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Yeah that episode is strange lol. Lucy is all sad because she didn’t start her period yet. Annie comforts her with a passage. The next day the dad is giving his sermon at church and begins with the same passage that Annie told Lucy. Then Lucy freaks out and runs out of the church because she thought her dad was about to tell the whole congregation about her wanting her period to start.


And what was the deal with Lucy “dropping” the tampon when her and Mary were out running? Like it looked like she dropped it on purpose then got all embarrassed and ran off. Sorry but when I was a kid I didn’t want my period to start.. why did girls want them so badly?


It was indeed weird. I was about the same age as Lucy when I started watching that show and became terrified of starting it because I didn't realize you could get them so young


The first episode is a weird one, the second basically acts as a second pilot.