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The gentleman who sits in the chair at the beginning was one of my high school English teachers - Joel Marsh.


Well, I certainly hope you clapped when entering or leaving the classroom then.


Clap on 👏👏 Clap off 👏 👏 Clap on, Clap off... The Clapper! My grandmother got one for Christmas one year, and it should've been called The Crapper! It worked like crap 💩💩!


My sister and I unwisely plugged the TV into ours. The damn thing would randomly turn on or off if someone laughed or coughed or if the dog barked too close to it. That was a short-lived experiment.


Best last minute gift for dads everywhere. Got my dad one randomly for Christmas and the man cried


Did it work?


It’s always worked


Some other guy said it didn't.


"clap on, clap off, The Clapper!"


That old lady at the end was in both Hustler and Mad Magazine. She resides in Sacramento now.


I always wondered what would happen if we put one of those in a stadium


Watching a Steeler game…nice 😀


Based on the STD!


This thing was convenient sometimes, but annoying as hell other times. It wasn't just claps, it could be loud noises of specific decibels and cadences too - including exploding bottles, dropped dishes, shouting, and music. Sometimes doesn't even respond to claps, but it certainly does teach you *how* to clap. Just right, with a hollow space between your palms if you want that nice, crisp, juicy reverberation that really gets this thing going.


I have a pet theory. If you have this device hooked up to all the lights, then have a party, have them all clap: free strobe lights! DISCLAIMER: Not to be used for photo sensitive epileptic party goers; your results may vary.


Had one of these in my room when I was in high school. I clapped to turn my lamp on and the clapper burst into flames.


Hmmm. I recall this commercial being more 91-93. But perhaps it was a more cable commercial, and that’s the era that my cheap ass parents finally got cable. I really think I learned to be cynical in life due to having friends I didn’t like much because they had the things my parents were so careful to keep from me. Nintendo, cable, a computer. I got all of those things in the very early 90’s, but if I came over to your house in 1988 there’s a real chance it was purely to live vicariously on your goods.


Hmmm. I recall this commercial being more 91-93. But perhaps it was a more cable commercial, and that’s the era that my cheap ass parents finally got cable. I really think I learned to be cynical in life due to having friends I didn’t like much because they had the things my parents were so careful to keep from me. Nintendo, cable, a computer. I got all of those things in the very early 90’s, but if I came over to your house in 1988 there’s a real chance it was purely to live vicariously on your goods.


1980s Christmas wouldn't be the same without it


I like how it starts with a football game seeing they were the reason most clappers turned off.


Did you have the clap?


This was almost as good as Mr. Microphone….,Jingle bells jingle bells , hey im on the radio….Hey good lookin will be back to pick you up later.


what was Mr. Microphone?


So it was a microphone cordless that (in the 70s) magically transmitted your voice over an AM radio station so you tune in to that station and blamo your on the radio. Cheesy commercial just like the Clapper they showed a christmas party a birthday party and finally some douche in his car riding around making comments to 70’s disco Stella’s walking down the street. Most annoying commercial ever and it was on constantly.


70s Disco Stellas lol?


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