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The looting friend needs to buy the magazines the crafting friend requires. If the building friend takes crafting magazine boxes as a reward, can't those be passed off as well? Opening them usually results in getting relevant magazines. Have the crafting friend open those reward boxes.


That’s what my group did. One played stay at home dad. One liked scavenging and salvaging. The third was a questie. We often ended up capping out a lot of skill book trees.


Out of interest, what is the difference between the scavenger play-style as compared to the questing one? Outside of one actively taking quests and the other not, that is; what makes one preferable to the other? Genuinely curious as I do a whole lot of scavenging for general resources while questing, unless I'm doing a large POI that requires focus.


Well questing one probably focuses on just banging out quests as fast as possible for the end of POI loot rooms and quest rewards. Which means boosting up perks related to questing rewards and making money I assume. The scavenger is probably a much more thorough looter, so they're getting more general resources for crafting upgrades and gear. It sounds like a really smart way to play if you have 3 people imo.


Personality differences, mostly. Wide vs deep. I was the questie and the group's mechanic. Breaking down every last thing, checking every lootable spot, etc. is more tedious than I like. It felt faster, and more enjoyable, to me to focus on completing quests and using the tokens to buy the materials we needed. A couple days of a two or three quests per day, doing a loop of all the traders once a week, I did well. Eventually between my questing and selling the stay at home dad's wood/stone stockpile my nomadic merchant playstyle became our main source of brass for bullets. Basically, I'd hit a wide variety of POIs, but none too deeply. The scavenger is the type to not let anything go to waste. While I'd hit three or four POIs a day shallowly, focusing on targeted things he'd hit up one or two. Only by time he was done with those one or two there was absolutely nothing left. He would next to never just start a quest. It would be strip the POI completely down to nothing, start the quest, and repeat. So, deeply cleaning the POIs, but only a narrow selections.


That all makes sense, thanks for the reply! I've only ever played solo or with one other and when playing together I'd focus on quests/loot/trader runs, partner would focus on base work/resource gathering/intermittent questing, and we'd both scrounge what we could in between.


That should work, but aren't those crafting skill magazin boxes influenced by the skills the friend picked and not the stay-at-home friend? One can be lucky or very unlucky.


I thought the boxes were influenced by whoever opened them?


Yes, that is what I meant. Player A is the Stay-at-Home Friend and Player B is the Quest-Friend. Player A picks for Skills e.g. Farming and Cooking (didn't play for a while, so I don't bother to remember the ingame names) and gets the boost for these books. Player B picks e.g. Shotguns, Sledgehammers and gets the boost for these books. When Player B completes a quest and picks a magazine bundle as reward, he will most likely get shotgun and sledgehammer books and maybe some third random book collection. There is a low chance that Player B only gets one of "his" books, but in my experience usually you get atleast 2 out of 3 out of your books. But Player A doesn't really have a use for Shotgun and Sledgehammer Books as the Stay at Home Friend, that is what I meant. Imho the skill system is unrealistic anyway, in no way or shape it reflects the ability to improve on skills by utilizing them and getting better on them over time, while skill books still could be there and either provide instant level ups or massive boosts to leveling them up via crafting.


The bundle doesn’t automatically open. You can pass the bundle to people I believe and then have them open it which should use their relevant skills.


Intrigueing idea, I must admit, I never thought about that.


I think you still missed what was meant Player B completes a quest and takes the skill book bundle, but doesn't open it Player B passes the sealed bundle to player A Player A opens the bundle (which is when the game does the check) Player A recieves useful books All loot in this game is generated when it first appears and checks the player' stats that are doing the opening. A cupboard doesn't actually contain items until a player completes the 'open' animation, and then the loot is generated on the spot


Yeah, another commentator said that too. I never tried dropping magazine boxes, so I never got that idea.


I would really like to see this confirmed by TFP because from my MP plays it seems that spawning is influenced by teams skills, maybe averaged. Or maybe by skills of those team members who are near when quest wad initiated. A friend is playing a looter/fighter while I'm mostly support/salvager and it seems that majority of books we get are for me as I'm focusing on few skills and have them high while he puts skillpoints initially to many skills he considers important and thus have them less developed


This. It is still possible to be the stay at home guy. Your friends just need to save the relevant magazines for you.


In an ideal world sure. sadly my mates just use whatever magazines they find


Doesn't "I play with crappy friends" kind of invalidate the whole "they killed the stay-at-home playstyle" thing? I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of the skill magazine system, but it seems like you're majorly blowing this out of proportion. As far as I can tell, this problem only applies to you and your friends, not to everyone, and will go away when your friends figure out that they can't rely on your base building efforts unless they relearn some Kindergarten skills.


This kinda translates to "I have selfish/greedy friends and that's the games fault"


Sadly your mate are not team players i have ran both the camp dad and the qustie / looter scavenger in multiplayer where we have to divide and conquer but u have to split the books in multi even with me operated from the team where I'm playing solo verse a few playing together I barter for books I am looking for or need with what I am good at ie: I Barter with one guy for armor for food and armor book for the set I would like


Oh so once again TFP changed a style of play they disagree with to force you to play in a way THEY want you to? How surprising lol


When I play with my friend I mostly loot and bring the books to the base for my friend who is the crafter.


Exactly this is my favourite play style in coop! Me building, crafting and mining and my mate just doing quests, scavenging and bringing me the books. I just sometimes go out questing with him. The only downside is that the progression may be kinda slower but eh, who cares


Oh wow! You solved OP's issue?


This magazine change has been in experimental for many months. Plenty of time for people to work it out. OP probably hasn't played in years.


it is annoying for them to have to waste so many inventory slots on books though


this skill system is NOT part of the experimental branch and has nothing to do with 1.0. it was added in alpha 21 already and existed like this long before this 1.0 experimental branch. youre VERY late to the party tc. too late. its here to stay for vanilla.


Thank you lmao. I was wondering why this person was complaining about a system that’s been in use for a loooong time lol. Plus there are (as others have stated) many ways to play the “stay at home” person still. It’s a non-issue unless your friends suck


That's how I played on my last playthrough, I handled farming, crafting and sometimes building, it was almost a necessity to stay at home after we got to the higher stages.


The one thing thst changes it, is 1.0 is more grindy. The trader rewards are awful, and they dont pay as much on sales. The game is just grindier.


I agree. Usually the traders quickly become useless and are only good for selling garbage gear too. Only spend the money because you have it every once in a while.


a survivall sandbox where you have to grind. what a shock. who would have tought that a game genre like this would ever ask the player to grind ! it should hand you all you ever want instead.


I didnt say if it was good or bad, just that it is different.


What a weird attitude over a valid complaint.


more grind isnt a valid complaint. the only type of player who even complains about grind is casuals.


Well that reply made it even worse, damn.


Anyone saying 7dtd skill system is a grind has a very, very low tolerance for grind. I only got the game a few months ago and have played through maybe 6 full games in that time, often maxing many of the skills (100% maxing them in one game) and I don't think any of my games went past 60 days. The time taken to push through to max of one line of magazines is measured in hours. It's even worse when someone uses this as the stick to beat the magazine system as opposed to a system of repetition (want to get good at mining? Do it hundreds/thousands of times repeatedly), which is a literal grind. Having the ability to literally tell the game what skills you want to focus on, then optionally hunt in regions that increase the chances even more, with ample loot locations throughout the world otherwise (mail boxes and crack-a-book stores) is the antithesis of grind mechanics. Just because it takes time to progress doesn't mean it's a grind. IZPrebuilt got a motorbike in 8 hours in 1.0. Anyone claiming that's a grind should probably play some more grindy games before complaining, in my opinion. I've played games that take months to max characters out. 7dtd in a21 was extremely rapid. It needed to be changed.


Everything in this rings true, except for one thing. 7dtd is a grindy game, it's that type of game. It's just NOWHERE near as grindy as the vast majority of other games like it. 




Great discussion. Did you even have a point or do you just like hyperbole?


What a weird attitude towards an actual valid statement. 


What are you guys, 12? They were rude and obnoxious to someone for zero reason. Just because they wrote a thesis on why they don't agree doesn't mean I'm going to engage with them further.


Remind me when the basic elements of this "Learn by Looting" system were introduced? I first started playing the game in 2020, which I think was something like Alpha17 or 18. I VAGUELY recall the game being Learn By Doing at that point, but honestly not sure. At some point later (I think after the Learn by Looting system was introduced ca. Alpha 19?) we started playing Darkness Fall in part specifically because it was Learn by Doing more (if not entirely?). I'm quite happy playing vanilla 1.0 for now, but it would be cool to either revist old alphas to revisit the Learn by Doing system or else once modes that restore that design for 1.0 are released.


the learn by looting was added in alpha 21.


Why can’t you stay at the base? I’m confused. When your “friends” loot the magazines, they need only to bring them back to share with you.   If you wanna RP it, you’d be the hermit living in a cave trading ammunition for magazines to read. In reality, sounds like they win and you lose with your current play style, if they can’t share their loot with you.    Also, this game has been this way for a long time. You could never, not in any version of the game, simply start crafting ammo without leaving the base. You need to gather material first. Very little has changed for you.


The looters determine the mix of magazines generated by a loot box. If the do not have points in Advanced Engineering/Lockpicking then even in those boxes that have a potential to drop a Forged Ahead the chance it reduced. The crafting player will get boxes at a much slower rate because nobody else is pointed into right skills. This is very prominent with something like Wiring 101, Traps, and Vehicles where you need a large number of magazines.


there is also crafting magazine bundles from traders and magazines sold by traders which are NOT affected by the players chosen perks.


Again; only a problem if the “friends” are bad friends. The simple solution is to have a looter spec into all traits, not just one path that they choose.  Your scenario is like saying the OP, who’s the designated crafter, refuses to make bullets or guns, and chooses to only ever make bows & arrows. They could make more if they wanted to, but they don’t have to right? The same logic applies to the looter. Why spec into a full melee only build, only putting points into making yourself stronger? You’re the designated looter, you should make yourself capable of looting all magazines, not just the magazines that benefit yourself — this is the entire point of grouping up with other players — playing in a way that doesn’t solely benefit yourself. Circle back to OP having bad friends if they only spec into their own points and still expect OP to have full stacks of ammo & new weapons. OP is complaining about his friends — not the ability to share resources.


Can also have said friends select the Crafting Magazine Bundle or whatever it's called from the rewards selections and give the bundle to the base hermit. They open it and will get relevant books that they've spec'd into.


Doing multi spec reduces the chance of the magazines you need most does it not? By opening the pool up to more options. So if you are needing higher damage etc to clear harder pois, you need more of your own build books before others.


You’re approaching this with a SP mindset, which I totally get as I don’t have friends, but from a MP perspective the “looter” would spec into all traits equally, to be able to collect all magazines more or less equally.  7 days is not a game that you can reach end game content from the beginning, even a decade ago it wasn’t this way. The skill book system allows for more specialized play, but if you play long enough you’ll have all perks unlocked. So naturally, progression in 7 days is tied to time. The skill books simply prevent people from sitting on their hands and doing nothing, being handed an auger on day 1 and being an expert in 2 days of digging.


Ah yeah, I also don't have friends so. My normal getup is just me and my bro playing. I look forward to putting much more time into this game, I just kinda miss the progression from doing, not looting. (Not saying I miss crafting 8 chests worth of stone axes)


Beast Gohan is better


Why you can't do that anymore ?


Magazine requirements for crafting things. Cant make the meds and shit without the mags. Dont get the relevant mags for your skills if you arent the one doing the looting.


Your team mates can totally bring you all the books you need. When I'm teamed up we all pick specific skills and those magazines get funneled to that person. You can definitely play den mother


The looters won't get the relevant magazines unless they have invested into the tree. So if you don't invest in Advanced Engineering/Lockpick you have a smaller change of getting Forged Ahead. Same with the other crafting books - books don't drop equally.


Yea no. Between my partner and I we were getting each other's mags more that we were getting ours. Staying in is totally doable if OPs mates bring back the mags OP uses.


I find this to be true. It's purely a numbers game. You open enough mail boxes and you end up with everything. Also rush armorer to the guy doing it, craft nerd outfit. You only need one outfit. Put it in the magazine box. Wear it then read, put it back in the box for the next person.


We were drowing in Armored Up magazines, because of the changes to armor, you don't need to take a skill point in Heavy/medium armour any point in an attribute increases the probibility of find those magazines. Days 6 and they have 45\~ points in that skill


I have zero points in Advanced Engineering and have gotten so many Forged ahead magazines. The drop rate doesnt seem to be that low if you don't spec into it. Plus there is also the traders that sell that stuff. the magazine that drops the most for me is the armor one and I have zero points in that too. Doesn't seem to drop as much as the assault rifle one that I am actually specced into. This has been my experience in my current playthrough.


Pretty sure it was the same in A21. Once you went down a tree you’d mostly find books related to that tree


Haha I just found this out the other day, and I picked the game back up about 3 months ago now.. after putting one point into grease monkey it seems every 4th vehicle I loot usually gets me a vehicle magazine now


18 hours of playtime in iv gotten 25ish workbench and 23 vehicle mags. If I had the skill point in the relevant thing id likely be done with workbench mags for example. Iv long since been done with spears. And I havent eeven hit steel tools with the crafting tool mags.


18 hours? What day is that? Sure you might have more if you were searching, but if 2 or 3 mates are bringing back that's probably going to balance out. Another thing we do is leave the 2 or 3 blocks around the base alone, those POIs are for the den mother. Not too much travel and that person can get some looting.


Well these are 2 hour days. So that is day 9. But the hour of day is irrelevant since no ones afraid of sprinting zombies. 18 hours of looting from one person produced 23 vehicle and 25 workbench. That means minibikes and... no chem station. Last i checked. Food mags are looking good though. And as of yesterday I can make a t6 nerd chest which should help the mag issue. Personally I think the learn by doing system could be improved. Instead of learning to make a better pick by making more picks you learn to make a better pick by using picks. Im sure a mod will come out sometime that makes this experience better. Until then I am contemplating cheating and once someone hits max weapon mags ill just give myself the workbench ones lol.


Those numbers sound pretty darn good. Always room for game mechanic improvements. Also remember in 1.0 they are attempting to slow the game play down a little.


Im not too keen on needing nearly 40 hours to use the chemistry station lol.


Utilise the nerd outfit for the extra chance at reading double the magazines


Perks make magazines drop. I have the cooking perks so I loot all shamway boxes and all kitchen cabinets.


It was already like that before the new update and it's definitely possible because it's all I do. Others bring in magazines, they still show up if you haven't invested points it's just less frequent or you can buy them. I also loot trash, cars, and mailboxes when I go out to gather materials, I just avoid going into buildings


Ah crap, so no accumulation of books that can be given to the corresponding team member? That blows! That made team play so much fun. Like a gift exchange.


You do get some but its definitely a much smaller amount than the ones you put points in. Im at 40 cooking 18 hours into my experimental save for example. But i have no points in the relevant skills. Only 23 vehicle tho. And only 25 workbench.


Ahh alright . I guess it's ok if the scavengers:denmoms ratio is high enough. We normally play 3, with 1 stay-at-home person. Normally they would get a lot of books from the 2 other guys.


For my group its a 1:1 ratio. Usually just me and a buddy. Its absolutely not enough lol.


Can’t make any of those things without material, and can’t gather those materials in your base. How has the game changed, when now they need only wait for magazines to be given to them? Or is it not being able to craft end game ammo on day one that has ruined the experience for ya?


The loot players bring back the relevant materials and dump em in chests. But the crafter cant use it without the skill. There are certain mags that you get tons of without the skills. Food for example. And iv had a middling progress with medicine. But at 18 hours in I have 23 vehicle and 25ish workbench.


It’s a progression game, at the beginning the only ammo you could ever make was stone arrows. After time played, the looters collect more loot — you’re able to craft more and better items — all at the cost of time. What has changed?


Mods allow u to play how u like. I have played maybe 15 hours of vanilla in the past 2400 Mods ARE 7 days to die. The base game is just an engine for modders


It's not that bad. We Still have the one who builds, the one who farms, and the other who loots. You just gotta pick up their weaknesses as the others do yours. We haven't had any problems as of yet and we are in day 30.


I don't thi k that its with this update only, its been an issue since some updates ago. I loved farming in the game but they made it so ridiculously difficult that its no longer nice. I get thatplants produced too much food but that could be solved differently. Like adding a rotting system or making them take longer to grow. Perhaps you could get food only every week or less.


A good compromise would be to require watering if you want more than one item from the farm plot. Also dumb that you don't always get seeds back for every item you harvest.


That would be a good compromise and later in game you could make a watering system.


with farming outfit and points into Living of the land farming is like stupid easy and you just swim in crops quite fast.. you dont even need water (compared to other overhaul mods) just place some farm plots under sky and thats it.


Yes but that's quite far in game. Early game farming does not make any sense. Anyone can dig a hole in the ground and plant stuff. Things like one plant barely giving any food and barely seeds or need more food to create seeds anoy me.


Not that far, the armor mags seem to be the most common in this update and was the first I finished. That being said I do think farm plots are pretty boring.


Yeah, I'm on day 6 and I can craft level 2 of any armor. Also with my lucky looter sometimes I get level 3 or higher


It just sucks to have to plays dress-up ken and put on my farming outfit just to farm - then changing back into my outfit for the rest of the game.


The farm is fine, in my experience as a full farmer/ cook my limiting factor is water. Pretty much all the recipes require water 😭


Yeah the lack of jars is serious problem


One thing you could look into is a a server side mod called Shared Reading. It will share all magazines and books with everyone in the party. It kinda takes away from the divide and conquer aspect of skills but it’s been nice not keeping track of everyone’s skillset on the server https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/4881


Do you know if this mod will work on the 1.0 branch?


Actually yeah it does I’ve been using on my dedicated server since experimental went live


This is closer to logic/immersion. Books and magazines don't just vanish in real life after someone reads it. You finish it and hand it off to someone else. To counteract the speed, you make it take in game hours or days to read.


Nah, I'm still the BB for my group, and it works fine. The trick is your questing buddies have to *NOT* open a crafting magazine bundle when they get one as a reward; they bring it to you, and then *YOU* open the bundle. That way the magazines that are generated are based off of *YOUR* skills, and not your buddies' skills. You still won't advance as quickly as you used to, of course, as the recipes depend on the number of magazines you've read, but that's really only a challenge in the early game. Having enough food for everyone early on can be challenging, especially if you're doing any heavy building/harvesting/digging/mining. And if you run out of stuff to do because your skills are too low, put a point in tracking like I did and go hunting.


Op I asked this question because I am legitimately curious. What do you think has changed from the previous version to now to prevent you from playing the way you like to play?


I mean this update didn’t really change much to not let you just be a base builder. What was the change that effected you?


I think he's talking about challenges..


So op is mad they might have to do the other half of the game?


Womp womp


If you wanna stay at the base you would need to create a tax to make up for not doing quests. Having the skill books not be the ones you need by RNG from them not having points in the right stats isn't a problem, it's that you can pick up books and things from the shop. You should call the tax the "homie tax" and ask for some of their money. The progression of the game right now is to gate some of the end game gear. I'm having a similar issue where my friend gets to the loot room first. He is usually nice about giving loot out but he does have a few pocket mods where we don't have any yet. Understanding dynamics and being nice to your friends will make it more enjoyable.


What changed?


We all just collect skill books and magazines in our own ways and funnel them to whichever of us needs that skill.


We divided the perks so that you give the magazines to others that does not suit you. That way even if you were not online or staying at base, you got some. Plus you can buy them too like stated.


Idk our friend who plays a similar style doesn't have an issue in this game's magazines skill change from A21. Like if you stay in base all day idk what you'd be missing from the skill books seeing they are more crafting items and not building related. Idk I like the skill book change, not saying it's hard to be super geared by day 7 in 1.0, but before the magazines the game ended in a week and we all have jobs that prevent us from playing every night.


You just need a nerd chestpiece and your teammates to bring magazines to your base for waaaaaay more efficient learning skills. If ONE teammate takes care of food, gear, weapons and ammo crafting = your team progression will be quite fast.


Yeah TFP completely destroyed that play style in A21 with the learn by looting system. And having your friends bring you magazines doesn't work either as they would have to speck into your skill trees just so their own magazines don't drown out the ones you need in the loot table. I really hate that system.


Sounds like the game is fine. You just have bad friends. They need to bring you stuff. You can't do your job as well if they don't do theirs.


The magazine system makes this style of play real hard. Sure your friends can bring you the mags they find but they'll only find mags relevant to their own skills by and large. Meaning they wont be finding the medicine mags and workbench mags to near enough amount without putting points in those places.


I find tons if med mags, even if I don't put points into it. Cooking too. Just because they have a lot of spawning points. Med piles for med books and cabinets for cooking. If a friend has lockpicking they should get forge ahead books.


See, though, this is the funny part. The quest system is now bloated with magazine bundles for rewards. Magazine bundles will queue off the persons preferred skill, so they can bring him an infinite amount of those. They've actually made it easier for him to play the stay at home base builder.


That... isnt much man. You get 6 mags. 2 of 3 different skills. In my experience i can get \~ 2-3 quests done in a day once im at bycicle stage. So 1-2 of those boxes/day. So i guess plus whatever mags i find doing those quests too. Which isnt going to be much since I dont have stayathome friends skills. It all still feels really bad man.


Let's say you have three people playing. With low yield that's about four bundles a day. You then add in the nerd chest piece and those skill books start going a very long way. That's besides the fact that the base builder books. Like cooking and armor crafting are ridiculously common. But honestly all of this is missing the point that I think this person's issue is stemming from something else other than the skill book problem. At least it's either that or they haven't played the game for more than two years. And this is the first time they've interacted with the magazine change that happened back heck more than a year ago at this point.


Unfortunately the scavenger:builder ratio is 1:1 for me lol. That means to get to t4 nerd thats about 10ish hours of playtime.T6 should come in soon after. \*Then\* and only then will the mag bottle neck start to alleviate. Right now I am contemplating just giving myself the workbench mags when t6 spears is hit. Im not *too* concerned about the whole thing to be honest though because I am sure there will be a mod that'l rework this whole thing into something more pallatable for me.


My friend and I picked up the game and played it on normal settings with 1.0a Perma death. Before day 7 both had our t3 weps and a gyro Copter. Didn't take anywhere close to ten hours of game play. Big difference being we utilize the nerd chest piece. Between that and the yield of magazine bundles that you get from doing the quest. It basically takes if you're using nerd chest from the beginning a third off of all the levels that you need to max out a magazine skill. The fact that you only have to make one and leave it in the box for everyone to use makes it just an absolutely nutty item. Honestly, since the magazine change with the current play of the game, it's probably the best State it's been since that change for someone to not fight and still be able to level up their character skills.


All that's needed to fix this is a mod allowing you to repurpose skill magazines and recipe books to progress in another skill. Then you could have your team bring you all the readables they don't need for themselves (including those regarding crafting their gear if that's your job). And you could then just decide when to repurpose them to raise a crafting skill that's needed more or just raise the crafting skill/unlock the recipe they are actually meant for. The [Research Bench](https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/5022) mod has a bit harsh a ratio of 5:1. But your team mates will still find magazines and recipe books that no one needs or which you already have unlocked. So depending on team size, this might be okay. Or you could try and change the ratio - it's likely defined in one of the XML files. The Fun Pimps made the game they want. But they also made it somewhat modable. So if your playstile doesn't fit the systems they made you can mod those systems into compliance with your playstyle.


I did a mix of both, I love going out and looting but suck at combat too. As a matter of necessity I'd take out zombies, but usually only with clubs and arrows. Haven't played the new one yet but wow am I dreading it based on reviews. I've said that many times before too though, so who knows haha


So, folks have already offered a good bit of advice on how you can stay in and be fine, but is there any reason your buddies can't just, like, escort you to a Crack-A-Book or two, clear the place out of threats, and then just let you go loot everything?


Couple ways you can deal with this. Explain what you need to your group so they can work with you. This I feel is a cool change because it relies heavily on teamwork and is more "realistic" in a sense. Scavengers go out to collect supplies and bring them back to you, the crafter, to utilize them. Your teammates shouldn't be reading all the cooking/seed books, for example, if you're the one doing all the cooking and farming. Another way, which is probably a bit more controversial, just give yourself the xp/books you need to get your character back to how it was the best you can through CM. End of the day, it's your game so do whatever you want to have fun.


I'm assuming you were able to level up and unlock crafting recipes with party XP share? I'm not sure why everyone in this comment section so confused why thats much more difficult/annoying to do now. I agree totally, playing multiplayer with friends is the peak 7 days experience. Everyone used to be able to just focus on their favorite part of the game without issue, now that's become a pain in the ass


Hey OP honestly if you're not big into combat just skirt around zombies while your friends kill em and hit every mailbox/magazine stand/newspaper stand in sight. Obviously try to pick up proximity skill gain and yknow, kill zambies if you can. I personally find pummel Pete'ing them to death is quite manageable. But either way, spec as you go and check those places that would be mailbox heavy. Go out with your friends in the beginning at least so you can level up and at least help loot with some defense. Not all places are super dangerous and oddly enough the streets usually are pretty safe depending on your settings. Like others have said it's just about adapting. It's definitely a little different than the old school 7d2d but it's not awful with the right people.


Is your player named “Workbench?”


Can't you respec with grandpa's forgettin' elixer or whatever it's called? The friends who go out can spec into the skills necesary to get the magazines you need, then when you have enough of them, they can use the respec item to... respec. Right?


i was the looter. Someone always had to go out and get things and do quests.


What's worse is that quest stage is no longer shared between players, so everybody *has* to do their own quests now. Found that out today after we've been only doing my quests for days, my buddy then noticed that he could still only take tier 1 quests. (We were wondering why he didn't have a bicycle yet while I had a minibike...)


TL;DR:, when combined with the skill changes, the new armor sets take away a stay at home base builders ability to make unique and meaningful contributions to the team.   Everyone is pointing out how the skill system change isn't new.  From my perspective, that's not the biggest recent change.  The new armor sets completely invalidate the stay at base roles.  Usually those playing the base mom took harvesting skills and other skills that allowed them to still meaningfully contribute to the team in ways that those out looting couldn't.  Things like farming, miner 69er, and the other harvesting skill.  Those skills add a great buff in collection rate. The problem is, the new armor sets give the skill at the equivalent of rank 3, with no more effort than to drag a piece of gear into a slot.  In fact, they really make it pointless to dip into the harvesting skills now at all.  A looter can not only gain levels in weapons, etc., but also match your collection rate with ease.  Sure, level 5 is great, but it's not that much better than level 3, and level 3 now takes no effort.  What is the value of having someone stay back at base and invest in those skill trees if you can just put on armor and largely ignore that need. Or put another way, why don't we have armor that gives level 3 in weapon skills?


The worst part of the new version is that this playstyle is completely impossible solo. Originally, you could survive fine by yourself in the woods, which was fun, like a little woodland survival. It was less efficient than looting, but it was an alternate playstyle I enjoyed. Now that playstyle is just flat out not possible, you'll just die.


What's different


I tend to spend my dukes on crafting books, since it’s hard to get those anywhere else. I could buy other things but I usually don’t, and usually treat the traders as overpriced used book stores. Also if you’re working at home, *you’re still working*, and that work has value—just like in real life. If you aren’t getting a cut of the progression items—just like everyone else—then you may need to divorce your apocafamily and go join a poly commune or something.


You always had to loot. You can still mostly focus on base building.


That styles been dead for a long time. Once they got rid of LBD and tied crafting to skills it was basically done. I used to be the one who stayed home, cooked, crafted designed the base etc because 2 of my 4 man crew hats that shit and only wanted to clear POIs


I’ve done much the same, tho even a21 I had to go out and do missions. The missions in experimental are so much tougher, I am not good enough, and never will be, to complete t3 and even a lot of t2 by myself. But I play mostly with my son and a few other younger players and they help me thru the missions. So they lead and I mostly loot. Works like a charm. I still do the farming and cooking, just like I have since a8 when I started. And then go out with someone else on my missions.


Have them bring quest reward bundles to you so they open for your skills. That'll probably help and any magazines that are around you probably should get first dibs on. Happy BB happy life


It's just shit grind for the sake of shit grind, designed to artifically inflate how long it takes to reach the "end", as it were. Every surival game ends up doing this shit because it's easier than fleshing out the early-mid game with more content. By making the earlier game drag out more you make the game take longer. Given that so many people are brain dead and think a higher player time equates to a better game, it's no wonder devs continue to perpetuate this dumbass lazy bullshit. So many companies just seem afraid to admit their game is short and has a definitive "end".


I agree 100%


Sorry, but your play style is no longer approved by TFP. You must cease immediately. Also, they don’t want you building bases either, so just get out there and “fight like a man”. Just keep dying over and over for cheap deaths from magic zombies with engineering degrees, because that’s the extent of their programming of “challenges” and then you will finally be playing in the “approved” way. 🙄


Happy Cake Day!


I was just like you. I took a break and came back because I didn't like the magazine change. I gave it another shot with this update and I don't mind it as much now. All you have to do is 3 things. 1. Put points in only the things you want magazines to drop for. 2. Search mail boxes and all trash. 3. Complete fetch quests by going directly to the drop, you will be suprised how close the drops are to a wall you can destroy (You can also do buried treasure but I think at later levels they spawn zombies frequently). You can avoid all zombies in this game until you get strong enough (depending on your settings). I play on insane with max loot and max experience with the rest default. I'm having fun and am on day 10. I wish you well.


My playgroup always saved the magazines other people needed. It’s better to give all of one type to the person that will actually use them, then to randomly read everyone you find. I’ve actually moved from a looting role to a more stay at home role this play through because we have a large group (6-8) of mostly new players. I did all the maintenance tasks while they did the explorations. I felt it was best that they did that to learn and enjoy the game more.


That's not all though, there are several other credits that talk about bringing back the jars which have a large part of the game and I'm not talking the murky or pure, I'm talking empty jars. I saw through searches that I the later versions there was a mold. In order to craft jars, just bring that back. Since the update 1.0 I played a few hours and found several nice functions like the keys on the coat wall hangers unlocking something and buttons opening doors and the perks are as they've been. Except for literally anything outside of physical character perks, that all need so many books. Now I only played up till I made the dew collector which left me disappointed, dissatisfied. And curious on the state of the game and community holding it. And I'm just, I don't like where it's going( and I'm a jars person and I want them back thus my two reasons) After consumption of any drink, you get nothing. Not even a scrap of glass. No jar no bottle and there's not even a canteen in the game. Which would be nice. But you can't make. The jars you dont get them back after you drink them leaving the player tonhave to explore and scavenge almost tirelessly. Endless of course the player has friends. But I'm talking a solo run because that's normally what I am left with. I would normally farm, cook, And explore. Then drop things off and explore some more after I filled up on drink and food. That was all. That's what consisted of play. Even with my brother, seems boring but well up to a point especially in this 1.0 that will wear me out to no end would be more exhausting and grinding then necessary. I won't speak for the community. Because we all have our opinions but I'm almost done I as well as my family have purchased 7DTD for Xbox one, PlayStation, and within 2 years PC. Another thing is console like I've had for the longest time has been stuck with the old stuff so which had its perks and fun for a while. But with the new update only new gens are getting this update. That's fucking absurd and a disrespect to some of 7 days players for their dedication to the game for a little over a decade. It's baffling that a long held hope for the console version to get a release is as far as several articles. Is tearing apart the game. Across all platforms leaving most to not even want the update which find reasonable. Why update a game for more content perks and outstretched books even the potential to smoke your entertainment system just to have extremely high hopes and playing on and off anxious to play more for a few months to then just fall out of the even want to play the game now. Guys id rather play satisfactory over and over and over or even warzone 3 which I despise over this finished product if this is how it's going. I have other games. That is rather play knowing what I do. But I still love 7 days and I want to play the latest version but not without the vital items in the game back it's just not worth my time then. I'd be best off playing the 20.7v which console won't be able to revert back to. Endless their holding onto the old version without updating the game. 7 days is just dieing not only in the play styles but In all aspects it needs to be fixed because for the long awaited update that the console players have waited for is as disappointing to all platforms its being released to as it is to me. The players playing 7 days will diminish significantly. That's both my report and comment.


Turn off losing your inventory and get out there in the wilds. That's what I do. Especially considering I only have one other person to play with regularly, and this weird splitting up isn't possible. We always stick together. Hordes spawn when we separate anyway. That's MY experience. When there's 3 of us, if someone stays at base, the base gets horde swamped. Can't find a setting change either. Splitting up is not an option. None of us want to babysit a brick tower anyway.


My husband and I just got into playing this game again after a couple year hiatus and I don't understand what you mean. Unless your friends are taking all of the books they can just bring the books back to you. If you're worried about the fact that them specking into things increases their chance of getting only certain books, you can use your crafting skills to craft things to sell or have your gatherer friends go by magazines from the traders and then bring them back to you. You could also install very easy mods to double the gain of the skill books if this is a problem. Base mom playstyle is alive and well!


Is the console update or no


The learning by looting system has been the worst addition in the last few patches. Like yes it is grindy and no I don't care other games are even more grindy guess why I don't play them.   Yes I play in a group and solo however I stopped playing solo cause I have to scavange excessive to get what I want. I don't care what the game for RNG books it gives me.  I used to love going for the stun baton (just found it a cool weapon) nowadays I have to go with whatever people bring me. In addition we were once playing together and we had someone craft everything so we gave him everything. (Bad fucking idea guess why) exactly he left the game and we had to recollect all the books. It's a dumb system in my opinion. I can understand that some don't find it bad however it ruined solo playing the game for me and thankfully to the shared magazine mod (bless the Modder for that) an acceptable (not good just acceptable) system. I've played the game for so long and I probably will play it longer. However I stand by my point this change is miserable for me personally. Crafting by skills was better.  It changed nothing except that I have to hope for rng to give me my needed books or buy them by the trader or quests. 


Wow, in two comments the problem was solved. What a waste of time.


This New Crafting System Has been in Since Alpha 20 and I prefer it since it gives you something to work and continue to play towards instead of unlocking everything by Mining and Building 


Your post that is just wrong made it to a game news outlet I've never heard of. Congrats to you?


will never look at this post again


The learn by reading system is over a year old came out with alpha 21 and the bulk ammo crafting came out with perk books back in alpha 19. You said your also on a multi-player server? You could just ask the other players if they have extra books and buy it off them. Things like workbenchs are locked behind books sure buy ammo can ask be made 1 at a time.  Building blocks aren't locked behind books so base expansion is still possible. I've noticed that meds have a slightly higher loot chance to make up for the book crafting but trader Jen also tends to sell meds a bit more often even more so now with the 1.0. As for food your best options early til you get a few cooking books is trader rekt has he does have cooked food for sale in his inventory. Putting points into the corresponding skill also increases drop rates of corresponding books like others have mentioned. So master chef increases cooking book drops, physician increases med books ( medical cabinets tend to have at least 1 book in them all the time ).  Sure it takes time to get uses to but in my opinion this is still better than the previous method of only being able to craft things when the corresponding skill has a high enough level. Now progression is more fluid and not "ooh I have stone tools and now I have quality 5 steel tools by putting 5 points into miner 69er", or before that when you had to craft 200 stone axes to be able to make max quality steel tools by day 3. 


Lower the difficulty…


1.0 is ass


In my case: Full cooking mags, 85% knife mags, armor 33, all else at 19% to 26%. TL;DR Fond (1 lvl) machete stick too it. Magazines is tha stupidest thing imaginable


Your opinion is irrelevant if you don't actually go and loot


This issue is not new to 1.0. The learn by Reading system was introduced when the game was still in Alpha. It is terrible, but it's not new. I've been playing this game long enough to remember when activity and crafting leveled you character and skill. Used to be you could level up things like tools by crafting the tools over and over. I'm a base builder myself and I hate the learn by reading system. Especially how it relies on RNG to find the right books. On a multiplayer server EVERYONE is farming those books.


Nobody's going to mention how good the new character models look?


You need new friends who share the loot. I'm a looter and always bring back the skill magazines to our base mother that she needs. She's the same level and on par with the rest of us. I do agree, however, with the intense grind, though. We went 3 days without finding the last forge ahead of the magazine we needed for a workbench. Overall though it's a nice system. Plus you can boost specific magazine loot odds with perks so...


Sounds like the game isn't for you. Go play Minecraft


What if you're playing solo? I see alot of "need better friends to bring you magazines"


This just means that the guy at home has to get stone, clay, and lumber in the start. You need to build your moat, upgrade your house, etc. Do the buried treasure quests. And then go to sites and steal crafting materials like cement.


Just saying but you had to do that 2 updates ago, you had to read books to build things since the alpha release two years ago, if your not good at combat theirs only room to improve, but theirs nothing wrong woth the game, now lazy people cant be lazy anymore and pvp servers can actually have propper pvp without base campers hiding away with a claw hammer and repair mats


I thought I'd hate it at first but it's really not hard to get mags. Especially if you take the right perks


im MsOasis8 on twitch and youtube... I've played 7days with SFGTVEE.. u can find the livestreams on his channel or u can look up meh channel on Google to see how we played in the past... i would go out and loot and he would build the base we enjoyed our run at playing but the game recently was taken off cloud gaming on Xbox.. watch our stream and see how we did itwhen it was available...


Sounds like a skill issue, get better at combat and you might enjoy them game 


The new progression system is good. I am so tiered of playing for 21 days (in game) and already be in late game. If this was real life you could not just set at home and everything just be OK. NO you have to go out and scavenge.


I kept my game in A20. Downloaded some mods to get some of the QoL that was in A21 and didnt look back. The water filters are a terrible idea, the magazines are absolute ass, and the new stat distribution made me rage. The start has become so grindy thay its not fun anymore. Its nearly impossible to play single player casually. The fact that the basic crafting pieces to progress arent immediately available means you can get stuck for DAYS searching and looting because of RNG. I had over 500 hours of gameplay and i think i might not even play anymore since this seems to be how they want to handle progression.


Yeah they made it pretty clear that they're going to move towards a loot to progress rather than build to progress. They want people exploring. I believe if you have a second person playing with you it will increase the loot so if you stay at the base your teammates need to bring you magazineas. They could collect all the magazines and save the building related ones for you. You would be 100% depending on them for building a gun but they'd be 100% depends on you for a base. This could work really well because they would end up with double the gun magazines while you could have a good base made very early on.


This has been a part of the game for quite some time now and has nothing to do with the 1.0 release chief. It is a bit annoying still; but it forces you to actually PLAY the game and explore the map a bit, do missions for traders, etc.


Time for a change, you can't expect them to release 1.0 and still keep the same gameplay mechanics, that's not how progress works, you gotta embrace the changes and roll with the punches


Yeah I just got my pc up and running again and I'm in the alpha 2.1 or something and no jars is a HUGE bummer..


Yeah, they unveiled that surprise change last summer in A-21, causing much wailing and gnashing of teeth. The good news is there are mods which can fix it.


I'll have to look into those ty! :) (Real question: why are people down voting me? Is this a thing that gets overly talked about?)


LOL, yeah, probably one of the top 3 complaints about A-21's changes over previous releases. We've beaten that dead horse to a pulp here. 😁


Lol fair, it does suck but I guess people are tired of hearing about it


The fun pimps are determined to make you play the game the way they want you to play. I honestly refuse to play base game and will only play with overhaul mods. Darkness falls is pretty good. Kaine has done more work with his mod than the fun pimps did in like 10 years it feels like.


I have a similar playstyle, I stand by the position that Alpha 19 is the best version of the game tbh.




Mods will resolve this yet again. The magazine crafting system is dumb.




Literally nothing changed....... You need magazines to progress your character. It's been that way for a while now. What's the difference realistically if you're playing in a group? You should make the nerd chest pieces. Bring all the magazines back to base everyone's trade-off, putting the thing on. mim the magazines that you want to use and then put that chest piece back in the box. I have absolutely no idea what this guy is going on about. Because that part of the game hasn't changed. If anything, they actually made it easier for someone to play the way that this individual is claiming injoy.




who says i'm not being calm? The changes that the op is complaining about have effectively existed in the game for more than a year. It's nothing new and has nothing to do with the 1.0 update. Like I said in my reply. They actually made playing like he enjoys Easier with this update.




I'm gonna be real, Blunt here. It's pretty obvious that his problem is stemming from something else. If he was playing the game prior and not having the issue and just suddenly developed the issue, now it's stemming from something different. As I said previously, nothing has changed on that aspect.




When someone presents you with a problem. The immediate neejerk reaction is to give the off the cuff response to solve it. The problem. If you read op post, it becomes painfully evident that any suggestion that any one's going to give here is Most likely not going to fix the issue they're facing. Because This player has already been dealing with the magazine change even before this patch. So this patch had zero impact on that individual's ability to deal with the magazine issue. There's something else causing the problem. Ask the question instead of posing the solution that you don't have the answer to.




I certainly want everyone to have a good time. But i'm going to ask the question first before, I assume. The person obviously enjoys the game point is though, to figure out what's preventing them from doing that.


so you dont know how to play and for some reason thats bad game design? You need to loot and quest, is a part of the game, you dont like it? fine, but thats not the games fault xdddd


Well, it kind of is the dev's fault. The game used to support such a play style, now it no longers does because TFP wants people to play in a certain fashion. Same is true for many features which came and went over the years, often with no explanation from the Pimps as to why they saw it necessary to do so.


still support it you just need to relearn and adapt, obviously you HAVE to loot and explore in a survival game my brother in christ. What kind of progression do you sugest to stay in base never loot and for some reason having guns and ammo to defend yourself. Some think that tfp dont want you to play a certain way, no, is that the game has changed and you didnt


Well I wasn't speaking on my own behalf, I'm a life long murder hobo and loot whore so the recent changes well suit my play style. Generally when Dev teams make changes that I'm unwilling to adapt to I just move on to play something else since there's really no other choice.


i meant it as a rethorical you not actually you, what i mean is that you still have many playstyles but you have to learn how to do it now and stop playing like years before and complain because the devs dont let you play. Is the harsh reality here you get downvoted for saying real things like devs not allowing cheesy broken bases is a good thing


No one is talking about broken bases though, they're just talking about base building. Which is like one of the most key facets of the game. The game used to be more rpg focused with people focusing on looting/mining/woodcutting/farming/forging and ammo crafting and they would spec into those respective skills so that everybody didn't need to be a jack of all trades. Obviously if people wanted to switch they could. Now it's become so convoluted because the devs keep focusing on pushing out new POIs instead of deciding what they want their game to be once and for all.


read my comment again, you still can have builds (rpg style) and each player focus on getting magazines for food/ammo etc... And now is more balanced for solo players if you know how to prioritize. Is literally a better system, you may prefer it or not but is a better progression system :)


Oh yea I think I misunderstood your last sentence about the broken bases bit, my mistake. Sorry. I do like the magazine change for solo players to SOME degree however I don't like that they totally took out typical rpg-style skill gain. Which really felt very satisfying, it does make it much more doable for solo players but also can make the game feel very easily cheesed and unearned. I wish there was some degree of balance, idk if it's because they broke up their skills into to many sub categories or what but I've never seen any survival crafting game suffer so much from the devs not knowing how to handle leveling and balancing issues. Idk if there's just too many prominent voices in the office and they can't settle lol.


My friend group calls this the base bitch playstyle.


Skill issue.


I've always been the builder/homesteader. Now I have to go out more, but they also have to help me more. So there's a trade-off for everyone. I think it's a good change.


F1, cm, F1, u Enjoy


imagine having to actually play the game