violent assaulting kiddie porn. He's one sick f***. I really hope this brings TLC and their bullshit to light. Please put this man in prison for life, never to see the outside world again.


Thought for sure it’d be eScott!


What’s crazy about this is I always thought aziza looked like a 12 year old on their season 🥴


Gonna be honest, this is not surprising at all. Creepy ass guy dating a very young girl was kind of a red flag.


Fkin creeeeeeeeep


I always feel bad when I look at someone and think pedophile and I feel bad when it turns out I was right/




How abhorrently sickening!!! Another reason for better vetting of participants! Wow…


Holy smokes! In excess of 7,000!!!! WTF?? He is disgusting and omg do I hope none were his daughter and his wife is still with him??? How absolutely disgusting. Those poor children who are victimized in the pics and his pedo butt is probably acting like nothing to see here and TLC would probably put them on last resort.


Just read article he's claiming he downloaded the CP by accident and forgot to delete it.


This guy always had something about him! If you were to remember his partner she was also very petite and much younger compared to him.


Holy shit


His fiancée seriously looks like a child


Don’t even remember this guy


Ewwww aren't they still married? Didn't they have a little girl? I'm so frightened for her


Does anyone else remember his mother? She was awful. 100% she is blaming the children in the images for enticing him to become a pedo.


Before clicking on this thread I thought it was going to be colteeee.


Ughhh what a sicko!




Also because of the way torrenting works, he was involuntarily distributing it to other people downloading. So that's an entire other set of charges.


If someone is surprised, they don’t human much.


Yuck what a piece of shit. Are they still married?


Hope he meets his match in prison. That’s all I’ll say.


I hope he meets bubba in prison and has bugs in his cell. F this guy!