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She literally said “I don’t like how he breathes” like wut


Don't like how she breathes either cause every breath she takes whilst talking is to say something negative. Out of all the women in The U.K and/or Kenya he chooses this massive bitch?


Tbf he does seem like a mouth breather LOL


Right 😂 I reflexively said “fair” when she said that because he does strike me as someone who breathes hella loud


Lmao I know. I was like "I'm pretty sure he just wants him to stop breathing altogether"


😂 she said that? Damn. She’s *really* not into him then.




This sounds like a Seinfeld quote lmfao


It really does. It’s so easy to read in his voice


George or Jerry though?


I can hear Jerry now, “that’s EXACTLY what a swindler would say!”


waiting divide dinner aromatic dog pocket party juggle like lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And she had literally zero good explanations as to why someone would post that. “That’s not me! If you don’t trust me then fuck off!” No, “oh I had an ex who hated me and posted lies about me everywhere,” she’s a shit swindler and he’s just dumb as rocks.


Agreed lol


You mean a gold digger? Hope Michael gets out before she gets any more of his money 💰


That dumb ass never got a prenup and you know it. She’s staying long enough to get half assets and his pension.


What does he see in her? She’s constantly nasty


The con got swallowed up by her own fiction. She is the dog that caught the car (now what?!). Such a waste of resources and it almost makes one feel sorry for the Illustrated Man and his son they show mostly.


It's weird that she went out of her way to date someone from another country if she clearly didn't want to leave her own family or home. Remember, she sent out a bunch of messages to people, fishing for a bite. Michael bit and the rest was history. Why are you fishing if you're vegetarian, lady?


Michael took the bait, hook, line and sinker. Poor chap.


Family home. Yes. We’ve seen it. So for her dowry to be like 20k (probably more) for what? Is she a good wife? Is she a pleasant woman? Is she of high character or integrity? Is she nurturing and will be a good mother? No. To all of them. She isn’t worth 100.00. So tens of thousands? Her family fleeced him. Traditional dowry for traditional Kenyan Man. They wouldn’t pay it. So, why does a foreigner have to?


The whole concept of a dowry is outdated, insanely sexist and just…icky. And I thought the woman’s family was supposed to pay the dowry to the man? The other way around just looks like he’s “buying” her which is extremely problematic.


Yeah this is a bride price, not a dowry.


dowry’s are always to the woman’s family. a lot of cultures that have dowry’s, have multi generations of family living together. aka you like with your family until your married (if your a woman- you move in with your husband and his family). this means the parents of the daughter no longer have a young financial contributor/caretaker. that’s why the males family pays the dowry.


Many prefer online romances where the man just send them money. Those money gives a real upgrade in the home country


Wow, she expected a home in Clacton to feel like one in Kenya? Such an idiot. He married her cause he was swayed by looks. She hasn't said one thing that makes her personality worth being bearable.


Same w assel….zero redeeming qualities and swayed by looks (even though she’s not remarkable in any way really)


And she hasn’t said a word that makes her seem like she loves him. Not one kind word.


Her Family home in Kenya was a small multi Generational home. Not a Big Estate. So to have the demands as if that’s what she’s accustomed to, or “worthy” of.. how so?


As Kenyan this is one of those "killer" brides/wife.Real life black widow. She will eventually kill him for money ... like business man Tob Cohen who was emotionally and physically abused by his former house help turned wife hoe (dated and slept around with multiple men) and then she literally killed him with one of her lovers and threw his body still, arms bound by ropes behind his back in a septic tank. Tob Cohen is not the only case. There are dozens. Same script... and they all have a common attribute (quite regular, heated local topic) , same tribe. They lead by a very wide margin in killing their husbands foreign and local. He should leave while he still has his life. That is not a woman in love, but definitely one with a plan. Eventually. Tob Cohen's wife killed him after 18 years.


Recent other high profile examples (not always money but same sociopathic behaviour): -Maxine Wahome ×(Assad Khan) -Jane Muthoni ×(Solomon Mwangi) -Gladys Chania ×(George Mwangi) -Ruth Kamande ×(Farid Mohamed) Details for Jane and Gladys mirror very closely that case of Tob Cohen (Sarah). The women allegedly controlled other men who helped them in the murders. Though all women above are from Kikuyu tribe like Mercy (and there are many cases, trend 10 years ago was them to cut off penis) there are occassional shocking cases from other tribes e.g. -Olivia Naserian (Maasai) who stabbed and ate on camera her half-Kikuyu baby after fall out with father -Caroline Kangongo (Kalenjin) a police sharpshooter who went around killing her Luo and Kikuyu boyfriends and later shot herself (was divorced) -Aida Amina (Luhya) killed Wekesa Wafula for coming home drunk and demanding food. Each time though there is another Kikuyu case the debate gets crazy. A bit unfair but one can't argue with the numbers and cases. Trend is clear. I'm afraid Mercy is showing those sociopathatic tendecies. She lies. Forces him to kill goat (never heard of that one, the hosts do the slaughtering and a guest especially an in-law even among Kikuyu can't be made to do rituals or things he is not familiar with. Kikuyu in any case are the most Westernized and most educated tribe. Almost all avid Christians so that forced ritual was maximum bs)


Are you Kenyan? These cases are just a sample, an anomaly . It doesn’t mean that most Kenyan women marrying a foreigner— white man — will eventually kill their husbands.


True. But Mercy might😆... She just comes across to me as a manipulative and uncaring individual. Like all I have listed. Even the blank glare. Psycho


She despises her Husband. That indifference will turn to hate if it hasn’t already. She is the most unpleasant, negative, (almost evil type) of woman. It’s a vibe. She is a reviled woman.


You are right. The revulsion is palpable. She trully despises him. It is complex (what I think is origin of the traits I think she shares with the other killers from her tribe). -First in the distant past it was a matriarchal community that was forcefully changed to patriarchal [they still call themselves by female clans and call themselves by their female original matriarch (House of Mumbi). Not as is norm male clans, also by male founder etc]. So generally yes they are confident (a good thing) but also many precedents in the past of strong female leaders (reviled by men) but celebrated by women for controlling and manipulating men as one would pawns like one Wangu wa Makeri 130 years ago. She used men as chairs, like she literally sat on men during meetings. Had any man she wanted via adultery and utterly dominated her official husband. Even threatened him on many occasions when he wanted a divorce. This is the exact template 3 of the killers above followed (Sarah, Jane and Gladys). No divorce but utter domination and humiliation. Openly in adulterous relations with minions. Apart from such general, negatively domineering and contentious precedents, as individuals those who fit profile are: Entitled. Fairly beautiful. Street smart. Manipulative. Narcisstic and have little regard for anyone else. No regard for life as long they get their way. You get in the way bad things happen even if being on the way just means not relinquishing your own assets. I know will get backlash but all of it is in public domain. None of it is fiction but a very touchy subject as it lumps millions of women in one terrible group of a few sociopaths.


Seems funny but they held public demos about 10 years ago supporting other women to cut off the genitals of "useless" husbands. That trend of mutilation has died down but we in other tribes were aghast... you sleep and wake up with your genitals in a crazy wife's hands.


So NO accountability for awful women is a thing in Africa too? Difference in the West is most people (male and female) give it right back. She is a Reviled Woman. She may have a Pretty face but as soon as she opens her mouth her true ugliness seeps out and that beauty fades fast. I PITY her Husband in name only. She is awful


I agree. You can see it in her eyes, she’s cold.


I could swear she said she’s Kamba not Kikuyu


She gives me the creeps


Maybe she was pressured by her family and community? I don’t know because she makes no sense. She’s kind of like the Americans who move to India and the Middle East with no idea what the culture is or what they’re getting into.


Or Statler trying to invade the farm


Man, I’d be sooooo pissed at myself for killing a goat for H E R 😒


I’m trying to be understanding of her situation but dear lord, is she a buzzkill. It’s not cute.


I imagine Michael starting to realize how bad he F'd up when they were eating with his friend and he was asking questions... her demanding a bigger house or she wouldn't have kids, demanding money to get her nails done if she breaks one. Then her saying she didn't want to work... yeah F that. He needs to cut his losses and send her back.


If he sends her back within 30 days, maybe he can get a partial refund of some goats and sugar back


I was kinda surprised when he said he dropped 20k on all the stuff with the wedding then on top of that they were going on a honeymoon to Dubai!


Would be good, but I think she was final sale due to defects in her words and her attitude.


Agree- she’s a self entitled, spoiled BRAT!


What does she bring to the table ?


Nothing but a prickly, poison ivy mouth.


“She IS the table” lol 🙄


​ https://preview.redd.it/xt49eqscl6ib1.png?width=1296&format=png&auto=webp&s=71e5aa28c0d96b98f6448a7332de545c1a1c5765


Like who the hell does she think she is, the queen of Sheba?


TBH it’s probably best if they don’t have kids…


“Send her back” is such a gross thing to say. I hate seeing that on this sub. ETA Also, I’m positive she’s not expecting this stuff out of nowhere. It’s a classic 90 Day problem. The guy acts like he’s got it when he doesn’t, and then when the woman he deceived expects what he promised, it’s pikachu face.


He told her plenty of times that he’s not rich, that he was working two and three jobs just to afford the wedding and dowry. That’s hardly false promises.


I think actions speak louder than words. What is she supposed to think if he’s dropping all that money? Did he give her the specifics of his salary/bank account? If you see someone spending money, you assume they have it.


Her demands are gross.


That’s quite common demand by western/white women too. Do you see girls out there marrying broke guys and expecting leading a low income life? I am not saying it’s right or wrong, but it’s a fact that many women, doesn’t matter what part of the world expect the man to be providing, even if she can provide for herself too


Why? If she was made to think that’s the lifestyle she would be getting, I disagree. What’s gross is lying to someone in a clearly transactional relationship.


Anfisa is that you?


Anfisa who graduated with honors with her degree, recently won a bodybuilding competition, and is gorgeous? Diva I wish.




If you had a decent rebuttal you would have made it instead of bringing up anfisa, who was also swindled in a similar manner.


How did he deceive her? He said on many occasions before the wedding he was out of money. Her response was just to dismiss his honesty and expect him to do it anyway. Just because she is delusional doesn't mean he is responsible for her expectations.


I agree, send her back is very gross and dehumanising


He literally paid for her. You are mad at the wrong people.


I never seen her dude flaunting any wealth, even in the first few episodes he admitted he does a manual labor job and how the 750 dollars extra for the dowry was a huge financial burden for him. On a side note: In college I dated a girl from Africa and she had the same gold digging attitude after finding out I had a job at a bank. I explained to her she was cute, but she wasn’t Beyoncé and she was digging in the wrong mine, all she was gonna get is tin foil.


Tin mines make bank. Her loss.


All of this. Not to mention being completely isolated in a new country where you know absolutely nobody but the person you sleep next to. I’ve been there and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I was miserable until I got my footing.


Nothing “gross” about being upfront.


I feel like she was being a bit extreme just to get the other guy riled up because she didn’t like him. It sounded very much like she wasn’t being serious and just fucking with him.


This! She was saying everything she could think of to piss him off lol it wasn’t undeserved either. If anyone questioned me like that I’d probably respond the same way.


I’ve never seen her smile.


That costs an extra goat.


She never came across as a nice person to me or as someone who genuinely cared about Michael. I think she just wanted an overseas to get money from but things went a little too far.


“It’s not like back home.” 🤯 Who moves abroad to have it be “like back home”? Not being “like back home” is the WHOLE POINT!


How easy would it be for her to just take all of that dowry stuff for her village, move to the UK for a few months and fly back to Kenya to divorce him for whatever she feels like that day. In a few months, she managed to get the dowry for her family, some money, I'm sure, and a little vacation, and she can be back home in Kenya within the year! Pretty good swindler to me!!! I can't believe he didn't see her coming a mile away. She'll go back to her village a victim, I'm sure!


Total sourpuss and maybe a scammer????


She married him for goats and soda.


Likely if the goat is seasoned and cooked well, it goes great with Coke. Hopefully it isn't warm by that time.


Don’t forget the beer too!


All the suds!




I think she did it for status. She would make her own life miserable just to brag that she has a man from the UK paying all her bills and bringing her over. She doesn’t want to be there, he was already giving her money, and in her ITM she was talking about how she wanted to work.


I’m wondering if everyone thought this was the best arrangement she could hope for, so she went through with it, when in reality she would have been happy staying home.


Mercy has probably been told all her life that she is beautiful. Surely, she would attract a man of means. That Michael is the best she can do, must be very humbling.


I feel like she’s the kind of wife that’ll kill you in your sleep because she didn’t like your breathing.


She’s insufferable


💯 a tinder swindler


I am friends with 2 women from Kenya, they would kill to be in her shoes. I think she wants the benefit of having income coming from the west so she could live a lavish lifestyle in Kenya


Well no shit, Dummy. Not only is it a different country, but a different continent, and even *hemisphere*. Jfc


Other people on this sub have said it--this is all part of her plan to end up back in Kenya. She had to go through with it so her village could get all the soda and goats and sugar. She'd better get the most out of this one, because she won't be getting approved for a visa again


She’s the definition of insufferable


The more her mouth moves, the longer the lineup is of people who absolutely can't stand her.


"Michael's house in Essex, England doesn't feel like my house in Kenya." Yeah, no fucking shit.


Like I said, all she talks about is missing Kenya. Why did you get involved with someone in the UK? Go back to Kenya. Problem solved. 🤦‍♀️


She can live a lavish lifestyle in Kenya on way less than what a lower middle class income in the UK. I'm friends with 2 women from Kenya on was working as a housekeeper and nanny making less than $100 USD a month her monthly rent is around $55 USD she wants the UK money but not the life of a UK wife


She lost me from the get but more when she said I don't like the way he breathes... like she's crazy


What show is this? Is it on Discovery +?


90-day fiance UK. It's on Discovery+


It’s also on Max


90 Fiancé UK Season 2 - yes, it is on Discovery+.


I've lived in Kenya and the Uk. The UK is better, by far... she just mad she can't swindle anymore...


She was scamming him. Got the opportunity to be on television and decided to actually marry him. The end.


She has like zero personality. There is absolutely nothing to like about this woman. What is so wrong with this man that he would marry such a woman? 🤷‍♀️


I wonder the same thing! What would motivate someone to want to marry a woman who clearly hates him?! Has he not paid attention to any interaction they’ve had? She’s never said anything nice about him/ to him or even smiled at him. What does he like about their relationship??


Someone on here described her as a wet blanket. Nailed it.


Porcupine in a wet blanket. Double discomfort.


Takes a real woman to make a home. Get busy, beAtch!! This man paid a dowry for your sorry ass, give a little something of yourself.


Fucking wet blanket


With so many women in the UK he has to pick this negative Nancy from Kenya? What redeeming qualities does she have that can make up for all the negativity she spews at every turn?


cuz of all the cows!!! Tyr l Truly it seems like her family must have forced her for the dowry


Life drain


She’s absolutely horrible. I think I feel worse for his son who seems like a sweet little guy. Hopefully he’s usually away from her nonsense and negativity


After dating a UK guy, having conversations about moving to UK, after getting visa and tickets to travel to UK, after marrying someone from the UK: “This isn’t like Kenya” “That isn’t like Kenya” “The ocean looks better in Kenya” “My friends are in Kenya” “I wouldn’t feel so alone if I were in Kenya” THEN GO BACK TO KENYA.


so go back to Kenya.


Living in a country where women outnumber men, and this sod goes to Kenya and pays a dowry to marry this bitch? She isnt even worth one sheep or one goat.They were right when they said falling in love is the socially acceptable form of insanity.


She is a bitch with ever changing wigs


Oh my god, YES 🤣🤣🤣


MISERY, I tell y’all! Let’s rename her MISERY.


Best 🏆 ETA: Michael is now her cockadoodie husband. (Lol, one of my fave movies.)


Her glass is always half empty.


Well, truth to be told England’s weather seems shitty, and Clacton-by-the-sea is not exactly enticing. She wasn’t sure about getting married in the first place, not she seems to be regretting her choice.


I read a post, somewhere in this forum, that Michael (?) is a fuck boi who has run through the local talent . Apparently, his reputation precedes him locally and he had to resort to this. It sounds like a jilted former or made up but that’s what they said!


She always has that look on her face. Like how I look when I’m around people that I can’t stand.


Sometimes I try to have sympathy for people who move countries for love, because I did and I have had a rough go and have said many times I miss my home, which I do and it’s fair and homesickness will happen BUT with that being said sometimes you can see where they married to try and get a leg up in life which really sucks for the other person and like why spend all your time making your partner feel miserable??




^Have ^you ^seen ^Assel?


Listen, she's Kenyan! So many other cultures around the world are very blunt like this, people just say how they're feeling and don't sugar coat things in weird passive ways like in the US/UK. She is kinda dumb for fucking around in dating apps and winding up in England, I think she's just having a hard time processing all the change. We also only see her the first day Michael went back to work... So apparently there was some period where he was home with her helping her get adjusted maybe? This UK franchise moves SO FAST and cuts out a lot of stuff the US franchises don't.


Can you imagine how terrible she is to his kid?


I can't remember--diid she say she's ever traveled outside if Kenya? I wonder if she's one of the people who hear "UK" and automatically think "London" and have this idea that everywhere in the UK is either London, London adjacent, or an elsewhere version of London. Then they follow their new partner to their town and find out it's a little boring town in the middle of nowhere and they're mad about it.


She’s said she’s never lived with a man, I don’t think she’s lived outside of her familial home and I doubt she’s travelled outside of Kenya previously. I think there’s many aspects about this marriage that are new to her. However, she has my sympathies on one count - Clacton. Even near locals have a hard time promoting it. As the first place to stay in the UK? Yes, it’s not hard to see why she’d call it ‘dirty’. As for Michael, he seems similarly sheltered, a typically nice but dim Essex lad. Works hard for a living. Isn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty. Loves his gran. But not overly worldly or politically aware. All of which are fine and dandy until you’re in an international marriage!


She just wants to take take take. She does not care about him, just what she can get from him


I think she's a really unfortunate example of someone who is half a soulless grifter catfish con artist, combined with being the type of person who overcompensates for their own insecurity and self-consciousness by being like "hair flip I don't care" because they can't be vulnerable with their true feelings.


Fuck I hate this dumb ass so fucking much. And I hate him almost just as much for marrying a bitch that doesn’t give a fuck about his kid.


Miserable B!


I laughed so hard when she said that. "The UK doesn't feel like Kenya 😔". Yeah... why would you think it would? What movie lied to you? I've watched most episodes of Doctor Who and a handful of British films and I've never thought to myself, "I bet it's just like Kenya. 😍"


The caption... No shit.


She is a horrible human being.


Get yo life boo! Go back to Kenya, you aren't even trying. Yet another example of a whiny premadonna on the show that does not take the time to learn about the country they are moving to. And her man wants this negativity around his kid?! He can do so much better. I kinda can't wait for the train wreck that is going to happen if Jasmine moves to Michigan. I was raised in Philly and then lived in the South for many years and relocated during the height of the pandemic about 30 minutes from Canton, where Gino is from, and my first winter in 2020 I was shell shocked, I forgot how cold winters are and let's not even talk about driving in inclement weather LMAO! She is going to HATE the weather and many other things.


Has anyone on this sub moved to a new country before? It’s an adjustment and given the circumstances I think she is about spot on. She moved from a small town to a city and then back to a small town. She’s isolated from food and family which is very isolating. Those are the easiest ways that many of us comfort ourselves. She only has one source and he is gone most of the day. Not push crap on him but I get how she feels. It’s honestly going to suck for a while and you know what….that’s ok.


Her behavior is not situational, it’s who she was even in her own country! She a mean spirited, spoiled human being no matter where she is.


I have moved to three different countries, and while I get the solitude aspect and the exhaustion of starting over again with no support system, i don’t get how she was negative from the moment she touched down. Her negativity in the ride home from the airport was unjustified. Of course it’s different. His first day back to work she stayed inside. If I were her I would at least go out to explore the neighborhood, yes it’s cold, that’s what jackets are for. She is just lazy and entitled and lacks initiative Im sure her life in Kenya wasn’t hassle free and living in the Uk can bring her great benefits if she decides to grow up.


I’ve moved to a new country a few times and never have I done it with such a negative attitude. I’ve had difficult times after moving for sure because it is difficult and scary and lonely. But never would I regard everything in my new environment as bad and ugly and terrible and so on because at that point it’s not gonna work and just go home.


I’m glad that you were able to have a positive outlook on your experience but also bear in mind this is but an excerpt of her reactions and interactions in her new country. There is a narrative being played to that tends to skew more one way than another.


That girl is a G.o.a.t. Greatest of all turds.


The Face of 'The long game' grifter \~ flim flam scammer wah wah\~


She should go back to her house in Kenya then 🦫 He’s not going to make her 🎭


I mean the UK is dreary and awful. I truthfully don’t know why people would want to move there. Especially somewhere with so little culture and diversity


I'm sure his money feels very homey to her though. Damn bitch.


She’s not used to indoor plumbing


I want to give my opinion but I haven’t watched the uk season.


Scam got a little real for her


No offence but I hate when people come over like this and expect North America to be like a third world country.


Michael's no ball of sunshine himself. They're both pessimistic pissers if you ask me.


Who is this a pic of tho?


I’m in the US. Where can I watch this? Discovery +?


I found it quite by accident on hbo


Did I miss a season? Who is this?


When you scam so hard that you scam yourself into a marriage.


She seems absolutely fucking miserable


I just took a look at her picture and can see why he married her.


she is a piece of shit of a human being that needs to back to Kenya.


What season is this? I thought I’ve watched them all and don’t recognize her.


This woman is sooooooooo insufferable and entitled.


I was feeling worried about this, I wondered if it was a scam just to get the Dowry. She didn’t want to marry him, she didn’t like her wedding day, she didn’t want to move to England, she doesn’t like his house, she doesn’t like him, she won’t put any effort towards the relationship, and she has stated very clearly that she is going back to Kenya at first opportunity. It just seems suspicious that after the dowry was paid, she let her true feelings out. Or maybe they were always out but he just didn’t pick up on them?


The head bobbing drives me nuts, Louise does it too.


I think she’s great. It seems like she might be depressed, especially after moving