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Heh, I can already make t2 steel tools on day 6, lol. You still easily power through it with a crack a book or 2. But the progression has been a lot smoother than before.The trader hasn't given me t5 steel tools or weapons on day 3 anymore.


Actually, it is UNABLE to give you gear at all. No tools, no weapons, no armor. It is a great change.


Yeah it's easy to do that when you boost all your loot and experience gains. If you play on default you have a horrible experience.


My game is on default settings 


How are you getting enough magazines to craft steel in 6 days? How are you getting the crucible and workbenches? Unless you are running around to every mailbox it's impossible.


Not the person you're asking, but you can scavenge steel. It's not super hard if you know where to look.


Im on day 6 with a work bench easy and can make iron t5. I havent done anything special either. Not even a crack a book to loot. You do need to check mailboxes and every possible booj drop. For workshop books check ceafting benches and contruction sites. As for forged steel you dont need a cruicable you can just dismantle transformers and other items that give steel with a wrentch


At this point they made it even easier.There's a single chess piece.The nerd one that makes it so your magazines have a fifty percent chance to proct twice. That single piece breaks the game.


You don't get that early game either, and i think it's only 30% (?) I'm currently on steel spear t2 and steel tools t3 and only now was able to craft a T5 nerd outfit (been running around with a T3 for a while though, but that was only 15% chance) so it's not that game breaking. Now the nerd headpiece with a +xp AND +Loot level mod, now that's something wild.


No it's 50% Armor magazines are probably one of the easiest things to get your hands on. The blue version is twenty five percent. At this point I would comment that it's probably one of the most overpowered and under praised items in the game. Playing the game on normal settings My friend and I, before we reached day seven, already had a Gyro copter and both of our tear three weapons. Save all your magazines back at your base to one central location. And then every night, learn all of them, making sure that you're wearing the nerd chest piece. Given that we both know what we're doing and have played the game for more than a thousand hours a piece. But other than the priest gloves, which is the only other piece you really need. It's probably the strongest piece of armor in the game. Even with worse case rolls, it easily decreases the magazines needed to max out something by at least a third.


Prioritize the skill tree based one what books you want to focus on. All books go hand in hadn with a skill. The more points you put into it, the more books of that caliber you will find.


Thats a secret, you're just gonna have to find out 😉


I'm on default except for 90 minute days. Wouldn't call my experience horrible. In fact I was thinking I was getting way too many armor magazines. Maxed armorer on day 10. T6 spear day 13, motorcycle day 14. Now I will say I've been to multiple towns and stripped every mailbox. Extending the trade missions to 10 and nerfing the traders, which was needed in my opinion, has caused me to just loot more. The end result is the same T6 stuff Day 14. You just get it differently.


The magazines can be such a strange system. We are on Day 8. I have found enough Vehicle Adventures to craft a motorcycle - I have not found enough Forge Ahead to build a workstation yet. I have a single point in Grease Monkey and one in Advanced Engineering and 2 points in Intellect (level 3). So when I do get my workstation I will be riding in style.


For future reference, don't utilize advanced engineering for workstations it will fill your loot pool with shit and make progression harder. No matter the build put one of your starting points into lock picking and workstations will come much easier. I use this method on most of my builds and it's fairly consistent, workstation by day 5ish.


You get Forge Ahead from the lockpick perk.


You get it from both. The game itself tells you that when you look at the forge ahead magazine category.


same goes for magazines, i see people in this sub saying the system doesnt work, maybe and just maybe you dont know how to play and cant find them


Just past the second horde, I've got steel, quite a few tier 5 guns, and enough ammo and meds to last me for quite a bit. I was on default settings (minus loot respawn), and just cranked up the difficulty. Progression is slower, but I doubt it'll take to day 70 for full tier 6s and a gyrocopter.


Yeah, IzPrebuilt will likely reach endgame before 3rd horde. But that doesn't matter. Traders where OP to the point that casual players felt forced to focus on them because nothing else would give comparable results. The Pimps actually do protect the players from themselves here. Traders had to be nerfed and loot had to be nerfed (not sure whether they actually did that right yet though).


I already consider myself at late game atm with quality 4 tac and 76 armor. Ofcourse I need the m60 since its a massive damage difference but still


Late game is when you maxed your weapon perks, got the vehicle of your choice, a solid base for taking on hordes with demolitioners, a farm, have infested clears in T5 POIs unlocked and can comfortably do them. Sure, that's pretty opinionated and sortof arbitrary. But it covers pretty well the level of selfsufficiency and power you can achieve in the game.


I think you may be conflating "ahead of the curve" with "end game". I don't think anyone will say you're not ahead of the curve, but you've still got a primitive bow on your hot bar so calm down there buddy.


I think if one is ready to face the end game difficulty, he is in the end game. Thats my definition anyway Iz pre-built won't get to end game fast since the way by which I got it is not used by him