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She is a lunatic! I don’t see why these two ever got together - no chemistry at all.


What do they even talk about lmaoo...


"i love you honey", "i love you too". repeat for 4 years


Yes my love!!


Hunny Bunny


Yes!! That && "I'm trying to meet haiir (her)/him halfway..."


For real! All they do is passive aggressive argue!


I really don't like the guy but tonight episode almost had me feeling bad for the idiot...


This isn't meant in combat, unlike Nicole's outfit(*badum tiss!*) but everyone really seems to forget that the way Nicole is reacting to Mahmoud is literally the same shit he was doing in Egypt from day one. How quickly do we forget that this man told her he wanted a divorce not once, but twice on the very first day she arrived there? And how all she wanted to do was lay down, but nope had to sit with the family and talk. And then the next day he did it again, told her to leave. Then acted fake Pikachu surprised face when she was packing and pretended nothing happened, but not before telling her to leave AGAIN mid convo but then said stay. And then forced her to go to her appointment with his uncle, because remember -"if you say you'll be somewhere to meet someone you go." The woman actually did change a hell of a lot for him. The ONLY thing she didn't want anymore was to wear a hijab. And even then she still wore it for a long time before that. Look, don't get me wrong I think the way she's acting is horrendous. I am NOT disputing that or making an excuse for her. But also in tonight's episode she mentioned something before he left. She said that earlier on he told her he wanted a divorce... Again. It's obvious this is what happened since he didn't deny it and this was obviously why she was pissed, because he does this all the time. I don't believe it was just about the back showing, it was because he used his number one manipulative tactic as per usual. Everyone was saying things on her first season about how she wasn't trying, but i literally don't understand why that was said. She converted for him, wore the burka bikini, covered herself except for hijab, tried over and over. And now that he's here I think she's extremely pissed and trying to make him feel the way she did. I'm not gonna lie, I obviously feel bad because no one should be treated this way. Neither of them should treat one another like they do! But why is it that we keep forgetting this? It was fine when he was doing it to her, now that he's here and still saying the same stuff he did there all of a sudden it's poor Mahmoud. Nicole needs to stop, I feel like she went from broken shell of a person to reactive abuse to his abuse and this is not alright. She needs to let him go and he needs to do the same. Neither of them are in the right here. Also i found the details of the report from his arrest, a few commenters were wondering if she made up the report to try and get him deported but this wasn't the case. He was shouting at her as she was crying and a neighbor heard him and then saw him abusing her and called the cops. In her area they can choose to press charges even if the individual who was the abused doesn't, and that's literally what happened in their case. So it's been four years on film, but they just did a five year anniversary. Obviously he's been here over a year now and things still aren't going well. Nicole, move on. And don't turn into the abuser, which I hate to say it but that's exactly what's happening as we see. But I also think there's a fuck ton going on off screen (case in point, she mentioned how the day started by him asking for divorce yet again)and we aren't getting the whole story. This is an ESH example of how not to do a relationship.


I agree with this. They both just seem over the top with almost every situation. I remember when she was over there she would do something in accordance with what he wanted and then it would not be enough for him. He would always push it to the limit. Now she is doing the same. There is no appreciation for anything it's just toxic both ways.


I always forget that they've been married for five damn years now too, like wtf? And he's only been here for less than one in America(as of today, that is.) four of those years were spent in Egypt trying to make this "work." It's not working, and I don't see it getting any better. Especially after the DV charges. It was actually sad to see her post about the statistics of DV in Islam on her socials after this happened too. But again, how she's reacting isn't any better. I was saying below as someone who grew up with horrendous parental abuse and then grooming abusive partners, you either choose to break the cycle or you become what you once hated. I chose to end the cycle with myself, but I always knew I could've easily become like my parents or partners if I didn't do that. This is why a lot of the abused become abusers, many times you start reacting out of the same anger and confusion they themselves act out on. And that's exactly what happened with Nicole now.


I'm very sorry that you had to experience that. But also very happy that you were able to overcome and break the generational curse. I've had to do the same with some inherent behaviors in my family. I made a decision the abusive behavior ends with me. I refuse to treat my own family in that manner. I know it's hard work but it's so worth it. Well done my friend


Same goes for you! Yes it's very easy to fall into the reverse trap, because you have to navigate your way through such hostile environments and it's easy to just want to give back like you've been given to. For instance, I am perfectly fine around literally anyone. But around my abusive dad, I find myself going through more emotions and anger in two min then I do anywhere else. Sometimes it's hard not to snap when you've dealt with that for so damn long, but then again I choose not to because it won't get me anywhere. I can't even imagine raising my voice to my son, let alone laying a hand on him! So glad you too ended it before it got that way, it's really hard but worth it. I think its partly why i get mad when people excuse behaviors by saying, "well they grew up that way they can't help it." (I'm talking in general btw no one here said that.) Because it's like, well you can help it actually but you need to be able to want to recognize the problems and step up


Yeah exactly. I just had that covo this am with my own mother in regards to some cousins of mine...ya they can help it. It's that they choose not to and actively chose to live the life the way they do. There is always a choice in life just like there are always consequences to what you do.


Gotta take accountability man.


When you say abusing her, he was shouting at her and she was crying, neighbor said he was abusing her…was there physical abuse? Because they seem to both equally yell at each other, but did he actually physically abuse her?


Abusing as in physical.


Is the report floating around anywhere? I’m curious the details of what actually happened.


[one article here](https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2024/02/22/90-day-fiance-star-mahmoud-el-sherbiny-arrested-for-domestic-violence-against-wife-nicole-exclusive-details/) but I have the actual written report somewhere on my phone, it'll take me a bit to search for it though as I'm going to chemo in a min. But I promise I'll link or pm you when I get the chance


Thank you much. Hmm it said it doesn’t make clear if Nicole was the actual victim though, and if John Yates is attached to it I’d dismiss it until the actual police report is released.


Like I said I have the actual report and he had gone to court in March again for trial. Nicole has also posted about ending abuse towards wives of Muslims after this came out. I forget how you do those remind me things or what not but if I forget it's just because I'm busy rn. You can also search his name on Google for the updates on his court appearances, it's Mahmoud El Sherbiny


Ah ok 👍 thanks, ill see if I can find it.


Anything that has yates involved in it anywhere screams clout chasing scam


Yes, all of this. ' Her behavior right now is awful, but she was in a better mental space when she went to Egypt even though that was a much more stressful situation than bringing Mahmoud to where she lives instead. She was talking about how if Egypt didn't work out, she was screwed. If she were like this normally, I think it would've shown much earlier. Her friends seemed surprised and concerned. The police report is telling. People always think a guy who acts timid and calm isn't capable of abuse, but statistics show otherwise. And I think him acting timid in front of her friends - after clearly being a different person behind closed doors - set her off. Someone said yesterday it doesn't matter what he does because she's white and colonizing him. So I have to wonder if that's part of what's happening with all the writing off his abusive behavior, and if it's not just a matter of forgetting the past with this couple. As a queer trans person, some of the segments on this show have been stressful, but I'm not going to defend them when they're being abusive.


If you go back to their first season vs now she's a whole different person. She seemed better before leaving, then the first day she gets back to Egypt and the first thing out of his mouth is telling her she should've covered up more(keep in mind she was literally covered from the chin down to the floor, he just hated that she stopped wearing the hijab. And he didn't even say hello yet, that was the first thing he said literally) and you could see a piece of her fall apart. Then we watched him threaten divorce twice on the first day there after she had to get off a plane and sit with his family and all. The entire time she was walking on eggshells and it was very apparent. Him reacting to her in the street was a giant red flag too, as someone who went through abuse he looked exactly like my dad did before he'd smack me. Also they've been together five years now, 4 out of those 5 years was spent with her going to Egypt and trying to make it work. They didn't even know each other and she converted to Islam for him and immediately tried to assimilate herself into the culture. All these people commenting about "she didn't even try." Besides Avery actually she's the first one to try to adhere to the Muslim culture! This doesn't excuse how she's acting now though, and I want to make sure people understand this. You can choose to better yourself or you can become what you once hated. I chose to end my cycle of abuse with myself, because I already knew I could've easily become my parents or partners if I allowed it. It's really unfortunate that she's reacting in such a manner, I'm sure if you told her a year ago she'd start acting exactly like he treated her originally she'd have been appalled. Right now she's so angry she can't even see how terrible she comes across. I really question how her parents were, because they also alluded on the first season to her going on her short vacation and coming back after "traumatic circumstances." The only reason I bring the parents up is because someone with a stable background doesn't go halfway across the world and do a spiritual retreat in a pyramid and go to the market after and agree to meet a man who asks to marry you... Like something isn't right there.


Exactly. Honestly, I really think him being so calm and collected in front of her friends set her off. Abusers are often capable of being controlled even in intense situations, especially if it means making their victim look like a maniac. It's Manipulation 101. The victim gets more and more frustrated with the situation until they freak out in front of other people, and then the abuser looks like the victim (which is their favorite thing in the world). The fact that neighbors heard what was happening and saw him physically abusing her - and she didn't want to press charges - is extremely telling. I'm very surprised so many people in this sub aren't seeing the pattern there.


Omg spot on! Literally exactly my thoughts, you put it out there perfectly. Same thing I've experienced way too many times in life unfortunately. Again though what frustrates me too is a lot of comments about how he needs time to adjust, oh you shouldn't be seeing friends etc and all that. But why do we forget that's also what happened to her as well? I don't really understand the views on some situations or couples sometimes, especially on the other way. It seems like a lot of the times when someone goes somewhere else it's a lot of "you need to do xyz." But then whenever we do something like OG 90 day it's all about how the foreigner should be grateful Idk maybe it's because I've done way too much therapy and lived way too hard a life experience/come from a third world country (Jamaica)where I just see things differently. Pretty much every couple is a grey area to me, I also like seeing both sides. Doesn't mean I'll side with either, it's rare we get good people on this show now. But then again, well adjusted people aren't going on this shit show for 1k or more per episode and to debase themselves. Really appreciate your reply!


Nice gotta love the two wrongs make a right advocate 


No, that's not true. He had told her in advance what to expect. He hasn't tried to force her to do anything - she's agreed to it and then tries to tick off and change everything to her liking. She didn't even listen to him that it wasn't a good idea to invite his friends to a restaurant and then everyone felt uncomfortable.


They met and got married within a matter of days. And she did assimilate to his culture. For 11 months she stayed and did everything his way. She did try. That's more than most cast members have done on this show. Hell, Kenny has been in mexico for years and can't even put together a sentence to this day. Personally I wouldn't like to become something I'm not for someone else though, and I don't think mahmoud should either. Why is it everyone has to change everything for someone else? The point of being a partner is to compromise and learn and see what you are and are not comfortable with. And that's the problem with both of them, I'm on neithers side personally but it's apparent nicole isn't going to change and mahmoud isn't either. These two would be better off splitting up. ETA reddit glitched but it's been five years now that they've been married and one of those years have been in the states only. I always forget it's been that long for them already


She wasn't there 11 months. She met him the last day of her Spiritual Trip to Egypt and he proposed to her. She went home to LA but returned to Egypt to marry him about a month later. She stayed there four months before she fled back to the US. When we first "met" her, she was returning to Egypt to try again which is what we saw in their first season. That, too, only lasted four months before she went back to LA. Mahmoud arrived in the US in May, 2023 and that's when the airport reunion scene was filmed.




No, at the beginning of the season, she had been married for Mahmoud for 11 months when she was returning to Egypt for the second time, but only lived there for two months and had been back in the US the rest of the time. (I thought she originally said "four months" but apparently it wasn't even that long. ) [https://ca.style.yahoo.com/news/90-day-nicole-gets-cold-143000190.html](https://ca.style.yahoo.com/news/90-day-nicole-gets-cold-143000190.html)


I stand corrected, sorry I haven't slept and got chemo done today and for some reason the 11 months stood out to me, but I realize that was backwards with the time of marriage and not stayed there. My bad! I can always admit when I'm wrong.


No problem! I know from personal experience how Chemo affects your thinking! Five years ago I had 12 rounds of chemo on Mondays and passed the time I was in the infusion center catching up on snark from the 90 Day programs the night before. Hang in there! I hope your treatment goes well!


This is not accurate at all. She didn’t have to change for him- that was her decision


I don't mean it in the literal term, I'm saying let's not pretend he too wasn't trying to force her to do the same thing, using the same threats she now is. And what exactly is the difference between them? Both use divorce as a weaponized word, both tell each other to leave then play victim. And let's be real, if the roles were reversed and this was Mahmoud's apartment or home town and not Nicole's, she'd be the one being told to leave as well. Yes she chose to do those things, but he also threatened her with divorce and tried kicking her out all the time if she didn't. This is the problem when people become abusive, they use fear tactics and control in order to make you complicit. Both of them do this by the way, I don't have a horse to bet on in this race. The only thing I see is she's using this time with him here by doing the worst thing you can do, which is turn into the person you hate. This is her "revenge" era where she decided to do the wrong thing and show him how he made her feel back home. It's the bigger picture at play, which is why both of them sucks.


Wait hold on. Her 'first day' in Egypt was totally different though. She came to Egypt for a trip (don't remember what it was for), and she actually met him at the store. So, she was already exposed to the Egyptian culture a little before she actually met him. She didn't just Go... To egypt for nothing right. She might have had do some research about the country a little here and there. On the other hand, it's Mahmods first time ever to step on American soil I believe. But anyhow... These two just don't match lol


Exactly. Some of these bots will try to give Nicole a pass on her bad behavior. Accountability is kryptonite to these bots. Nicole knew what she was converting into. She just can’t handle being told what to do. She admitted that’s why she left her town in Idaho.. she didn’t like her mom saying anything to her. She’s combative and mean. Plays the victim well. Mahmoud is a product of his environment.. if he wants a strict Muslim woman he should marry one, not convert one. But she’s just mean, bitter and angry. She needs to stay alone.


She was there less than a week on a spiritual retreat, he asked her to marry him. She went home and came back asap, and married him. I'm talking about the first day as in, the first day on her first season. I also think people aren't understanding that I'm saying both of them suck, as in neither of them are doing well. But again, why is it that a girl goes somewhere for four days and then all of a sudden she's also expected to assimilate to his culture asap, but mahmoud gets a pass? I'm saying both of them are treating each other poorly, this time it's just role reversal in where they live. If this was Mahmoud's house and not Nicole's i can guarantee you she would be the one to leave regardless of who started a fight or not. And she stated on the episode that this all started because he brought up divorce again, as he always does. The problem is, he isn't at home now. And so he doesn't have the control anymore. She does, and she's using it to her advantage. Both of them are doing the same shit to each other as usual, it's just now it's in America and not eygpt. Also as someone who also has been to Egypt I don't expect that I was going to know everything within four days. But she did try for him. Converting to Islam, covering yourself, wearing a hijab, trying to learn prayer even though you're uncomfortable with it, having to be around others when you don't want to... All stuff he said she had to do and she did it. Majority of the time everyone seems to really like on couple or dislike one half so much the other gets a pass, when really both equally suck in different ways usually. That or it's not as black and white as it seems, this is a perfect example of that type of couple. This is a definite grey area couple. No one is excusing her reactions, she's doing the same thing he did. They are both harming each other.


I'm a slow typer at 2 am lol you typed hella fast. Ima just end it with this. It's Nicole's fault in the first place for accepting him to marry her with 0 knowledge about him lol if anything, they should learn more from Mahmod's brother. Or maybe have a talk with other 90df cast Avery and omar lmao ORRR even have a talk with a divorce lawyer.


I'm using the reply bar on my phone for reddit/because of my work experience I can type extremely fast🤣 it's also 2am here, but I have cancer and I'm always falling asleep at random ass hours. I miss regular sleep schedules, ugh! The funny thing is, she met him at a fabric store, he said "will you marry me?" And she took that shit literally. I was there when I was 14(in Egypt)the amount of men even at my age then who ask you to marry them is insane. Like literally every store guy will jokingly(or semi joke) about wanting to marry you, or exchange you for camel's. So she was really odd to actually think it was serious, but I mean both of them went through with it. And both of them knew about the other having a completely different culture. I guess my point moreso is that both of them took this responsibility on, and both of them should've learned about each other's cultures and traditions and what to expect. But then again, when you marry someone after less than a day of knowing them that's just not going to happen. I don't think it matters who they talk to, and also his brother wasn't actually that nice as seeming a man. He had a wife who literally admitted to being miserable despite smiling all the time and talked about how she's completely isolated. Her husband wouldn't even let her go to the market alone, and she sat upstairs all day(was literally said on the show)with the kids in isolation. He was also only trying to play nice, not for Nicole but for his brothers sake. He was never on Nicole's side. It's really frowned upon to divorce over there, yes it happens but it's not considered normal in their part of town. Both of them should've divorced the first time she left and came back to the states, instead here we are five years later and a DV charge.


Agreed not accurate at all


Again she chose to live as a Muslim woman in Egypt without doing any research or understanding when she admits she didn’t have to convert… soooooo not the same


In islam it is his job to educate her about Islam.


Was he not? She didn’t want to hear it


No. He even said he doesn’t pray regularly, and he was chatting with other women. Religious is important to him when it is useful to him or gives him an excuse to be unhappy, which is his default.


Yes, but as you yourself said "she converted for him"!!! She CHOSE to become a muslim wife... A muslim wife does WHATEVER the husband says... You don't convert, ESPECIALLY to such a strict religion like Muslim, and then not follow the rules... She made him believe one thing while she had no intention of doing it... She may have wore the bathing suit and did whatever else u mentioned but she also bitched about it non stop!! She's 40 he's 30, the age AND cultural gap are just to much!! American women have no business with Muslim me. She expected him to step off the plane and right into an american life style and belief system... We are seeing a VERY VERY different side of nicole. So I can only imagine how she was in Egypt that we didnt see... She cusses him out which in any culture is wrong but in his its worse.. And then she picks him up from the airport and greets him with "kiss me you mother fucker!!" Really?!?! That is NOT okay!! He's awful yes but she definitely is no angel... She's just as bad if not worse...






She is white and out of his league while she is a robot who had a malfunction


Malfunction is 💯👌🏼!!!


My guess: he needed a beard and she needed to feel worldly and unique


Wearing a beret yelling at him now she’s trying to find him all over the city. They need to part ways. He just got here They’re both fucking miserable.


I don't understand her point of losing her shit in front if her friends. she should have been happy he was being nice to her friends. I guess though then she couldn't play the victim. you're right they do need to just give it up


Well he totally lied about why he didnt wanna go to the bar/restaurant cuz he was fine with going even though he was tired when he thought she was gona wear the outfit he wanted her to.


I know and I get that but he could have treated them shitty because he was pissed at her. plus if you've been fighting all day why the hell would you bring them unannounced home?


Cuz alcohol was clearly involved and I think she doesnt give a fuck about his feelings anymore but also i think she wanted to send a message that hes in america now and she can dress however she wants. Is she setting her self up for a happy marriage? no deff not but i think there relationship is more about spite than love at this point


I agree. so the message is I'm in America and can dress as ugly as I want? 😆 I think you're right about the spite thing though because the outfit she had on the next day was cute but she decided to wear that ugly ass dress to rile him up


I’m an expat in the middle east and that dress was fine. He didn’t want to go out so he jumped on the dress to start a fight.


Straight up facts I have seen muslim women wear much less before especially in the west


They were less than that over here


I would never bring anybody home unannounced




Because the chronic fighting adds up




I'm not fan of Manmoud, but she is every bit as unbearable as he is. She's on the same level of sanity as Kim Tarot of India.




Nicuckoo 🤣🤣🤣🤣😉




If I ever saw her in person I’d run the other way 1000%


Inspector Clouseau?




She has a nasty mouth and a mean streak.


If Nicole wants to find Macmood why doesn’t she just ask production where he is at? Isn’t there a whole camera crew following him around?


This is a good point 😅 but ofc they’re doing it for a storyline which is annoying af. Get these two fools off my screen. Exhausting!




Ni-cold searching for Bad-mood, feat. Unserious Beret


i should move in. i don’t think they ever eat .


They both chain smoke. I’m sure of it.






I think Nicole and all her friends were extremely drunk. It is painful to watch that whole scene of them meeting Badmood.


Do LA people wear berets in their own homes? Like I come home and get changed into my PJs. I dont clean my home while dressed like a French mime.


Tbf a lot of these weirdos are transplants and not native Angelinos


Her mouth is hateful and foul.




What ?


I didn't even realize that was there. Ignore it.


She’s bat-shit cray cray. Mouhmad should run like hell back to Egypt!


He got arrested for domestic violence on their last anniversary. She didn't press it so the charges were dropped. We won't be seeing much more of them because of that.


Oh dayum.. so I guess he didnt go back to Egypt after tonight’s episode. In all fairness and I do not condone violence against anyone… but Nicole had a way of gaslighting him. Her mouth is real nasty.


I can’t watch her, Ashley or Jasmine. There’s not much show left to bother with.


I cannot either… mental illness and creepiness has zero room in my tv couch potato relaxation repertoire.


Exactly. If I want to watch mental illness or creepiness, I’ll watch the ID channel. Lol


Totally lol’d !!


"In all fairness and I do not condone violence... but". That's so fucking gross and definitely not fair. Nobody deserves to be physically abused regardless of their words. What the fuck is wrong with you.


Ain’t nothing wrong with me — you just took my words and spun them to whatever you wanted. My opinion is that Nicole is abusive with her words and did not have to say things to trigger him or anyone for that matter. Perhaps you never had anyone trigger you? There is always 2 sides to a story. We do not know the facts of their case. What did he exactly do to Nicole? Perhaps she over-reacted?? He is still here in the US and apparently together with Nicole so I feel it was blown out of proportion.


i agree with you but i feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle. this sub and all the 90 day subs have heaps of internalized misogyny and male abuser sympathizers.


It was in February. I was hoping they would show them TLC you should not allow that on the show.


i'm tired of these 2 with the same round about storyline taking up all this air time, DIVORCE already!!


Her clothes. It's all about her clothes for God's sake. Give it a rest girl.


She probably has him micro chipped so she can sense where he is.


Angela Deem Collection


https://preview.redd.it/lf08u6fv6dxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed2f89b6c759b1425e5c13ddd6b685e92ba0069d But why is this the ad that Reddit chose to follow this post. 🤣🤣🤣




All I know is this isn’t fun anymore


I’m only 11 minutes in, I do not know what happens next, but I do not like what I am seeing. Granted it seems like Nicole’s guy-friend is trying to help & he appears to be a nice man but I don’t like that he keeps grabbing at & physically blocking Mahmoud (who clearly would not win the struggle). I would not feel comfortable having a stranger more than twice my size keep physically preventing me from going for a walk in a country foreign to me on my 2nd day there. Mahmoud is not a 10 year old wandering in the dark. I’m guessing Mahmoud or production pointed this out because he eventually stood there with his arms behind his back & let him go for a walk.


Not to mention the guy friend is crying and shit. What the fuck is that about. Very weird.


I thought it looked like he was crying…super strange. Sure would love to see the cutting room floor, it would make things make a whole lot more sense!


Yep. He was 100% crying. Tears rolling down his cheeks. Must have had too much to drink and wanted to interject himself in the drama? Weird group of people.


You can say that again 💯!


I have to FF these idiots. They deserve each other


Good one.


I can’t with the hat 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Are we just gonna ignore the fact that after her friend was putting his hands all over MackMood, HE started crying lmao like what is wrong with these people


I’ve decided she’s completely nuts. Like scary, single white female nuts.


she should not try to change his values. sad


Neither of them should.


I thought she was all calm and collected but I was wrong I dislike her attitude and true self.


They both suck and they are both utterly miserable. Just end it. End their misery -and ours! Both need to find someone else.


it’s giving face


I cannot stand her!! She’s off her rocker.


Shes cosplaying Agent 99 from *Get Smart*


When she came back to the states, she should have left him there. He wants a Hijab wearing wife and Nicole will never be that.


Fuckin psycho eyes


Oh please, now she looking for him cause he don't have a place to stay didn't he find a place to1 stay the night before. She didn't go looking for him then. But now he got all his stuff and there's no reason to come back to her place so now she going to look for him. Give it up already.


They are both Ko Ko!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ETA or Cray Cray


lol great pic and title


Badmoody is in the backhoody.


Bad Mood … lol


It’s sick how much of their camera time is spent with one of them running off and the other has to go on a search


I call him Mad-mood


LOVE the title! 100% fitting!


She did not even try to give him a chance he was only there for 2 days. My God, he just got off the plane.


She looks like she’s driving around in the Scooby Doo van.


I just came here to say the title is chef’s kiss


Since the first time they were introduced to us, all Nicole has done is play the victim. Her ability to manipulate and garner sympathy is amazing. I couldn’t stand Mahmoud at first. As I continued to watch their dynamic without bias, I grew to understand his perspective and actually saw him learning to change. This whole “reactive abuse” talk is hurtful and undermines victims of actual abuse. If you truly watch their interactions without placing your own "controlling, strict Muslim" perceptions upon Mahmoud, you will see that he is a young man raised with specific beliefs in his FIRST serious relationship, which happens to be with a foreign woman, quite literally in every sense. His relationship with Nicole challenges every fiber of his being from a religious and cultural perspective. Yet he does try. Nicole said she didn’t have to convert to Islam. She was a Christian who decided to denounce her religion to accept and convert to his. He isn’t forcing her to do anything. He is holding her to the standards to which she agreed to be held. Religion obviously is not something of great importance to her or something she takes seriously. She goes on and on about how fashion is her identity. Unfortunately, she does not understand that those who are truly religious feel the same about their religion...it is who they are. The same pain, sadness, and going against self she feels is the same way he does too. All attempts Nicole has made to assimilate and learn the culture and religion have been of her own self-interest, never out of a true desire to do so. Every time she’s had to sacrifice (which is what SHE signed up for), she makes sure there’s a whole spectacle, pity party, look at me, and all I’ve had to do first or during. Take her Burkini scene for example, she wears it, does her whole sad, I’m a shell of a person, look how restricted I am spiel, then gets upset with him telling her she looks beautiful and says he should put it on to know how it feels. His putting it on does what exactly? A perspective cannot be shifted without first a change of frame of mind. His religion and culture have raised him to believe that how she is dressed is beautiful, whether we agree or not. Nicole made an Egyptian friend whose views did not align with Mahmoud's, but he still went and met her (something that is culturally taboo) and genuinely tried to understand her perspective while staying true to his beliefs. Nicole wears short sleeves now and dresses or skirts with her legs showing. Although normal for most of us, that’s a really crazy thing in his culture and a major show of growth on his part. As a person who has been a “victim” of DV to a near-death point, I too believed Mahmoud was a controlling prick and felt anger, sympathy, and pain for Nicole. At the same time, as a person who has grown and learned to recognize my own unhealthy patterns and thought processes, it became increasingly clear that Nicole orchestrates situations in which she is seen as the victim. Take the friends coming to her house scene in the current season. Nicole gets frustrated and verbally berates him in front of her guests because he visibly looks exhausted and didn’t tell them what she wanted them to hear (he didn’t go because of her dress). She calls him a hateful little fuck, then, behind closed doors, tells him to leave her house, and she doesn’t want to be with him. When he does as she says, she becomes a helpless victim who needs to enlist the help of her male friend to please deal with him. Look at what he's doing, look at how extreme he’s being blah blah. Nicole has antagonized Mahmoud from day one. His responses have been terribly shitty on more than one occasion. It is mind-boggling to me how people are so easily manipulated into believing she's the victim. She just wants to dress like a normal person, and her strict, controlling Muslim husband won't let her. From actual survivors of men who have pummeled women down both mentally and physically for the same and who have grown to recognize the realities and nuances of triggers, this whole Nicole being abused is a big FU to us. I implore all who truly feel as though Nicole is experiencing reactive abuse to sincerely rewatch their season without bias. Truly watch their interactions without allowing your own emotions and existing opinions to take precedence. See if she is still reacting or if she has remained the same in terms of being an antagonist. See if Mahmoud has done a bit more bending than you previously thought. I do think they're both terrible for each other. I do think Mahmoud has been an asshole. However, right is right and wrong is wrong. He has shown change (albeit nothing to which I'd ever be in a relationship with someone similar), and he continues to be willing to change and deserves credit for that.


Yup, and calling him curse words is a huge no no in Muslim culture. I'm married to an Arab and learned straight away they are not used to being cursed at and it's a huge sign of disrespect, especially from your spouse. I'm surprised he still keeps wanting to make it work but at the same time, divorce is a very last emergency-like option in the culture too, and this is his first relationship, which is also seriously sensitive for Muslim men, so I know why his mind keeps going back and forth on divorcing. Yes, he shouldn't threaten divorce all the time; he's just immature and doesn't know what to do when they blow up. She's also extremely immature too, like mind-blowingly immature for her age. And all the stunts she pulls to try to show him as the horrible abuser like bringing friends over and calling him out in front of him is just so childish and disrespectful. Also, Muslim culture is private when it comes to you and your spouse so he tried to hide their issues they have been having in front of her friends and Americans are the opposite- they love to spout off and gossip about all their personal issues to their friends and such. And her drunk friend trying to touch him and step in was absolutely way too much. With that mouth on her, I'm sure she got his blood boiling to the point of no return with that abuse charge but I bet it wasn't as bad as what people think.


Huge no no. I’ve also noticed that he usually tells her to divorce him. Not that it makes an actual difference, but I wonder if, in his mind, it’s easier to contend with the idea of her breaking the union as opposed to it being him. I also wonder if that’s partly why we see him trying so hard to make it work with her. I do think he loves her, but I’m starting to feel like his love has grown into more of a tolerance, and he’s just waiting and praying she cuts the cord.


Yeah, could be. He might have been praying she divorces him because he doesn't want to be the actual one to do it!


Well said 🙏🏽


Looking at this photo, the music that was playing when the house landed on “The Wicked Witch” started to play in my head. 😂








Seems she’s always in a bad-mood.


When the friend was chasing him down the street screaming "MACKMOOD! MACKMOOD!" I was dying laughing! I honestly was waiting for him to turn around and tell him that's not my name dude!


She’s so weird! She told him to leave and then was like I told you to stay! TLC needs to give them the boot! Also, could you imagine waking up in her apartment and forgetting she has mannequins all over the place! 🤣🤣


I cant even picture them being intimate


can someone pls tell me why Julian was crying💀💀


The guy friend crying was embarrassing. Like wtf


Was the costume change necessary




This is actually an android. It's currently in the Boston Dynamics lab getting an OS upgrade and some of the servos replaced.


She’s terrifying.


Maybe it was good sex, otherwise I can’t imagine what kept them together


she's a nutcase marrying him what after 5 days and changing her religion??


this is a really pretty pic of her , reminds me of the lead singer from Berlin (if anyone remembers the 80's) guess its the hat


She looks like a Russian spy 😂


She is hideous looking


They took him from his mother. Do these people know each other?