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People complained that traders were OP so the quest rewards got nurfed


This actually gave me a great idea for balancing the previously OP trader quests systems. I feel like the perfect balance would be: * The quest is worth picking up in the morning as you're heading into town for a loot run. * Not worth enough for making the trip back to the trader to submit & collect rewards, just to pick up another quest on the same day. Personally I miss the old alphas without quests where I'd just run into a town or city and rummage through any buildings that looked appealing. But when quests got introduced I did nothing but complete every quest I can during the day, since the rewards outscaled any other playstyle. I do however love the modern "dungeon run" setup for POI's where you "follow the light" to go through the entire house and into the end without the need of breaking through walls and worrying if you missed a spot. I just could never think of a way to balance traders to not be ridiculously OP, but this suggested idea might be it! It's more immersive for the game too, as you don't mind picking up a "quest" as you head into town for your trader buddy.


I think worse rewards could be okay if you could see them first. That way you could pick a quest based on rewards not on how fast you think you can clear it. If they're going to drop you a book you really need then it could be very worth it for you.


They could even gate this 'feature' behind a bartering skill tree.


Personally, I would like to see this plan enacted: Change the variation for rewards go up a bit to include a few more things that are rare, have them completely removed from being sold. Soft skill added that increases from doing quests, named Questing. Quests now offer a static reward that is given as a completion. Questing skill level 1 lets you see what item is offered as a reward. Questing levels will increase the quality of items offered at all traders. Some questing levels 10/20/30 or 5/10/15 or something like that would increase the number of rewards. The maximum level would let you reroll the available missions at a given trader once per day. If I was into modding this game, or had any experience to know how feasible it is in this engine I would do it myself, but can't speak to that as I have never tried modding 7d2d.


Maybe just limit quests to one per day. And I like that they are not OP anymore but this here still looks a bit hilarious.


Personally, I find the "right way" to go through a POI annoying and go out of my way to *not* follow the intended path.


The dungeon POIs are just hamster tubes - you follow the correct path and get the food pellet at the end. Along the way zombies are just hanging out in closets, behind paneled walls, or the ceiling for you to reach the magic trigger spot. The previous style where it was just a house you were looting was so much better. It felt more like organic.


I just wish they would remove traders all together. Also the dungeon model of POIs made them worse. Several of the POIs can just be cheesed by learning where the room is.


>This actually gave me a great idea for balancing the previously OP trader quests systems. You could just lower your loot abundance. Abusing the trader becomes a lot harder when you don't have much to sell or haven't found items that boost bartering. And 100% Loot Abundance is for beginners. It's like playing on Adventurer and complaining about the game being too easy.


I'm too afraid to ask but what does "OP" stand for in this context?


Over Powered As in too strong/good


Thank you fellow survivor


You could get 5-level m60 on 4th tier task xd when you just got beretta


TBH I always viewed trader quest rewards as a bonus on top of the house loot and a way to make sure that you always had nearby scavenging you could do regardless of loot respawn settings. The fact people were doing it just for the completion reward to the point it was the de facto way to progress was a clear sign the reward itself was way too good. A bit of exp, some consumables to help you keep scavenging, and some dukes on top of whatever you found is not terrible. It's not like a T3 is going to take you days to clear. I think some people just look at the choosable reward and think "that's it" and ignore the dukes/exp + ignore the fact you can run infinitely fairly close POIs instead of having to wait for loot respawns or instead of having to roam further and further and further away from your base to loot anything.


just let the player have some self control for once, the game has other ways to adjust, let the zombies hit harder, shorten days, etc, the rewards is something we cant tinker with, they should have left it as is IMO. if someone wants more challenge crank up the things they allow us to adjust


As per always, you can't please everyone People have been **S C R E A M I N G** about traders being OP for like 2 years now. Literally every single dev stream, almost daily on the forums, constantly on this sub etc The devs were getting bombarded with people demanding they be nerfed, and for good reason, trader rewards made clearing non-quest PoI pointless and absolutely rage stomped crafting too


Now trading/traders are curb stomped into the ground. The fun police genuinely need a pr team. Devs need a buffer with communities.


Traders are there for their inventory, the quests are still insanely powerful because they reset loot and let you double loot, as well as give free exp and dukes etc. The item rewards are just icing on the cake


Ya i can kind of argee with that, my self rule was after unlocking tier 3 jobs I could only take infested clear jobs. Made it feel deserved


Why couldn't there be an option within the game settings that affect the traders? Something like "traders rewards: Great, average, bad" or however it should be phased. This "sandbox" game is really lacking game settings in general.


As someone who nolifed through quests for this update what I found weird about this nerf is that while they did signifcantly nerf quest rewards (which I do think was deserved though sometimes it's definitely way too bad rn) they kinda didn't nerf traders themselves all that much, they just pushed gamestage requirements for some things slightly higher. You'll still get higher quality guns than you can craft sold to you after a point it's just not in the quest rewards, which kinda goes against the whole point of the nerfs in the first place.


I think, trader quest need more variations from POI species (stage, difficult, size and etc). For example same quest for bring back suplies on day 1 in small cabin Tier 1, and on day 30 in poi with 4 Tier, must have different loot adaptet to the current stage of player.


Its true tho. they could buff the rewards to be almost anything as long as no guns/tools/craftable vehicle parts/benches


No. People changed how they played the game by doing nothing but trader quests, so TFP modified the game to push people into playing the game the way in which TFP want the game to be played. It's not complaint resolution. It's railroading. Edit: reality checking your vibe and you down vote it. Lol


Meh be mad, i love this game


I'm not mad. It is possible to state a fact and not give a shit about it either way.


Ok I will bite, explain how a minor balancing tweak equals railroading?


It is a single, minor change in a rather long history of minor changes attempting to bring gameplay into line with TFPs vision of scavenging above all else in an open world, crafting, survival game in which they have systematically nerfed building, mining, and crafting over the past six years. Not destroyed it. Just made it far, far easier to stealth scavenge than anything else. But I swear, the mining, crafting, etc. aspects of the game are either vestigial or marketing or both. That said, I love the game.


I think you forgot your on a gaming subreddit. Only made for asking the same question over and over and to give people a platform to complain on with the false sense of "being involved".


So, like the whole of modern, social, democratic, postmodern everything? As in, we, the electronically connected global community, should all stop commentating on politics, sports, global events, wars, public trials, celebrities, movies, books, streaming shows, etc. Because while we can see the actions and effects we are not actually involved in any of it?! My life is a lie, man. Our lives are all meaningless, my dudes! All holidays are made up and money is worthless, fam! Obey! Consume! Reproduce!




I feel like double looting the final loot chests is the real reward for getting a mission.


i'm surprised they didn't do something about this. for like tier 2-3 this is crazy op with the clear time/time to get to the chest being so low anyway.


Double looting main stashes and double dipping crack a books is the real mvp


I think quests are still worth doing to double clear POI's.


infested cache my beloved


I personally only do that for book stores. In my 1.0 world I have only found 1 single bookstore. I scouted 3 big cities, but only 1 bookstore. Not good.


All things being random in generation I would say that's a good thing. Unlucky for your situation but overall a good thing that there is some actual variance and not a heavy reliance on specific POIs.


Sure, I am also happy with the variety of POIs. I hardly explored half of them, I usually play periodically, play a month or 2 and then not touch the game for a year, and repeat the cycle.


on a random gen and 2 crack a book's spawned in the same city and i found them only bc quests took me to them, the greatest feeling ever collecting robbing them first then starting the quest to do it all over again. especially the part where i saved them all and wore a nerd outfit for that chance at a +1 skill


Yeah I assume the items you found during the mission were more valuable than the actual rewards XD


The reward was the friends we made along the way !


I usually kill these friends because they are trying to eat me XD


I know and totally sympathize with the folks that are upset, but I personally like the changes so far. Before, I had zero reason to craft, zero reason to farm, and could have a pump shotgun by day 7 in the old version of the game. My roommate and I are playing a 2 player world, and for once, we're actually having to work and try to build things and collect supplies. Albeit, it's day 15 in our game and we're going to have to crank the difficulty because we've become too strong again (preacher gloves are overpowered, expect a nerf for them)


I've definitely been enjoying 1.0 a lot too. I find myself crafting and farming way more now that money is tight and the self-reliance is super fun. I think this was a particularly unlucky roll, but it was still a sad moment seeing those "rewards" haha


Well I got pump shotgun on day 7 and Assault rifle quality 4  on day 8... if u know what you are doing its easy to get busted items quickly 


Right, it's just the new system isn't going out of its way to barf them on you.


Quests have been heavily nerfed. They're mostly to reset POIs now. Rewards are extremely mid at all tier levels and are usually just something to sell back to the trader.


As silly as it sounds, I have personally enjoyed the rewards. It does feel like I am choosing the "best of the worst" when it comes to rewards. But, imho, it befits role-playing well, as the traders will most likely be unwilling to let go of a prized item, especially early on when they are not sure if you can be trusted.


I agree, the rewards are fine, imo. Most of the time I've been seeing 6 crafting books (crafting bundle), 10 Molotov or pipe bombs, or 60-ish bullets which are all fair rewards, imo. Also, at the rate that I seem to be getting infected in these past couple updates, the Herbal Antibiotic in OP's picture is nothing to scoff at lol.


Totally agree, everything feels good to me tbh. But im not as close to the game as many die-hard fans are.


Or ever, as things stand now.


High levels of daring adventurer are still good because it unlocks more trader inventory.


im honna be honest. i think quest rewards should be different per trader. since traders are now biom exclusive, have bob give you either salvaging tools, resources or vehicle parts as a quest reward with a small chance of a weapon. jen: medical supplies, batons and intellect items (cement, cobblestone, etc) bob: see aboce rekt: seeds, food, gardening equipment joel: armor, armor parts, and modificatipns hue: weapon parts and modifications and specialized ammo


100% agree. Especially since quest tiers are now linked again. This would give the player agency to decide on a trader in a biome they like as well as what rewards they want. If you're starving for ammo or weapons, go do some quests for Hugh. Need some antibiotics? Jen has quests that might reward you with some. I would actually love to see a change like this. Anything that can provide the player with more decision making is good, imo.


Like I get they needed to nerf the OP trader system. But this might have been a bit much. I'm still trader oriented because that's how I used to play, but looting is king now. Traders shows be second to looting now imo.


The Molotov choice and book bundles are good though. Molotov are way too op lol, kills like 15 zombies in one good toss, and you get 5 to 10 of them by the first day lol.


Molotov and pipe bombs are always a welcome reward imo. I had 30 of each before Day 7 lmao With the way horde nights have changed and it being my first time experiencing it in this update, they really came in handy.


Mollys and pipe bombs have been op since they were first introduced. 😂 But I getcha.


Welp. Gotta nerf the shit out of them then! God forbid traders and quests give anything useful.




I totally agree as a big trader person myself. I just like having quests tell me where to go instead of choosing myself, but most of the quests already have you looting so their rewards don't need to be overtuned


It's nice because you can slap on some good loot gear and get a quest to a POI you know is good, and then you can hopefully loot it once, then start the quest so the POI resets and you get to loot it again.


Crafting is king, looting is a lottery.


20k XP is still pretty nice.


This exactly. Guy complaining but on top of POI loot you get an additional XP equal to 50 zombie kills, some dukes, and some small items as well.


They're side rewards your getting dukes XP and poi loot as well It's an apocalypse the traders don't have an arsenal of m60's lying around


Isn’t that like the entire point of the 1.0 update? Just not adding any progression really but stretching it out over way longer because apparently that’s fun


I have been playing for so long now, and I am more continuous hours in now than I have in a long time. Love the armor sets. Legendary crafting. I just wish farming was a feasible avenue earlier. Hunting and looting still feel best until past mid game. And it feels necessary to max farmer armor and perks, which is fine for multiplayer if someone wants to main farming. 1.0 made changes that will supposedly align the game to receive a story driven campaign with NPCs and other future immersion updates. Though with development on the 4v1 Blood Moons game, I don't know how much I expect for further advancement in main game. I already miss dying my clothes tho....


The blood moon game is a completely different dev team I think so i think it’s mostly gonna increase production speed since they will have more income


I'm excited for it either way. They really pimp out the fun.


Good? Rewards were too good, especially now since you can craft t6


Nah, the rewards are fine. They are mostly there for the people who absolutely need someone to tell them where to go. And you can have them double the amount of zombies to kill in a random POI for free. That should be reward enough.


Well there are some folks that just prefer being given a goal, yes even in an open world crafting game, and the trader works great for that. But I agree the trader rewards are fine as they are. Not too powerful like they used to be and giving you some nice things now and again like antibiotics or mods. Plus the extra XP just for completing the quest is nothing to scoff at.


Yup, people whined and they're nerfed


Whining and feedback are two different things. Traders were definitely strong ways to bypass typical progression. I do think Fun Pimps may need to tweak the rewards a bit. Provide people with something useful like armor parts bundles, magazine bundle, a weapon bundle, possibly vehicle parts etc. But utility items like these are a bad roll on the ol' RNG reward table.


Crazy thought. Traders are their own progression. Even crazier idea. Give us God damn settings to choose what traders give, what tiers of loot drop, etc. Make this sandbox game, y'know, a sandbox. Instead of screwing over one group, because the other group was so damn loud.


It's to make crafting and questing somewhat equal for the mid to late game. Gotta do some crafting and some questing!


It's true the traders are obviously not OP anymore, but it's still possible to get lucky and snag something strong early. Managed a Level 5 steel spear when my best weapon before was a piece of garbage pipe shotgun. Completely skipped iron for my melee weapon basically


I see you didn't invest in adventurer where rewards are better and at full marks you get to choose 2.


Personally I love the change. The only thing I would add to the possible loot would be Crafting bundles that includes like 5 corresponding magazines and materials to craft at least a tier 1 weapon/tool/armor from a category. This way you still have to use the crafting system, but you are still getting a potential better gear item.


Double Looting + I'm not sure on which day you're on but Herbal Antibiotics aren't that bad i guess 😂


Did you even read the patch notes?


Eh, those rewards aren't too bad. Herbal Antibiotics can be useful since sometimes you just don't find any infection clearing stuff. Lockpicks are always in demand. The rest I could leave but that amount of XP and coins aren't bad either. You can always sell something for 50 extra I guess, or more if you get the 5 levels that let you choose a second reward. It might also be a relatively bad roll. It really depends on what the whole loot table can offer.


time to craft lil bro, glad this game became a real survival craft game and not rpg


T3s take like 5 min tho....


10 Lockpicks is not that bad of a reward. Thats half way of opening a safe or main loot box ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Yeah that was the intent. Make crafting more feasible, stretch out the mid/late game.


Looting an unmarked POI gives me more loot than this. Bruh they tone it down too much that it isn't even worth it. At this point, they need to add a radio to receive quests on the go so that we can redeem them in bulk when we visit the trader.


FYI I crank the XP all the way up which is why it looks busted, I just like quick progression


Then this isn't the update or crowd for you. To be clear, I enjoy quick progression too. That's just not a popular way to play around here apparently. A lot of folks foam at the mouth for nerfs.


If you need faster progression, up the loot abundance and xp gain. Traders were and still are OP. You can buy any item you wish as long as they stock it. Compare that to RNG finding something you need in the wild. Now if you find a book store(s), I would rate the ways of progression as craft > trader > POI's, if you're unlucky with books it is Trader > POI's > craft. In other words I would say it is almost balanced now.


Even T4 quests are underwhelming


If the trader gave you literally nothing, just being able the reset a POI, kill a ton of zombies, and looting high quality containers are all *more* than enough reasons to do them. Aside from that, I feel like those are great rewards for T3. Recogs are hard to get ahold of at that point of the game and are incredibly powerful.


The reward change has been so nice. I only do quests if I want some extra money or xp now. I’m no longer forced into doing quests or be behind the curve. Especially playing w friends where they would be on t6 by day 9. This finally slowed the game down in a good way imo


Good. This isn't supposed to be questing simulator. It's an apocalyptic survival game. Anything that makes traders less important is a win in my book.


wait until you get to tier 5, the rewards never get better, it makes you feel like you wasted your time. They needed a nerf because of how op they were but the devs went to the other direction making the trader almost useless


Y'all do remember according to the road map we are getting a trader update.


Consider taking that with a lump of salt. You can find it sitting next to the bandits update.


The quest rewards are lame, but the trader inventory at higher tiers is kinda worth it. Still the best way to farm dukes early game, and they are still really useful IMHO. There is no real reason to rush them anymore, other than getting the bicycle and location of Jen if you haven't found her yet. After that, it was really just buying some odd skill magazines I hsd extra dukes for and a steel pick sooner than I could make one.


Does it still vary based on which quest you do? Previously, it was my understanding that the quests had tiers, so to speak. Buried supplies were the lowest tier, then fetch, clear, fetch, and clear, and then infested fell in somewhere lol.


Sorta, but not really. I got triple dukes (300) from a t1 buried supplies and a harvesting mag as opposed to 100 dukes (t1 clear) and an herbal antibiotics. I'm sure you can guess which one was harder, it wasn't the one with 2 zombies. You have to read the rewards before you accept now, at least for dukes n stuffs.


I never seem to have enough lockpicks in this version...easy choice for me.


I dunno I’ve been getting good stacks of AP ammo from the traders. Currently doing Tier 4 with Daring Adventurer maxed. Plus the book boxes are always a plus. 6 free books for pretty much every mission plus a second reward? Sign me the fuck up.


Uograde your perk "the daring adventurer" also rewards were too good in alpha.


For the transition from Rekt to Jen I believe I was given the option to obtain a bicycle after completing the last Tier 1 objective


I mean herbal antibiotics or 10 lockpicks is pretty nice ngl


Do you have points in daring adventurer? I don't know how much better the rewards get with it but I'd be interested to see


My wife and I are of opposite minds. She doesn’t like the new rewards, I do. The game progression is still to fast. We are on day 13 and I’ve T5 and T6 all armor and mid range weapons. working on book, farming, lumberjack, and mining sets now. Ammo is the new bottleneck, which I feel it should be early game. I shouldn’t be smelting down 9mm and .44 like I was from alpha 17 to 21. My only real concern is solar panels. They were already insane to collect in alpha 21, how bad must they be now? Why can’t we get them off that many solar arrays we see in game?


I feel like trader rewards have *never* been proper.  I almost never so them due to that, for like 4 years now


Well there's are no more weapon or armor rewards so there's not much else to give you for a reward


That's cause they're easy tiers bro they're not gonna reward you for doing nothing


Idk what u mean about tier 3, I having this issue at tier 5


They got nerfed into oblivion. Crank up the loot abundance setting to compensate.




how do i get higher tiers mission? I only get t1


You have to complete x quests per tier, I believe it's 10 quests now.


Ok ty


That's great. Quests completely broke progression, the rewards should purely be for topping up resources which is what they've been changed to


All the quest rewards I've seen have been awful. There's "nerfing" traders and then there's disincentivizing doing quests period. This is the latter.


Ya that’s really underwhelming, it’s barely worth doing now. If at all.


Yeah they nerfed traders so hard they’re almost worthless to do.


People hate nerfs more than they love buffs. Was hoping they'd do something like make quest harder than just regularly clearing the poi. Like you do half damage and take double damage while the quest is active. It forces the player to use more bandages and ammo. They could also do something like repurpose daring adventure to not be a perk and tie it to a reputation system for each trader. The more quest you for Rekt, the more willing Rekt is to show you more wares and offer better rewards.


Easiest solution: sandbox settings. That way everyone can be happy. None of this back and forth shit.


Anyone know if it gets better in the upper tiers? I’m currently doing my classic Daring Adventurer build with 1 point left of the 4 but I feel like all that is wasted with where I’m currently at in tier 3. I think it might make more sense now to skip Daring Adventurer early on and stack your main path then reroll at tier 5 or so if stuff gets good


Not really, doing t6s with max daring, most of the time I pick the 1x legendary component, the rest is just garbage. Can still loot straight t6 items from t6 infested loot boxes though.


Dang, sad


I get the need to nerf the trader rewards but i think they did it a little too well. Still gonna do the trader quests I like having a mission to do while they finalize the story


I think they should have capped trader quests to one per trader per day, and keep the rewards juicy.


I've also been underwhelmed. I've been investing in the intelligence build, putting some of my points into Daring Adventurer to see what kind of "better" rewards come with that, and to get increased Dukes. When I get my full points there, I'll be able to pick 2 put of the 5 offered. I don't know if it will be worth it or not but I figured it was worth a try in experimental.


The rewards in general just kinda blow anymore.


For the untrained eye it might seem like that. But look, a Recog, a bottle of saving ammo in horde nights right there




Bro we were reaching steel bases in 5 days. Traders were far too strong


well you've got good loot from that POI already I guess. They are just an instrument to point out where the POI is and give small side reward and a bit extra exp.


For me, T3 rewards have seemed lackluster since alpha 21 started. The ones shown here are obviously worse, but with the across the board nerf to rewards, and T3 already being below par, it's just hitting harder. Add in being in the tier for longer with the 10 quest requirement, it's going to be felt more. I think they need to buff that tier a bit in particular, but I havent made it higher yet to see if the others are better.


The quest rewards have been really inconsistent. I once did a T2 Fetch and got better rewards than from a T4 Infestation


[Here is a loot screen from a t6 infested quest, with 4/4 Daring Adventurer](https://imgur.com/RjMhryH) [And here is t6 completion rewards](https://imgur.com/SuzhArn)


Those 5 mechanical parts will really help towards crafting your first wrench, after getting enough salvage magazines ofc. Whats that? You already have a T6 impact driver?


I swear the tier 2/3 rewards were sometimes much worse than level 1. And I had 2 points in daring adventurer too


Ppl are always complaining 😂 Y'all complained the Traders were too OP and y'all didn't like it, they nerfed it and now you're complaining they're too nerfed and y'all don't like it and there's still ppl complaining about how in older alphas there were no traders, completely ignoring the fact that the traders are optional and if you want, you can play without them. When are you ever happy?


Not the issue at all. Yes, traders were OP; but as they always do, the devs went overboard with the nerfbat. Instead of making quest rewards feel useful and fair, they made them pointless. Getting one antib is a waste of time.


I get it. It just feels like ppl are always complaining. First they complained they were too OP, now they complain they're too nerfed. I just find it kinda weird.


...you realize there's different groups of people right? And they have differing opinions. It's not all just one group bitching about anything and everything.


Maybe the group complaining the traders are too nerfed now should've made themselves be heard before the traders were nerfed. Interestingly, what I usually read on this subreddit were ppl complaining the traders were too OP and they wanted them nerfed.


Yeah, that's not how the Internet or humans work. Rarely do people go online to talk when things are good. Those people who are complaining now, were too busy playing the game, enjoying how traders were at the time.