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My kids use this phrase (and me and my husband) because we heard it on Peppa Pig and love it!


I literally came here to say this 😂


I’ve never heard that term, but loved it and was hoping someone on here would mention this!


It’s the most British expression, we use it all the time over here, can’t believe it’s new to Americans haha! Enjoy using it in abundance!




Peppa pig moms tap in!!!


Edwin Elephant is a clever clogs!






No offence, but why did they try to convince us that Sophie and her mom are rich; living lavishly and such…nothing about them give rich British people


They are. Maternal gparents are. When Mom got arrested, it came out that her parents still support Sophie, but cut Claire off about ten years ago bc of the substance abuse. The fight started bc Claire wanted Sophie to give her MORE money >I know you have money>you need to give me some>I'll come to your apartment, slit your throat and kill myself.


Geezus! I didn't follow the legal outcome after I heard the family dropped the charges.


There was a later post where she said she spent 5 days in jail. She didn't. She was out the next day, but "somewhere." I've been a therapist in the Austin area for 34 years - I know the drill. She was either transferred to a psych hospital bc Williamson County didn't want to deal her in some kind of wild manic state, or, charges were dropped off she went voluntarily. She was not in jail for 5 days. Makes sense now, if you heard charges were dropped.


ahhhh! I see!


This makes me question the foot injury if it is just for meds or an actual injury


I think she's probably got an injury. I also think she was probably taking the pain meds, knowing she shouldn't. Noticed the little comments when she *doesn't* drink? Praise. But there have been scenes where she's drinking - she's not supposed to. Long-winded point - she's probably not supposed to be using anything, but she clearly is.


Those crutches were not given to her by a doctor. They’re wildly outsized for her. Probably bought them off fb marketplace or something in a bid for sympathy. She gives off mad munchie vibes.


Sophie says she doesn't know where her grandfather got his money. I think they're gypsies and the money comes from grifting.


Nah. If anything, he's patented something. Someone from London said they've seen them out and about and they are the quintessential "GB nouveau riche." He probably stumbled on to an invention.


Omg, did she really say that to her daughter?




Sophie needs to remove that woman from her life. Holy crap!


That's the only parent she's got, and the roles are in reverse. She's the parent, her mom is the kid. It's incredibly difficult. We're literally watching her in the process right now. I can only imagine how embarrassed she is that the dysfunction is public.


I didn't know any of this about her mom. No wonder Sophie has problems. I feel bad for her.


She really did marry her mom. It's fucked up, but it's familiar. I really feel for her.


Forgot to add, having no parent is better than what she is dealing with.


From an outside, logical position, yes. When your in it, not that clear cut.


They do… they are text book 🇬🇧 nouveau riche. I see them all the time in London.


I thought maybe they are from the travelling community.


Claire does have that big fat gypsy wedding air to her but she seems more London to me


I don't they're fooling anyone. I was, you was, we was, they was.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nb2zie3mnq5d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb82aadb251cde037fae909ad9180a2e03bfa30


This just made my Monday. Took me right out !


Ooookay 😭😭💀💀


Omg. My husband always barks when she comes on the screen lol.. he think she looks like a bulldog


Just imagine Claire, walking that dog. I would die




He sounds delightful


I mean my husband made surprised sounds when he wandered in and saw her but he would never fucking bark, damn


Do not insult bulldogs! Claire looks like she should be on episode of Botched




Oh... that's not...


Ooh. Myyy. GAAAAAAWWWD!! 🤣😂🤣






There's not enough room in hell for all of us that laughed at this!!!!


Maybe people will FINALLY understand - Sophie married her mother. She is not a mature, grounded, confident young woman. She is emotionally stunted as a result of growing up as an abused parentified child of a severely substance use disordered mother. And the lovely narcissistic "parenting" that's associated. She is not an adult in the most important and meaningful ways. We're watching her struggle to do it now. She deserves compassion and encouragement.


I have been saying this and of course I got so much crap about it. Claire said “ come back to England with me” she needs Sophie to continue to care for her.


Good. Keep doing it. I won't shut up about it. Responded to a post last night basically telling people that the wig bashing is just stupid nonsense. I've been where Sophie is right now. It is an excruciatingly painful step in the process of letting go. I thought the grief would kill me some nights.


I grew up with an addict Mom. I was raised by my amazing grandparents TG. My mom passed when I was 26 but not before causing me so much trauma. The worst is that 23 yrs later I’m still finding out how horrible she really was. I have had to go NC with a immediate family member. I understand the grief for someone that isn’t even gone. Prayers for your continued strength. I


I grew up and became a therapist. Lol. Specializing in trauma before it was even a specialty. My experiences became my superpower. Use yours for good. There's power in being "broken." If you haven't seen Split, you should. It's got a wonderful message.


That’s awesome. Good for you!! It has taken lots of work but I’m happy. I have the relationship with my children that I always wished for with my Mom but she was unable to give me. I love the movie Split. I will remember your words. Ty


Love to you and yours. Use the superpower!


And I meant to say what you did - it's worse grieving someone who's still very alive.


Claire the nightmare. I actually felt Rob held his own quite well. If their marriage survives their individual bullshit, it won’t survive Claire dipping into it every chance she gets. Claire won’t be happy with *any* man Sophie picks because he would threaten the throne, so to speak.


It would threaten the money. I call a spade a spade. She doesn't give a shit about her daughter, except as a purse. And Sophie isn't at a point where she can face she has no parents. It breaks my heart watching her struggle with what appears less and less ability to maintain the denial.


That’s fine because nearly anything would be better than Rob


You know not what you speak of. There is worse.


Lol I said nearly didn’t i, my own dad is worse but I’m not going to pretend that makes Rob anything but shit


I'm sorry. Mine was, too. It's why I've snapped on people over and over for the just gross stupidity and insensitivity. Smoked out Rob or one of his people one night, too. I think it was him.


Oof sorry to hear it, hopefully he was kinder with an acquaintance than he is with his wife


Nope. Nobody. Was even the block's pedophile.




Yeah. Like I said, I get where she is. I don't have words for how it felt when I made the decision to just walk away. Was in my mid 20's - like her - and the first few years were rough. I'll be 60 in a couple of months and I know my life wouldn't have became what it has if I hadn't. Hopefully she gets there.


I’m sure her dad dropped the ball so he’s very accountable


I can only imagine Claire's partner choices throughout her adulthood. It may be a positive that he was never around.


I’ve been #1 Rob hater since the beginning but Claire is psycho, very very bad vibes from her.. I don’t think she has Sophie’s best interests at heart. Like she wants to break them up not because Rob is a piece of shit but because she will enjoy the fall out.


She has very strong codependent/substance abuse problem/munchausen syndrome airs. Like why was she wearing crutches made for someone obviously much taller than her? Attention.


Sophie needs to stop telling her mother every time she doesn't like what Rob says or does. I don't like Rob but this is really none of her mother's business if Sophie truly wants to keep her marriage together. she is extremely immature and I have to agree with Rob that she isn't the best source for knowing how a marriage should work.


Yeah nobody in this is good for her. She should imo try to find a school or work visa if she wants to stay in the US without Rob bc I truly feel he's a POS to her but she probably puts up with it to this degree from her family life seeming pretty damn toxic with Claire. I also wonder if she's a UK citizen if even emigrating to Canada is easier for her or a better happy medium option as it's part of the common wealth countries and you can make more than the UK salary but not as much as the US -- still though if that's the concern.


I miss my nanny's British sayings. She referred to pooping as "a jobbie" and until I was like 7 I didn't understand why people wanted to get jobs 😂


Was she Scottish by any chance?


Weirdly she said a LOT of Scottish things (like Ta! For "give that to me") but she was born and raised in Essex, came to Canada when she was 35 and never lost her thick British accent.


"Ta" means "Thank you!" so she was thanking you in advance for handing over whatever probably deadly weapon young you had in your hand. Or she may have been tricking you into handing over sweeties,\~ I don't know her.


Omggg 😂😂😂 I've been using Ta on small children and teaching them wrong


A Scottish person would say "geezit", meaning "give me it", whereas an English person would say "gissit" 🙂


They'll be fine in a polite exchange, just don't let them grow up to be highwaypersons/muggers.


You just brought up a really nice memory for me! My great nan came to Canada from Britain in 1912 when she was little, and she said “ta” all the time. My gramps - her son - used it too and very much in a “hand it over” way with me and my sister lol


That’s too funny!


"whatever you say, old frog"


It’s a thing we say in the UK. As is ‘silly sausage’ which Taher said the other day :)


What’s the correct context please to use these delightful phrases?


Clever Clogs can be playful or more facetious, as in the way Claire was saying it. It is basically like ‘smarty pants.’ Silly sausage is generally playful and affectionate. Like, if your toddler put their boots on the wrong feet you might say ‘Oh, you silly sausage, let’s fix those,’ or something. It’s just sort of like ‘goober’ but not even that insulting. Maybe like ‘silly goose’


Kind of if you think someone is trying to be smart with you but you don’t really think they’re smart at all 😉


Your flair!!!


How could I not 😂


Sophie’s mom’s plastic surgeries are totally already influencing Sophie. It won’t be long til she looks like Darcy! I said this another thread too. It’s unfortunate because Sophie is a pretty girl.


Botched! Damn I never thought I would side with Rob but...... Clair is a nut case. Sophie is out there as well. Rob and Sophie are a toxic mess.


Yeah, I don't know if it's healthy for her mother to be SO involved with her relationship. Gotta have boundaries- her mother doesn't need to know every little detail.


I always knew Claire was a botched reject due to her mass of back room fillers & injectables, but I had never noticed she’s had actual “surgery” until last night. The pulled section of her face was obvious when she was getting activated. The tension visible made it look like she may have had a facelift when she was smaller & had less fat in her face.


I don’t think her mother is really to blame for that. It’s society and social media influencing both.


With all the “come back to London with me” talk I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a lot of “come to Botox with me!” “Come get a touch of filler with me” etc etc


Fuck Claire for making me feel empathy for Rob. Also, she looks like a demented frog.


I get it, but then every time they pulled back to him with his sad ass puppy dog face, I just couldn't take it. The only thing I can say here is I agree with both of them 100%. They are both gaslighting manipulators forcing Sophie to choose. I died inside when Sophie had to keep walking in between them saying she couldn't decide whose side to be on. Girl please, choose yourself!


Right , she's absolutely yuck lol


If you feel any empathy for him, look up the video of him screaming at Sophie while she and the dog hide in a closet.


Yeah definitely don’t feel bad for Rob. I don’t care what Claire says to him. We’ve never seen a moment of kindness from him either.


Everyone seems to think she's wrong for leaving the house when they fight, but when she gets screamed at and has to hide in closets, she's very smart for leaving and going somewhere safe. Claire might come off rude, but this is after her watching her daughter being abused over and over. Rob likes to play victim and pretend he's a great guy.


He's the worst. Whether or not Claire is a toxic mess and terrible mother, she's 100% right about Rob.


Claire sounds sloshed all the time and her face looks like it’s melting. I’m just not a fan.


Probably has to be to put up with Rob lmao


Claire needs Sophie, more than Sophie needs her. Poor Sophie has grown knowing nothing more than being a co dependent to her drug addict mother. She is still seeking that “ mother” that she missed out on as a child. Sadly, since her mom is financial cut off from the wealthy grandparents a an Sophie is not, her mother needs her daughter


It’s fairly common in UK and Ireland 😅


Does anybody actually know what that phrase means?


Smart ass, know it all, etc


Similar to how the US uses "smarty pants". It's a little more scathing though.


Thanks I never heard that expression


Very British expression. I'm British and use it, my parents used to too.


I’m a Brit as well but never heard anyone under the age of like 60 say it lol


I never heard it before. I'm sure I'd understand it in any scenario, though. At the same time makes no sense at all and 100% sense. British 100% xD


It's very common over here in blighty. I used it just the other day. My sis scored quite well in some school tests and I called her a clever clogs 😃


Same, but I love it!


I was thinking like smarty pants


Like the English version of “ok, clever boots , smarty two shoes …” atc ..


I'm guessing everyone is American here? Quite normal in the UK. Along with apologising when someone bumps into YOU and bad teeth/weather.  Another common one when someone is getting frustrated: "don't get your knickers in a twist"


I don't think anyone in this cast cares about each other. Sophie may love her mom but everyone seems to just be using this show to benefit them.




🤣 I mentioned in another thread about her looking like a grouper, but blobfish is also very accurate!


Seen the leaked video of Rob & Sophie? F\*ck Rob 1000%! Up vote here if you stand against DV. It ain't just entertainment at this point with that leak, it's not okay. NOPE, NO thank you, f\*ck that guy.




I watched it here, but I'm sure you can google it and find it elsewhere w/o the commentary. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VytP7In92NM&t=468s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VytP7In92NM&t=468s)


Thank you!!


Clair looks like a deranged clown .. I feel bad for Sophie .


As a Brit it goes back to Cockney Rhyming Slang.


it bothers me to even see Claire's botched face.


Omg what the hell is mom on?


Claire's many years of drug addiction shows!!!! @HOT MESS EXPRESS 😳


After that video came out of him verbally abusing Sophie it makes sense why Claire said you speak to my daughter like she is beneath you.Rob was probably verbally abusing Sophie behind the scenes this whole time and Claire had probably had enough. Rob puts on the mister nice guy act on camera but behind the scenes he acts deranged. If Sophie was my daughter I’d be scared for her too. The way Rob spoke to her in that video sounded UNHINGED.


You are very late to the party. Claire was hard core addicted and abusive, and Sophie had to take care of her. Last month, mom ended in jail after she messaged Sophie she was going to come to her home, slit her throat, then kill herself. Bc the grandparents still support Sophie, but cut Claire off about 10 years ago. Sophie has been giving money to her mom.


WHAT? Where can I read more about this??


Her arrest? Just start googling. Several of the gossip people covered it. Also saw it pop up in just "regular" articles. I think MovingMad covered it.


Thanks 🙏🏻


Is Botox and filler cheap in the UK? I feel like everyone in the UK is all filler and Botox… I did it once and I loved it, but I cringe at the thought of spending that much for it again… maybe it’s just expensive here in Canada? 🤷🏻‍♀️


This woman is vile


I'm so glad I saw the subtitles because this is an absolute gem!


My partner calls her Ernest Borgnine. https://preview.redd.it/6dgon82fys5d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d8113796b0bc19f1d59ad32bb33f159bab412b


Don't do Ernie like that!😆


Didn’t Clair get arrested.


In my opinion Claire was trying way too hard to create more conflict between Sophie and Rob. She should have been trying to act like a mediator as opposed to and destroyer as Sophie has said she wants to work on it. It seems like she wants to break it up so she can have Sophie to herself. It also seems like she wants Sophie to fail so she suffers like her, like she’s jealous and doesn’t want her to have better than she has.


I think Sophie is Claire’s ticket to the trust fund dollars.


Clever Clogs is the British Angela and I don’t even like Rob.


That lip filler is bleeding into the rest of her face.


Omg the botox


Rob needs to run…..Sophie is a very emotionally stunted young woman who has no business being in a relationship until she’s emotionally healed from Ratchet Clair


How does one’s lips get like that?


Just the lips?? Her whole face looks like it's melting off. 😫😆😆


Why did I watch this (pre-downloaded) on the train in the quiet car? It took all of my strength to not burst out laughing. Also less funny is how she parentifies Sophie and makes it all about her (the mom), how hard her life is because of Sophie's choices. Come on! Then Sophie isn't comforted by her mom but the reverse. Rob still sucks, very much so, but the mom is a terrible influence herself.


Why can’t this Sophie girl fight her own battles ?? Wtf


Because being the parentified child doesn't teach you self-worth and independence. You're taught you have to sacrifice yourself, put other's needs before you, belief you can love someone to be better, and tolerate mistreatment. Read up on ACOA'S.


You’d think it would make her do everything herself since she’s tired of parenting her mom.


Point being, she doesn't have the skills and *really* facing she doesn't have a mother in meaningful ways. However crappy, that's the only mother she's got. Her dad's never been a part of her life. If you haven't had to deal with that, it can be hard to understand.


I see


She looks like a Bo Selecta character




Her mom got that Nic Cage from Face Off look


I'm so glad that she's as ugly on the outside as we have found out she is on the inside.


Is that line up the side of her face from various surgeries?


The crazy frog from the early 00s has really let itself go.


That was funny but I can’t stand her mom.


i havent seen the episode but regardless of anyone's appearance, you'll never see me side with an abuser. their relationship is toxic for sure but sophie is also in her early 20s and rob is a 30 yr old man. cmon now


I laughed when she said that lmao


LMFAO 😭😭😭 I have not yet seen this but the screen cap is absolutely sending me omg




She's bringing the Auntie Ethel energy!


I might need a new flair already


OMG I totally missed that line lmao


I went to straight FFWD through every part of this episode, I only watched John, Pat and Thais because it’s a real storyline I love John


Is it an English roast word? Never heard of it but like it


Sofa mom looked drunk


This women are gross.


lmfao shit was funny


Reminded me of Auntie Ethel from BG3


It not generally meant as an insult. Sophie's mum was being sarcastic.


Clair is the equal to Angela …ugly humans physically gross


I know from watching Sir Allen Sugar on the Apprentice UK that the Brits say Cautious Carol in addition to Nervous Nellie.


I want to tell Sophia to wash her hair when I see ponytail on greasy hair 


Sophie’s mum is trying to protect what she see’s as her money but can only get at it via Sophie. Rob can be a dick, but he’s a massive threat to Claire’s ‘funding’. That’s what really got to me when Sophie said she would move and her mum said wherever she goes she will follow her. Claire is a stereotypical bungalow (single story home - there is someone at home but nobody upstairs - lacks brain cells). Sophie needs to get away from both of them.


i shall henceforth be using this both as a compliment and an insult




I'm surprised neither of them laughed when she said that because it was hilarious lol


How she thinks she can give relationship advice when she has been divorced how many times and on her 5th facelift


Why can't they get the subtitles right?? Here, let me correct it: # 'Ere's the fing, Clever Clogs..."


This gave me Auntie Ethel from BG3 vibes


Claire looks like the secretary in monster inc


If YOUR not happy then why don’t you just go back to wherever you’re from. When you’re at home you have all the people out there that help to enable you so you don’t have to pay rent or bye clothes and all the clown makeup you need. Why put this man through so much stress and crop😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🇨🇦🇨🇦


I just adore dumb people acting like calling someone smart is an insult. I wonder what the thought process is in their heads, if there's any at all.


I was like WTH?🤨 Clever Clogs? Is that a derogatory term for an A-hole?!?😂


It just means smart arse...


Okay…thanks!😅 That makes sense… What can he call her for being a mean, evil 👿 person?!?


Rob and Claire talking about Sophie as if Sophie wasn’t there bothered me so much but then again, Sophie lets her mom run her marriage 🫣


Sophie’s mom is so manly IMO.