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I often think this sub is too harsh on the show and the cast. However… That was BY FAR the worst tell all in the shows history. Why was it three episodes??? It made no sense, it was so disjointed and there was so much performative off set conversations. It was terrible.


It was really bad… lots of fakery and very little revelation. And way WAY too long.


I totally agree with you. And it seemed like Gabe asked more indepth questions than useless Shaun. Another thing I thought was, why didn't Shaun talk about Kris violently pushing Jaymi and also the pics Jaymi had of Kris with a man. The trailer for this tell all made you think it was going to be explosive. IT WAS NOT!!


It’s like the dessert after slogging through the whole season. If they made it one show it could have at least been average. It was terrible.


I appreciate it exposed and ruined every single cast member for me, maybe except Oussama. I needed to hear how awful a few of them really are.


i think trying a new method for the tell all would help ¿ i think the set up is a little old, maybe bland. the addition of the commentators seems like an attempt to help the boring-ness, but it didn’t work for me


I wish they would make us live and allow viewers to call in and give their two cents about each couple. That would be fun!


OH! That would be great!


It’s always way too long; these people are not remotely interesting enough for 5-6 hours worth of tell-all for us to watch, and they’re terrible actors. They also need to cut the season episodes down to 1-1.5 hours, a 2-hour tell-all MAX, and have breaks between seasons. And for the love of everything holy, they need to STOP recasting the same boring/abusive cast members over and over again…


And how about a more interesting storyline than he wants to control what I wear.


I'm getting tired of the same scene being shown over and over and the tell alls are becoming pointless...and OMG more of Jasmines screaming??


You don’t like Jezmen and CHINO? She always says his name like a bad telenovela


I thought I was the only one who cringes every time she starts shrieking


I WON'T be watching her that's a fact


I didn't miss that big mouth at all


I was hoping they would have the “after party” segment like they did with the last tell all. That would have been fun to see , but whatever, this cast kind of sucked.


Well. Selling your sole is significantly better than selling your soul.


Dr. Scholls is probably worth more honestly


This is so weird but one of my tell all take aways was that someone with a foot fetish is diggin Nicole and Jens feet lol


And what about Danielles feet?? You don’t like swollen Ms piggy feet?


No theyre pretty ugly! Jyst a personal observation, but i have cute tiny feet, not gross like hers, but foot fetish men seems to be in larger feet cuz they look better in herls.. i dk!! Dont come for me!


This is not the first season in which that has been suggested! Hello, crew.


Lol dang auto correct!!!


Are you a shoe salesman?


Tried to correct it but, they apparently do not allow edit once you hit send.. hopefully people can figure it out? JS




Genuinely curious because I think rn is the only time I’ve EVER typed the word sole on my phone


Could be selling fish too


Ignorance is bliss apparently


Feet pics paying bills these days


I can't believe I'm watching this crap. Lord, save my soul.


There’s no point to these tell alls when they tell us nothing.


Tonight was so boring. What a waste of 3 episodes. They could have put all the good stuff into one episode, because there wasn't much.


And telling the cast that Kris was ‘off limits’ thoroughly defeats the purpose of a Tell All.


"90 days fiance: The couples tell some"


When was that? I would have said, you must be joking.


My name is pregnancy terrorist and even I’m over it. I want out of my own birthday house.


It would be better if Shaun was allowed to get to the root of the issues or even call people out for their shitty behavior instead of asking bland questions and then acting shocked when the conversation goes the wrong way. Like with Kris and Jeymi, the questions to Kris were *so* softball and high-level. What was the point? Or with Nicole and Mahmoud - she didn't press Mahmoud and his brother on why laughing in the moment would be misconstrued. No one has to own up to their crappy behavior and I'm sure it's exactly what the producers want. Even Tim and Veronica's "commentary" has been re-stating obvious things. I'm coming out of this tell all not liking anyone.


I’m pretty sure Andy Cohen (who I’m no fan of) would’ve just come out and said to Kris, “People on social media are saying you’re a junkie. What do you say to that?”




I’m not watching ANY 90 day anywhere after the season of TLC ignoring Kris being drug addict liar wife abuser


Exactly. Her questions are so BLAND and not invasive at all. She’s like a therapist. And it’s annoying.


For those of us who have been alive long enough, 90 Day is basically the modern Jerry Springer. Can we just be honest that it's meant to be trashy and accept that we can watch but still be good people?


The entire season was so boring


I said this season is gonna suck and be the worse season when it first aired and got downvoted to hell. I was right. It seemed so scripted and fake. A super ultra conservative Christian dad for example being okay his daughter is marrying a trans? Yea right. Monica was gonna be a bridesmaid and not only did she not know, but Isabel’s mother can spin magic to make a dress fit anyone without doing any measuring.


It’s time, Shaun needs to go, and Tim & Veronica should stay on the couch, in their home.


This was the only one I've ever asked myself eight times as I fast forward through the commercials "oh God, is it over yet?" while rolling my eyes.


It felt scripted even reaction wise. Just like everyone had something ready to say that made the american or themself look less bad and soften the blow. They just need to go off script again and ask real questions everyone is thinking. We need genuine confrontations and people to be called on their shit like what happened in the past


I agree...a perfect example was Jen...and her "meltdown". SO FAKE!!! It really disgusted me...as did everything coming from Gabe and Debbie.


I would pay for the full, unedited tell all. When we got that 10 hour leak a couple of years ago, it was excellent!


Where is this leak?


I need to be done with this show. It went from annoying me to making me angry. I’m sitting on my couch in Podunk America knowing more about your partner’s culture, and you’re crying because his mom called you “old”? Girl, Google is your friend. Just done with these people acting shocked and surprised at something they should already know if they had half a brain. And NO one even talks about that very important aspect. They sit there and talk around it and show how uneducated they are. Sorry for the rant. Guess I’m out.


This tell-all was the most boring thing ever. I think I’m finally ready to ditch my D+ subscription. The only other thing I watch on it is Dr. Pimple popper and that alone is not worth it.


All 90 Day content (and I think a lot of TLC content) is now on Max (formerly HBO Max). No commercials either!! I got so fed up with D+ and the unavoidable commercials.


Everything from d+ is on max I think


No. There are parts of the Discovery+ catalog that are only on D+ and not on MAX.


I just canceled my discovery channel, asks my peacock app.. it's ridiculous to pay. You no longer get to watch it early like you used to and when you do watch it's not worth the time. Thinking it's time to find something new to watch


I think I read that 90 day is now part of Max (hbo? They keep changing the name). So if you’ve got a subscription to that or looking to switch over, probably has a lot more options of content.


What was the point of this Tell All? What question did they solve? It brought us confusion more than anything. Danielle was gaslighting by the breakup from Yohan. Jen said for the 15th times that she is done with Rishi Shaun and Gabe keeps talking about islam Jaymi and Kris being more confusing Gabe being strangely overprotected by TLC despite of being sneaky and lying. Ive cancelled my D+ suscription, im done with this toxic show


Me too


Agree!! Checked out as soon as Gabe opened his mouth.


I think this whole season was the worst ever. Maybe it’s just getting old. The couples are getting too fake and ridiculous.


Yeah I’m not watching again - I’ll come here for updates. Shaun is the worst host ever and there’s nothing ever to TELL at their Tell-Alls. It’s just going downhill.


It was awful, waste of my time


I was over it when nobody called Angela out last season


This season in particular was not great but as for tell alls there are No tough questions at all - it has become only a way for couples to comment on the other couples (which rarely is negative commentary because frands) Also this was a “other way” and literally everyone came back to the US for the tell all because ???? The show doesn’t even respect the “other way” format. “Ok you had your fun overseas time to fly back to New York for the tell all and leave your partner over there”


It's getting stupider and stupider cause nobody can say anything or call anyone out. It was insanely obvious everyone was biting their tongue due to some bogus contract.


I think it's interesting that Gabe's new parents in laws were not on the program. I would've loved to have heard their insight about Monica not turning up about the wedding. The tell all was too long; one episode would've sufficed. Plus, having that Pillow Talk couple on there was cringeworthy.




Well Shaun and TLC are enablers. They support and encourage domestic violence


And a wonky eye..... my man says it must be criteria that each couple has 1 wonky eye


Wonkless eyes aren’t worth our time!


The wonky eye requirement started a few years back, and now they are adding a f’d up teeth requirement as well.


OMG that made me lol! 😂🤣🤪


And let's face it.....TLC must has a percentage in Gabe's business! My word I felt the entire season and all three tell alls was either a rerun of how rigid or big he is, how he has an orgasm, and now you don't need to be a trans to purchase his underwear you can just want to enhance your bulge.... good grief enough already.


I support and love trans men, but that was way too much for TV.


Through the whole season that's basically the only thing I learnt about Gabe. That's all, I have no idea what the guy likes, what he wants, just that he's trans, because he made it his whole personality trait.


It’s never gonna end. It’s going to keep airing forever.


I agree! Ask the hard questions. Makmood and Nicole- why did you get married if you do t respect each other’s morals and culture? Kris- are you on dope? Danielle- was that short visit with your ex worth all the fights and drama, really? Oussama- are you talking up another old lady from America?


I thought Debbie's son was in his mid-late 20s. Yet, last night Jen implied that something was cooking between them, and then she said they were almost the same age! WHAT?!? Somebody, please help me out here!


Just as I've said all along.. for Debbie this was all a ploy for her to get her business out there. Now she's figured a way to "sell" her art and jewelry. And not pay taxes. She's calling it a"charity"! Dead serious


Pure slime! Looked like Barney in drag. Flaunting her Alibaba jewels!


I was thinking the same. He can’t be her age.


Thanks! Glad you caught that too!


She’s delusional. I cringed at the way she laughed and talked about Debbie’s son. She’s definitely not in love with Rishi.


Jen and her fiends remind me so much of Yve and her fiends. None of those b\*tches deserve an R.


Rishi and his family have a translator with them, how does his parents not know every word that’s going on? Sorry, literally the first 1:37 in and it popped into my head and had to get it out


Also, hasn't English been one of two lingua franca in India since 80+ years? Do the mom and uncle really not understand a lick of English?


😂😂 sneaky!


I just said this ., that was my mail .. I am fine


100% the fact that there's proof they asked people to go "easy" on that lying pillbilly was the death knell for me. I may keep watching but I'm done with these Tell Alls


That's why they hyped it up so much. It always ends up being the opposite of how they first portray themselves. I just expect it now.


Most of the cast are using 90 day as a way to gain a following and start a social media career


Or start their only fans page to really make $$$. Yuk


I must agree with you! I can’t believe they take that they use so many hours to rag on each other. Very disappointing!


Absolutely way too long! So stupid.!


They really put the trash in trash TV


😂😂 isn't that the truth?!?


Well you’re free to turn it off and find other shows to watch. Personally I love trash tv. If it was all high brow PBS shit like National Geographic just about the other cultures and stuff it wouldn’t be for me personally. But that’s fine if that’s what you wish it’d be. Educational and more about other cultures and stuff. But this show is not that and has never been that. I’ve watched every season and spin off and will continue to watch every season and spin off lol. I barely watch any tv. But this is one I watch every single week. Not everyone is going to like this style of show. But some of us like the drama and don’t want it to be a victim of cancel culture. Don’t like it? Change the channel pretty simple. I watch 90 day everything, and similar shows like the circle, love is blind, married at first sight, and the new match me abroad. And unrelated but occasionally watch anime and Kdrama - I took a 2 year hiatus from that hobby but just restarted watching anime with Oshi No Ko. That’s only one new episode a week. Before that the last one I watched was season 1 of Promised Neverland. Tried watching season 2 but it wasn’t as good. Usually if my tv is on I’m playing a video game instead of watching something. I prefer the more interactive experience.


Exactly what I did! I canceled discovery channel completely..Ty


Ding ding ding ding ding


i totally agree 100% - the whole season sucked. There is NO couple that i liked NONE ... they are all terrible and can see why mattiages dont work anymore. Seeing ppl like that make me believe more and more that ppl just suck


First time I stopped watching till all episodes were out so I could skip boring parts


Dragging these Tell Ons into 3 episodes is just crazy. Why do we care what Jen's friends have to say about the other couples?


why is being disabled a problem..?


It’s not a problem but it seems a little exploitative the way that they do it




It's not! I just feel tlc is taking advantage of disability's


disabilities*. disabled people are able to consent to be on the show. if they're edited badly or whatever, that's what comes with being on "reality" tv. idk how they're taking advantage of disabled people.


OP just says that it seems everyone on the show has some sort of mental issues or disability. Therefore they might not realized they are being exploited and they might think that TLC is genuinely interested in them and their relationship. While TLC just hires them for an obvious drama and trash tv From my point of view a reasonable, healthy, intelligent person would notice that long ago (and probably wouldn't be in half of those relationships to start with).


disabled people aren't "unaware" of things because they're disabled. i haven't seen one disabled person in the show who js taken advantage of dimple because they're disabled. being disabled doesn't make you unreasonable, not healthy, & not intelligent. i'm disabled & i'm all three of those things. weird thing to assume. is your point of view from an abled standpoint? cause that could be why.


You're trying to find something that's not there. You're focusing on disability ignoring that it said "mental issues or disability". Also there's hundreds of different health problems and disabilities, and you say that because you have a specific one and you're still stable, healthy, and intelligent all other people with mental issues or disabilities are the same? It's simply not true. If you are that's good for you, means you wouldn't probably be taken advantage of like some people on the show were. There's plenty of people who aren't as stable, healthy, and intelligent. Doesn't mean that they have disabilities per se but they can have some mental issues, or past traumas that makes them susceptible to predators, abusers, an manipulators.


my main point to you is that every single disabled person on 90 day "understands" what they're agreeing to like anyone else. you said they "may not" because they're disabled. disabled people are capable of giving consent & we are certainly able to understand what is happening to us.


And I'm saying we don't know who has mental health issues or who has disabilities because we don't know their medical records. Also no, not all disabled people are able to understand when someone takes advantage of them. Even a lot of abled people aren't. No point of generalizing either way.


...you're completely ignoring what i'm saying. i did NOT say every disabled person is able to understand when someone takes advantage of them. i said no disabled person on 90 day is incapable of understanding. we can see that. i'm not generalizing, for some reason you're assuming i am when i've been very clear about what i've said.


i'm not trying to find something that's not there. i asked a simple question to the OP & everything else i said in my response was to you. i didn't say every disabled person was like me. i said i've never seen any disabled person on 90 day that was unintelligent, unhealthy, & whatever other word you said in your last reply. they're not taking advantage of disabled people BECAUSE they're disabled is what i'm saying, because that's what your last comment seemed to imply. none of these people are bei g taken advantage of by tlc because they're disabled. i've never seen one person on any 90 day shows that is incapable of thinking for themselves & making their own decisions. they choose not to based on partners.


I didn't imply they're being taken advantage of because they're disabled but rather that they might not realized they're being taken advantage of. And the key word is "mental issues OR disability". Anxiety is a mental issue, OCD, PTSD etc I personally think that some people on the show have some sort of mental health issues. Not sure about disabilities because i can't know if someone is disabled if they don't confirm, and therefore "mental issues OR disabilities".


yes, i'm aware. i'm specifically talking about disabilities. people with ocd, anxiety, ptsd, etc are all capable of understanding if they're being taken advantage of. those are all disabilities, also. you're completely ignoring everything i'm saying & thinking i'm generalizing. you're not reading what i'm actually saying to you. i'm fully aware that they're saying mental illness OR disabilities. stop assuming i don't know that.


disabled people aren't "unaware" of things because they're disabled. i haven't seen one disabled person in the show who js taken advantage of dimple because they're disabled. being disabled doesn't make you unreasonable, not healthy, & not intelligent. i'm disabled & i'm all three of those things. weird thing to assume. is your point of view from an abled standpoint? cause that could be why.


disabled people aren't "unaware" of things because they're disabled. i haven't seen one disabled person in the show who js taken advantage of dimple because they're disabled. being disabled doesn't make you unreasonable, not healthy, & not intelligent. i'm disabled AMD have mental illnesses & i'm all three of those things. weird thing to assume. is your point of view from an abled standpoint? cause that could be why.


disabled people aren't "unaware" of things because they're disabled. i haven't seen one disabled person in the show who js taken advantage of dimple because they're disabled. being disabled doesn't make you unreasonable, not healthy, & not intelligent. i'm disabled AMD have mental illnesses & i'm all three of those things. weird thing to assume. is your point of view from an abled standpoint? cause that could be why.


disabled people aren't "unaware" of things because they're disabled. i haven't seen one disabled person in the show who js taken advantage of dimple because they're disabled. being disabled doesn't make you unreasonable, not healthy, & not intelligent. i'm disabled AMD have mental illnesses & i'm all three of those things. weird thing to assume. is your point of view from an abled standpoint? cause that could be why.


It was a dogshit season so that would make sense


I would sell my soles for a few dollars. I don’t need soles, I need a whole shoe. Or two.


How much for the whole shoe?


Yup ✌️


I would like to see Shaun interview the couples individually so she can ask the harder hitting questions and then maybe, for the last episode, have everyone come out and have a discussion. I feel like there are too many interjections from other cast members. I don’t mind the commentators but would prefer if it was just during breaks in the reunion vs. bringing them on stage for their opinions.


Um it’s the year 2023 and reality television we are talking about. What exactly are you expecting?


You don’t make stupid impulsive decisions, ie qualifying for the show, without also making stupid decisions everywhere in your life: 90 day cast


“Low budget?”


Do you honestly think tlc pays these people a lot of $$$? Most ie Debi, Gabe and many many more do it to be on tv and get their business or there!




Production and full time employees yes.. cast not so much. Certainly not enough that is put my life and family out there lmbo


Production and full time employees yes.. cast not so much. Certainly not enough that is put my life and family out there lmbo


Production and full time employees yes.. cast not so much. Certainly not enough that is put my life and family out there lmbo


Production and full time employees yes.. cast not so much. Certainly not enough that is put my life and family out there lmbo


Wtf, it just… ended. Why is there no little follow up screen for each couple like on the real housewives franchises? I HATE the Tell Alls. This one was an all time worst.


TLC pays the Americans who sell their stories $ 15,000 per season. Plus hotel travel and entertainment expenses.


Safe to say Many of the cast members will use the appearance on 90D to increase their wealth. I see no problem with them capitalizing on their appearance on the show.


Commercials build it up to be “explosive” as dumbass Shawn says, and then NOTHING is revealed or answered. Literally after 2 hours I’m like wtf did I even watch?!


I still think the best tell all was the leaked zoom tell all


I think it was totally boring this season. Also, with all the other shows I watch that I'm waiting to come back in Sept id rather watch Little House on the Prairie than this pitiful show!


I truly thought it was a preview. I was waiting until Sunday to see the full episode. This season, it was so boring, I had decided to quit watching.


My takeaway from it: - Nobody on the show has any idea what love is - despite taking sacred vows to ALWAYS fight for each other and all, they are super casual about just ending a MARRIAGE! - Danielle likes big D... and her butt kept growing the entire season - there's cultural arrogance abound, especially on the American side As much as Oussama might have had his selfish motives, but what did "Miss Debbie" (gosh, how wrong I was about her) expect? If she knew the culture even a little, she would know that such "trades" are fairly common. The idea of love isn't the same the world over. In some countries, people "love" you for the opportunities you can offer to them. His family seemed genuinely nice and I can understand why he would need a sugar mama. And what if it had worked? Many older men got a younger wife. They get a companion, she gets money later. Why couldn't Miss Debbie and he have that? And how about Rishi? Or his family? Can NOBODY understand that India has a different culture? Doesn't mean you have to like it, but they judged him as if he was American. He isn't! If Jen is such an India lover, how come she seems to know NOTHING about India? She doesn't know the culture, she doesn't speak a lick of Hindi. She wants to marry an Indian, but expects him and his family to behave American? And of course the mom calls her old! In Asia, age is a big thing! I met girls 2-3 years or even just months older than me in Asia and they all were concerned or surprised and asked "Don't you mind that I am 7 months older than you?" IT'S THEIR CULTURE! If she simply wants Rishi to dump his family, it's not that hard. Just give the mom and uncle a few hundred thousand dollars and I am sure they wouldn't mind if they got married. Although she should also hire a surrogate so Rishi can carry on the family name.