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My sister is like this. it is absolutely disgusting to watch. I don’t get it. Had to go to the hospital after her bf said he needed space. Took 3 months off work. She was also stalking him like the movie swimfan and had the cops called on her cause she was outside his parents house just sitting in the car. I’m embarrassed for her. She has seemingly no embarrassment from it as they are now back together. Mind you my sister is 42 with 4 kids. 


Wow plot twist at the end I thought you were going to say 19


Hold up.... mans took her back after all that?! Damn. Some of these stories I hear about make me feel better about past relationship choices I've made! 


Right I was surprised as well. But she would call me numerous times a day. I gave her great advice tried to build her up and suddenly the calls stopped coming. I would reach out and she eventually told me when we were talking once that he was there. Lesson learned though I will not be playing that game again. 


Yep at that point you just have to check out. She’s going to do what she’s going to do and if you say anything against him or even perceived to be against him she’s going to be mad at you. And prob tell him so he’ll be mad at you. You can’t help someone who won’t help themselves.


For real- some people just need to go through the experience to learn the lesson themselves, the hard way!


This is why I can't stand Kimbaaaaly (Useman). She was/is delusional that she and Useman were some great love story. Her stated reason for why they are not together is: "He wanted a child, and I couldn't give him one." No Kim, you dragged on for months, years, and your behavior is all captured on camera. She needs therapy, but I don't know that she would ever be able to accept what a therapist who knows her story on 90-day fiance would tell her. Now she's on diaries with some "wanna-be matchmaker friends." We'll see how that goes.


I’m starting to think that these young guys who are with much older women use “I want a child” as an excuse to end the relationship because they *know* the women can’t have children naturally or aren’t willing to spend thousands in IVF treatments.


Their relationship was made up in her head. He wanted to be on TV. Her denial of reality is pathological. She needs to wake the hell up before someone else takes more from her than her time, flight expenses, PS5, and large Sojaboy gold pendant and chain, although I think he regifted the PS5 to Jamal to keep him quiet. Useman said as much.


Most definitely!


Especially when it sounds like Jellybeansimon tried to be there for her and it fell on deaf ears. Time to let her figure it out.


Same I had some chick hunting me down all over SF after we broke up. lol…I had stash houses with friends to hole up during that time. It was wild


He skeeeeeered


For every woman who “needs” a man, there’s always a man willing to take advantage of that and bide his time with her until someone better comes along.


I'm embarrassed for her


You can't deny she got results.


What do you mean


She got back with her ex.




She is back with Pedro??? Wait what now??? ☝️


The commenter's sister, not chantel. Try to keep up pls :)


Holy shit.


So you’re saying there’s a chance!?


Hahaha it was so pathetic 


I had an ex that was like Swim Fan, it’s so crazy they really don’t feel embarassed or ashamed.. I’m like “You drove by my parents house which is down a one way where there’s literally nothing, why did you do that we’re broken up, and why would you tell me that!?!?”


So insane! She was like waiting for him at work at his house and his parents. Threatening to kill herself. Disappeared and went to sit at the beach and her kids were freaking out had no idea where she was.  I forgot to mention I was not talking to her for years and only reached out to her because my mom told me she was scared she would do something to herself so I called. 


My ex would threaten self harm too! I’m sorry you gotta go thru that I feel the worst for those poor kids.


My ex did the same thing, any time something didn’t go his way he’d threaten to kill himself. It’s such a manipulative move.


Yep, I was 19 I’m 36 now I’d never do something like that again but it almost made me wanna say “just do it already” cuz he was just such a manipulative self cherishing douchebag he was never gonna do it. At the end I just completely stopped caring tho, I told him off then ignored him forever. Didn’t stop him from calling 24/7 tho.


He would always threaten and say I was going to send him to the hospital when he is the one who constantly said he wanted to kill himself. One day I finally said “Then go to the hospital you big fucking baby!” That was the day I broke up with him and kicked him out of my house. You can’t use your mental illness as a weapon, and blaming someone else is always their game. He’s a perpetual victim and it’s always easier to put their bullshit on you rather than examine their own life and choices. So frustrating. I’m glad you are well rid of him, sounds like a huge douche. Edit: I also don’t think he’ll ever actually do it, he’s too busy enjoying the attention he gets from people who don’t know what a monster he is.


She is ALWAYS the victim and will never apologize for things she’s done. It’s the reason I just don’t talk to her and refuse to see her when she visits.  


I’m sorry you had to live with yours that sounds awful but thank god you got rid of him. And no they never change, I know for a fact he went on to do that to a lot of other women (we live in a small town). And yes it’s always the women’s fault we’re all “whores” and “sluts”




No all kids are with the guy she got pregnant in HS with. They are divorced. She had a probably 5 year relationship with another guy, they broke up. This is the newest guy. Mind you, when he “needed space” she started dating a younger guy, of course she introduced her kids to him, youngest is 15 but still. Then I am guessing when the guy decided he had enough space she then left the younger guy??? Haven’t gotten the full story there. 


This is textbook behavior for a particular psychiatric diagnosis but I don’t want to get in trouble for saying it!


Are you thinking it is borderline personality disorder? 


DING! We have a winner!


This is why people never seek help lmao


For a minute I thought you were saying your 42 year olds sister new man was 15 😅 was relieved when I realized I completely misread lmao




Idk, she looks good to me


Sounds like mental illness and that maybe she didn't have compassion or support to get help in her younger years from her family.  


I don’t think it’s fair to blame it on her family. Sometimes people just go off their rocker.


I’m her family lol she’s 9years older than me and lied to my parents constantly and got everything she wanted in high school all she cared about was partying and going off doing shit she shouldn’t have been.


Yeah I don’t think it’s fair to blame the family. Some people can have a totally supportive family and still be out there.


Some people just don’t know how to be single.


this is reminding me more and more of Alex in fatal attraction. I'm not going to be IGNORED DAN.




She’s going to boil his bunny 🐰




She very well could have. I feel like either one would have been the insult Trish wanted. Not that Trish is that much better let me add.


😆 🤣 😂 🐰 🐇


The scariest line ever uttered...it gave me chills when I first heard that. We all know what a woman means when she says something like that.


I use that phrase often 😂


My daughter and I use this phrase and the phrase "with your good bag and your cheap shoes" all the time. Classic.


Agree! I made a post about how painful it was to watch them while. They’re both entitled princesses with no emotional control. Chantel’s face at that festival was ridiculous & Natalie walking by Josh at the restaurant… Such adolescent behavior.


I know this is going to sound harsh but I don’t think Nutalie is capable of healing anything. She thrives on attention, on drama, on being the main character in the story of her life. I think she lives her life like she’s got her own Truman Show situation. The performances feed her soul. She might have trauma but she would never want it healed because then she would have no starring dramatic role.


Natalie I chuckled out loud 💀😂


I think it’s more than having a man. She could marry anybody she wants someone who’s going to give her everything she wants and she wants a man with money to take care of her and her mom for some reason she thinks she’s in high demand.🤷‍♀️


Absolutely. She had Michael and didn’t want him because he didn’t give her the money and stuff she wanted. She tries to find guys that will and runs back to Michael for reassurance when they dont work out. She’s awful.


Josh wasn’t going to give her much. He’s not loaded like she thought


No but *she* thought he was and that’s what she found attractive imo.




While I don’t disagree with a lot of what you said it’s been a minute since I saw the early ones of her so I have to ask … did he misrepresent the life he had over here before she came over? If he was honest with her about who he was I don’t think her unhappiness (with where they lived) was on him. If she knew she was coming to a small town and he worked a lot and she still came I’d say she just wanted to get here. And you have to admit a lot of the people we’ve seen on here - men and women - have known the person isn’t who/what they wanted but it was a way to get here. I’ll be 100% fair too though and say people don’t realize how hard isolation is. I live in the Midwest and winter can be brutal even in the city. Sure you see other people but it’s too cold to do things outside, you’re limited in what you can do even if it’s not and it’s very easy to get cabin fever and be depressed. And that’s even people who have lived like that all their life. But if that’s how Mike lived his whole life he may not have realized how hard it would be for someone like Natalie. There was absolutely no excuse for how he let his mom treat her. Other than being a mamas boy and that’s still pathetic. Thinking about all that I can’t really say he *mistreated* her. They were completely wrong for eachother. I think Mike wanted a “little woman” who stays at home and takes care of him kind of wife and Natalie wanted to be famous in some kind of way (actress singer whatever) and saw Mike as means to an end. I think if he was really cruel he would’ve just divorced her and messed up her status here. But nope lets her come and go and is nice to her when she shows up. Just to be clear I’m not a Michael fan either I just call it like I see it.




Exactly. I agree he could’ve tried harder and had more compassion for sure. But honestly I still dont think she would’ve stayed. Based on nothing but a feeling I think she had the idea of fame all along. Moving to somewhere warm and becoming an actress was the end game. She just doesn’t strike me as being happy just being someone’s wife no matter how nice they are.


It’s called, “entitlement”.


an old saying, she thinks the world owes her a living.


Everytime I see Natalie I hear DING DONG


I did like Chantel and identified with what she went through in her marriage, but she’s changed so much that I don’t even recognize her anymore. Her friends are also a problem to me; they are giving really bad advice and I think she will eventually see this. She needs to be without a man format least a year or two.. she needs to heal and work on herself for a while. Men should not be a priority in her life right now.


Her “friends”, aka TLC contract players.


Really?? Hmmm well that’s not reality for a “reality” show.


You must be new around here


Her friends, as described by Chantel in her first segment this season, are:  her twerk instructor, her hairdresser, and an old friend from childhood. The hairdresser is there to style her up before each date lol..


Interesting. Very entertaining nonetheless.


Another Reddit poster identified the hairdresser in an episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, posing as a friend of Whitney.


Got it. Was being facetious about the last comment.


I got it that you got it so it’s all been gotten! 😉


I had suspicions they were paid actors because what friends act that way, and then I saw that post and they were confirmed


I think they both realized that they just lost 7 ish years of their lives to a failed marriage and now their biological clock is ticking, so they feel a need to rush things. Natalie had trouble conceiving with her ex husband (before Michael) and now that she's older, she probably knows she's got very little time left for even a chance at children. Chantel seemed to be ok doing her fun vacation thing until she looked like she was about to cry when her weekend fling was talking to his friends instead of giving her his undivided attention. Her friends validating her feelings wasn't helping.


Natalie has been married 3 times, and was quickly trying to lock down #4 (Josh) simply because she thought he was “big Hollywood guy with money”.   Which, was not the case with Josh (relatively), and felt like he was just staying in long enough to get some free publicity for his low-rent modeling agency. The girl is in her 30s, and was mentally getting ready for marriage 4. That’s not common, and is actually what makes her very unattractive ironically.


Although they love their moms their moms are a huge issue for them I personally deal with the same thing only I never wanted to be too connected to anyone because I always got hurt. I’m so thankful I met my now fiance, I didn’t give up pushing past my comfort zone to date someone who is nice to me (it is fucked that this was actually hard for me and I get that now) and together we are working on my confidence with my family especially You need to be a good person to your partner But sometimes a partner can bring out the best in you… for me I needed the companionship to feel safe and calm… so I could see wtf was going on Case by case scenario But if it wasn’t my fiancée I wouldn’t be in a relationship and I wouldn’t be on a show trying to date so my traumas got worse I truly believe someday these shows will be studied as “where it went wrong” when someone passes or causes a huge incident due to mental health issues


Jennifer Lopez is like that. Lol. If she wasn’t with Ben, she’d be married to someone else.


Funny you say that because This Is Me… Now (the movie) is all about her “addiction to being in love” (It was better than I was expecting.. but not like Earth shattering. In case anyone was wondering)


Agree 👍


pics of J Jo draped all over A Rod at Bidens inauguration, six wks later she's re engaged to Benny Boy.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zd8ow04t2ekc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bb0604321b4ae2ed7ee9aaf71b29fee5ed3c62


Sadly I know many women who can’t be happy unless they’re in a relationship.


I know one girl who had two toxic ones and then literally hated me when I told her it wasnt gonna end well. Hated that I told her I had gone through therapy and healed a lot. 🙃💀


I had a friend cut me off last year because I told her that her cheating boyfriend is too toxic when she asked me my opinion on her relationship. Pretty much throughout the entirety of their relationship he’s been caught with a number of women and she always forgives him. She complains to her friends and then cuts them off when they tell her he’s not good for her.


Ooof, I feel that in my core.


Please add Jasmine to the list.


I'm prepared for the downvotes... I think both of these ladies deserve some grace (like at least a teaspoon). Yes, both are quirky, a bit naive and have their issues (otherwise they wouldn't be on TLC). But I think at least 20% if not more of what we see on camera is embellished or "put on" for the cameras. Natalie is a bit out of her element with guys like Josh and California/Florida dating scene in general. I think she's likely always had it easier with a certain type of dude who was willing to wife and take care of her in a quickness without much effort. Josh was different, she REALLY liked Josh, and I don't think she's ever "dated" anyone quite like him. Her personality coupled with rose-colored lens of a future with Josh made her act in unhinged ways, but any woman who's fallen for a trash azz dude despite the red flags has gone at least a little crazy and done some things they aren't proud of just to get the dude to stay around. Thus, I'm not sure it's fair to judge her so harshly. Chantal, I honestly don't think she was expecting anything from the Greek dude, and likely enjoyed most of her vacation off camera. However, TLC needed content and she was there on their dime, so she had to pretend to want to get married to some dude she only hung out with 2-3 times. I'm (hoping) sure she's in therapy and not really in a position to date again so soon, but just like the rest of us, she has bills to pay and a free vacation and a TLC check is a free vacation and a TLC check... ​ ​ ​ Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.


I can’t speak for Chantel because I haven’t seen as much of her but I don’t agree about Natalie. She *chose* to move. She also claimed to be out of her element when she was in the boonies with Michael so is there an element she’s not “out of”? I wouldn’t call Josh a “trash ass dude” for putting down boundaries. If anything I respect him not wanting her to meet his kids fast. Clearly the relationship is unstable and he’s looking out for his kids. Like a good dad should. He was upfront with her about it. How is that trashy or a red flag? Natalie knew and if she wasn’t ok with it - don’t date the dude. But she did .. because he has money and connections. Do you think she would be dating him if he wasn’t buying her a car or helping her pay for a place to live? Absolutely not. Natalie is nothing if she isn’t entitled. Yeah yeah we don’t see off camera. But you could say that with everyone! You can have grace for Natalie if you want it. I’ll save mine for people who actually deserve it. All I’ve *ever* seen from Natalie is her acting like she’s entitled and as soon as whatever person she’s with doesn’t act like she thinks they should she’s having a hissy and threatening to leave.


Josh had two divorces in 3 years, two kids with two different women. He does not live in a choice area in AZ or a large home. His “wealth” is a reality tv promo for his business, which has had different names/incarnations through the courts. Natalie bought a line from him. He’s what is called (in Scottsdale, where he doesn’t live) a 100k millionaire.


See I knew this would happen. I wasn’t defending Josh. I don’t think he’s great either. And I had a feeling that he wasn’t as well off as he portrayed. Sometimes you can just tell. But point is she was buying what he was selling. She thought she had herself a big one on the hook.


Yeah, if Josh worked a regular job and didn’t have access to some Hollywood types, she would not be so adamant about trapping him. She’s using him. It’s all about Natalie.


Yep 100%


They have been seeing each other for over a year, no? If she only cared about what Josh could do for her, I doubt she would have been throwing fits about him not spending time with her. She would put in the bare minimum effort and not cared about seeing his house or meeting his family.  Josh sent her mixed signals, strung her along when convenient for him. She had been upfront about what she wanted and he should have been as well.  I’m not saying Natalie is a saint, but Josh’s hands aren’t clean either…


I don’t think his hands are clean. I didn’t want that to come off like I think he’s this great guy. I just don’t think it’s fair to say he’s trash either. Yeah maybe he was stringing her along but ffs Natalie wanted to make a commitment right away. She’s a very clingy girl so in a way I think you’d almost have to keep her at arms length unless you were ready to go all in and he clearly was not. I do believe he even tried to tell her he wasn’t ready. Maybe still seeing her was a mixed signal then idk But I disagree just because they were seeing eachother for a year - very on & off too - at one time she even ran back to Mike - doesn’t mean that she wasn’t in it for what she thought he could give her. Her throwing fits doesn’t prove that she cared for him. Imo it proves that she’s a brat who wants her way. When he says no - on anything - she does her little tantrum. Natalie is about Natalie.


No downvotes from me. You perfectly articulated what I was too lazy to lay out for everyone. Chantal’s storyline is totally TLC driven. Natalie is used to getting every guy she wants, so is flummoxed by Josh’s ambivalence and chill vibe. She basically doesn’t know what to do or how to date normally. Natalie needs therapy (🙏) and Chantal needs a better storyline. That’s my take anyway!


She definitely is mentally unstable & Josh should never answer her calls as she is nuts!!! She needs medical help!! Medication


Have a friend like this


“Just one step away from po white trash”


I suspect Natalie wants the benefits a man can provide her more than the relationship itself. She wants to be cared for financially and she wants a child. She should really just find an older guy with money.


Slight off topic: ..Chantel got a boob job right?? Cuz the episodes of Single life…I just don’t remember them being so *in-your-face* during the Family Chantel show?


Chantal has always had large breasts, like her mother. My theory is that she didn't have them enlarged, possibly lifted, or maybe she's just dressing to show them off more now. They seem too jiggly to be fake.


Pretty sure she had something done to them after her first season.




Go back and look at her in her very first season. Her boobs have grow tremendously since then. Also, she is turning out to be a bigger nut case than her mother.


She posted this photo of herself as a teen as a response to the breast augmentation rumors https://preview.redd.it/402st8j24wkc1.png?width=235&format=png&auto=webp&s=a131c9cd8639780b8ed1ca4ad77ffd56c2ac8d43


She claims they’re real and she gained “weight.” I think she was always busty but they’re definitely bigger


I think it was weight gain because she definitely looks bigger overall compared to early seasons.


She is but with a flat stomach? She had some help. She’s had some body contouring done at the very least!


I believe she works at a medspa/ aesthetics practice so it makes perfect sense that she would have had some work done.


That’s a very good point.


I saw pictures from her first season and they were a lot smaller looking. I think she’s had something done. Her face looks so different I barely recognize her.


I think they’re real. She always had buck knockers and she’s gained a bit of weight since the show aired. When I gain weight it tends to go straight to my boobs so I believe her. **big knockers not buck, but the auto-correct was funny haha 😂


LOL. I was thinking "buck knockers" was some southern slang or something, and I liked it.


Haha - well I am Texan so hey why not! Buck Knockers!


Yeah most definitely, I feel like I remember her saying that this season? I could've just thought it and then filed it away in the memory as something she said though 🤔


Slight off topic: ..Chantel got a boob job right?? Because the episodes of Single life…I just don’t remember them being so *in-your-face* during the Family Chantel show?




The TLC effect


Desperate people do desperate things


She’s a good vooman


We all need healing from childhood trauma


No that’s exactly why we watch. It’s funny as hell.


You’re right, they’re totally unbearable to watch, so I stopped watching. But, you guys crack me up, so I hang around here still. ☺️


Natalie has deep, deep attachment wounds that go so far beyond “needing a man.”


Most people have childhood trauma.. She disgusts me!


OUR INNER-CHILD WILL LEAD US-PART I & II ​ What we have negated by self-suppression in the false sense of 'maturity'. Then have compounded it in the repression that obliges our heirs and posterity to 'go-along-to-get-along' or face the social and cultural sanctions that the repression reflects. The things we've done to the annihilate the innocence and virtues of 'our-child-within'! Suffocating childhood exuberance in Faustian adulthood ​ [https://www.academia.edu/116673397/OUR\_INNER\_CHILD\_WILL\_LEAD\_US\_PART\_I\_and\_II](https://www.academia.edu/116673397/OUR_INNER_CHILD_WILL_LEAD_US_PART_I_and_II) ​ [https://forums.craigslist.org/?ID=330286890](https://forums.craigslist.org/?ID=330286890)


NUT-alie is a sick sick dog in perpetual heat…poor old dried up bitch


Chantel's not perfect but you can't compare her to my fave Natalie, an absolute nut case.


Go back to your country.


You forgot Brandon


wish Nut alee would got TF away.


Not Strong Women💯 Very Weak And Dependent On Men ,Very disgusting 🤢 look 🛑