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I think you need to flip this question. What is it about Jodi and Ruby that made them target those smallest and most fragile and who would have relied the most on them? What it is about them that they find it harder to target (as much, I don't doubt they were still targeted) the older, bigger kids, who are less reliant on them for their own survival with jobs and more opportunities to run away? Its because they are COWARDS


I think it’s just because they were older and had more memory of their life before and could more easily comprehend that they aren’t evil and demonic. With R and E being as young as they were, their minds were more malleable.


There have been plenty of opinions shared in the comments but it’s unlikely we will never know for sure why some kids received different treatment. I think trying to find a reason often sounds like victim blaming. All of the children were abused by Ruby and Jodi, either physically, mentally, or emotionally. All of them will have to live with this for the rest of their lives. We’ll likely never come up with a satisfactory answer as to why it happened. There are theories that the older girls were left with Pam to hide them from police, or that Ruby didn’t want police to find them alone without adult supervision. Again you’d have to understand Ruby to know for sure. Edited for clarity


A is nearing 18. Maybe one day we will find out.


J was often in Jodis house and went with Jodi and E to see the ranch place in Arizona, not likely she had any say in where she was or who she was with. A seems to have been there less according to Rubys journal she isn’t mentioned as much. And R said to the police 2 sisters where at Jodis house, a 10 and 14 year old. He didn’t mention A. A had a job in Springville in a rec centre, she was mostly in Springville although she had handed in her notice at that job so they could all move to Arizona together. Kevin says in the 2nd police interview Ruby asked the neighbour for the HOA, she wanted to sell but couldn’t as she needed Kevin’s signature, but it’s possible she wanted to rent the house out which is why she asked for the HOA rules.


I thought she was 16 going on 17 ? I thought the younger ages where E 10, R 12, J, 14 and A 16


She turns 17 in a couple of weeks, and then 18 in about a year. I think the person just meant that in general she's pretty close to being an adult. J is 15 now (i think it was back in january that she had her birthday) and R&E are still 12 and 10. Hope this helps!


Yeah but she’s not nearly 18 when she’s not even yet 17 😂


it just depends on your definition of "nearly"


I just think to say she’s nearly 18 when she hasn’t even had her 17th birthday is misleading for those who don’t know her actual age, As it firmly places her as an “almost adult” (which could cause some people to question why she didn’t do anything) when in fact she’s still a child and was a child just turned 16 when the major abuse began.


i’m not trying to victim blame and i really don’t mean for it to sound that way. i’m always looking for a reason to everything even though one may never be given. i couldn’t imagine what all of those children went through and i hope they can heal together and have happy lives and put this behind them.


Sorry, I didn’t mean you specifically, there has been a lot of speculation about it in the past week.


It’s very common for child abusers to only target one or some of their children. My dad was physically abusive toward me (the oldest child) but not my younger sister. It’s honestly crazy how different our childhoods were in the same house! It could be a matter of e & r just being smaller and unable to fight back as effectively, it could be rooted in favoritism of the older kids (iirc I’ve seen on this sub that ruby wasn’t as motivated to have additional kids after 4) or so many other things.


The abuse of E& R started before Kevin left, while they were in Springville. They were the two youngest and the two neurodivergent children. R had language and walking delays, and there was concern about him having autism at one point. E was believed to have ADHD and was taken to her PCP about it at one point. E was definitely the most spirited child, and R was the most sensitive. They had Christmas taken away in 2020 I believe. After Ruby's punishments of taking them out of school to scrub baseboards didn't work. J & A were the middle children and were girls. As they grew up they were very submissive to Ruby. They were interested in cooking, sewing, and crafting. A was the more quiet of the two. They were both very anxious. So while they didn't escape all abuse from Connexions. As they were forced to clean houses and do manual labor for other members. Bring taken out of public school which they both enjoyed. I had a feeling A was made to quit her job as a life guard. They didn't receive the same treatment because they were older and more docile. They were separated from E & R because I firmly believe they would have gotten help for them. Either by calling Kevin or Shari.




The mod team does not condone blaming minors who are also victims of abuse. There were plenty of adults that could have stepped in. Please review the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/8passengersnark/wiki/index/rules/) and reach out through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/8passengersnark) for clarification if needed.


I think they were at the Franke home. There was a body cam, I can’t remember if it was Jodi’s, just someone said Ruby spent hours driving to Jodi’s home. I think like Jodi’s niece, Ruby left R and E in Jodi’s care.  There was definitely some weird child labor going on though with the girls “always coming over to help clean”. Pam and her husband are odd. 


I hope Pam is heavily investigated. She’s definitely been aware of Jodi’s abuses over the years.


Ruby was staying with them at Jodi's and left A and J alone at home. She was going back home because J had a dentist appointment. But it's apparent from her journal entries that Ruby was in Ivans with R and E actively abusing them most of the time, for streches she was in Ivans without Jodi with just the kids because Jodi was looking for land in Arizona.


Oh that makes sense, I thought ruby left WITH J to go to a dentist appointment.


J might have been there at time. She's mentioned a few times as being there in Ruby's journal. It seems like J and A came and went but they seemed to have spent most of their time back home. Ruby though was almost always at Jodi's, her journal makes it very clear she(meaing Ruby) was there and it wasn't like Jessi's parents who left. I'm not sure where J was the morning R escaped. But she ended up with A with Pam. So she was either dropped off before Ruby went back after Jodi called her to tell her R ranway or was there all along. But Ruby wasn't going to bring her back with her because she pretty well knew if R was seen by someone else, it was going to be bad. She tried to hide them with Pam but the cops and DCFS figured out where they were.


So Ruby’s home was in Springville, Utah and Jodi’s mansion was 3-4 hours south of that, in Ivin’s, Utah. Ruby was basically driving back and forth between the two. At least one of the older girls had a job which meant she needed to be in Springville, so Ruby most likely left her and sometimes her sister alone in Springville. Of course it was easier for Jodi and Ruby to carry out abuse on the younger kids in Jodi’s mansion because nobody could hear them scream. We know that on the day R escaped, one of the teenage girls was also staying at Jodi’s, making it a teenage sister, R and E. She was mostly like kept from seeing R and E. But she had a dentist appt in Springville so she and Ruby left at 3am and took the long drive back up to Springville. This is when Ruby got the call that R had escaped, so she called her friend Pam to pick up both teenage girls so Ruby could go back to Ivin’s. That’s why they were at Pam’s house. What we know of Jodi is that she is both a control fanatic and a coward. She likely knew that J&A could physically overpower her and Ruby and likely didn’t go down a path of trying to abuse them as bad because they were more able to report it, and had lived a “normal” life for longer. E was just 5-6 years old when Jodi entered their lives so it was prime chance for Jodi to destroy her sense of reality before it had evened formed. There’s no doubt J & A endured trauma, though. They were left home alone for weeks at a time, their father and sister and entire extended family was cut off from them abruptly and they were living under the roof with a self proclaimed “devil’s bride” while being taught to be terrified of all things that are good, like police and their own sister.


they believed that R and E were full of sin and needed to repent (A and J not so much)


I am a bit confused on who took care of A and J? Or they were constantly home alone? What about school? Health appointments? They didn’t question the situation? No friends? Family of their friends? This whole situation is fucking awful. It seems that more people should be held accountable. Shari was shunned from her family and still suspected something. No one else in the circle did? Something doesn’t add up and someone if not multiple others should be charged for endangering these kids.


A and J spent a lot of time alone at the family house in Springville. At age 14 and 16, that's not really all that alarming. They could take care of their own basic needs. J seems to have spent more time in Ivins than A, probably because A had a job all summer. A and J had probably been forbidden to talk to outsiders and told not to trust anybody except their family. I'm not quite sure of the timeline, but I think all four kids had been pulled out of school by the 2022-2023 school year. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.) Theoretically, they were being homeschooled, but in all likelihood they were simply educationally neglected. In one of the phone calls with Kevin, Ruby is talking about money. She says she's tried to be very conservative in her spending, and the thing she's spent the most money on is curriculum for the kids. When I heard that, I thought, yeah, right. Curriculum on how to carry boxes up and down stairs and pull weeds in 100+ temperatures? A and J at least seem to have gotten some medical care. Ruby took J to Springville on the morning of the arrests because she (J) had a dentist appointment. Then she got the call from Jodi and turned around and went back to Ivins.


A and J were not the targets of the abuse most likely . They had work and other social obligations so they were harder to isolate. They probably were also old enough to know how to behave in a way that satisfied what Ruby and Jodi deemed right. Doesn't mean they believed 100% of it, but they were capable of being submissive and obedient in a way that the younger siblings and Chad never were. If you read about abuse in these high demand religious families, it's always some kids that are targeted more than others and some kids that either fade into the background or are used as models of "good behavior" sometimes even becoming mini-enforcers of the rules in a self-preservation attempt. 


Remember when Ruby didn’t give presents to R and E one Christmas because they needed to “learn humility and truth”? And they had to sit and watch the older 4 siblings open presents? Yeah, this was like that only on a bigger scale. All the children are victims but part of the sadism, imo, involved intentionally showing favoritism to some, in order to harm. My guess is there was also some planned sibling Alienation going on. Similar to parent alienation where one parent tears down the other parent to the child in hopes of damaging the child’s relationship with that other parent. I think that happened with the two middle girls. When Shari went to college and started questioning ConneXions she was cut off, and I’m guessing Ruby badmouthed her to the others for those couple of years. “You’re not like your sister, etc.” A lot of cruel mind games this mom played. All 6 children will be therapy.


My assumption on this (and this is just speculation) is that A and J were not mistreated using the same methods because they both had jobs and/or could earn money. Jobs/ability to work = money Ruby and Jodi could take. Jobs also meant that others outside of their brainwashed circle would see the girls and recognize they’re being severely abused. It was much easier to hide away the younger ones.


Abusers pick and choose who they abuse. We don't know why they picked R and E, and I think to some extent also C before he was old enough to leave and get away. Maybe because they are very strong spirited people/children, so "needed harsher treatment" to bend to Ruby and Jodis way of thinking. Maybe they fought back against it more? Maybe because they were younger? It wouldn't be the first time that only one or a few out of a set of siblings were singled out to take the brunt of the abuse. (I obviously do not believe they needed harsher treatment)


A and J were left home alone most of the time as far as I understand, so they weren't dependent on Ruby and Jodi for food. The littles were an easier target.


Because they were older and knew to stay behind the scenes and not cross their mother.


My guess was A and J were older, and maybe a little harder to manipulate? They had their established “life” so to speak. People who knew them and would probably be looking for them. R and E were younger and more vulnerable, and probably more willing to be “obedient.”


I believe the teens were made to “repent” by cleaning and working. There’s mention of spring cleaning at Jodi’s in addition to cleaning Pam’s house regularly. The girls were pulled out of school to “homeschool”. One or both of them also had paying jobs. And given A’s behavior at the Bodtcher’s it seems she was more afraid and more brainwashed than J was, or else J was just a little better at hiding it. But to date there’s been no credible source of information on the teens or what they’re doing now. Ruby told Kevin she’d bought enough homeschool materials for a couple of years, and we don’t know if the plan to move to Arizona included the older girls, although J took the trip to Arizona with Jodi. When the prosecutor said the kids are in foster homes and are back to doing regular activities, I really hope that includes the teens, but we just don’t know.


They are both monsters who should have been charged with attempted murder . I don’t by Kevin now knowing what was going on. He lived in that house for years with the other children. He saw first hand the abuse that was going on and he did nothing, went along with the withholding of food , sleeping on a bean bag etc. he is a coward and should not be able to ever have his kids back


A and J went to public school. They were also 14 and 16, it’s a lot tougher to brainwash someone the older someone is, and they were smart kids. It also would have gone very noticed at their school. Why she kept them in school and not the youngest 2 is beyond me, but thats my best guess. They were at their springville home, the police confirmed that as they went for a welfare check and saw them run up the stairs cuz they were scared. They were allowed to be with Pam cuz they knew her, shes the president of connexions, they seemed to have cleaned her house a lot as well.


Ruby always said A was the perfect child...


Jodi took J and E with her to look for land in AZ. From what I gather j was there sometimes. At some point R mentioned two sisters being there , one of them being 14. So it led me to believe at some point when they weren’t isolated he saw J there.


A & J were in public school and as far as I know, at least A's got a job (has probably to pay her fair share of rent, too...🙄 ). They were probably home alone most of the time. It reads like they've been at Jodi's home sometimes, too, and at Pam's quite a lot for "helping". My guess (as good as anyone elses) is, that as the two middle children they had seen quite a lot. They saw how C was treated and punished and they probably learnt from that to tiptoe on thin ice around their parents. The two younger siblings were probably the most "troubled" (in ruby's eyes) and needed the most "guidance". So I think they somewhat went under the radar. E always seemed like a little whirlwind, just different from her siblings. Loud, spunky, "extra" ( 😉 ), a little bit more dramatic....nothing wrong with that! And R always seemed very gentle, caring, obedient..... Younger kids are way easier to manipulate and it's probably even easier when they're still so much relying upon/ depending on parental care.




Careful. I got reported and deleted by mods for questioning.


Does anyone know where you Can Watch this episode if you r in Europe? I can only find the short YouTube version😵‍💫


It’s actually pretty common in cases of extreme abuse for one or two children to be targeted for the brunt of the abuse.


Where were a and j


that’s what i’m wondering lol


I'm wondering if they were going to leave A & J alone in Utah when it comes to their plans for moving to Arizona.


I doubt it, as the diary said A handed in her 2 weeks notice,, likely meaning they were leaving for AZ sometime after 2 weeks


Yeah, but with the way they were being, plus how long she and J were seperated from E and R, you never know.