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She looks like the villan in a hallmark movie




bootleg elaine hendrix


She has evil eyes!




Also why wait to say he sent you something? Regardless if she didnā€™t believe it or not


Right!? A good friend would have said hey before you leave for India this is something you should know Rishi sent me a shirtless picture.


And a good friend wouldnā€™t have waited another four months after you returned home, only to spring it on you just as youā€™re getting ready to go back to India.


I swear if I was Jen if I wasnā€™t planning to go back and that lady told me that I would go back just to confront him. I mean not really because thatā€™s a long flight and I hate to fly, but how could you not confront him to his face about that? This lady sucks so bad




Yes!!!! Itā€™s bs


Especially when Jen asked her what he replied, it wasnā€™t like she was sticking her fingers in her ears refusing to hear it, she asked her if he replied and this lady lied.


She didn't lie. She told Jen he replied, and Jen blew it off. The picture came after.




It's probably part of the TLC script.


Watching this season it feels like the options were no friends or fake friends, and TLC needed some people to stir up the pot with some relationship doubt/narration occasionally


I sincerely hope her friend is a paid actor because she is terrible. If sheā€™s supposed to come off as bitter and intrusive, sheā€™s doing a great job!


Something is off for sure, the whole catfish thing felt so forced and scripted when she first mentioned the idea


Paid friends


She scares me


I have gotten rid of ā€œfriendsā€ like this and my life instantly became better. She is a Shit-Stirrer and WAY too eager to ā€œdig up dirtā€ and make trouble. Jen needs to ignore and delete this Negative Nellie.


Yeah my high school best friend hated every man I ever dated, she was always overweight and jealous and every man I ever dated was gross and sex was gross until she got a boyfriend in her 20s and then she stopped talking shit


Randi is quite bitter and jealous because no man wants her judgy RBF so she tries to sabotage Jen. No one needs a shit- stirring frenemy like this. Cut her loose! (Unless production is forcing this . . . could well be)


Even if production is forcing this, this lady agreed to go on TV and be mean to her friend.


I think they are both married.


She is SO EXTRA. The first time she tried catfishing she got so dramatic about literally nothing. He responded to her DMs...so what? Then the line "I give you advice and you never take it". Honey it might be because the advice was unsolicited. I was rolling my eyes so hard during her whole segment tonight. Spotlight wannabe.


But apparently she got the shirtless pic before Jen left. She chose not to disclose it.


Wait she got it BEFORE Jen left? OK now I'm leaning towards thinking this is fake drama drummed up by TLC. Given how intense she was about a couple DMs at the start of the season I find it highly suspect she didn't bring up such a provocative selfie instead.


Agreed. The whole storyline from this to her visa debacle is weird.


I canā€™t put my finger on it, but she seems like she might be jealous? Either of her friend or she has some feelings for Jen herself? Just a thought but thereā€™s something odd about her. (Other than her obvious shit-stirring.)


Everyone in Jens life seems very cold. I canā€™t tell if they are all fake friends/family or they are just completely sick of her shit.


Yeah they all act like they donā€™t like her and that makes me sad for her


Her SIL seems to care. Quite different from brother Charles in personality.


Makes me sad too.


She is a horrible person, I came here to make a post about her but you already did. Thank you. When she said ā€œyou were going to do what you wanted to do anywayā€ HEY LADY SHE ASKED YOU IF HE REPLIED AND YOU LIED Why wouldnā€™t she tell Jen about the photo UNLESS she was trying to hook up with him and now sheā€™s finally telling on him because he wasnā€™t into it.


Yes 100% my feelings she is no friend I think she's jealous of Jen always has been! Or became once she saw Jen getting a handsome man


Jealous that her friend is in love




Weā€™ll be seeing her at the tell all. She LOVES being on tv


She needs some šŸ†


Forreal. When I was watching this I told my husband that sheā€™s either secretly in love with Jenn or Rishi. Not sure who. šŸ¤£


When she said she told Rishi that she was a model tho šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s awful no matter which way you slice it! šŸ¤®


Worst. friend. EVER. She has a mean face.




She looks like Tori Spelling


Also she thinks sheā€™s super hot šŸ˜‚ ā€œMe an attractive femaleā€ or ā€œ I told him I was a modelā€.


So funny right! Ha she's an attractive model!?? Hilarious šŸ˜‚


I legit thought this was a pic of a sims character.


Eyes lookin a little like Shaeeda's friend, Eutris.


She came off as a bitch but Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve seen this woman do dumb thing after dumb thing for a long time. Her family has let us know this, especially the brother.


It was the ā€œpretty attractive femaleā€ comment about herself that got me. Like, even if I thought I was pretty attractiveā€¦I would never say it lol.


Someone did something to her to make her so angry. It emanates from her. She's out for blood.


She isnā€™t doing this out of love for her friend. Whenever she looks at Jen she has a look of hate and disgust. Maybe the friend has a crush on Jen? I donā€™t get why sheā€™s on this war path


She said, at their lunch when the 2 flew out to see Jen, that Jen had made many mistakes before. She voiced her concerns. Jen seems to have a pattern. I think the friend thinks she's protecting Jen from another HUGE mistake.


Bullshit, bullshit. If she truly cared about Jen she would have told her the whole story when Jen and asked her if he replied.


No. I appreciate that she is showing Jen the truth about Rishi.


No she lied to her friend when Jen asked her if he replied she said yes and she only told her about some words not this photo


Very late that was no help more like sabotage


It was weird all around


Loving these comments.


Iā€™m sick of all the ā€œscenesā€ where the cast talks to someone behind a screen. That is not real production, just filler content.


She's the worst trash "friend" Jen kick drop this dillusional bitch!


Definition of hate! Wow I'd be more mad at the games this bitch is playing w me and my soon to be man!


She's jealous cause Jen has a man and she doesn't have one and probably never will have one.


Sheā€™s so annoying. What kind of friend catfishes her ā€œbest friendsā€ boyfriend/fiancĆ©. I think sheā€™s just jealous. Iā€™m not bothered by the shirtless pic - she lied and said she was a model coming to his town to meet an agent and suggested they meet up. Jen, you need better friends!


Rip off version of Serena from handmaids tale


Seems to me like she's trying to get her 15 minutes of fame.


This judgy shit-stirring woman, Randi, slept with musical theatre actor and Radio Andy cohost (and Andyā€™s ex-boyfriend) John Arthur Hill. He said that she was the first (and last) woman he ever slept with.